Chapter 19: Clotho and the Tower
Akira sighed as she packs up her stuff, ready to join up with the others and head into the Palace again today. She walks out of her classroom, Ryuji having already left earlier, and down the hall.
"Ah, Sakura-chan~." The girl froze at the familiar voice and slowly turns to see Kamoshida as he approaches her. "Just the girl I wanted to see. You mind coming with me for a bit?" He says then asks.
"I, I don't have the time today sensei." She replies nervously.
"Oh come on, you always say that. I really would like to talk." The man says, in a fake hurt tone, while practically backing the girl against the wall.
"Really, sensei, I'm not interested in volleyball." She says nervously.
"Oh, I don't mean that." The man replies as he leans over her. The girl shakes as he stares down intently at her, then jumps when she feels a hand on her leg. She looks down to see his hand sliding up her thigh, towards her skirt. "Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while." He says in to her ear.
She shivers, then in a burst of adrenaline, stomps hard on his foot, then kicks his shin. The man groans and backs away, nursing his injured foot and shin. Quickly taking advantage of his distraction, Akira runs, heading for the school entrance. She runs out of the building and into the alley, where the others were waiting.
"Akira? Are you okay?" Ann asks as she walks over to the panting girl.
"I, hah, I ran into Kamoshida." The ravenette replies and explains what transpired between them.
"Fucking asshole! Let's go take that Treasure!" Ryuji exclaims and they proceed to activate the Meta-Nav and head into Kamoshida's palace.
As they approach the Castle, heading towards their vent entrance, Odile notices a door to the side with a familiar blue hue. It looked like a theater door, like the one you'd find in the backstage area. Outside said door, stood Justine, looking at her.
"The master wishes to speak with you, Miss Marionette." She says and the door opens on its own. While unsure, she felt compelled to comply and walks through the door, finding herself on the Velvet Room stage, Igor at his desk looking at her with his creepy smile and bloodshot eyes.
"Welcome back, Lady Trickster." The long nosed man greets.
"Why am I here? You obviously brought me in for a reason." Akira questions.
"Indeed. I see you've collected a few new Personas. It is time for my assistants to help you." The man states and the twin girls walk out.
"We are here to assist you in fusing Personas, Miss Doll." Caroline says.
"Choose which Personas you wish to have fused." Justine says next.
Taking Pixie and Silky, the two girls proceed to display the Personas on the stage, Justine takes something from her bag and tosses it at the two personas. She then snaps her fingers, causing everything to suddenly go dark, when a spot light lights up and shines down on the two.
Caroline then raises her wand and begins waving it, an azure blue light gathering around the two Personas. The two began circling each other, the spotlight moving with them, before the light and the two combine into one.
"I am Clotho. From now on I shall live inside of you as your new mask." The new persona says then transforms in a mask and bonds with her.
"Very well done." Igor praises. "Now, continue gathering new personas and bring them here. Where they will be made a new." He says and things go bright white.
"Odile!?" She hears her codename being called and turns to see the thief team all looking at her in concern.
"What?" She asks, confused.
"You okay, man? You suddenly went blank faced there for a second. Kinda like Joker sometimes." Skull says. Huh? Does that mean to them she was just standing still the whole time? Joker looked at her with an expression she couldn't describe.
"We don't have time for this. We need to get going." Mona says impatient and they quickly head inside, making their way back to the cathedral like place.
"Get down!" Joker warns and they quickly duck into the dark areas. "Guards." He says directing to the shadows walking around the altar.
"Crap! What do we do?!" Skull asks as the Shadows were everywhere, giving them little room to move around without being discovered. The thieves' leader looks around, then sees something. He looks back to his team then points up to a ledge.
"Good thinking, Joker." Mona agrees. "Oh yeah, Odile I have something for you." The not-cat says and hands the girl a thick leather bracelet.
"Thanks, but, what is it?" She asks while looking over the band.
"It sort of like Joker's own grappling hook, only in a smaller package. I figured with your dance background you could handle it like Joker." The not-cat explains. Fair... Odile proceeds to attach the bracelet to her left wrist, under her sleeve.
Armed with their tools, the two use their hooks, with Odile's being more of a wire with an arrowhead, to get up to the platform, Skull and Mona with Joker and Panther with Odile. Luckily, they manage to get up without alerting the shadows.
