Best Friend...Worst Nightmare
It a typical morning at Professor Cerise's house, the Cerise family are having breakfast and getting ready for the day. Chloe noticed Yamper is excitedly waiting for her to feed it. She gave Yamper its food and it starts eating quickly.
Parker: It's really cool how Yamper only eats you're the one who's serves it.
Tailia: I agree. The way you act towards Yamper it's kinda cool.
Chloe: I'm kinda cool.
Professor Cerise: The point is that you're the most important person to Yamper and it shows more affection for you than for anyone else.
Chloe thought back and remember what Y/N said the other day.
Y/N: I see. I guess that mean Yamper really trusts you. You guys are like perfect match.
Chloe lightly blushed after hear Y/N say those words and she smirked.
(back to the present)
Thinking about Y/N made Chloe smile a little
Chloe: I guess you're right.
At Cerise laboratory, Y/N and Goh are in the Cerise Park with all of their Pokemon. Y/N is introducing his new Dragonite to rest of his team.
Y/N: Everyone I want you all meet Dragonite! Dragonite going to be a part of our team from now!
Riolu: Riolu
Emogla: Emo
Totodile: Totodile
Rockruff: Ruff
Treecko: Treecko
Monferno: Monferno
Rookidee: Rooki
Y/N's Pokemon happily welcomed Dragonite and the dragon type return their greeting by giving them all a friendly hug.
Goh: Looks like Dragonite's really hitting it off with the other.
Y/N: Yeah for sure.
Scorbunny: (surprised) Scorbun!
Goh: What's wrong Scorbunny?
They looked where was Scorbunny pointing and Goh's three Wurmple being attacked by his Taillow.
Y/N: Oh no! We gonna stop this!
Goh: Right back you!
The two trainers ran over there to help the Wurmple and suddenly all three of them started to evolve.
Y/N: Woah they're all evolving!
Goh: Alright! Wurmple can evolve into Silcoon or Cascoon. Then Silcoon evolves into Beautifly, and Cascoon into Dustox! And that's why I caught three Wurmple!
After the three Wurmple completed their evolution, revealing that they all evolved into Cascoon, completely shocking Goh.
Goh: Huh! They all evolved into Cascoon!
Y/N: What are the odds?
The Cascoon went up to Goh and cheered him up by cuddling him. Y/N and Riolu laughed at the scene but suddenly they both sensed a powerful pulse of negative emotions through their Aura.
Y/N: Riolu, did you feel that to?
Riolu: (nodding) Rio
Outside of the lab, Chloe is getting ready to head to school and says goodbye to her dad and Yamper.
Chloe: I heading to school now.
Professor Cerise: Have a good day, Chloe.
Before she left, Y/N, Goh, Riolu and Scorbunny jump-scared them.
Goh: Hey Chloe!
Y/N: Mourning, Chloe! How ya doing?
Chloe: Mourning I'm fine.
Goh: Hey Professor! All three of my Wurmple evolved!
Professor Cerise: Is that right?
Goh: And this is the very first time any of my Pokemon have evolved. Hey, Chloe you have to come see them!
Y/N: Yeah and you gotta come meet Dragonite, too!
Chloe: Wait! I have to go to school so that's not gonna work.
Goh: Oh yeah, I kinda forgot.
Y/N: Maybe later then.
Chloe: See you guys later!
Y/N: See Ya
Goh: Bye
Chloe leaves for school as Chrysa arrives for work. Both she and Professor Cerise heads into the lab. Seeing Yamper left alone, Y/N looked at Chloe while she was walking away and wondered something.
Y/N: Hey Goh. Do you think Chloe isn't interested in Pokemon?
Goh: Mm... I heard when she was younger, she wasn't this way, but she's kind of indifferent toward them now.
Y/N: What made her change?
Goh: I'm not sure. When it comes to the ways people and Pokemon get along, there are many. I mean, you and I have different goals, after all.
Y/N: You got a point.
Y/N bent down to the sadden Yamper and petted its head.
Y/N: Hey Yamper! What do you say we play some fletch til Chloe gets back?
Yamper: Yam! Yam!
Yamper quickly cheered up after hearing Y/N say that and give him a friendly lick on the cheek making Y/N smile. They then walked into the lab but when they made it inside they saw the lights were out.
