The Ashtounding Race: Episode 4 Part 2

The teams from the second train were on the beach.

Swellow: Good luck, Staraptor. If that Sharpedo eats you, I will take it down for you.

Staraptor: Thanks, Swellow.

Buizel walks into the water.

Buizel: I'm not upset about this. I could use a good battle, anyway. Consider yourself lucky, Corphish.

Corphish: Show that Sharpedo what you're made of, Buizel.

The teams then look to see a cruise ship arrive and onboard were Sceptile and Unfezant.

Unfezant: Hi, everyone!

Sceptile: Hope you didn't miss us.


Unfezant:We stepped off the train, just to breathe in the fresh air.

Sceptile: Next thing we knew, we ran into Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh region.

Unfezant: We told her we where we were headed...

Sceptile: And she offered us a lift.

(End Interview)

Unfezant: Thanks for the lift, Cynthia.

Cynthia: No problem. Good luck in the race.

Suddenly, a Sharpedo jumps up and almost chomps Sceptile.

Sceptile: Whoa! (Sceptile jumps back) Hey, why don't you watch where you're chomping?

Back with the other teams, Talonflame was swimming away from a Sharpedo while Snivy was swimming back with the travel tip.

Bulbasaur: Wow, I'm amazed about Snivy. I wonder if she ever thought about being in a Pokémon showcase or even Pokémon coordination.

Donphan was swimming back to Scraggy, trying to catch its breath.

Donphan: Go get a bucket! (Donphan almost drowns) The tip says we should build a... (Donphan falls into the water) Sand castle!

Pikachu: Donphan might be having trouble swimming, but that's correct.

Ash: It's an "All In" challenge. For this, teams must build a sand replica of the palace of Versaille. Once Misty and her Pokémon, Staryu and Goldeen decide the castles are good enough, they'll give them their next travel tip.

Greninja makes it back to shore with the travel tip and hands it to Hawlucha.

Greninja: Made it.

Hawlucha: Another minute and you'd be a Sharpedo's lunch.

Sceptile and Buizel were wrestling against a couple of Sharpedos while Staraptor was dodging another Sharpedo's attacks. Suddenly, Talonflame comes up, holding a travel tip.

Talonflame: WHOO! Bringing it back alive!

(Suddenly, a Sharpedo comes up and Talonflame looks down)

Talonflame: That bites.

Glalie was in the water when it was surrounded by a couple of Sharpedos. Glalie just smirked and used Ice Beam on one of the Sharpedos. The other one swam away and Glalie took the travel tip from the frozen Sharpedo.


Glalie: Not to worry, the Sharpedo will defrost soon.

(End Interview)

(Talonflame screams as it flies away from the Sharpedo)

Meanwhile, the third train has arrived. Palpitoad, Leavanny, Torterra, Infernape, Heracross, Noctowl, Bayleef, Quilava, Oshawott, Pignite, Snorlax and Charizard left the train and head for the Pikachu Tip box.

Bulbasaur, Snivy, Talonflame and Noivern began working on their sand castles as Torkoal and Glaie heads towards them. However, Squirtle was keeping a lookout for Totodile.

Squirtle: I don't see Totodile anywhere. Hopefully, the guy didn't end up Sharpedo food.

(Totodile was swimming in the water)

Totodile: Sharpedo, can you at least chase me towards shore?

(Sharpedo chomps and Totodile yelps)

Oshawott slowly steps into the water, a little nervous. Pignite watches.


Oshawott: I guess I'll do pretty much anything to win. The water shouldn't be too hard for me. Back in Unova, when I was with Ash, I had a few... issues using Aqua Jet. It's because I couldn't open my eyes underwater. But, after some special training with Ash, along with a battle against Palpitoad, I managed to use Aqua Jet with my eyes opened. And as a bonus, Ash caught Palpitoad and Cilan caught Stunfisk. But, that's another story.

(End Interview)

One of the Sharpedos was swimming through the water when it sees something bubbling up ahead. The Sharpedo growls and was about to attack when all of the sudden, it was blasted out of the water by Flash Cannon. Boldore comes out, carrying the tip.

Boldore: Eat that.