"Whew! Nice grappling you two. We can move around without getting spotted now! Let's get going." Mona says and they get moving.
They transverse over the rafters, above the Shadow guards, finding a few treasure chests containing useful items, and eventually making it to an outside area on the castle roof.
"Hey, take a look at that!" Skull says, pointing to a tower behind it.
"That must be the tower shown on the second map." Mona deduces.
"So the treasure's up there then." Panther guesses.
"Hell yeah, we did it! So... where's the entrance?" Skull says then asks, when a bunch of guards suddenly appear. "Ugh, not again..." He groans.
"It's no surprise that security would be tight around here." Mona says. "But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained! Let's go, thieves!" He encourages.
The said thieves quickly move in, jumping and taking down the shadows. Though the guards were tough, they managed to beat them in the end. Once the enemies were defeated, Joker and Odile use their grappling hook/wire to get up to the roof and make their way into the tower. They scale the outside, then enter in through an open window and into a strange room.
"Wh-what's going on?" Panther exclaims as the room around them was shifting.
"The distortion is getting stronger... The Treasure has to be nearby!" Mona says.
They make their way through the room, making sure to be careful of the raised and sunken parts of the floor, freaky. They reach the other door, but it was barred so they couldn't go through. They decided to take a different route, though this led to a room with sculptures of female torsos. Yuck! Talk about revolting.
"Hey! What's that?" Panther asks and they turn to a strange platform comprised of four of the female torso sculptures as something like pillars.
"The eff is that? Some sort of trap?" Skull theorizes.
"Hmm... It could be a secret room. Let's check it out and see!" Mona suggests. The thieves go into the room and over to the platform. As they all got on, Joker noticed a pedestal with a lever and pulls it down. The opening of the platform then closes and the whole thing shakes as it lowers down.
"Wow! What the eff?!" Skull exclaims, having been thrown off-balance.
"So this is actually an elevator." Odile says just as the elevator stops. The thieves exit it and start looking around. They soon come to the end of a hallway, where the wall was a giant painting of King Kamoshida.
"Ew... Disgusting..." Panther said, revolted. She wasn't the only one.
"Ulgh... Seriously, this is getting ridiculous now." Odile voices her own thoughts.
"Either way... It's a little strange this would be a dead end." Mona comments.
"Eh, the guy's just showing off while mocking us. Bastard." Skull groans.
"Hmm, is it really just that though?" Joker mumbles then walks up to the picture. He nearly gags at the image but manages to hold it in and starts searching around it. He doesn't find anything, but then touches the painting and it shifts. He pushes against it, and suddenly falls forward.
"Woah!" He hears Odile exclaim and his team grab him, but are pulled with him. They all fall forward, the painting spinning around as they land on the other side. "Ow... What was that?" Odile asks as they get up and look around.
"Huh? This looks familiar..." Skull says.
"It's the castle entrance hall. How did we end up here?" Odile says then asks.
"The painting is a secret passage." Mona explains.
"Who'd think we'd end up here though." Panther comments.
"Hey, wait a minute! There used to be a ton of soldiers wandering around here... but I don't see any of them now..." Skull comments.
"That is weird, but we can't focus on that at the moment. We need to keep moving." Joker says and they follow his lead.
With nothing of interest in the entrance hall, they go back through the rotating painting and back to the, disturbing, elevator. They go back up the tower and continue their way through it, with Odile getting two new Personas in Succubus and Angel along the way, then finding an odd hall with suspended grates held up by chains, so Joker went to walk through it.
"Wait!" Odile cries as she grabs Joker, holding him back. Good thing too, as a giant pendulum axe came swinging and nearly sliced him.
"Thanks." The boy tells his fellow thief who just saved his life.
"Whoa! Good one, Odile, that was close! Wait... What the heck is that?" Panther praises then questions.
"A classic security measure. Our tails would be in danger if we try to force our way through..." Mona says.
"No kidding. What do we do? There's no way we're getting through here." Skull says then asks. Joker looked like he was thinking, when he sees a King Kamoshida bust statue next to the hall entrance.
"Seriously? Can this asshole get anymore full of himself?" Odile scoffs.
"No kidding... Hang on, I think I've seen something like this before." Joker agrees then recalls.
