Chapter 26: Bathtime for Slakoth!

Lianna soon quickly arrived at the Pokémon Center. "Nurse Joy Mermaid! I have an injured Eevee once again!" Lianna cried out. "Oh my! What happened?" She asked Lianna. "A confrontation between her and a Slakoth." Lianna explained. "Oh I see, well I'll take your Pokémon and take care of them." She explained. "Okay!" Lianna explained, handing over Eevee, Horsea and Charmeleon. Nurse Joy took the Pokémon into the recovery room.

Lianna sent out Slakoth to scan him, but he was still in pain. "Oh dear... Excuse me? Nurse Joy? Are you there still?" Lianna asked. "Yes Miss?" Nurse Joy asked. "I have a Slakoth in need of healing." Lianna said, holding it within her arms. "Okay, just give me it in its ball and I'll take care of it." She said. Lianna returned it and gave her the ball. Nurse Joy took the ball. "Thank you." She said. "Take care of them." Lianna said. "Don't worry, I will." She said. "Okay." Lianna said. The Nurse Joy Mermaid took it into the recovery room.

Lianna smiled, her Pokémon were resting. "We hopefully can find other Pokémon." Lianna said. Lianna's Pokénav then beeped. Filia sent a post. Lianna took a look. "Got my fourth badge, four to go. Should my next stop be Lavender Town or Fuchsia City?" Filia's post read. Lianna sighed and replied with 'Lavender Town'. "Maybe, I can catch a Gastly or see if the Channelers are strong or not." She replied. Lianna replied by saying she adored Ghost Type Pokémon. "Really? Well, I think they are nice. Maybe I can find out a few things about the town as well." Filia replied. "Ghost Types are my favorite type. Fairy is second best and then Dragon." Lianna replied. "Sweet, I like any types really." Filia said. Filia liked the post, as well as Trent, Kevin and Brenda.

"I have to get more gym badges. Who is excited for the Island League?" Lianna asked with a smile. "I am." Filia replied. "Me too." Trent said. "All of you guys are going to battle?" Kevin asked. "I'll be there to see you guys battle." Brenda replied. Lianna smiled. "I bet you'll have fun there right?" Kevin asked. "We will Kev, we will." Trent replied. "We will give it our all." Maria replied. Billy liked the post. "I have caught a lot of Pokémon." Lianna said. Trent, Maria, Kevin, Billy, Brenda and Filia liked her comment. "Got any legendary Pokémon?" Trent asked. "My parents do." Billy said. "I have as well." Fukua said. "Does Lucario count?" Maria asked. "No." Trent replied. "Shame." Maria replied back. "Legendary Pokémon are so cool." Billy commented. "No. But I met and time traveled with a Celebi." Lianna replied. All of them liked the comment.

"I once helped save the world from a meteor." Brenda said. "I saw a living spirit is n Lavender Town." Fukua said. "I saw a Shiny Steelix when I was a baby." Maria said. "I know a giant mermaid who runs a daycare." Billy said. "I like mermaids." Kevin said. "They are kind and cute." Trent said. "And great with water types." Molly said. "I once battled a mermaid." Fukua said. "I know two mermaids." Lianna said. "Nurse Joy and Aqua?" Filia asked. "We know them." Fukua said. "She gave me a Charmander." Kevin said. "I sent her picture that Fukua sent me." Trent said. "They sound cool." Billy said. "I once worked with Aqua and that Nurse Joy Mermaid." Brenda said. "I just caught a Slakoth." Lianna said.

"Amazing." Filia said. "I had one, now it's a Slaking." Fukua said. "They're easy to catch." Kevin said. "Drat, I missed one of those." Trent said. "Of course you would Trent, LOL." Fukua said. "Why are they so lazy? When I play fetch with one, it won't move." Billy said. "They're just lazy." Fukua said. "It's how Pokémon work." Brenda said. "Okay.." Billy replied with a disappointed emoji. "Hey, you can make faces now." Filia said and have a smiling emoji. "I've been practicing like Charles told me to." Billy said. "Nice Billy." Filia said. "Vigoroth are scary sometimes." Kevin said. "That's how they are." Trent replied. "I have a Meganium, Totodile, Ivysaur, Wartortle and Shiny Charmeleon." Lianna commented.