Torterra was swimming in the water when it grabs the tip off of a Sharpedo.


Torterra: Glad I was in the water and not Infernape. I'd feel bad if the guy got eaten and not just because we'd get disqualified.

Infernape: That, and I'm a Fire-Type.

(End Interview)

Back on the beach, Swellow, Staraptor, Buizel, Corphish, Donphan and Scraggy were building the sand castles.


Scraggy: I was a little concerned about Donphan at first, but now, this guy's really going for it.

Donphan: Building is what some Pokémon were born to do.

(End Interview)

Greninja and Hawlucha were working on their castle.

Greninja: You sure it has to be big?

Hawlucha: You want to take a chance on losing? Either go big or go home.

Torterra and Infernape were working on their sand castle when they heard Hawlucha.

Infernape: Should we do the same?

Torterra: Definitely.

Torkoal and Glalie were working on a plan for the sand castle. Meanwhile, in the water, Snorlax grabs the tip from one of the Sharpedos.

Snorlax: Yes! (Snorlax was surrounded by three Sharpedo) Any chance you guys are friendly?


Snorlax: I hear that Sharpedo can smell fear. Or was it something else?

(End Interview)

Leavanny, Palpitoad, Pignite, Oshawott, Bayleef and Quilava were working on their sand castles. Noctowl was in the water, helping a Sharpedo relax and it slowly takes the travel tip off its fin.


Noctowl: If Heracross and I win the money, we should work on a way to help Sharpedo. Especially, ones who are on the battling side.

Heracross: I'll take that over being eaten by one any day.

(End Interview)

Totodile was swimming in the water, screaming as it was being chased by a Sharpedo.


Squirtle: I once told my team, "If you swim into a Gyarados' mouth, you just keep on swimming".

(End Interview)

Ash: All the teams have reunited and began working on their sand chateaus.

Pikachu: Except for Totodile and Squirtle.

Squirtle looks out in the water, wondering if Totodile is okay.

Donphan and Scraggy just finished. Misty, Staryu and Goldeen came towards them.

Scraggy: So, what do you guys think?

The three look at the sand castle and smiled.

Misty: Not bad. (Misty hands them their travel tip)

Donphan: Yes! Okay, thanks. It says, "Grab a speedboat and follow a GPS to the chill zone on the southern tip of Iceland".

Scraggy: Iceland?

Ash and Pikachu were by a dock in Iceland.

Ash: That's right, Iceland. The dock of this frigid island is the finish line for this segment of the race.

Pikachu: And the last team to meet us on the carpet of completion, could be heading home.

Most of the teams were almost finished with their sand castles and some of them see Donphan and Scraggy running off.

Scraggy: Iceland, here we come.

(Infernape noticed Donphan and Scraggy's castle)

Infernape: Check out the little castle over there.

(Hawlucha sees it as well)

Hawlucha: Hold the sand phone... It doesn't have to be big?!

Torterra: In that case, we better do the same.

Donphan and Scraggy were at the dock and trying to start one of the speed boats.

Donphan: I don't think it's working.

Scraggy: See if there's anything wrong with it. I'll try a different one.

After a couple more boats, they were now in a third one.

Donphan: I think that last two boats were broken.

Scraggy: Found some instructions. It says to turn the key, then press the start button.

(The speed boat starts)

Donphan: Well, that worked.

(The speed boat drives off)

Back at the beach, Squirtle sees Totodile coming back with a Sharpedo on its head. The Sharpedo spits out Totodile who was holding the travel tip.

Totodile: That was crazy wild! Let's go!

Bulbasaur, Snivy, Sceptile and Unfezant were on speed boats and were heading towards Iceland. As for Talonflame and Noibat, they were trying to get their speed boat started when the engine started going.

Both: Yes!

Talonflame and Noivern took off on the speed boat with Greninja and Hawlucha following them. Back at the dock, Corphish and Buizel were deciding who should drive the speed boat.

Buizel: How about I go first and then you?

Corphish: Fine. We'll switch every one minute, though.

(The speed boat drives off)

Corphish: One Poke Ball... Two Poke Ball...

Buizel: You're counting too fast!