"Yeah, you're right. You think this controls those swinging axes?" Skull asks. The thief leader then steps up to the statue and pulls it jaw down, but the axes don't stop.
"I figured it wasn't going to be that easy. We probably need to find some other way through." Mona says.
"Hang on, why are the eye sockets empty?" Odile suddenly asks and everyone looks to see she was right. The eye sockets of the bust were in fact, empty.
"Oh man, does this mean that the keys are the missing eyes and were gonna have to collect them? Not again..." Skull groans.
"Where would they be though? There weren't any suspicious rooms on the way here." Panther inquires.
"Hm... What do you think, Joker?" Mona asks their leader.
"Either there's a hidden room, or an enemy has them." The boy theorizes.
"According to the map there's no such room, but that thing about enemies is the most likely scenario." The not-cat agrees.
"An enemy? You mean one of the Shadows roaming around? Dude, how many of 'em do you think there are? We can't beat every single one of them down!" Skull says with a groan. He, did have a point.
"The key is for this tower, so it would have to be one of the Shadows here. On top of that, it would have to be a relatively high-ranking one to be entrusted with something so important." Mona says.
"So we just need to find Shadows like that and defeat them." Odile puts together.
"Precisely. Let's move out people! We need to find the Shadow with the key." The feline confirms then orders and they go looking a Shadow fitting the description.
It took some time, and going through a lot of enemy Shadows, including getting chased by a few, when they found a couple gold knights. They were tough, but they managed to defeat them and get both the keys. The thieves then made their way back to the pendulum hall and King Kamoshida bust.
"Well we both eyes now. Try putting them in, Joker!" Mona says and the phantom thief inserts the eyes into the empty sockets. Finished, he pulls the jaw again, and this time the axes did stop, opening up the path for them.
"Awesome man! We can get across now!" Skull says and they make their way through the hall, over the weird metal grate bridge. It was kind of unstable, but they managed to get across, partially thanks to Odile's amazing balance.
They made their way up another flight of stairs, where at the top they find a large ornate door, which tsphey try to get it open, but found it was locked. So, using one of the female torso pillars, seriously what the hell, they get in through an open window and land on an indoor balcony.
"Great! We're in!" Skull exclaims.
"Quiet down, you idiot! Look!" Mona scolds then says and everyone looks down. Below them was what looked to be a throne room, where King Kamoshida stood before the said throne and a ton of his Shadow knights.
"How have you not captured the intruders yet!?" He yells angrily.
"I-I apologize, my liege!" A knight replies nervously.
"Wow, I bet he'd never imagine we'd be in the same room as him." Mona comments.
"Or above him. It's pretty obvious he thinks he's above everyone else. When in reality, he's among the lowest of the low." Odile spits.
"Come on, let's keep moving. Make sure to keep down and not be spotted." Joker instructs and they get moving again. They sneak over the balcony, making sure to stay hidden and get to the room in the back, without King Kamoshida or any of his guards noticing. Through the door they find a small room and another door.
"Whoa, what is this place?! Holt shit!" Skull exclaims as they go through the door to find what could only be described as a royal treasure room, with so much gold that it covered the whole floor. "That Treasure has to be here!" The faux-blonde adds.
"Hey, what's this thing? It's... floating in the air." Panther points out a strange glowing object. That had no shape.
"Mona, is this the treasure?" Odile asks, as the said not-cat hops on a fallen pot.
"Hehe... That's correct, Odile. We finally found it!" He then answers.
"What? This cloudy thing? Are you sure?" Joker asks confused.
"Just hold on a second. I was planning on explaining more once we made it this far. Simply put, finding the Treasure isn't enough. We need to make it materialize before we actually steal it." Mona explains.
"Huh? What do ya mean?" Skull asks.
"Desires technically don't have physical form by nature. Hence, we first need to make the person in the real world aware that their desires are in fact a Treasure that can be taken. Once they're conscious of such a possibility, the Treasure will then show itself." Mona answers the faux-blonde.
"But how do we do that?" Panther asks.
"We warn them. We tell them, 'We're going to steal your heart'." He replies.
"So in other words, we'll be sending Kamoshida a calling card. Warning him that his dark desires will be taken like an object could be taken." Odile sums up.
"Cool! So just like real Phantom Thieves!" Skull exclaims.