Y/N: Why's so dark in here?
Goh: Maybe the power went out.
Y/N and Riolu once again felt that pulse of negative emotions and this time it felt like was getting closer. The negative emotions started to get stronger, making Y/N held his head in slight pain.
Goh: Y/N are you ok?
Y/N: I don't know. I'm getting this strange feeling that something coming our way.
Goh: Something like what?
All of a sudden the temperature started dropping and the room got colder. Riolu, Scorbunny, and Yamper sensed something is the room with them and got into a defensive stances. Yamper was growling at the ceiling and Y/N sensed it too.
Y/N: Something up there!
Yamper noticed something invisible hovering above them. The electric type jumped up and attack the invisible Pokemon, made it become visible. The Pokemon is reveal to be a silver colored Gengar.
A/N: In this story, this is Gengar's Shiny form. It makes a lot sense to have Gengar have a ghostly white color just like it's Mega Form.
Gengar: Gengar!
Goh: What is that?!
Y/N: It's a Gengar!
Goh: A Gengar?
Goh took out his Rotom Phone to use his Pokedex.
Pokedex: Gengar, the Shadow Pokemon. A Ghost and Poison type. Gengar can pass through dimensions and appear almost anywhere. Since Gengar absorbs any warmth around it, the temperature suddenly drops whenever it appears.
Gengar: Gengar!
Gengar created a Shadow Ball and sent it toward Y/N, Goh, and their Pokemon
but they jumped back to dodge the attack.
Gengar: Gengar!
Gengar eyes started glowing purple and used Psychic. Using Psychic, Gengar levitate multiple objects in the room towards them. But Riolu and Scorbunny knocked the objects away using punches and kicks. Yamper used Spark on the Shadow Pokemon, causing the floating object to drop and Gengar disappeared after hit the ground.
Y/N: It's got away. What's a Gengar doing inside the lab?
Goh: I never seen a Gengar with color variation before! That means that it's a Shiny!
Y/N: It's still around somewhere. Let go find it.
Goh: Right.
Y/N thought: So those strong negative emotions were coming Gengar. Why did it attack us all of a sudden? Like it was mad at us.
Y/N, Goh and their Pokemon continued searching the lab for the Shiny Gengar.
Goh: Y/N, let's have a race! The first one to find Gengar gets to catch it!
Y/N: Alright! I'm game!
Goh: We'll have better chances finding it if we split up.
Y/N: Ok but be careful. That Gengar's pretty strong.
Goh: Right. Scorbunny, let's go check the bedroom.
Scorbunny: Scorbun!
Y/N: Riolu, we'll go check the office.
Riolu: olu!
The two trainer and their Pokemon spliced up to search in different rooms. Y/N and Riolu when in to the Director's office. Y/N and Riolu careful search the room for any sign of Gengar. After a few minutes of searching Y/N though of an idea.
Y/N: Riolu, let's both use our Aura to find Gengar.
Riolu: Rio
Y/N and Riolu closed their eyes and use the power of Aura to sense Gengar presents. While their eyes were closed, Gengar who's invisible appeared and they felt the temperature dropping. Gengar took this as an opportunity to attack them and fired a Shadow Ball at Y/N but he sense it presents, opened his eyes and he titled head to easily dodge the Shadow Ball.
Y/N: I knew you were in here!
Gengar became visible, revealing itself to Y/N an Riolu.
Gengar: Gengar!
Riolu prepare to battle.
Y/N: Wait Riolu.
Riolu: Rio?
Y/N: Ghost types are immune to Fighting types. Totodile I choose you!
Y/N send out his Totodile.
Totodile: Toto!
Y/N: Use Water Gun!
Totodile shot Water Gun from its mouth
but Gengar used Psychic to repel the attack. Gengar then created Shadow Ball and launched toward Totodile.
Y/N: Now use Aqua Tail!
Totodile: Toto!
Totodile used Aqua Tail to deflect the Shadow Ball and hitting back at the Shadow Pokemon.
Y/N: Now use Crunch!
Totodile: Totodile!
Totodile's teeth glow white and it bit down, deal super effective damage. Gengar started to become frustrated and fired a Dark Pulse at Totodile.
Y/N: Use Hydro Pump!