"I got a Venusaur, Blastoise, Pichu, Espeon, Umbreon and Infernape." Fukua said. "I got a Pichu, Bulbasaur and Squirtle." Filia said. "I have Sceptile and Croconaw. I just get that back from Norman." Trent said. "I got Froakie and Bulbasaur." Kevin said. "I just got a Patrat." Billy said. "I got a Torterra and Riolu." Maria said. "I got a Pignite." Charles said. "Big brother!" Billy said happily. "Hi." Maria said. "How have you been?" Kevin asked Charles. "I'm good." Charles replied. "Hey Charles. The name is Lianna." Lianna replied. "Hey Lianna. Where are you texting from?" Charles asked. "I know where." Filia said. "Not sure which town." Fukua said. "Are you a Demi?" Goo asked. "Hi Goo." Kevin said. "How are your journeys going? Close to League Island?" Charles asked. "So far everyone but me." Kevin replied.

"I am a bunny. And I am in the city with Lt.Surge." Lianna said. 'Lexi' and 'Eventide' joined the chat. "Hello everyone! I am the great magician Eventide and this is my lovely Lexi!" Eventide explained. "Hello!" Lexi responded. "You're that far? Nice." Charles said to Lianna. "Did you beat Lt.Surge?" Filia asked. "Hey who just joined the chat?" Kevin asked. "Who knows." Billy responded. "Hello?" Filia asked. "I want to catch them all." Lianna typed out with a smile. "All of them?" Charles asked. "Haha, that's funny." Billy replied. "Yeah she says that." Fukua said. "I think it's possible." Filia said. "Anything is possible guys." Brenda said. "Yes." Lianna replied.

"Did you catch the Celebi?" Brenda asked. "No one can catch one, the Time Travel Pokémon must not be due to and not be captured." Maria said. "It's only a fact." Fukua said. "A true fact." Maria replied. "No. Someone else owned that Celebi and almost used it for evil. Until I saved the day and a champion named Enma." Lianna replied. "Someone used a Celebi for evil? How could they? Such a monster!" Maria called out. "Yeah. I wish to meet another Celebi someday..." Lianna said. "But such a thing is impossible." Maria said. "I don't know about that." Brenda said. "Who knows?" Lianna asked. For something like that, you need to ask Maria." Trent said. "I have this amazing Eevee." Lianna said with a smile.

"Yes I saw it." Filia said. "It's something alright." Fukua said. "Does it have any special moves like egg moves or tutor moves?" Kevin asked. "Don't haste, Kevin." Goo told him. "She knows Hyper Beam." Lianna said. "Wow. That is special." Kevin said. "So cool!" Billy said. "When did it learn Hyper Beam?" Filia asked. "A training battle." Lianna said. "Oh getting ready for the gym?" Filia asked. "Good idea." Kevin replied. "I should check on my Pokémon again." Lianna said. "Again? More training? Lianna..." Filia said. "No. I try to battle Lt.Surge once again." Lianna said. "Once again? You lost the first time?" Filia asked. "What did you use?" Fukua asked. "He's tough." Charles said. "Yes he is, I was lucky to see him battle my father." Maria said. "My daddy battled and won." Molly said. "The Kanto Champion battles him sometimes." Fukua said.

"Charmander, Diglett and Eevee." Lianna replied. "Did you train them?" Filia asked. "I bet they are." Billy said. "The same Charmander I saw?" Fukua asked. Kevin sent a smiling face emoji. "I have trained them. Charmander evolved." Lianna explained. "So it's a Charmeleon now?" Filia asked. "Way to go!" Goo said. "Do you have any Ground Types that can counter Electric Types?" Kevin asked. "A Diglett and a Mamoswine." Lianna said. "The Mamoswine may come in handy." Kevin said. "You'll win for sure." Fukua said. "Your Charmeleon will be good help as well." Charles said. "You don't have it on your team?" Goo asked. "That will help you win." Trent said. "Yeah. He hasn't seen me in a while." Lianna said.

"So?" Filia asked. "What's the problem?" Fukua asked. "Nothing wrong with that." Charles said. "Okay. Won't he be happy to see me." Lianna said. "Why?" Filia asked. "He is going to be happy, but I am curious about his reaction." Lianna said. "Well if you two know each other a lot, then you'll be fine." Kevin said. "And you have Diglett." Fukua said. "How strong is that?" Trent asked. "I'm not sure..." Lianna replied. "Mamoswine or Diglett?" Kevin asked. "The Diglett." Trent said. "I should train my Diglett." Lianna said with a smile. "What does a Diglett look like?" Billy asked. Filia sent a picture of a Diglett. "This one is mine." Filia said. "That's cool." Billy said. "I put a little bow on her head." Filia said. "I am going to catch a Swinub and an Azurill to trade them for better Pokémon." Lianna said. "Know anyone who you can trade with?" Filia asked. "No." Lianna replied.

