Chapter Eight

After Sera had finished explaining everything to Liam- he had told her she was insane- she dropped him off at his house and was now in her own home. Completely and utterly alone. Liam had asked the girl if she wanted to stay the night, assuring her repeatedly that his mom and stepdad wouldn't mind; but Sera needed to be alone for a few hours. Her biggest support system was gone, and she wasn't sure she wanted Liam to replace that just yet. She wanted nothing more than to just sleep the day's events off, but she couldn't seem to fall asleep. Everything hurt, her eyes kept glowing like fire, and she couldn't stop thinking about how she was in that building when that guy had killed her mother. If she had left Liam sooner... maybe she could have saved her.

What Sera didn't know was that Kenna Hayes knew the man with no mouth had been after her and her daughter. The man had wanted to know how to kill the girl so that she wouldn't be reincarnated but Kenna had refused, and the man had gotten so frustrated he'd killed her before he could get the information he so desperately needed. He had failed. But he wouldn't make the same mistake again, or so he thought.


The next day at school Scott and Stiles explained to the pack their plan to help Liam during his first full moon.

"I'm not sharing my basement." Malia said.

"Actually, it's my basement, and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." Lydia said to the werecyote.

"All right, she's still learning..." Stiles says defending the girl.

"But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams- we can chain him to one of them." Scott said and Sera nods. It was a good plan she just didn't know how they'd get Liam to the lake house.

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asks just as Sera was about to ask the same question.

"I say, if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggests and Sera gives him a crazed look.

"I'm in!" Malia agrees.

"Over my dead body!" Sera yells, her eyes blazing.

"Jesus!" Stiles says backing away from the girl. "That's gonna take some getting used to." Stiles mumbles.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him!" Scott says getting everyone back on track.

"Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia suggests.

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?" Stiles asks her surprised.

"No- I'm done with teenage boys. But, if we're playing a trick on someone... why not use the trickster?" Lydia says, looking at Kira.

"Who, me? No way. Not me." Kira says.

"Yes, you! You know what they call a female fox? A vixen!"

"Me?" Kira asks surprised. "Why can't Sera ask him?" Sera scoffs.

"Liam knows I won't be going to any parties anytime soon." Sera says, referring to her mother's death. Scott gives her a sad look. He can smell the grief coming off of her in waves and he's sure Malia can too. Ever since Sera's mother was hospitalized she's been different. She used to be this happy go lucky girl. The light of their pack but it's been diminished and the McCall boy desperately wishes to get that light back. They need it now more than ever. They need her, the real Sera.

"You can do it, Kira. Be a vixen!" Lydia says.


The pack- minus Kira- were waiting at the Martin's lake house for Liam and Kira to arrive. Scott's head turns towards the driveway out front and the group sees the lights of Kira's car. They all wait patiently for the two teens to walking to the house. Kira opens the door and Liam walks in to see the five teens standing there waiting for the two. Liam quickly realizes this isn't a party and starts getting frustrated.

"...Sorry." Kira says to the boy.

"What the hell is this?" Liam says already starting to get mad.

"Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam." Stiles says to Liam.

"And we're the only ones that can help." Scott adds. Sera walks towards the boy when he starts to object.

"Just hear him out, Li. I wouldn't be letting them do this is I didn't think it would be good for you." Sera says to him and he nods his head.


"Werewolf?" Liam says pointing to Scott and he slightly smiles. They had just finished explaining everything to Liam and were hoping he would believe them. "Werecoyote?" He says pointing to Malia and she nods. "Banshee?" He says to Lydia and she slightly smiles at him and nods. "Fox?" Liam says turning to Kira behind him. Kira shrugs.

"Kitsune. But "fox" works." She says and Liam turns back to the group standing in front of him.

"Firebird?" Liam asks Sera. He couldn't quite remember what she had called herself but he knew it had to do with fire and some mythical bird.

"Phoenix." Sera corrects. "Don't worry I'm still getting used to that one too." She says reassuringly to the boy.

"What are you?" Liam asks Stiles.