Totodile: Totodile!
Totodile blasts a powerful Hydro Pump to counter the Dark Pulse. The two attacks collided and creating a cloud of smoke allowing Gengar to turned invisible and escape. When the smoke clear Y/N, Riolu, and Totodile saw that Gengar had disappeared and then Goh, Scorbunny, and Yamper ran in the office.
Goh: Are you guys ok? We heard all the noise!
Y/N: We're fine but Gengar got away. Now where did it go?
Yamper heard the front door open and instantly knew that Chloe had returned home. The little electric type quickly ran to the lab's entrance to greet Chloe. At the entrance, Chloe walked in the lab but unbeknownst to her, Gengar is watching her.
Chloe: I'm back, everyone.
Yamper ran up to Chloe to welcome her.
Yamper: Yam Yam!
Chloe: Hi Yamper!
Chloe bend down to happily pet Yamper on the head. Gengar became full with both anger and jealousy seeing their affection, making it appear out of hiding.
Back at the Director's office, Y/N and Riolu sensed Gengar intense emotions coming from the lobby.
Y/N: I know where Gengar at! It's in the lobby!
Goh: Are you sure?
Y/N: I sure it's there! Let's go!
Y/N, Goh and their Pokemon ran over the Lobby to find Gengar. Back at the Lobby, Gengar launched a large Shadow Ball at Chloe but Yamper leaps in the way protecting her blocking the attack fell to the floor.
Chloe: Yamper!
Chloe immediately picked up Yamper and try to run away but she was stopped Gengar. Y/N, Goh and their Pokemon made it to the lobby and saw Gengar is preparing to fire another Shadow Ball at Chloe and Yamper.
Y/N: Quick, Totodile use Water gun!
Totodile: Toto!
Just in time Totodile fire Water Gun at the Shadow ball, deflecting the attack.
Chloe: (turning around) Y/N! Goh!
Goh: You ok, Chloe?
Gengar: Gengar!
Gengar retaliated by using Psychic to immobilize Y/N, Goh, and their Pokemon and make them levitate in the air.
Goh: I can't move!
Y/N: Neither can I!
Yamper regained its strength and jump out of Chloe arms to face Gengar.
Chloe: Wait Yamper!
Professor Cerise, Chrysa, and Ren barged in the Lobby and were shocked to see Gengar attacking Chloe, Y/N, and Goh.
Professor Cerise: Yamper use Spark!
Yamper ignored the Professor command and continued growling at Gengar.
Ren: It's not listen!
Chrysa: It's only focus on protecting Chloe.
Y/N: Chloe, tell Yamper to use Spark on Gengar!
Chloe: Huh?
Y/N: Yamper will listen to you if tell it to attack!
Chloe: But I never battled before!
Y/N: Remember what I said the other day! Yamper trusts you more than he trusts your dad! That's why he's so focused on protecting!
Professor Cerise: Y/N is right! You have to trust in Yamper the same way his trust you!
Chloe looked at Yamper who was waiting for her command then thought back to what Y/N and her dad said and she knew what she needed to do.
Chloe: Yamper yes Spark!
Yamper: Yamper
Yamper did as Chloe command and used Spark.
Gengar try to counter with a Shadow Ball but Yamper charged straight through the attack and landed a direct hit on the Ghost type, dealing effective damage. After taking a critical hit from Spark, Gengar quickly turned invisible and retreated. It also released Y/N, Goh, and their Pokemon from its Psychic.
Y/N: Nice work Chloe! You and Yamper did it!
Goh: Great work Chloe!
Chloe: You did it Yamper!
Yamper: Yam! Yamper!
Chloe and Yamper embraced each other in celebration. Everyone smiled seeing Chloe deepen her friendship with Yamper.
At night, Y/N and Goh were in the room laying in their beds talking about the shiny Gengar.
Y/N: That Gengar was really powerful. I definitely want catch next we see it!
Goh: Yeah, same here! I would be awesome to I caught a Shiny Pokemon!
Y/N: Then the next we see it, one of us is gonna catch!
Goh: Sure!
Meanwhile, it turns out that Shiny Gengar didn't leave the lab. It is seen perched atop the Laboratory's spite. Gengar had a sinister smile as it waited for the next moment to strike.
As the journey continues...
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