"Hey I have an idea." Kevin said. Kevin sent Lianna an invite to Filia's trade group. "Hey Kevin, what are you doing?" Filia asked. "Just sending a trade request to Lianna so she can join us and trade with us." Kevin said. "Trading?" Lianna asked. "Our chat group used a trading system which allows us to trade wherever we are." Filia said. "But you need an upgrade for your Pokédex." Fukua said. "It's fun, we loan our Pokémon to each other." Kevin said. "An upgrade? How do I upgrade?" Lianna asked. "Call Professor Oak." Filia said. "But you need more than two badges and a high bond with Pokémon." Fukua replied. "Oh. Okay. I will wait then." Lianna said. "Okay. Let us know if you get the update." Filia said. "I am going to check on my pals and challenge Lt.Surge for a rematch." Lianna said.

"Okay, good luck." Fukua said. "Remember the ideas." Kevin said. "Good luck Lianna, you can do it." Filia said. "See ya!" Charles said. "Bye bye." Billy said. "Farewell." Goo said. "He seeing you." Brenda replied. "Bye!" Lianna said. They all sent a waving emoji to her. Lianna hanged up and checked on her other Pokémon. The Nurse Joy Mermaid was at the counter. "How are my pals doing?" Lianna asked. "They're fully healed up and are in fighting fit." Nurse Joy replied, handing her back her Pokémon. Eevee jumped onto Lianna's shoulder. "Vee." Eevee said happily. "Yay! Thank you Nurse Joy!" Lianna said, going over to a computer and getting her new team of Eevee, Charmeleon, Mamoswine, Diglett, Ivysaur and Aipom.

"Eevee!" Eevee said smiling and rubbing her cheek on Lianna in excitement for something. "You sound excited." Lianna said. "Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee said, jumping off her shoulder and running around. "Eevee." Eevee said. "What do you want to do?" Lianna asked. Eevee was in a playful mood. Lianna headed outside of the Pokémon Center with her. "How about you meet Mamoswine?" Lianna asked. Eevee jumped but. Then sees something in the ground and digs it up. "Huh? What did you find?" Lianna asked. Eevee found a golden leaf. "A Golden Leaf!" Lianna said happily. "Hmm!" Eevee said, holding it with her mouth. Lianna took the leaf. "Ready to meet our friend Mamoswine?" Lianna asked. "Vee?" Eevee asked. Lianna sent out Mamoswine. He comes out of his Pokéball. "Hello Mamoswine!" Lianna said happily. "Mamoswine." Mamoswine said, smiling at his trainer.

"Long time no see." Lianna said, going up to him and hugging him. Mamoswine felt happy. "This is Eevee." Lianna said. Eevee ran and then climbed onto him. Mamoswine looked happy. Lianna climbed onto Mamoswine's back. Eevee was lying on his back. "Can you take us for a little walk?" Lianna asked. Mamoswine does so and walks to the nearest Route. "Weeee!!!" Lianna called out happily. "VEEEEE!!!" Eevee called out in joy. Mamoswine was happy. Lianna laughed happily. "Anyone wanna trade? I have a Shuppet I don't need and I want it to go to a good trainer. If you would like it, please offer me a Klink." Filia asked. "Oh I wish I had a Klink." Lianna said. "I only have one Klink." Maria said. "Can't help you." Fukua said. "I may have a spare, I will let you know later." Charles said. Filia liked the post. "Thanks Charles." Filia said. "Anytime Filia." Charles replied. Filia sent a happy emoji. "When I evolve my Pikachu nicknamed Squeaks, can I trade him for an Alolan Raichu?" Lianna asked. "I don't have one." Charles said. "Sorry." Goo said. "I know someone in Alola that might be able to help." Kevin said. "Cool!" Lianna said happily.

