Chapter 9: The Plan
"Sakura!" Yamazaki-sensei calls and the said girl steps up, onto the floor. She was dressed in a black leotard with a short cerulean blue lightweight sweater, a navy blue short loose skirt, white tights, dark cherry red leg-warmers and pointe shoes, with her long hair tied back in a low bun to keep it out of her face.
(AN: This is the style she has her hair in.)
Today in class, they were all doing small shows to show their progress and it was her turn. She takes a deep breath as she got into position, then waited to start. As soon as the music began, she started to dance. She sways, twirls and jumps so gracefully while up on her toes, everyone was in awe.
Akira herself was lost in the music and movement, something she enjoyed when she danced. As the music picked up, she reflected it her dancing. She got so lost in the dance, that she almost forgot where she was until the music stops and she finishes with an elegant twirl and pose.
"Excellent, Sakura! Very well done!" Yamazaki-sensei praises while clapping her hands. The class all join in on congratulating the girl for her performance. "Alright, girls. That will be all for today." Yamazaki-sensei announces and the girls move to leave the room to get changed and go home.
"Sakura-chan," Akira hears and turns to see Haru Okumura, a slightly older girl who took ballet lessons with her. Like the ravenette, she wore a black leotard but she had soft pink tights, a shortened light pink sweater and rose pink leg warmers with her own pointe shoes.
"Hello, Okumura-san." Akira greets.
"I just wanted to say that was amazing. You really are talented." The brunette girl praises. Akira blushes while tucking a lock of her hair back.
"Thank you." She says, flattered and a little embarrassed.
"Sakura, I'd like to talk with you real quick." Yamazaki-sensei calls. Haru then leaves the room, while Akira walks up to the woman.
"What is it, sensei?" The girl asks, a little nervous.
Yamazaki-sensei was a statuesque woman, in her late 30s to early 40s, with long straight dark brown hair tied up in a tight bun on top her head, with some grey streaks coming in, plus had a stern looking face and while she could be intimidating at times, she did have a soft side for her students. She herself wore her own black leotard with long sleeves and a short black skirt with white tights and pink ballet shoes.
"I wanted to talk about your performance." The woman replies and starts. "As always, it was spectacular. You have a real passion for ballet. Most of the other girls are here just for fun, but you... You are truly gifted. You have a bright future." She says and Akira feels happy from her words. "Having said that; what do you plan to do with yourself in the future?" She then asks.
"To become a professional dancer. It's been my dream since I was a little girl." Akira answers.
"While that's wonderful dear, there's more to life than just that." The woman says. "Even back in my younger days as a dancer in Mother Russia, I had talent, fame and grace, but at the same time I felt like something was missing from my life. Then I met my husband and found that something. He brought me to his home and I retired from dancing, and became a teacher." She recounts.
"My point is dear, you have the passion and potential to be a fantastic dancer, and you can still pursue your dream, but you need something more in life." The woman then reiterates and Akira understood the basics of what she meant. "Just make sure to take my words into consideration." She says and Akira nods, then leaves the room to change and go home, thinking over Yamazaki-sensei's words.
~Take Your Time~
After they left the Palace, Ryuji and Ren decided to stop for beef bowls as they were both hungry. While eating their food, Ren proceeded to explain to his new friend about his situation.
"What?! The hell, man! How shittier can that asshole get!?" Ryuji exclaims.
"Dude, calm down. You don't want to make a scene do you?" Ren chastises the other boy.
"But, just hearing your story pisses me off!" The blonde retorts, then manages to calm down and goes back to eating. "So, you left your hometown, you're living here, with Sakura-san and her Dad, huh?" He summarizes.
"Dude, don't talk with your mouth full." Ren scolds him. "But yes, that about sums it all up." He then confirms.
"Huh? We might just be more alike than I originally thought." The other boy says thoughtfully. That got Ren thinking as well.
"You might be right about that." The glasses boy replies.
"You're the first guy that made me think that. I guess it's how we're both treated like a pain in the ass by everyone around us, like we don't belong. I did something stupid at school before, too." The faux blonde says then scarfs down his bowl.
"The place you're living in now is in... Yongen, right? It's rush hour right now on the subways. I suggest you kill some time before heading home." He advises then notices Ren's bowl. "What the hell, man. You barely touched your food." He says and added more to it.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Ren asks.
"Just lemme do it. I gotta thank you for helping me." The faux blonde responds. "Anyways, I got your back if you got mine from tomorrow on. As long as we do something about, I'm sure we'll both feel better about begin at school." He says and Ren agrees. "Oh yeah! Tell me your number, and Chat ID." The blonde requests and the two boys exchange their contact info.
"Just you wait Kamoshida... We're gonna start right away tomorrow. First, let's hit up those guys that were kept as slaves. The volleyball rally's tomorrow, huh? Shit was recommended by Kamoshida. Makes me wanna gag. But thanks to that, we don't have any afternoon classes and can walk around unnoticed.
"Well, I guess we can out the details tomorrow..." He, sort of, maps out the plan. "Let's do this, Renren." The said boy freezes when the blonde calls him that, and the other boy notices. "Something wrong? Do you not like the name?" He asks.
"Uh, no. That's not it. It's just, no one's called me that in a long time now." The ravenette replies.
"You had a friend who called you that?" Ryuji asks.
"Yeah, but, I don't know where he is now. We haven't seen each other in years." Ren replies and admits, reminiscing about his old childhood friend. It's been so long, he barely remembered the boy. Only recalling that he was older and was there for him whenever times were tough.
