chapter 219: The Princess and the Togepi! Part 2

I want to thank Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

After the whole fight as find jacob and his pokemon on a hill as they see a savage hunter camp base site filled with weapons, tanks and tons of soldiers, jacob was looking at it through binoculars

Jacob: This must be their base for this place.

He then sees colonel Hansen there making an announcement to the hunters

Hansen:What are you all doing to find that boys body because that's the only proof I will take!

Sav. Grunt 1: but we check everywhere, there's no body, the boy must be still alive.

Hansen:exactly and I want him found and killed!

Sav. Grunt 1: We've already sent 50 men out there, do you know how big this forest is, for we know he could already be back with his friends by now.

Hansen:that's not good but have you forgotten they were also separated.

Sav. Grunt: that doesn't mean they're dead colonels, they're still out there as well, maybe we should just find another togepi. I mean they're not that rare.

hansen:Boy Theirs also that princess. For some reason I got a call from the maid that the princess had found that girls togepi!

Hansen the hopped into a truck

Hansen: I'll be getting that togepi, you stay here and find that boy!

The truck then sped off as dozen of grunts went into the woods and searched for jacob

Jacob: Looks like they're sending almost everyone to find us (sees all the weapons and tanks) they're keeping all the tanks and weapons there, the others won't stand a chance against them, we gotta destroy them, all of them.

Sableye:Well, what's the plan?

Jacob: We sneak in.


We now see about 10 grunts searching for jacob, jacob was behind a bush as he threw something which caught their attention

Sav. Grunts: over there.

They all went there and saw it was just a rock

Sav. Grunt 1: what the....

Jacob: NOW!

Bellosom relapsed a massive cloud of sleep power which knocked all of the grunts out cold

Jacob: Well that was easier than I thought.

Jacob placed the bodies in a bush and broken their guns

Jacob: Let's go.

Small timeskip

The group was now hiding in a bush that was right in front of the base camp entrance

Jacob: Alright I'm going in, you guys stay here and try not to get caught.

Jacob then put on one of the hunters clothes from before and went in while the pokemon stayed back, he then walked up to two grunt that were guarding the entrance

Jacob:(different voice) evening fellas.

Sav. Grunt 2:You the rookie?

Jacob:(different voice) uhh yes, yes i am i just started today, i was told to come here for my first assignment.

Sav Grunt 1:Ok but where's the id.

Jacob:(different voice) Of course I got it right here.

Luckily there was an id in his pocket, he gave it to them

Jacob:(different voice) here you go.

The grunts looked at his id

Sav. Grunt 1:Hmmmmm you think you're some comedian.*shows him the id with a complete different face*

Jacob:(different voice) oh no that is me I've changed a lot since then

Sav. grunt 2:. . . Eh why the hell not get in there.

Jacob:(different voice) Okay, oh another question, I was told I would be in charge of guarding the weapons, which Building is that?

Sav. grunt 1:over there.*points at the building by a tank

Jacob:(different voice) okay see ya.

Jacob then went to inside the building and took of his disguise, he that the building was filled with hundreds of different types weapons, from swords, gun, axes you name it

Jacob: May god, are you seeing this jaraja?

Jaraja: Indeed I am.

Jacob: You know what, I need some weapons on my own.

Jaraja: I got the perfect thing for that.

Jaraja summoned Jacob's goggles as an app with pictures of weapons on it appeared

Jaraja: this is your weapon app, it allows you to scan any kind of weapon and make it your own, try it.

Jacob clicked on it as gauntlets began to scan every weapons in the room

Gauntlets: scan complete, 20 new weapons in storage.

Jacob: nice, hmm I want a sword.

Jacob clicked on a sword icon as this sword appeared in his hand

Jacob: Woah awesome!

Jaraja: this sword is fused with your own spirit energy so you can summon it whenever you like, plus this can cut through practically anything.

Jacob: Nice, I shall call this the spirit sword, now, let's do this.

Outside the grunts were doing then things when suddenly, the entire weapon building blew up


Jacob: oh boys, looking for me.