"I will ask them." Kevin said. "Okay." Lianna replied. Benny sent a friend request and a message. "I have a Raichu if you want one." Benny said. "Alolan?" Lianna asked. "Yes." Benny replied. "Okay. I just need to trade you my unevolved Pikachu..." Lianna said. "But will it evolve into Kanto Raichu?" Benny asked. "Yeah, since I am on Kanto's soils." Lianna said. "Just go to a Pokémon Center and find me on Filia's chat." Benny said. Lianna accepted his friend request. "Let me know when you want it." Benny said. "Okay. Thanks." Lianna said. "It's okay." Benny said. "I'll call when ready." Lianna said. "Okay then, have a good evening." Benny said. "You too." Lianna said. "Thank you miss." Benny said. "You're welcome. Bye!" Lianna said. "See ya!" Benny said. Mamoswine was looking at the sunset. "Sundown?" Lianna asked. Eevee then gets a chill on her fur. "Cold?" Lianna asked. Eevee started to shake. "Eevee?" Lianna asked. Eevee was shivering.

"Oh dear! Mamoswine! Head back to the Pokémon Center!" Lianna ordered Mamoswine. Mamoswine did so and they arrived outside of the Pokémon Center. Lianna climbed off of Mamoswine and returned him. Mamoswine went back into his ball. "Tomorrow Charmeleon, Mamoswine and Diglett will battle Lt.Surge." Lianna said. "Vee." Eevee said. Lianna took Eevee into the Pokémon Center. Eevee felt happy and warm. "Goodnight Mermaid Nurse Joy!" Lianna called out. "Goodnight." She replied. Lianna went to bed room to rest for the night. "Before I go to bed..." Lianna said, she sent out Slakoth. Slakoth came out. Lianna scanned it. Slakoth was Male and knew Scratch, Cut, Rest and Yawn. "Hey guy. You want to sleep with me and Eevee in bed?" She asked him. Slakoth fell asleep. Lianna picked him up and places him on the bed, then climbed into bed. "Goodnight Eevee!" She said to her. "Vee." Eevee said.

Lianna fell asleep, wondering about Pokémon like Munna, Darkrai or Cresselia. Those Pokémon were in plain sight. Lianna was asleep. Eevee was running in her sleep, similar to a dog in the real world. The next day Lianna got up and prepared breakfast for her Pokémon. They happened to be asleep. Lianna fixed up six bowls and then started to eat a doughnut. They were all still asleep. Eevee was running in her dream. "Vee. Vee. Eevee. Vee." She slept talked. A strange smell was coming from. Slakoth. "Slakoth? Why do you smell?" Lianna asked. Slakoth looked like it ate something foul.

"Ewww..." Lianna said, inspecting the food while wearing a dust mask. A piece of an Oran Berry could be seen. "Uh... I am sorry Slakoth, but I am tossing this..." Lianna said. Slakoth let go of the Oran Berry. Lianna tossed the berry into the trash. Slakoth woke up and rubbed its eye. Lianna moved Slakoth to a bowl. "Morning Sleepy head." Lianna said to him. "Oth." He said, his fur started to smell. Lianna coughed. "You stink!" She said. Slakoth was dirty. "Time for a bath, after breakfast." Lianna said. "Oth." Slakoth said. The other Pokémon refused to eat. "You are not hungry?" She asked them. They couldn't stand Slakoth's smell.

"Bath time!" Lianna called out, carrying Slakoth to the tub in her bathroom. Slakoth didn't move. Lianna placed him into the tub and turned on the water. Slakoth relaxed in the tub. Lianna smiled and started to scrub him. Slakoth started to move. Lianna was forming bubbles in the tub. Slakoth waved its arms, looking at the bubbles. Lianna laughed. Slakoth hiccups from the bubbles. "You okay?" Lianna asked him. Slakoth just relaxed in the soapy water again. Lianna smiled. After a few minutes, Slakoth was feeling better. Lianna drained the water. The water went down the drain. Lianna was cleaning up Slakoth. He felt happy. "You guys Ready for today?" Lianna asked.

The Pokémon then started to eat their breakfast. Lianna smiled. Slakoth started to eat as well. Lianna smiled. After a while, they finished eating. "Okay! Now we go to Lt. Surge's gym!" Lianna called out. They looked ready for the rematch. Lianna returned the Pokémon and they went back into their balls. "Come Eevee." Lianna said to Eevee. She went towards Lianna but she walked with a limp. "Eevee? You okay?" Lianna asked. "Vee." Eevee said with a smile. "You ready?" Lianna asked. "Eevee! Eevee!" Lianna said with a smile.

"Okay!" Lianna called out, heading back to the gym for a rematch against Lt. Surge.

To be continued...

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