Destination Coronation
At the Cerise Laboratory, Y/N is on his Rotom phone to look at the World Coronation Series ranks and participants.
Y/N: Wow there over 10,000 trainers!
Goh: That the World Coronation Series for you! It's really popular!
Y/N: That awesome! It means we get to meet new trainers and battle them too! This gonna be so fun, right Riolu?
Riolu: Rio!
Professor Cerise: Every participant start in the normal class. And a Trainer's momentum depends on how they do in their first match. That first battle is important.
Y/N: Right. We'll do our best to win.
Goh: What are you going to do?
Y/N: Well, if I want to battle battle Leon, first I need to rank up to the Great Class. So the best way to do that is to challenge the best trainers in the Normal Class!
Riolu: olu!
Ren: That a great idea. I heard that boost your ranking all in one shot, all you have to do is battle a Trainer who's already pretty high in the rankings.
Y/N: I wonder where can I find a strong trainer who's in the Normal Class.
Professor Cerise: Try searching Turffield Town. It's a town not too far from here.
Y/N: Okay
Y/N searches from his Rotom Phone for any strong trainers in Turffield Town and found a trainer who's ranked 2,109th in the Normal Class.
Y/N: I'll battle this trainer!
Professor Cerise: Ranked 2,109? That's the Turffield Gym Leader.
Y/N: Really? This guy's a Galar Gym Leader?
Professor Cerise: He will be a pretty formidable opponent. The Gym leaders here in Galar are a lot stronger than average Gym Leaders. There are some Gym Leaders that are as strong as Elite Four members.
Goh: You sure you want a tough opponent right off the bat?
Y/N: Of course! I'm all fired up!
Riolu: Riolu!
Y/N quickly prepared for his battle by bringing the Pokemon he's going to use and put on his Dynamax Band. Y/N, Riolu, Goh, and Scorbunny are now heading towards Turffield. On route 4, Goh and Scorbunny decided to a detour to some Pokemon while Y/N and Riolu kept going straight to Turffield Town.
Meanwhile at Turffield Gym, the Gym Leader had just defeated a challenger. The challenger thanked him for the battle and left to go to the Pokemon Center.
This is Milo the Gym Leader of the Turffield Gym and is a Trainer who specializes in Grass-type Pokemon. After the battle, Milo, his Pokemon, and Gym Trainer are take a short break while they wait for the next challenger.
Female Gym Trainer: Great work out there Milo.
Male Gym Trainer: Your Rank is 2109. And it hasn't budged.
Milo: Thanks but I can't take all the credit my Pokemon did most the work. I can't wait for the next challenge to give an exciting battle.
Suddenly Milo's Rotom phone started beeping. Him pull it out of his pocket and saw it a notification that a trainer registered in the World Coronation Series in nearby.
Female Gym Trainer: What's up?
Milo: There's a trainer nearby who's registered in the World Coronation Series.
Y/N and Riolu had just entered the Gym's lobby. His Rotom Phone got an alert that a trainer in the World Coronation Series is here. Milo and the two Gym trainer entered the lobby to see who the new challenge is. Both Y/N's and Milo's Rotom phone started to speak.
Rotom phones: A battle challenge has been issued.
Milo: Sure you're my new challenger.
Rotom phones: Do you wish to accept, or reject it?
Y/N: I accept! I'm Y/N Yuuki from Twinleaf Town. And I like to challenge you to battle.
Milo: Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Milo the Turffield Gym Leader and I accept your challenge.
Rotom phones: An official battle has been registered.
Goh: Y/N!
Goh and Scorbunny had just arrived in time for the battle but was out breath from rushing all the way here.
Y/N: Goh?
Goh: (panting) I'm glad I made it.
Male Gym Trainer: Who are you?
Y/N: This is my friend that came to cheer for me. His name is Goh.
Goh: Hello
Y/N: Some did catch some new Pokemon?
Goh: Sure did!
Goh took out his Rotom phone to show Y/N he caught a Ferroseed, Pumpkaboo, and Diglett.
Y/N: Cool. Now it my turn. Milo, this my first battle in the World Coronation Series.
Milo: That's great. I'm glad that I get to be first opponent.