Back with Talonflame and Noibat, the engine of their speed boat had smoke coming out of it.

Noivern: Oh, no! Something must be wrong with the engine.

Talonflame: You're right. Any faster and the motor will die. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess?

(Greninja and Hawlucha were passing by Talonflame and Noivern)

Greninja: I'm not a mechanic, but that engine definitely needs some repairs.

Donphan and Scraggy arrived a the chill zone.

Ash: Donphan and Scraggy, you're the first to arrive at this chill zone.

Donphan: Yes! We're the best!

Pikachu: Unfortunately, Donphan, you broke a rule when you read the travel tip before reuniting with Scraggy on the beach.

Donphan: Say what? You sure there isn't a way we should work something out here?

Ash and Pikachu shook their heads. A timer appears, showing twenty minutes.

Pikachu: Twenty minute penalty.

Donphan: Oh, well.

Back at the beach, Bayleef, Quilava, Heracross, Noctowl, Palpitoad, Leavanny, Torterra and Infernape finished their sand castles and ran off to the docks after receiving their tips. As they did, Misty gives Swellow, Staraptor, Boldore and Krookodile their travel tips and they catch up to the others. However, Torkoal and Glalie looked at their plans for the sand castle.

Torkoal: Perfect. Now, we can work on the castle.

Glalie: Agreed. This will be a great sand castle.

(Suddenly, a small wave comes and brushes away the plans in the sand)

Glalie: OUR PLANS!

Torkoal: Guess we'll have to wing it.

Back at the dock in Iceland, Bulbasaur and Snivy arrived at the chill zone.

Ash: Bulbasaur, Snivy, you're in first place.

Pikachu: Glad you're both taking it pretty well.


Bulbasaur and Snivy cheers.

Snivy: Can't believe we're in first place!

Bulbasaur: Yeah, baby! We're the best! (Bulbasaur and Snivy high five using Vine whip) THAT! IS! HOW! YOU! DO IT!

(End Interview)

Unfezant and Sceptile arrived at the chill zone.

Ash: Unfezant and Sceptile, you've come in second place.

(Unfezant and Sceptile hugs each other and cheers)

Pikachu: However, you didn't arrive in train as the tip instructed. You traveled by a cruise ship instead. So, you get a twenty minute penalty.

(Timer buzzes, showing twenty minutes)


Unfezant: We're not worried. At least we had fun with Cynthia before we arrived.

Sceptile: Got that right. It was worth it. Bet Ash and Pikachu wished they saw us.

(End Interview)

Charizard and Snorlax head for the chill zone.

Ash: Charizard and Snorlax, you're in second place.


Snorlax: YES! Come here! (Snorlax hugs Charizard)

Charizard: (gasps) Easy!

(End Interview)

Hawlucha and Greninja arrive at the chill zone.

Ash: Greninja and Hawlucha, you're in third.

(Greninja and Hawlucha high fived)

Back at the beach, Squirtle and Totodile finished their castle and got their next tip.

Totodile: Uh, Squirtle?

Squirtle: Yeah?

Totodile: We're dead last!

Squirtle: Oh, man! Let's move!

(Squirtle and Totodile ran off)

Little did they know, Torkoal and Glalie were still working on their sand castle.

Torkoal: Did you hear something?

Glalie: No, you need to focus.

Torkoal: Of course.

Back at the chill zone, the twenty minute penalty was up and Donphan and Scraggy are in fourth place. Sceptile and Unfezant on the other hand are in fifth place.

Squirtle and Totodile got into a speed boat and drove off to Iceland. Little did they know, the engine was having trouble.


Swellow and Staraptor came in sixth place. Corphish and Buizel came in seventh place. Boldore and Krookodile came in eighth place. Torterra and Infernape came in ninth place. Leavanny and Palpitoad came in tenth place. Heracross and Noctowl came in eleventh place. Bayleef and Quilava came in twelfth place. Oshawott and Pignite came in thirteenth place.

Meanwhile, Talonflame and Noivern were still having trouble with their speed boat.

Talonflame: Looks like we might be heading home.


Talonflame: So unfair that we have a faulty motor. We're a good team.

