The Ashtounding Race: Episode 5 Part 1

Ash and Pikachu: Last time on "The Ashtounding Race"...

Pikachu: Teams wrestled with Sharpedo. Some more than others.

Ash: Once they made castles in the sand, it was a boat race.

Pikachua: From the Mediterranean, to the coast of Iceland.

Ash: At first, it looked like last place belonged to Squirtle and Totodile.

Pikachu: But, it was Torkoal and Glalie who choked on their own plans and got themselves eliminated.

Ash: Who will be next?

Pikachu: There's zero chance of us choking.

Ash: Get ready to kick it, because it's time for...

Both: The Ashtounding Race.

(Theme music plays)

Ash and Pikachu were at the chill zone.

Ash: Welcome back to Iceland.

Pikachu: Yesterday's chill zone will be today's starting line.

(Ash and Pikachu shivers)

Ash: And chill is right. Pikachu's Poke ball is frozen solid.

(Ash held out a Poke Ball that was frozen in ice)

Pikachu: When they called this place, "Iceland", they weren't kidding.

Ash: Anyway, the first team to depart will be Bulbasaur and Snivy.

Bulbasaur and Snivy walked towards the Pikachu Tip Box and Snivy hits the Poke Ball shaped button with Vine Whip, receiving the travel tip.

Snivy: Take a bus to the geyser fields of Skaftafell and locate the Pikachu Tip Box.

Ash: Allow me to explain. The geysers of Skaftafell are part of an active volcano field tucked under a skimpy twenty centimeter layer of siliceous sinter.

Pikachu: Not sure what that is, but it sounds dangerous, though.


Snivy: Coming in first has given us a chance to keep going in the race. Even if we have to switch teams, we hope to keep on going from here on.

Bulbasaur: And I love that taste of winning in the morning.

(End Interview)

Bulbasaur and Snivy ran to the bus stop.

Bulbasaur: Made it to the bus stop.

Snivy: Where is it, then? We're going to lose our lead.

(Bulbasaur looks back)

Bulbasaur: Looks like you spoke too soon.

Snivy: Why do you say that? (Snivy looks back) Oh.

Snorlax, Charizard, Hawlucha, Greninja, Unfezant, Sceptile, Swellow, Staraptor, Donphan and Scraggy arrived at the bus stop.

Staraptor: Hi.

Bulbasaur: Looks like five of the other teams already caught up.

Snivy: The others are probably doing the same.

The bus arrives and the teams head onboard. Meanwhile, Corphish and Buizel were both wrestling for the travel tip while Boldore and Krookodile were waiting for them.

Pikachu: The first group of teams have left on the bus.

Ash: The others are bound to catch up. But, for some, they may be some fear and panic on their faces. Well, for some of the teams.


Quilava: Fear and Panic is right. You should see me back when I was Cyndaquil.

(Bayleef nods)

Heracross: I am so pumped for the next part of the race.

Noctowl: I know. I think our chances are improving.

(End Interview)

Torterra, Infernape, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Heracross, Noctowl, Bayleef and Quilava head for the Pikachu Tip Box and they each grabbed their travel tip. Meanwhile, the bus that had the first six teams arrived at the geyser field.

Greninja: There's the Pikachu Tip Box!

The teams got off the bus and ran to the Pikachu Tip Box. Greninja and Hawlucha were the first team to make it. Greninja hits the Poke Ball shaped button and received the travel tip.

Greninja: It's an "All In". "Broken Icelandic Telephone"?

Ash and Pikachu were by a speaker box.

Ash: In this "All In" challenge, teams must hold the button on this speaker box to hear me say "Please give me my next travel tip" in Icelandic with perfect pronunciation.

Ash presses the button on the speaker box.

Speaker Box: Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending.

Pikachu: Then, they must run across the geothermal hot springs and repeat the sentence to Dawn and Piplup.

Pikachu looks at Dawn's outfit.

Pikachu: Sweet ice of Articuno. That's some outfit.

Dawn: Why, thank you. It was one of the clothes Sceptile and Unfezant got for me, May and Serena.