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit... It was very evil..." Stiles responds.

"What are you now?"

"...Better?" Stiles says not knowing how to respond to that. Stiles accidentally kicks the bag of chains he had brought for Malia and Liam looks down at them.

"Are those for me?" He asks.

"No, they're for me." Malia says, her eyes flashing blue. Liam takes a step back, stunned by what he just saw.

"How did you do that?" He asks.

"You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon." Scott says. This seems to have cause Liam to become more irritated.

"The moon's already out." Liam points out.

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Scott asks him. Just like that it feels like a flip is switched in Liam and he gets angrier than Sera had ever seen the boy. Sure he had struggled with his anger in front of her before but never like this.

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs! You guys are out of your freaking minds! I don't know how they got you into this Sera but this isn't good for you right now!" He says looking at the girl and she tries to say something but he quickly turns to Malia. "And I don't know how you did that eye-thing, and I don't care- I'm walking out the door right now, and if any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna-" Liam screams and covers his ears, dropping to the floor. Sera walks over to the boy and kneels down to check on him.

"What's wrong? Liam?" Scott asks.

"You don't hear that?" He said groaning in pain. Everyone looks out the windows to see tons of cars pulling into the driveway. Sera signs. This is becoming a huge mess. She thinks to herself.

"Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia asks getting more worried by the second.

"My friend, Mason..." Liam says still groaning in pain. Sera rubs soothing circles into his back hoping to ease the pain. She had read last night that the pheonix can heal people through tears but she wasn't sure about pain. That seemed more like Scott's area of expertise. The pack and Liam hear the crowd of freshman outside cheering as they walk up to the front door. "You said it was a party..." Liam explains.

"Who did Mason invite?" Stiles asks no one in particular.

"Everyone." Kira says anxiously looking out the window from her spot next to the door. Liam growls and his claws come out, digging into the hardwood floor and creating deep scratch marks.

"The floors! Get him off the floors!" Lydia says walking towards the two teens on the floor of her family's lake house. Liam looks up at the group and roars. Sera scrambles back from the werewolf, remembering how Scott didn't recognize anyone his first few shifts- except for Allison, of course.

"We need to get him to the boathouse- now!" Scott says scrambling for the boy. Lydia walks over to Sera from where she too had backed up and helps her to her feet. Sera smiles at the girl and watches as Kira and Scott drag the young boy to the boathouse out back.

"Stiles...?" Malia says feeling the effects of the full moon herself.

"Yeah?" Stiles says not quite sure what's going on yet. Malia roars and that seems to get Stiles to spring into action. "Hey! Okay, basement. Now. Now!" Stiles follows after Malia but Lydia stops him.

"What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?" Lydia asks.

"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" Stiles asks her.

"What? Me! Obviously!" Lydia says slightly offended.

"Okay! Then throw a party." Stiles says as if it's obvious. Lydia sighs and looks at Sera.

"Don't look at me. I barely even go to parties." She says. Lydia groans and walks over to open the front door, Sera following behind her.

"Hey... Uh, are we in the right place...?" Mason asks her.

"...For the party?" Garret finishes. Lydia sighs.

"Absolutely." She says. The crowd of freshmen cheer and start entering the house. Sera nods as she watches the teens enter the house.

"I'll be upstairs." Sera says. She follows the crowd and walks upstairs.

"Ser- she's not going to hear me" Lydia says slamming the door closed.


Sera had been upstairs for about an hour, she didn't want to be downstairs. Even if she was helping Lydia it didn't feel right to be at a party. She had been sitting in one of the rooms upstairs hiding from all of the freshmen downstairs. Suddenly the door she had shut halfway was pushed open.

"Liam? You up here?" Mason asked as we walked in.

"Nope." Mason looks at the girl surprised.

"Oh! Well... do you know where he is?" Mason asks the girl.

"Nope." Sera says standing up.

"Do you say anything other than 'nope'?" Mason asks.

"Nope." Mason sighs.

"Do you know where Liam is or not?"

"No Mason, I have no idea where Liam is right now." Sera says. Lydia walks into the room and sighs when she sees Mason up here.