"Anyway, you got to eat more. There's ton of ginger here, man." The blonde says, changing the subject and piles more on Ren's bowl.
~Take Your Time~
After finishing their food, the two leave the restaurant and take the train. They split up at Yongen-Jaya and go their separate ways home. Ren makes his way to the café in the alleyway, which was still open.
"Hey, you just get back?" He turns to see Akira coming up behind him.
"Yeah." Ren replies.
"Me too. The trains home got delayed so it took me a bit. Did you navigate your way alright?" She says then asks.
"Yeah, I was just eating with a friend." The boy tells her.
"I see. I should be heading home now. Later." She says and starts walking away.
"Uh, Sakura-san," Ren calls and the girl turns to him. "You know, the PE teacher, Mr. Kamoshida. He also coaches volleyball, I think you should avoid him. He just—"
"I know. I already ran into him." Akira cuts him off and Ren feels a shiver run down his spine. "Trust me, I think I'd rather avoid him. He kind of creeps me out." She admits. "Anyway, see you tomorrow." She says next and walks back to the house. Ren sighs then heads inside the café.
"...You're home. Akira told me you actually made it to school today. I also saw you two talking outside." Sojiro says when he sees him and Ren freezes.
"Uh, oh, I was only welcoming her home. I promise, Boss." The boy responds nervously.
"Well, I guess you get it then. Eh, as long as you're not getting into trouble, it's fine by me." The man says. "Look, I don't know what you've been up to, but trust me, you'll be gone if you start causing problems. In case you forgot, your life is not a free one anymore." He adds.
"Yes, sir. I understand." Ren replies then get a notice on his phone, taking it out to see he had a text from Ryuji.
Ryuji: Hey, I decided to go ahead and message you.
Ryuji: Can you see this?
Ren: Yeah, I see it.
Ryuji: Good. I'm gonna be counting on you tomorrow, OK?
Ren: Got it.
Ryuji: You're a real bro, man...
Ryuji: Welp, seeya tomorrow!
Ryuji: Let's save those guys who've been abused. You and me!
"...Sheesh, are you listening to me?" Sojiro's voice snaps his attention back to the man. "Just stay away from bad influences, okay?" He tells him. Better not tell him about Ryuji then. "Well, I'm heading home for the night. I'll lock up the store. Don't go wandering out, all right?" The man says next then leaves the café.
Ren sighs then heads upstairs to get ready for bed. He set his stuff aside and changed into his pajamas. He also brought out the money he had saved up. At least he managed to keep it. He walks over to his bed, when he gets another text alert on his phone. He checks to see it's Ryuji again.
Ryuji: That thingy on your phone was some red eyeball icon, right?
Ren: The what?
Ren: You mean the Navigation App?
Ryuji: Yeah, that thing.
Ryuji: We ended up at that weird when we used the app, right?
Ryuji: I just found it on my phone too...
Ryuji: I don't even installing it...
Ren: Really?
Ren: That's creepy.
Ryuji: For real. What is this thing?
Ryuji: Think it downloaded on its own somehow?
Ryuji: It's dangerous to use something without knowing what it is...
Ren: Well, that didn't stop you earlier from activating it!
Ryuji: Oh... Sorry...
Ryuji: Anyway, with it we can go to the castle, right?
Ren: Most likely.
Ryuji: Basically, it's gonna depend on how we use it.
Ryuji: But first we gotta get evidence of the abuse.
Ryuji: I'll be counting on you, all right? Don't go ditching school on me.
Ren: Wouldn't dream of it.
Ren: Speaking of, gotta head to bed.
Ren: Night, Ryuji.
Ryuji: Night, Renren.
Ren put down his phone and got into bed, the day's events replaying in his mind. Especially what happened in the castle/Palace. Somehow, it was even crazier than the last time. Though at least he now understood more about that place and what it was, but that guy, Kamoshida... Does he actually think of Ann as his personal floozy and Akira as his, private dancer!? Talk about sick!
He couldn't wait to get that guy for his crimes. Though somehow, he felt it wasn't going to be that easy. He shook his head and pulled up the blanket then promptly fell asleep. Resting up for the next day, and the volleyball rally.
~Take Your Time~
Ren awoke to find himself once again in the Velvet Room. Oh great, he was back here... He quickly got up and walked up to the barred door, facing the twins and Igor. God this place and these people were creepy. What do they want with him this time?
"Welcome to the Velvet Room." Igor greets him like usual. "I thought about resuming our previous conversation from last night. That is why I've summoned you here." He explains. "What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?" He then asks.
"How am I supposed to get accustomed to this?" Ren thought, butdecided to remain quiet, so Igor continues.
"The goal of your rehabilitation is to thwart the fated ruin. However, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. Today, you entered a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power as you, did you not?" The long-nosed man says.
"Partnership? You mean Ryuji?" Ren asks.
"Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well so far." Igor replies. "That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help mature as well." He says and explains.
"Personas are the strength of the heart... The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain." Justine explains. Wait, Personas?
"There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power." Caroline says next.
"Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition. We have a deal then." Igor remarks with a chuckle and suddenly a voice spoke in his mind, like what happened with Ryuji earlier, about a vow and Fool...something. This must what they were talking about.
"Well, you will understand it all in due time... Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation." Igor says and advises.
"Now, this conversation's over. Get lost, Inmate!" Caroline tells him and once again the surroundings began fading away and he eventually woke up back in reality.
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