Ash: Remind me to thank them later. Anyway, say the sentence right and you'll receive your next tip.

Pikachu: Say the sentence wrong and you'll have to go all the way back and repeat the sentence again.

Greninja and Hawlucha head for the speaker box.

Hawlucha: Open your ears because here it comes.

(Hawlucha presses the button and the speaker box says the sentence)

Hawlucha: Move it!

(Greninja and Hawlucha runs off as Donphan and Scraggy heads for the Pikachu Tip Box)

Scraggy: Press it again.

Donphan: No need. Let's hustle.

(Donphan runs)


Scraggy: Why do I get the feeling Donphan is going to get it wrong...

(End Interview)

Meanwhile, Corphish, Buizel, Boldore, Krookodile, Torterra, Infernape, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Heracross, Noctowl, Bayleef and Quilava were on the next bus and were heading to the geyser field. As for Oshawott, Pignite, Talonflame, Noivern, Squirtle and Totodile, they were waiting for the next one.

Ash: Six more teams are already on the second bus and heading for the geyser field.

Pikachu: But, three more teams have yet to begin the race.

Greninja and Hawlucha were on the move when they stopped in front of a geyser. Bulbasaur and Snivy passed by them and they jumped over the geyser after it stopped. Greninja and Hawlucha went around the geyser and follows Bulbasaur and Snivy. Donphan and Scraggy were following them when they stopped and the geyser went off.

Both: WHOA!


Donphan: All we have to do is time it right. Wait until the geyser stops, then jump for it.

(End Interview)

Donphan and Scraggy waited for the geyser to stop. Soon, it did.

Scraggy: Now!

(Donphan and Scraggy jumped over the geyser when they were blasted by the water)

Meanwhile, Charizard and Snorlax were at the speaker box, hearing the sentence.

Snorlax: I'll have Wontons, rice, garlic shrimp, house noodles and eggrolls, please.

(Charizard sees the next bus arriving)

Charizard: No time, let's move!

Charizard and Snorlax runs off while Corphish, Buizel, Torterra, Infernape, Boldore and Krookodile left the bus. Meanwhile, Oshawott, Pignite, Talonflame, Noivern, Squirtle and Totodile got their tips and head for the bus stop.

Ash: The second bus has arrived and the last three teams have just departed.


Squirtle: Starting out in last place is tough, especially since Totodile is so messed up. The poor guy took too many shocks from that speed boat.

(Totodile shivers with electricity)

Squirtle: But, I don't mind doing all the heavy lifting. I had worse with Bulbasaur and Pikachu and it's too early to give up and go home. Water-Types don't quit! Right, Totodile?

(Totodile shivers with electricity)

Squirtle: Guess that's a yes.

(End Interview)

Bulbasaur and Snivy made it pass the geysers and head towards Dawn and Piplup.

Snivy: Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending.

(Dawn hands them their next travel tip)

Snivy: Alright, the tip says, "Take the helicopter to Skaftafell National Park and find the next Pikachu Tip Box".

Bulbasaur: Then, let's go for it.

The helicopter arrives and Bulbasaur and Snivy head onboard, waiting for the other teams.

Ash: Bulbasaur and Snivy have the lead, but now, they'll have to wait. The helicopter will depart once six teams are onboard.

Meanwhile, the last three teams were waiting for the next bus. Oshawott was shivering a bit.

Oshawott: This reminds me of one winter when Emolga locked me out of the Pokémon Center for bringing her a sour apple.

Pignite: I remembered seeing someone frozen in a block of ice that day... that was you, buddy?

Oshawott: Snivy can talk to you about it, if you want to hear about it later.

Pignite: Sure.

Back at the geyser field, Greninja and Hawlucha were running past the geysers while Swellow and Staraptor were catching up to them. However, Snorlax was stuck in one of the geysers Charizard was trying to help get Snorlax out, but no avail.

Snorlax: I'M STUCK! (The geyser was rumbling) Tell Ash and the others I lived a good life!