Noivern: Yeah, we really are a great team.

(End Interview)

Not too far away from Talonflame and Noivern were Squirtle and Totodile. They were catching up to them when the motor malfunctioned.

Squirtle: Are you kidding?!

Totodile: The motor must be dying.


Totodile: I shouldn't have wasted getting stuck in that Sharpedo's mouth. Now we're going to be eliminated because of me!

Squirtle: Hey, don't blame yourself, man. We're a team! We win or lose as one. And I'm not sure what I'm trying to say because... I'm a little unhappy right now.

(End Interview)

Totodile looks at the motor. It noticed there was trouble with the wiring and tries to fix it. Suddenly, Totodile was shocked and the Speed boat was moving.

Totodile: OW!

Squirtle: Totodile, that worked! Do it again!

(Totodile grunts and does the same thing as it was electrocuted)

Back with Talonflame and Noivern, they see Iceland up ahead.

Noivern: Talonflame, that's Iceland!

Squirtle: There it is! (Totodile was electrocuted)

Talonflame: You're right. I can see the dock!

(Totodile grunts in pain)

Squirtle: So close, bud! A few more jolts and WE'RE GOLDEN!

Totodile and Squirtle were catching up to Talonflame and Noivern as Totodile was yelling in pain from being shocked by the speed boat.

Ash and Pikachu were talking at the chill zone.

Pikachu: The chill zone could use a sofa is all I'm saying. Maybe even some berries and water for the teams.

Ash: Not a bad idea. (Ash sees the other teams) Speaking of which, here comes the other teams.

Talonflame and Noivern arrived at the dock and flew towards the chill zone. Squirtle and Totodile did the same.

Ash: Talonflame and Noivern, you're in fourteenth place.

(Talonflame and Noivern cheers)

Bulbasaur walks towards the chill zone.

Pikachu: Bulbasaur? What are you doing here?

Bulbasaur: I wanted to see Squirtle and Totodile.

Squirtle runs towards the chill zone and Totodile follows, smoking from being electrocuted by the speed boat.

Squirtle: It's okay, Ash and Pikachu. We already know. Just blast us with the bad news.

Bulbasaur: Squirtle?

Ash: Squirtle, Totodile, I'm sorry to tell you both this, but you're... second last!

Squirtle: Huh?

Pikachu Fifteenth place.

Bulbasaur: In other words, buddy, you're still in the race!

Squirtle was amazed to hear this.

Squirtle: WHOO! You hear that, Totodile? We're still in the race!

Bulbasuar: High five!

(Bulbasaur and Squirtle high five Totodile and they both get zapped)

Bulbasaur and Squirtle: Ow!

Ash: Yeah, let's get Totodile some medical attention.

Nurse Joy takes Totodile to get some medical attention.

Squirtle: So, Bulbasaur, congratulations on you and Snivy for coming in first.

Bulbasaur: Thanks, Squirtle. It would've be cool to enter this race with you, though. I heard Snivy thinking she should team up with Oshawott. But, then again, who would Pignite team up with?

Squirtle: Speaking of which, which team came in last place?

Bulbasaur: Good question.

Pikachu: Torkoal and Glalie.

Both: Say what now?

Pikachu: Turns out Torkoal and Glalie are the last team left.

Ash: Hey, Charizard, can you give me a lift back to the beach?

Charizard: Sure thing.

Torkoal and Glalie finished their sand castle when they saw Charizard flying towards them. Ash jumps off Charizard's back and walks towards them.

Ash: Torkoal and Glalie, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm afraid the other teams have reached the chill zone. You are out of the race.

(Torkoal and Glalie looked down sadly)

Ash: At least you both tried your best. Don't beat yourselves up.

(Footage Of Torkoal and Glalie plays)

Torkoal: How ironic. Our planning was also our downfall.

Glalie: That's just proves how flawed the show is. But, we did play our part.

(End Footage)

Torkoal and Glaie head for a speed boat and took it home.

Torkoal: Guess some Pokémon aren't as smart as they think.

Glalie: I heard that.

They both laughed as the speed boat drives away.

Glalie: I think you told a joke.

Torkoal: I did.

Both: Wonderful.

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