Everyone entered the Gym's stadium. Both Y/N and Milo take their places at the ends of the battlefield while Goh and the two Gym trainer moved to the stands. A Drone Rotom then arrived to explain the rule of the match.
Drone Rotom: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! You have been approved for an official Pokemon World Coronation Series Normal Class battle! The challenges today are Milo the Turffield Gym Leader versus Y/N from Twinleaf Town.
Y/N: Is that a Drone Rotom? It so cool!
Drone Rotom show an holographic scoreboard.
A/N: Pretend it's a picture of Y/N and Milo on the screen.
Drone Rotom: For today's battle, each of you can choose two Pokemon. Switching out Pokemon is permitted any time, by either side! When both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle, that side loses. The opposing Trainer will then become the winner! The World Coronation Series has acknowledged me as an official referee, and as such, I will oversee the battle.
Milo: All right! Are you ready to do this, Y/N!
Y/N: You bet! Let's have a fun battle!
Drone Rotom: Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon? Thank you! 3, 2, ... Go!
Y/N: Rookidee, I choose you!
Y/N threw his Pokeball and called out Rookidee.
Rookidee: Rooki!
Milo: Eldegoss, go!
Milo threw out his Pokeball and called out Eldegoss
Eldegoss: Eldegoss!
Goh uses his Rotom phone to check the Pokedex.
Rotom Phone: Eldegoss. The Cotton Bloom Pokemon. A Grass type. The seeds attached to its cotton fluff are full of nutrients. It spreads them on the wind so that plants and other Pokemon can benefit from them.
Goh: It's a Grass type. So Rookidee has the type advantage.
Y/N: Okay Rookidee use Drill Peck!
Rookidee flew towards Eldegoss at high speeds to attack.
Milo: Eldegoss use Cotton Guard!
Eldegoss used Cotton Guard to increase its defense, before Rookidee landed its attack. Drill Peck managed to inflict super effective damage but Eldegoss was to withstand it thanks to the defense boost.
Goh: Drill Peck is supposed to be super effective but barely did any damage.
Female Gym Trainer: Because Eldegoss used Cotton Guard that allowed it to raise its defenses.
Milo: Now use Razor Leaf!
Eldegoss fire Razor Leaf at Rookidee.
Y/N: Rookidee dodge it!
Rookidee used it speed to quickly fly around avoiding the Razor Leaf.
Female Gym Trainer: It's very fast!
Milo: You Rookidee pretty fast! We have a plan to deal with that! Use Cotton Spore!
Eldegoss uses Cotton Spore to lower Rookidee's speed by two stages.
Goh: It lowered Rookidee's speed!
Y/N: That won't keep us down! Use Tailwind!
Rookidee uses Tailwind to increase its speed.
Y/N: Now use Air Slash!
Rookidee: Dee!
Rookidee sent multiple Air Slash at Eldegoss, who tanked the attacks and receiving super effective damage. Despite Eldegoss is taking damage, Milo just smirked as this as this is part of his plan.
Y/N: Now use Fury Attack!
Rookidee flew to Eldegoss to attack with multiple Fury Attacks but Eldegoss easily dodged all of them.
Y/N: How did Eldegoss get so fast?
Milo: It's because Eldegoss's ability is Cotton Down. When a Pokemon with Cotton Down is hit by an attack, it lowers the attacker's speed.
Goh: So Eldegoss took all Rookidee's attack on purpose!
Male Gym Trainer: That right! That's the reason why Milo used Cotton Guard from the start! The attacks Rookidee land the slower it'll gets!
Milo: Now use Leaf Tornado!
Y/N: Dodge it!
Rookidee tried to dodge but Eldegoss uses Leaf Tornado, which traps Rookidee in a cyclone of grass and leaves. Eldegoss then slam the Leaf Storm on the ground, whipping up a large cloud of dust.
Y/N: Rookidee!
Riolu: olu!
When dust settled, Rookidee has taken serious damage is struggling to get back up.
Rookidee: Rook..dee...
Y/N: Rookidee, are you able to keep battling?
