A Legendary Encounter
In the beautiful blue sky, an airplane is seen flying to its next destination. After a few hours, the flight has finally reach Galarian airspace. Inside the plane Y/N and his Riolu sitting in their passenger seats and they looked out the window with excitement. They saw a flock of Rookidee flying near the plane. Then they looked down to see the Galar region.
Y/N: We're finally here Riolu.
Riolu: rio
Y/N his traveled to the Galar region after being informed by Professor Rowan that his former student is opening a new Pokemon research lab in Wedgehurst town. And Y/N is invited to the opening ceremony. After a few minutes the plane landed Y/N and Riolu exited the airport. They are now in Wyndon city and did some sight seeing.
The city was populated with a lot of people and Pokemon. There were several building such as a salon, cafe, boutique, Poke Mart and gigantic fancy tower.
Y/N: Wow this place is so amazing! Let's head to Pokemon center and rest up before heading to the lab.
Riolu: (nodding) olu
Y/N and Riolu looked around and found the city's Pokemon center. Meanwhile on nearby wild area, there's a boy who is searching to catch a wild Pokemon.
This is Goh a trainer from Kanto with a goal of catching one of ever species of Pokemon. He's traveled to the Galar region to also attend the new Pokemon lab opening ceremony and to capture all the Pokemon in the region. He was walking around keeping his eyes out for Pokemon when suddenly he heard a rustling sound coming from the tall grass. It was revealed to be Nickit, a fox-like Pokemon, that jumped out of the tall grass and surprised Goh.
Goh: Hey it's a Nickit! This is perfect! My first Pokemon I'll catch.
Goh took a pokeball from his back pack and aimed it at the Nickit.
Goh: (throwing the pokeball) Go Pokeball!
The pokeball opened up and Nickit was caught inside it. When Nickit was contained the pokeball landed on the ground and started to shake. Goh was hoping that he would successfully catch Nickit but after three shake it broke out of the pokeball and started run away.
Goh: Wait! Don't go! Come back!
Goh ran after it to try and catch again. Later after resting his other Pokemon center Y/N and Riolu are walking through route 2 on our way to Wedgehurst town. But the a kid with an Pikachu costume ran up to you with a poke ball in her hand.
Poke Kid: Hey are you a Pokemon trainer? Can you a have with me please?
Y/N: Oh sure. Me and my Pokemon always ready for battle! Let have a one match, ok?
Poke Kid: Ok! Pikachu let's go!
She sent out her Pikachu to battle.
Pikachu: Pika!
Y/N: Alright Riolu I choose you!
Riolu: olu
Riolu got into its fighting stance ready to battle.
The battle begins.
Poke Kid: Pikachu use Tackle
Pikachu ran toward Riolu at high speed.
Y/N: Riolu dodge it and use Extreme Speed!
Riolu jumped out of the way of Pikachu tackle and then Riolu moved at blinding speed and land effective attack. Pikachu was knocked back but landed on its feet.
Poke Kid: Now Pikachu use your Thunder shock!
Pikachu fired a thunder bolt that headed towards Riolu.
Y/N: Quick Riolu use Double Team!
Riolu created multiple copies to avoid the Thunder shock. The thunder shock attack the copies and Riolu jump up to avoid the attack.
Y/N: Now use Vacuum Wave!
Riolu: Rio!
Riolu send a wave of pure vacuum from its fist and fired it at Pikachu . The vacuum wave strike Pikachu and it did effective damage. Pikachu sent stumbling to the ground but manage to stand back up. However Pikachu took some intense damage.
Poke Kid: Pikachu don't give up! Try using your Skull Bash!
Pikachu: Chu!
Pikachu charged at Riolu attempting to land its skull bash.
Y/N: Alright Riolu time to use your Force Palm!
Riolu: Rio!
Riolu also ran towards Pikachu and used Force Palm against its Skull Bash. Riolu attacked by using its palm to strike Pikachu on the head. The Force Palm created a shockwave that sent Pikachu back to the ground.
After the attack Pikachu was laying down on the ground with swirls on it's eyes meaning that it fainted and Riolu is the winner.
Poke Kid: (running over to help Eevee) Oh no! Pikachu are ok?
Poke Kid kneeled down to check her Pokemon. Pikachu had then regain consciousness and nodded as a response that it's fine.
Poke Kid: (returning Pikachu into its ball) You were great.
Y/N: You did an amazing job Riolu.
Riolu: (smiling) olu
Poke Kid: Your Pokemon are really strong! I had so much fun!
Y/N: Yeah that was a great battle. I know your Pikachu going to get much stronger as long as you keep raising and training it.
Poke Kid: Thanks! I will.
Y/N return Riolu into its pokeball and continue his way to Wedgehurst town. While walking he spot a Nickit running.
Y/N: Hey a Nickit. Awesome I been look to catch a new Pokemon.
Y/N then started to chase after the Nickit to try and catch it. When he got in close he suddenly heard a voice.
Goh: Wait! I gotta catch that Nickit!
Goh had caught up is running along side Y/N.