Jacob then came out of the smoke holding out his sword

Jacob: Well here I am!


They all got their weapons and ran towards him

Jacob ran up to one of them and sliced through one of the grunts swords and then sliced him in half like butter, this shocked everyone

Jacob: oh hehehe now this is more like it.


A bunch came after him but jacob effortlessly sliced through them

Jacob: alright let see what else i got

He then summoned this gun

Jacob: Hmm, let's see what this one does.

He pulled the trigger as it fired a small missile that blew up a large group of grunts

Jacob: oh fuck yeah!

Jacob began to fire like crazy

Sav. Grunt 47: HE'S TOO POWERFUL.

Sav. Grunt 32: GET TO THE TANKS!.

A missile take came towards jacob as it fired our a shit load of missiles

Jacob: not this time, psychic!

Jacob redirected the missile with psychic, sending them towards that thanks which then blew up, just then one of them laser cannon fired a massive laser beam at jacob but jacob summoned his sword and sliced right through it

Jacob: now this is more like it!

Jacob ran towards the and sliced the tank in half causing a massive explosion, he then proceeded to slash through everything else


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All the remaining grunt began to run of their lives



Jacob: hahahaha, hey fella you can come out now.

Jacob's pokemon then ran up next to him

Jacob: weapons are gone, destroy every bit of this camp.

sableye:NICE! But we need to find the other!

Jacob: Oh yeah right, but it makes sure no one finds any weapons.

Jacob threw a tiny fire ball on a spilled oil drum that slowly ignited and headed towards a bunch of more oil drums

Jacob: time to run! RUN!

They all began to run away, once they were close enough away, the a massive explosion occurred

With hansen

Hansen was till in the truck when he saw the explosion


With Jacob's teammates

His teammates saw the explosion as well


may:That has to be Jacob's work.

Just then they saw jacob with his sword walking to them like a badass while his pokemon were right behind him

Jacob: hey guys im back, did ya miss me!


Jacob: That's right, I'm alive, it's gonna take more than some tanks to kill me, especially since I now have a sword hehehe.

Sabrina:Well now that's everyones here we need to go find togepi.

Jacob: You lost her!


Jacob: Dammit shedinja's are tough, they have the wonder guard ability, only moves that they are weak to can hurt them.

Just then a piece of tank that was on fire laned behind jacob

Jacob: we should probably get moving before something crushed us.


Meanwhile inside a castle we see a king talking to his guard

The King of the Mirage Kingdom

King: Did you say... intruders?

Guard: Yes your majesty! But, not to worry. Colonel Hansen has taken the lead of pursuing them.

Just then, Miranda came in

Miranda: Majesty!

King: Please, not now Miranda.

Miranda: Yes... but.. Sire, it's urgent! A Togepi found its way to the Princess!

King: Togepi?

In the princess room we see the princess and her mother a.k.a the queen of mirage kingdom tending to togepi

Princess: (chuckled)

She puts a bandaid on togepi's forehead

Princess: There! See? You'll be fine!

Queen: Wonderful! Now the succession ceremony can take place tomorrow.

Princess: Yes, Mother!

The king and Miranda came in

Queen and Princess: Huh?

Miranda: You see? There your Majesty!

King: Ah!

Princess: Look, Father! It's a Togepi!

King: My stars! It is a Togepi!

King: This is truly a miracle! To think, a Togepi would appear at the perfect time!

Princes: Yes! And now I've found...(hugs Togepi) My perfect partner!

Miranda: (in tears of happiness) Truly! A miracle, yes!

King: (nods) Hmm. (chuckles)

Just then jacob and his team came in through another door, all of them except jacob were tired and were catching their breath

Misty: (pants and runs) Togepi!

Jacob: We found her!

The Princess noticed that Togepi looked happy to see Misty and jacob, Miranda then blocked jacob and misty

Miranda: Who are you?!

Misty: What? Who am I? I wanna know who you are!

May: Yeah why don't ya tell us what's going on here?!