Despite receiving major damage from Leaf Tornado, Rookidee refuse to give up the battle. It gathered all of its energy to push through the pain and flew back up, surprising everyone.
Rookidee: Rookidee!
Milo: Amazing! Your Rookidee sure is determined!
Goh: Rookidee taken a lot damaged but it still hanging in there!
Knowing that Rookidee can't much more damage, Y/N knows he has to end this quickly.
Y/N: Rookidee use Hone Claws!
Rookidee uses Hone Claws increase its attack and accuracy.
Milo: Use Razor Leaf!
Y/N: Rookidee, use Fly!
Rookidee: Rookidee!
Eldegoss fired another Razor Leaf at Rookidee. But Rookidee used Fly to quickly fly up high in the sky while dodging the Razor Leaf. Once Rookidee was several feet in the air, it dived down at a high speed towards Eldegoss.
Milo: Cotton Guard!
Eldegoss tried to use as second Cotton Guard but Rookidee was flying so fast that Grass Type didn't have enough time finish the move. Rookidee crashed into Eldegoss so powerful, that the impact created a dust cloud. Rookidee flies out of the dust cloud and when the dust cleared, it revealed that Eldegoss is knocked out.
Drone Rotom: Eldegoss is unable to battle!
Female Gym Trainer: (surprised) They took out Eldegoss!
Y/N: You did it, Rookidee!
Riolu: olu!
Rookidee: Rooki!
Goh: You can always count on Y/N! Rookidee won its first battle!
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Milo: Eldegoss, return.
Milo recalls Eldegoss back to its Pokeball.
Milo: You did great job. I got to admit your Rookidee pretty tough! But we're not going to be done in that easy! We're tough as weeds! Go, Appletun!
Milo threw his Pokeball and sent out his Appletun.
Appletun: Appletun!
Y/N: So that's an Appletun, huh?
Y/N took out his Rotom phone to check his Pokedex.
Rotom phone: Appletun. The Nectar Pokemon. A Grass and Dragon type, and the evolved form of Applin. Eating a sweet apple caused its evolution. A nectarous scent wafts from its body, luring in the bug Pokemon it preys on.
Y/N: It looks pretty strong. Be careful Rookidee!
Rookidee: Rooki!
Milo: Use Apple Acid!
Appletun attacks Rookidee with an acidic liquid created from tart apples. This also lowers Rookidee's Special Defense.
Y/N: Use Air Slash!
Rookidee retaliated by attacking with Air Slash.
Milo: Now use Protect!
Appletun uses Protect to creates an indestructible forcefield that shielded it from Air Slash.
Y/N: It knows Protect!
Milo: We're a Grass- type Gym, so a lot of challenge battle us with Flying- types moves! To deal with that, I trained Appletun to use Protect! Grab Rookidee with Grass Knot!
Appletun: Tun!
Appletun makes two green-glowing vines grow out and bind Rookidee's feet.
Y/N: Try to break, Rookidee!
Rookidee tried to free itself from Grass Knot but unfortunately the vines were too strong.
Milo: Now use Dragon Pulse!
Appletun fires Dragon Pulse from its mouth and directly at Rookidee, causing an explosion. When smoke dissipated, Rookidee is on the ground, knocked out.
Y/N: No Rookidee!
Drone Rotom: Rookidee is unable to battle!
Goh: Now it's down to one-on-one. Which Pokemon is Y/N bring out?
Y/N recalls Rookidee back to it Pokeball and smiled at it.
Y/N: You were great out there. Take a good rest.
Y/N get ready to sent out next Pokemon.
Y/N: Alright! Let's go!
Y/N threw Pokeball and called out his Dragonite.
Dragonite: Auuurr!
Milo: A Dragonite, eh? This such be fun!
Y/N: Use Hurricane!
Dragonite flaps its wings and releases a powerful gust of wind at Appletun, who receives super effective damage.
Milo: Appletun grab it with Grass Knot!
Y/N: That won't work on us again! Dragonite use Dragon Claw!
Dragonite's hand become surrounded in a light green, claw-shaped aura. Dragonite uses Dragon Claw to cut through the Grass Knot vines. Dragonite then quickly flies toward Appletun and attacks it, making Appletun slide back a few feet.