"Once we send the calling, the Treasure will appear for certain! I think..." Mona says, then adds unsure.
"That again? Either way it sounds like it's worth giving it a shot!" Skull responds.
"First time for everything." Odile agrees.
"Our infiltration route is secure. All that's left is to make a calling card in reality, send it to Kamoshida, then come back to take the Treasure!" Mona summarizes.
"So, this is it huh?" Panther says.
"Yeah. It's finally time." Joker confirms. He himself was unsure. After all this, traveling through the Palace, beating Shadows, gaining more Personas, it was finally time to steal the bastard's heart. "Let's do it." He said with confidence.
"That's the spirit!" Mona praises. "Know, that once we send out the calling card, there will be no turning back." He adds with seriousness. With that, the phantom thieves make a quick exit, and leave the palace.
~Take Your Time~
The next day, the group arrives at school and meet up on the roof. It was raining, so they took shelter under the roof hanging, while discussing about their plans for the calling card and stealing Kamoshida's heart.
"All right! All that's left now is to send oud the calling card and take Kamoshida's heart!" Morgana announces.
"Couldn't we have just sent one at the beginning of all this...?" Ryuji questions.
"It's not exactly that simple. A Treasure won't stay materialized forever. Once the impression of it being stolen is gone, the treasure will disappear with it. I think it will last, around a day at most." The tuxedo cat answers and explains.
"The hell...? That's like, no time at all!" The punk-like boy complains. "Anyways, we can send a calling card right now, yeah? Let's do it and steal that bastard's heart!" He says, excitedly.
"Right. Let's send out the calling card then." Ren declares.
"Ah yeah! I've been waiting for you to say that!" The faux-blonde exclaims.
"So it's finally time." Akira mumbles.
"So we'll send the calling card in the morning, then carry out the rest of the plan by the end of the day, right?" Ann asks to confirm.
"Correct. The effect won't last that long. Are you worried?" Morgana confirms then asks her.
"Heh. Been waiting too long." The ash blonde replies.
"Perfect!" The feline replies.
"We're going to pull this off, no matter what." The girl says with assurance.
"Agreed. It's time he's finally put in his rightful place." Akira adds in agreement.
"Okay, who's going to write the card then?" Morgana asks.
"Leave it to me!" Ryuji volunteers enthusiastically.
"I'll write it." Akira jumps in and everyone turns to her in shock.
"What?! Oh come on! I can do it!" The faux blonde whines.
"It's not that I don't trust you Sakamoto, I just got some things I want to say to him." Akira replies. "You can design the card and handle getting it to Kamoshida, I'll write down the message and then email it to you." She suggests.
"Mmm... Okay, I can do that." Ryuji agrees and gives her his email address.
"Well, with that handle, let's move out." Morgana says and they all head home for the day.
~Take Your Time~
When Ren arrived back at the café, deciding to study a bit and Sojiro even gave him a crossword puzzle to do. Good, since he needed something to get his mind off things. The man soon left, so Ren went up to his room and went on to make some lock picks for their final bought in Kamoshida's Palace.
"You okay?" Morgana asks, startling the boy out of his focus induced trance. "Sorry. You seemed out of it." The feline apologizes. Ren sighs.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, a lot on my mind." The boy replies.
"The Palace and stealing the Treasure, right?" The not-cat guesses.
"Yeah... I hate Kamoshida at this point, and don't care if he lives or not. But at the same time, him possibly dying makes me feel anxious. Besides, it just means he gets off easy in the long run. I'd rather he be alive and face the consequences of his actions." Ren responds.
"I see. Don't worry, he's gonna pay." Morgana replies. "We've got a long day tomorrow. We should get some sleep." He says and the two get ready for bed.
~Take Your Time~
Akira smirks as she finished typing up the message for the calling card, feeling proud of herself. Since she arrived at Shujin, and met the man, he's been giving her a hard time, like so many men throughout her life. She had it with being the damsel in distress, it was time someone stood up to him.
"Just you wait, Kamoshida. Your 'reign' ends here." She says then proceeds to send the message to Ryuji.
AN: Hey guys, sorry for being gone for so long. I'm back now and ready to write the final confrontation in Kamoshida's Palace. I hope you guys like the changes and added mechanics for the story. Hope you enjoy, tell me what you thought in the comments section below. Till next time! *Waves*
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