(The geyser went off, sending Snorlax flying out of the geyser)

Snorlax: WHOO-HOO! (Snorlax suddenly lands head first into another geyser)

Charizard: This could take a while.

Meanwhile, Donphan and Scraggy were with Dawn and Piplup. Donphan was trying to figure out how the sentence was said, but no luck.

Donphan: You got to admit, sometimes, it's tricky to speak another language.

Dawn: Understandable.

Piplup: You'll have to try again, though.

Donphan and Scraggy runs off as Heracross and Noctowl reached Dawn and Piplup.

Heracross: Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending.

(Dawn hands Heracross and Noctowl their travel tip)

Heracross: Thanks.


Heracross: Good thing I got it right.

Noctowl: Yeah, didn't want you to be culturally insensitive.

Heracross: Is that true?

(End Interview)

Hawlucha quickly jumps over the geyser and Greninja does the same when it was sprayed with water. Greninja was sent flying and lands next to Hawlucha.

Greninja: I'm okay.

(Hawlucha helps Greninja up and they keep going)

Sceptile and Unfezant were heading past the geysers, trying not to get sprayed by the water.


Unfezant: Okay, I'll say it... No one told us there would be real danger!

Sceptile: At least Ash, Pikachu and their friends care about us. There aren't that many people who care about Pokémon these days.

Unfezant: True. I'm glad we have friends like them.

(End Interview)

The bus arrives with the last three teams and they head for the Pikachu Tip Box. Donphan and Scraggy were heading back for the speaker box while Boldore and Krookodile were walking through the geyser field.

Donphan: Hurry!

Oshawott, Pignite, Bayleef and Quilava were running through the geysers.

Oshawott: Almost there, bud! We can make it!

Bayleef and Quilava were suddenlt sprayed with water from one of the geysers.

Both: Needed that.


Bayleef: Sometimes, salt water is good for a Pokémon.

Quilava: One time, when I was Cyndaquil, Totodile was playing in the ocean and then sprayed me in the face with Water Gun while I was sleeping.

Bayleef: Some wake up call.

(End Interview)

Boldore and Krookodile make it to Dawn and Piplup when they noticed Palpitoad.

Krookodile: Are you finished?

Palpitoad: No. Leavanny had some trouble with the Icelandic language, so I had him go back.

Boldore: Allow me. (Correctly) Vinsamlegast gefa mer mina travel abending.

Piplup: Clever.

(Piplup gives Boldore and Krookodile their travel tip)

Talonflame and Noivern were listening to the message on the speaker box until it finished.

Noivern: We're good. Let's go.

(Talonflaem and Noivern flew off)

Donphan and Scraggy make it back to the speaker box and Donphan hits the button, exhausted.


Donphan: This time, I'll remember it.

Scraggy: You sure?

Donphan: What? Dawn's outfit distracted me.

(End Interview)

Corphish and Buizel were both arguing about the sentence.

Buizel: I remembered the first half of the sentence! YOU were suppose to remember the second half!

(Corphish clobbers Buizel with Claw Hammer)

Corphish: OTHER WAY AROUND, aqua breath!

Piplup: Dawn?

Dawn: Do it.

(Piplup used Bubble Beam, breaking up the argument)


Corphish: I bet Piplup's into me.

Buizel: You wish, shell for brains. Piplup is a male.

(Corphish shoves Buizel)

Corphish: As if. You're dreaming.

(Buizel shoves Corphish)

Buizel: You're the one who needs to wake up!

Piplup: He's right. I am male.

Corphish: Oh. Sorry, Buizel.

Buizel: Ah, it's a little confusing about Pokémon genders at times. Don't beat yourself up.

(End Interview)

Sceptile and Unfezant back it to Dawn and Piplup.

Unfezant: Oh, man. That's some outfit, Dawn. Looks just like Articuno. We had a feeling you might like it.

Sceptile: Very amazing, even for a trainer like you. So worth buying it.

Dawn: Why, thank you. Tell you what... since you guys bought me the outfit and gave me a nice compliment about it, I'll give you your travel tip.

(Dawn hands them their tip)

Both: Thanks.