Misty: Okay, so you want my Togepi!

Jacob: Yeah, I can have her back please.

Misty: Well, give it back!

Princess: (gasps)

King: of all the impudent...

Just then colonel hansen came in

Hansen: Majesty, I didn't know you were here!

Misty: YOU!


May: Not him again!

Hansen: Your majesty be careful! These are the intruders we're looking for!

King: right!

Misty: Now wait! Hold it right there! You're the one who forced us to come here in the first place!

Jacob: That's right, he kidnapped her and tried to steal her togepi.

May: (to Colonel Hansen) You were saying something about needing a Togepi! Remember?!

Jacob: I remember it.

Hansen:(grunts mad)

Queen: Would someone please explain this.

Princess: father?

King: hansen?

Hansen: sire!

King: Please leave my presence!

Hansen: But sire!

King: You'll do as you're told!

Hansen grunts as he stares at togepi as he then left

Jacob: (to the king) wait so you're the king of this place?

King: That's right, So this is your Togepi then?

Jacob: Actually it's her (points at misty) but I'm with her so we were wondering if we could have her back please.

Misty: Yes sir, but what's that on Togepi's forehead?

Princess: That's where it was injured so we treated it.

Misty: That's so nice! Thank you.

Princess: Hmm.

Misty: My name's Misty, and I'm the Cerulean Gym leader!

Jacob: And I'm Jacob, Jacob Jackson, pleasure to meet you.

Princess: I'm Sara. I'm the Princess of Mirage Kingdom.

Brock: (lovestruck) Wow, a Princess!

May: It's an honor to meet you!


King: I sincerely regret having caused you so much trouble. Regrettably, Hansen has been disrupting things all over the Kingdom! And now it is apparent that he was plotting to steal your Togepi for his own needs.

Princess Sara: Please believe me! We've never had any intention of stealing anything from anyone, especially your Togepi! The instant Togepi saw you, I knew right away you were its trainer. And then, I realized having a Togepi come here for me was too good to be true!

Misty: Come here... for you?

Jacob: What do you mean?

King: We must remove these youngsters from our Mirage Kingdom immediately..

Princess Sara: Yes.

King: Prepare a ship.

Miranda: Yes, your majesty.

Misty: But wait please!

The King and Princess Sara: Hmm?

Misty: Please, sire. Can you tell us what this is about?

Jacob: yeah why does he want togepi so bad.

They all then went outside

Miranda: For centuries within our Kingdom, Togepi have been worshiped as our Guardian Pokemon of liberty and peace! Ever since the beginning of our recorded history it has been the duty and mission of anyone ascending the throne to seek out and find a Togepi.

Misty: Mission?

Miranda: Mission indeed! And this is how Sarah's father the King earned his throne.

Brock: So then what happened to the King's Togepi?

Miranda: Returned from whence it came. In our Kingdom, it is Togepi's final departure that
proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the right and duty of the current Monarch to rule the land! And in that way Togepi has proved that Sarah's father has ascended to the throne to rule as the proper King of the Mirage Kingdom!

May: Togepi sure is one awesome Pokemon!

Jacob: agree.

Max: Who'd known?

Princess Sara: This would have been accomplished in a ceremony to be held in this very temple tomorrow, but alas....

Misty: What ceremony?

Miranda: The ceremony giving the right to succeed the throne to the one who seeks out Togepi.

Princess Sara: Sadly, I have not been very successful in finding my Togepi in time for the appointed day.

Miranda: And so without a Togepi, the ceremony cannot be performed.

Misty: I get it now. My Togepi was taken for the ceremony!

Jacob: yeah that makes sense now.

Princess Sara: It seems to me that Hansen was secretly plotting to use your Togepi so as to selfishly crown himself successor to the throne!

Jacob: he his, he's got a secret army with him with tanks and guns, i managed to take out the base but there are still dangerous men that are still with him

Princess sara:THen we must hurry and tell this information before anything else happens, I also share in the belief that Hansen wants the power of this Guardian Pokemon Togepi all for himself!