Milo: Now use Seed Bomb
Appletun opens its mouth and fires multiple glowing green seeds.
Y/N: Block it Dragonite!
Dragonite proceed to block Seed Bomb that exploded on impact but Dragonite easily withstood the damage.
Y/N: Alright use Dragon Dance!
Dragonite's body becomes surrounded by orange energy and it spins around several times, enhancing its attack power and speed.
Y/N: Follow up with Fire Punch!
Dragonite's fist becomes surrender by red-yellow flames and flew in to punch Appletun.
Milo: Use Protect!
Appletun creates a forcefield to shield itself from Fire Punch. The force from the clash between Fire Punch and Protect sent both Pokemon back a few feet.
Milo: Now use Solar Beam!
Appletun begins to gather sunlight to charge up its Solar Beam.
Y/N: Dragonite, Hyper Beam!
Dragonite also starts gathering enough power. Dragonite then fires a powerful beam from its mouth.
Appletun also fires Solar Beam to collide with Dragonite's Hyper Beam. The clash of the two attacks were so powerful that they created a large explosion the shook the entire Gym and created huge dust cloud.
Goh: Incredible! They're both that strong!
When the dust cleared, both Dragonite and Appletun continued the battle.
Milo: Look we'll have to give this our all if we want win! It's Dynamax time!
Milo recalled Appletun back to it Pokeball and activated his Dynamax Band. His Pokeball glowed red and grew bigger.
Milo: Now Gigantamax!
He threw the Pokeball back on the battlefield and called out Appletun. Once sent out, Appletun then grew and transformed into it Gigantamax form.
Appletun: Appletun!
Y/N: (surprise) Wow Gigantamax Appletun!
Goh: So Appletun is another Pokemon that can Gigantamax!
Female Gym Trainer: I never seen Milo this seriously!
Male Gym Trainer: Now things are really intense!
After using Hyper Beam, Dragonite can't attack due to the recharge period.
Milo: Now's the time to attack! Appletun, Max Wyrmwind!
Appletun uses the Dragon type Max Move that lands a direct hit on Dragonite, dealing super effective damage but Dragonite still manages to stand back up.
Y/N: You alright Dragonite?
Dragonite looked back at Y/N and nodded.
Y/N: If that's how it gonna be, then we'll do the same! Here we go Dragonite!
Dragonite: Auuurr!
Y/N recalled Dragonite back to its Pokeball and activated his Dynamax Band. Dynamax energy are sent into the Pokeball, causing it to glow red and grew bigger.
Y/N: Let's go! Dynamax!
Y/N threw his Pokeball back on the battlefield and sent out Dragonite. Dragonite's body emits a red aura, it grows giant sized, and has red cloud above its head.
Dragonite:(roaring) AAAUUUURRR!
Goh: Amazing! A battle between Dynamax and Gigantamax!
Y/N: Let's go! Use Max Flare!
Dragonite uses Fire type Max move, firing a huge tornado of flames that deals damage to Appletun.
Milo: Use G-Max Sweetness!
Appletun use its exclusive G-Max Move that hits Dragonite.
Y/N: Awesome! So that a G-Max Move! Alright use Max Airstream!
Dragonite attacks back using the Flying type Max Move by firing a gigantic vortex of wind from it mouth towards Appletun.
Milo: Block it using Max Guard!
Appletun uses Max Guard, a Normal type Max Move, that creates a giant shield to block itself from Max Airstream. An orange glow then rises up around Dynamax Dragonite's body, increasing its speed.
Y/N's thoughts: I gotta find a way to get pass their defends!
Milo: Appletun use Max Strike!
Y/N: Dragonite, Max Airstream!
Appletun follows up with Max Strike but Dragonite uses Max Airstream, which not only pushes Dragonite out of the attack's way, but also hits Appletun, dealing super effective damage. Dragonite also gained second speed boost from Max Airstream.
Milo: It dodged our attack!
Appletun's Gigantamax ended and it start to revert back to its base form.
Goh: Appletun is back to normal. This could be their chance!
Y/N: Now use Max Wyrmwind!