Y/N: So you want to catch it too? Well that case let make it a race. First one to catch it wins.
Goh: Sure you're on!
The two trainer chase after the wild Nickit. They were so focused on catching Nickit that they didn't know where they were going. They ended up in the Slumbering Weald and they lost sight of the Nickit.
Goh: Where did run off to?
Y/N: Oh man we lost. This fog is so thick I can barely see anything.
Goh: Where are we anyway?
Y/N: No idea. But I have a feeling we shouldn't be here. Let's look for a way out together so we don't get lost.
Goh: Yeah good idea.
Y/N and Goh walked together looking for a way out the Slumbering Weald. The more they walked around the mist become thicker.
Goh: This is insane. I can't even see my own hand in front of my face!
Suddenly Y/N heard the sounds of foot steps nearby. The sounds cause Y/N to stop and look around.
Goh: What's the matter?
Y/N: I hear footsteps. Something coming this way.
Goh: You're right. I hear them now too.
Y/N and Goh kept their guard up to prepare for what was lurking in the mist. The footsteps become slightly louder as they were drawing closer to the two trainers. Suddenly the two wolf like Pokemon walked out from the mist and appeared in front of them.
One of them is mostly blue, with yellow eyes, a tan underside, a lean frame, a pink tail, and pink braids going down the side of its body. It had battle scars on the sides its body and was missing part of its left ear.
The other one is mostly red, with yellow eyes, a bulky frame, it had a dark blue ponytail on its head, its head and neck had thick fur resembling a shield, and dark blue tail. It also had battle scars on the sides its body and was missing part of its right ear.
Y/N: Wow Are they Pokemon?
Goh: (taking out his rotom phone pokedex) Let's see if the pokedex knows who they are.
Goh holds his Pokedex up to identify to the two mysterious Pokemon.
Pokedex: This Pokemon does not match any recorded data.
Goh: No way! My pokedex doesn't have any info on them at all!
Y/N: So that means...
Y/N and Goh: (shocked) They're a new species of Pokemon!
Both the mysterious Pokemon pounce at Y/N and Goh but the two trainer dodge them. Y/N faced the blue one while Goh faced the red one.
Y/N: It looks like they want to battle us. Ok Monferno I choose you!
Y/N sends out Monferno to battle.
Monferno: Monferno!
Y/N: Monferno use your Flamethrower!
Monferno charge up and fired powerful flames from it mouth. The flames shot towards the mysterious Pokemon but the attack just phased right through it without take any damage.
Y/N: No way! The flamethrower just went right through it and don't even leave a scratch!
Meanwhile Goh is faced with red one.
Goh: (taking out a pokeball) Go pokeball
He threw the pokeball at the red mysterious Pokemon but it just phased through its body
Goh: Not even a pokeball worked! It just when right through!
The two Pokemon howled and the mist start to grow thicker. Both Pokemon disappeared in the mist.
Y/N: The mist's getting stronger! Monferno return!
Monferno return back inside it's pokeball before they were engulfed by the mist. Everything start to get hazy for a few seconds and then the mist lifted.
Goh: Are you okay?
Y/N: I'm fine.
Goh: (looking around) They're gone.
Y/N: (smiling) Yeah but it was awesome to meet two new Pokemon!
Goh: (laughing) You're pretty funny, you know?
Y/N: I do?
Goh: Yup! I accept you!
Y/N: Huh? You accept me?
Goh: I accept you as my friend. I'm Goh from Vermilion City in Kanto.
Y/N: I'm Y/N from Twinleaf Town in Sinnoh.
Y/N and Goh: (shaking each other hand) Nice to meet you!
Y/N: Pokemon really are amazing, huh?
Goh: Yeah. Seeing those new Pokemon made me realize how big the world is and so many Pokemon out there. I hope that I'll meet them all someday.
Y/N: Sure you can! You can go wherever you want to go! No doubt you'll meet all the Pokémon you want too!
Goh: You're right
Y/N and Goh happily laughed.
Goh: Come on, Y/N. I think it's time we got back.
Y/N: (just realized) But that's the problem!
Then Goh just realized it.
Y/N and Goh: (yelling) Which way is back?!
After realizing that they were still lost in Slumbering Weald Y/N send out Riolu so it you aura sensing ability to lead them back to Wedgehurst town. The sun was setting but they arrived at their destination.
They were so exhausted that they were lying on top of the steps at the front door.
Y/N: (exhausted) Finally we're here.
A small yellow puppy like Pokemon run out of the font door. The Pokémon playfully ran over to Y/N and licked his face.
Y/N: (laughing) Hey stop that.
Then a young girl with braided Maroon hair and wearing a school uniform walk outside. This is Chloe, the professor's daughter.
Chloe: Yamper calm down.
Yamper stopped licking Y/N and ran over to her side.
Chloe: You guys must be here for the ceremony, right? You're late.
Goh: You're not gonna believe what happened! It's the story of our fateful encounter!
Y/N: You'll never guess! We met a new species of Pokemon!
Chloe: (unimpressed) Is that so?
Goh: Seriously you're not even a little surprised!