(Sceptile and Unfezant head for the helicopter)

Ash: The helicopter needs two more teams before it can lift off.

Unfezant and Sceptile make it onboard the plane and see that Boldore, Krookodile, Heracross, Noctowl, Bulbasaur and Snivy were waiting for the helicopter to lift off.

Heracross was about to drink the sap from Bulbasaur's bulb when it was slapped by Vine Whip.

Bulbasaur: Touch my bulb... and I SWEAR I'm going to hurt you.

Heracross: Sorry.


Bulbasaur: Heracross really likes the sap from my bulb and believe me, it gets really annoying for me. So annoying, I have to slap the guy with Vine Whip.

Heracross: Can you blame me?

(End Interview)

Unfezant: Hey, Snivy. Looks like you and Bulbasaur are the first ones here, huh?

Snivy: Yep. Glad you and Sceptile made it, too.

Unfezant: Thanks. Say, remember that one winter when Oshawott was frozen outside the Pokémon Center?

Snivy: Yeah. Took half an hour to defrost that guy. Why do you ask?

Unfezant: Pignite told me that Oshawott was locked out by Emolga for giving her a sour apple.

(Snivy was shocked)


Snivy: First of all, Iris' Emolga and I have been rivals since the Unova region and you wouldn't believe how many times she tricked my teammates with her cuteness, mostly Oshawott. Sometimes, she uses Attract on the males. Second of all, he got frozen and nearly lost his tail over ONE APPLE? Oshawott deserves better than that. A one-eyed Oddish deserves better than that.

Unfezant: Yeah, Snivy and Emolga had a few... disagreements since Emolga was captured by Iris. It's a long story.

(End Interview)

Squirtle and Totdile were listening to the speaker box.

Squirtle: WHOO! Let's go, Totodile!

Squirtle grabs Totodile's hand and they run off while Leavanny, Corphish and Buizel arrive at the speaker box. Back with Dawn and Piplup, Charizard was telling them the sentence, but it wasn't pronounced correctly. So, Charizard and Snorlax head back to the speaker box. Greninja and Hawlucha on the other hand got the sentence right and Dawn gives them their next tip. Greninja and Hawlucha high five and head for the helicopter.

Dawn: So far so good for the teams.

Piplup: Here comes the next one.

Swellow and Staraptor flew towards Dawn and Piplup.


Staraptor: I memorized the first half and Swellow took the second half.

Swellow: Seemed like a good idea at the time. But, if the next challenge is one for Flying-Types... (Swellow slaps its wings together) KABLAM!

(End Interview)

Staraptor: Vinsamlegast gefa mer...

Swellow: Mina travel ablendering.

Dawn: Close, but you missed the last part.

Swellow: Oops.


Staraptor: Oh, "abending". You were so close.

Swellow: I know. Next time, we'll get it right.

(End Interview)

Torterra and Infernape were telling Dawn and Piplup the sentence, but Torterra was thinking about it.

Torterra: Vinsamlegast gefa... what was the rest of it?

Indernape: Allow me. Mer mina travel abending.

(Dawn hands them their next tip)


Torterra: Not cool, bud. You nearly ruined our chances.

Infernape: But, I got it right. Doesn't that count for something?

Torterra: Fair point. Next time, don't.

Infernape: If you say so.

(End Interview)

Torterra, Infernape, Unfezant, Sceptile, Hawlucha, Greninja, Boldore, Krookodile, Heracross, Noctowl, Bulbasaur and Snivy were onboard the helicopter and it flies off. Meanwhile, Leavanny runs off after hearing the message when Swellow and Staraptor arrived and Swellow hits the button on the speaker box.

Pikachu: The first six teams are aloft while the remaining nine teams are trying to stay alive.

(Talonflame was stuck in one of the geysers and Noivern was trying to help)

Talonflame: My foot's caught! I'm stuck!

Noivern: Give me your wing! Pull harder!

(Noivern was trying to pull Talonflame out)

Dawn: Will they survive?

Piplup: My money's on the geyser.

Ash: Find out when we return to... "The Ashtounding Race".

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