Red swirls of energy appear around Dynamax Dragonite's body. The energy is then fired at Appletun, forming a vortex of purple energy around it, with yellow dragon's-wing-shaped masses of energy circling around the vortex. Despite the Dragon type Max Move dealt super effective Appletun, it's still able to battle. Dragonite then reverted back to its normal size.
Male Gym Trainer: Both Appletun and Dragonite took quite a lot damage so far.
Female Gym Trainer: Yeah the battle almost over.
Goh: Looks like the next attack will decide who wins. What's Y/N's next strategy going to be?
Scorbunny: (cheering) Scorbunny!
Y/N thoughts: I know if we try to attack first then they'll just use Protect again. Their strategy is to use defense and attack when they find an opening.
Y/N widen his eyes as he thought up a perfect strategy.
Y/N thoughts: Maybe we should do the same!
Milo: Time end this! Use Dragon Pulse!
Appletun fires another Dragon Pulse towards Dragonite.
Y/N: Now use Hurricane on yourself!
Hearing Y/N's command shocked everyone.
Milo: (surprised) On itself?!
Dragonite follows Y/N's command, flew up and uses Hurricane on itself. Dragonite uses the Hurricane to form a barrier.
Female Gym Trainer: (surprised) What's going on?!
Male Gym Trainer:(surprised) It created a Hurricane barrier!
Goh: That's incredible! Y/N is good at the unexpected!
The Hurricane barrier not only protects Dragonite from the Dragon Pulse but it also detected the attack right back at Appletun!
Milo: Quick Appletun use Protect!
Appletun uses Protect to shield itself from Dragon Pulse, which created a dust cloud from the impact. After the Protect forcefield disappeared, Y/N saw this as the perfect moment to attack.
Y/N: Wrap it up Dragonite! Dragon Claw, let's go!
Dragonite: Auuurr!
The dust clear and Dragonite uses Dragon Claw flew towards Appletun to attack.
Milo: Quick use Seed Bomb!
Appletun: Apple!
Appletun opens its mouth and fires multiple glowing green seeds to try to stop Dragonite.
But thanks to the speed boosts from using Max Airstream twice and Dragon Dance, Dragonite easily dodged the barrage and landed a powerful Dragon Claw, knocking out Appletun.
Drone Rotom: Appletun is unable to battle. Dragonite wins! Which means the victory goes to Y/N from Twinleaf Town!
Y/N: Yeah! We did it!
Riolu: Olu!
Y/N and Riolu ran up to Dragonite and congratulate it on for its victory. Dragonite then hugged them both.
Y/N: You do an awesome job, Dragonite! Thanks!
Dragonite: Auuurr!
Milo walk over to Appletun to praise it for its hard work.
Milo: Great job, Appletun. You really gave it everything everything you could.
Appletun: Apple...
Milo recalled Appletun back to its Pokeball. He walked over to Y/N to congratulate him for his victory.
Milo: (offering a handshake) That must have been a fulfilling Pokemon battle for you! Your an incredible challenge, Y/N!
Y/N: (accept Milo's handshake)Thanks, Milo. That was exciting battle! Galar Gym leaders are really a cut above!
Milo: After see how well you worked together with your Pokemon, I tell your going to do great in the World Coronation Series.
Drone Rotom: As a result of today's battle there has been a change in the World Coronation Series rankings effective immediately!
Drone Rotom flies off to update the World Coronation Series rankings and Goh rushes to the battlefield.
Goh: Congratulations Y/N! You kept surprising with strategies I could never dream up! You had me on the edge of my seat!
Y/N: Thanks Goh! But can't take all the credit. Rookidee and Dragonite did most of the work.
Just then, Y/N receives a message on his Rotom Phone and sees that his ranking has increased all the way up to 3,763.
Y/N: Wow! Check it out! I'm ranked 3,763!
Goh: Hey cool! Since Milo was already high in the rankings, it sent you way up in one shot!
Y/N's first battle in the World Coronation Series is a win! But the road to battle Leon has just began. The still other trainers that he must face in to reach the Master Class. As the journey continues.
A/N: In my story, Dynamax and Gigantamax will last for 4 turns instead of 3.
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