Chloe: This is more important. Dad's inside with Professor Rowan waiting for you-
Goh: (Surprised) What?! Professor Rowan is here too?
Goh got on his feet and start sprinting into the lab with excitement.
Goh: (yelling) Professor!!
After Goh ran inside, Y/N stood up and walk over to Chloe.
Y/N: (smiling)Professor Cerise is your dad?
Chloe: Yeah
Y/N blends down to one knee to pet Yamper on the head.
Y/N: Cool. Is this Yamper your Pokemon?
Chloe: No. I'm not a trainer. He kinda our family house Pokemon.
Y/N stood back up to talk to Chloe.
Y/N: My name's Y/N Yuuki.
Chloe: I'm Chloe.
Y/N then walk into The Pokémon Laboratory.
The inside was amazing. It computer, holograms and types of advanced technology. He with Goh, Professor Rowan, and Professor Cerise.
Y/N: Hey Professor Rowan!
Professor Rowan: Y/N I'm so glad to see you finally made it.
Y/N: Sorry I'm late. I was going to come straight here but I got sidetracked. But better late than never, right?
Professor Cerise: So you must be Y/N Yuuki.
Professor Rowan: Y/N, I like introduce you to Professor Cerise. My old colleague and former lab assistant.
Y/N: It's nice to meet you Professor Cerise.
Professor Cerise: It's nice to meet you too. Professor Rowan has told me a lot of great things about you. You've become an excellent trainer and caught quite a few Pokemon. It's incredible to see a young trainer being so successful.
Y/N: I appreciate that praise.
Professor Cerise: And it's nice to meet you as well. I'm glad to see a trainer that's so enthusiastic about Pokemon.
Goh: Thanks Professor.
After introduction Professor Cerise explained the reason why he start his Pokemon research lab and why he invited Y/N and Goh.
Professor Cerise: I started my Pokemon research laboratory here in Galar because I want to uncover the truth behind a mysterious phenomenon known as Dynamax.
Y/N: Dynamax? I've heard of that.
Goh: Yeah I remember reading about before.
Professor Cerise: Dynamax is a powerful transformation that allows a Pokemon to drastically increase their size and power. There's also a special kind of Dynamax called Gigantamax that only certain species Pokemon can transform. Nobody knows exactly how Pokemon able to Dynamax or the history of how it started. So I made it my mission to discover the secrets of this phenomenon and extend knowledge about Pokemon.
Y/N: Wow Dynamax sounds so amazing!
Goh: Research in understanding of Dynamaxing does sound interesting!
Professor Cerise: I'm glad that I piqued your interest because I have a request for you both. Will you do me the honor of becoming research fellows at my laboratory?
Y/N: You want us to help you with your research?
Professor Cerise: That right. You get to meet the many kinds of Pokemon in this world, sharing ideas, communicating, and so much more. You'll be deepen our understanding of Pokemon. All of us, as a team.
Goh: I've been waiting to hear those words. It's reality! It's my future and I can hold it in the palm of my hand!
Y/N: Count me in! I need to learn everything about different Pokemon to become the best Pokémon Trainer. And I want to explore, challenge every other trainer, and even catch Dynamax Pokemon.
Professor Cerise: Great! Then you'll both agree to my proposal?
Goh: Yeah but I'll help you more than Y/N will!
Y/N and Goh were arguing making Professor Cerise and Professor Rowan laugh and Chloe made to slightly smirk.
After a brief time skip, Professor Cerise showed Y/N and Goh their dorm room, he showed them Cerise park where they keep and care Pokemon, and he introduced they to two of three his lab assistants Chrysa and Ren. He mentioned that third assistants is currently out doing field study.
Professor Cerise: Goh, since this is your first time as a trainer it's that time for you to receive your first partner Pokemon.
He take three pokeballs and sends out the three Galar starters.
Professor Cerise: These are Scorbunny, Grookey, and Sobble. You can chose any one you like to be your first partner on your journey.
Goh: Let's see. I think I'm gonna chose... Scorbunny!
Scorbunny: Scorbunny!
Scorbunny jumped up out of joy after Goh chose it. Goh bended down and hug to pick up and hug his Scorbunny.
Professor Cerise: An excellent choice. I can tell that you and Scorbunny will make a brilliant team.
Goh: We sure will! With Scorbunny by my side I'll achieve me dream in catching ever Pokemon! Ever Pokemon including mew!
Y/N: Wait Mew!?
Professor Cerise: The mythical Pokemon!?
Goh: It's my future and I can hold it in the palm of my hand!
Y/N: (smiling)You know, you kinda stranger Goh.
Goh: (smiling) Not as strange as you, Y/N.
Y/N: Hey then I win!
Goh: Hold on! I take that back! I'm way stranger!
Chloe: Not that any of this matters at all.
Professor Cerise: (laughing) I'm looking forward to this and learning about Mew.
Y/N and Goh: Right!
It's a world full of dreams, adventure, and Pokemon. And Y/N and Goh are the ones who are going to explore it and catch them all. As the journey continues!
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