"What are you doing up here? The party's downstairs." Lydia says to the boy.

"I was looking for Liam..." mason says hoping the girl might know something seeing as Sera had been no help.

"Sorry, but missing freshmen are a little low on my priority list." Lydia says walking past him.

"But not so low you know he's a freshman?" Mason asks and Lydia sighs.

"I might have seen your friend. Downstairs." Lydia says. She accidentally drops the two glasses of wine she was holding, the wine spilling everywhere. "Oh, my God! The carpet." She says and drops to her knees and starts rubbing to the stain with her sweater. Sera kneels down next to her and uses the end of her skirt to try and help get the stain out. "No, God, no!"

"Hey, it's all right. It'll come out." Mason says reassuringly. Lydia starts crying and Sera rubs her back soothingly. "Oh, okay, I'm sorry... Was it valuable?"

"No. That's the problem-- nothing in here's valuable. We just put the house on the market. It was supposed to be left without a scratch. It has to be in perfect condition. We need every penny we can get out of this place." Lydia says staring at the floor.

"Lyds..." Sera says and hugs the girl. Sera felt bad, sure she had her own problems but she should have been paying attention to her friends too. Like Liam, he's going through so many confusing things right now and she had barely been there for him.

"Okay. Let me go get some club soda and salt." Lydia nods and Mason stands up straight. "Lydia, it'll come out. It will."

"Okay." Lydia says and Mason leaves closing the door behind him. The room became absolutely silent, all of the noise from the party completely disappearing. Lydia stands up and walks towards the door. Lydia opens the door a crack and the noise from downstairs, she closes again and the noise is eliminated once again. "... soundproof?" Lydia starts walking around the room in a daze like state.

"Lydia?" Sera asks walking in front of Lydia when she stops in the middle of the room and stares at the wall behind the record player. Sera gets a text from Scott telling her that he needs help with Liam. Sera sighs and looks at Lydia again and walks towards the door. "I'll send Kira up here to check on you. I'm sorry... but Liam needs me too.." Sera walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.


Sera had run into Argent on the way into the woods to help Scott find Liam. They had finally found Scott pinning Liam against a tree.

"Liam..." Scott says to the boy.

"This is your fault! It's all your fault! This is your fault!" Liam yells at Scott and Argent shoots a flash bomb arrow at the two boys. Liam screams and runs away. Scott turns around to see the two and looks at Argent surprised.

"How did you know?" He asks the older man.

"I got your text." Argent explains. The three walk off into the woods to go after Liam.


"There's a clearing just north of here. All you have to do is corral him there- the rest is taken care of." Argent explains to the two teens.

"What are you going to do?" Scott asks Argent. Argent stops walking to face the teen wolf.

"He's your Beta, Scott. The better question is... what are you going to do?"

"He won't listen to me." Scott argues.

"He will if you start using your own words." Argent says. Just then they hear Liam scream in pain in the distance. "Here. Go." Argent says, handing the remote to the flash bomb arrows to Scott. The two teens run off towards the sound of Liam's scream.

"What's happening to me?" Liam asks the two older teens.

"...The same thing that happened to me." Scott says to the boy, turning off the flash bombs.


After Scott and Sera had truly explained everything to the boy, Liam looked extremely scared.

"They can't know about this. My mom, my stepdad... I can't do this to them again." Liam said to the two.

"What do you mean, "again?"" Scott asks and Sera nods.

"Yeah Li, it's not like you're a bad kid." Sera adds.

"I got kicked out of school... and I deserved it. The way they looked at me, when they saw what I did to that car..." Liam explains.

"Liam, it's okay-" Scott says trying to comfort the boy.

"They can't see me like this. Like... Like..." Liam says on the verge of tears.

"Like a monster?" Scott asks quietly. Liam nods and Sera pulls him into a hug. "You're not a monster. You're a Werewolf- like me." Scott says firmly.


It took me awhile to finish this chapter but I finally did it!! Hopefully I'll be stocked up on chapters by the next time I upload a chapter.


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