The heroes:(gasp)

Jacob: This guy is a madman, he'll kill us just for this power.

Max: Misty? So what kinda power does Togepi have?

Jacob: Well as far as I know I've only seen her use a metronome .

Just then a love struck brock grabbed Sara's hands

Princess Sara: Huh?

Brock: (lovestruck) Worry not my fair Princess!

Brock: (lovestruck) Yes! It is my one purpose in life to rescue you from this political turmoil! (but then gets grabbed by Misty by the ear and got pulled away)

Misty: There's enough turmoil for one day!

Jacob: thank you misty, pls forgive him princess, he does that to almost every girl he sees

Princess Sara:it's quite alright.

Misty: But... without Togepi what will you do?

Princess Sara: Don't worry about me Misty. It will all work out.

Misty: Hmm.

Meanwhile somewhere else in the kingdom, colonel hansen was with ghost

Hansen: It is my destiny that I acquire the throne of this Kingdom! And with the power of Togepi...(tossed food for his 2 Ninjask) It shall be so! And the Mirage Kingdom shall face a new age! (Tossed out more food for his 2 Ninjask) Hear this. As soon as I have ascended the throne and acquire my royal power as the ruler of this Kingdom! You shall also know great power as well as my thanks.

Ghost:oh now thats just stupid I mean for real. You want great power Hahahahahaha! ok calm it down with that arrogance boner like damn no one wants you just stroking that ego any more then i've had to hear you!

Hansen:And why are you here..

Ghost:aint it obvious Im here fucking your mother 69 style.

hansen:My mothers dea-

Ghost:Does it look like I give a shit now lets get back to the point I'm not dealing with your shit for another minute either your closer to being king or a bullet to the head.

Hansen: we're almost there but we must have Togepi before tomorrow's succession ceremony commences!

Ghost:well its either you have or don't your Like a fucking puppet saying Togepi this togepi that In all honestly your just stroking your ego like your shroom...


We now see the others about to board a blimp

Princess Sara: Now Misty, you really must leave the Mirage Kingdom before Hansen and his agents capture your Togepi!

Misty: alright.

Jacob: We appreciate you helping us out princess, we hope Hansen gets what he deserves once this is over.


Just then a strong gust of wind appeared as they all braced themselves

Max: Huh?

May: Huh? Hey look over there guys!

They all turned around and saw a mirage of the temple in the sky, facing downwards

Misty: Unbelievable!

Brock: We were just inside of that temple!

Jacob: It's a mirage.

May: a mirage.

Just then togepi began to glow

Misty: Huh?

Jacob: What the.

Togepi then began to float up into the air


Jacob: oh god what is happening to togepi, why is she flying?

Togepi flew up and wanted to head to the mirage

Princess Sara: Could it... be?

Miranda: Yes. Somehow... Togepi must have sensed that beyond the mirage there is paradise.

Jacob: interesting.

As Togepi tries to fly up the mirage Shedinja appeared in front of it

Jacob: OH NO!

Max: Shedinja!

Shedinja prepares a solar beam

Misty: Togepi! *jumps up and catches togepi*

Shedinja then fired a solar beam

Jacob: Get back!

Jacob summoned his sword and sliced the beam in half, then colonel Hansen arrived with his two ninjasks

Hansen: Give up!

Jacob: You again! I should have finished you back in the palace!

Hansen:But you didn't! No hand over that togepi!

Jacob: not a chance in hell!

Colonel Hansen: Hmph! Fine then! Shedinja! Solar Beam!

Shedinja charged up a solar beam

Jacob: Oh no you don't have an ice beam.

Shedinja fired solar beam while jacob fired ice beam, both attack made impacted with each other and caused a big explosion

What strange and mysterious event is being foreshadowed by the great temple unexpectedly appearing in the sky? As Hansen closes in on Togepi. Will our heroes find within themselves the strength to withstand the power of their attacks? Find out next time on THE POKE KING OF THE MULTIVERSE

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