Chapter 12: Aftermath and Decision

Akira groans as her consciousness slowly started returning to her. She blinks her eyes open to see bright lights overhead and she found she was surrounded by the color white. Where was she? What happened?

"Sakura-chan?" She hears the familiar voice from before and looks to her left to see, Okumura?! Dressed in the Shujin Academy uniform with the addition of a pink sweater over it.

"Okumura-san? Where am I?" Akira asks groggily while rubbing her eyes, noticing she wasn't wearing her glasses.

"You're in the school Nurse's Office, you fainted earlier when Suzui-san jumped." The older girl replies and that's when Akira remembers... Suzui jumped from the roof.

"Oh my god, Suzui! Is she okay?! Is she alive?!" The girl asks, panicked.

"Calm down, she's alright, the paramedics came and took her to the hospital." Haru replies, attempting to comfort the younger girl. "Are you okay, Sakura-chan? I mean, you fainted." She then asks the ravenette.

"I'm okay now. It just, brought up some bad memories." The bespectacled girl replies. "By the way, what are you doing here, Okumura-san?" She asks the older girl.

"I'm actually a third-year student here. So I guess we might be seeing a lot more of each other." The light brown haired girl answers.

"Oh, I guess I'll have to call you Okumura-senpai now." Akira says and then Mr. Inui walks into the office.

"Ah, Miss Sakura, I'm glad to see you're awake." He says.

"Mr. Inui, is Suzui-san okay?" Akira asks him.

"We got a call from the hospital. She's alive, but is also in a coma. They don't know when she will regain consciousness, but she is stable." The teacher replies and Akira let out a sigh of relief. Thank god she was at least alive. "We also called your father and he's coming to pick you up." He informs then turns to Haru. "You can return to class now, Okumura-san." He tells her.

"Sir, if it's okay, I would like to stay with Sakura-chan until her father arrives." The girl requests.

"Alright, you can stay with Sakura." Mr. Inui permits.

~Take Your Time~

Ren couldn't comprehend how the school could just continue after Suzui's suicide attempt. The girl just tried to kill herself, because Kamoshida assaulted her! Does no one care?! Takamaki was right! This place was just a sorry excuse of a school! Just thinking about what Kamoshida did to poor Suzui, he felt sick. He was once again reminded of that woman... He then stood up from his chair with his hand over his mouth.

"Amamiya-kun, you need to sit back down for class." The teacher says. Ren wasn't listening, he couldn't take it! He was going to be sick! Scratch that, he already was sick! He had to get out of here! "Amamiya!" The teacher calls as he runs out of the classroom and down the hallway to the school bathroom.

He runs into the men's room then into one of the stalls, where he vomits into the toilet, emptying whatever was in his stomach until he was dry heaving. He felt dizzy and nauseated, but also a little better after getting it out. 

He flushes the toilet of the vomit then goes to the sink to wash his face and also rinse the putrid puke taste out of his mouth. When he finishes, he walks out of the bathroom to return to class.

"Kid?" The boy stops and turns to see Sojiro standing behind him.

"S-Sakura-san? What are you doing here?" He asks the barista.

"The school called me. Akira apparently fainted, so I'm here to take her home." The man replies.

"What? Is she okay?" The teenage boy asks, worried.

"I'm not sure, so far she seems to be alright. I was also informed of the girl who jumped from the roof." He adds then notices Ren's pale complexion and shaky figure. "What about you? Are you alright? You look a little ill kid." He inquires.

"Uh... I'm fine, maybe a little dizzy." The boy says in response, trying to keep his cool.

"You want me to take you home too?" The man offers. Ren honestly would like to go leave, but he and Ryuji already had agreed to meet after to school to talk to Morgana about his offer.

"No, I'm okay. I can get through the day." He replies and the man sighs.

"At least let me take you to the Nurse's, I'm already heading there myself to pick up Akira." The go-tee man says and led the boy down the hall to the Nurse's Office. They entered to find Mr. Inui by one of the beds where Akira laid along with another girl next to her.

"Ah, Mr. Sakura, glad you can make it on such short notice." The teacher says to the café owner. "I have to get back to class now, so I'll leave the rest to you." He adds then leaves.

"Hey, Dad." Akira greets, then noticed Ren. "Amamiya-kun? What are you doing here?" She asks.

"He didn't feel too well, so I brought him to the Nurse's." Sojiro answers and the mysterious girl then stood up.

"Well, I should be heading back to class now. See you later, Sakura-chan." The girl says then leaves the room.

"Yeah, see you too, Okumura-senpai." Akira calls to her.

"Hmm? Do you know that girl, Akira?" Sojiro asks.

"Mm-hm. She's a third year student here, and also goes to the same ballet class as me." The ravenette girl replies.

"Speaking of, you still want to go later? You can skip today." The man suggests.

"No, I just need some rest. I can still go." Akira replies, she then slides out of bed, grabs her stuff and the two head out, leaving Ren alone in the Nurse's Office.

~Take Your Time~

Later after school, Ren and Ryuji met up with Morgana in the school courtyard at the vending machines, with the said cat having witnessed the whole thing... Suzui's suicide attempt, Mishima's explanation and their confrontation with Kamoshida.

"We can't waste any time. We gotta hurry and go to that world and beat the shit out of that asshole!" Ryuji exclaims as he slams his fist into one of the machines.

"We're not beating him up. We're simply stealing his distorted desires." Morgana tells the faux blonde.

"Still... We got to stop him before any more victims take drastic measures like this. They might not be so lucky next time." Ren states, having a point. Suzui was lucky to be alive, even if she was in a coma, the next one who decides to jump might not be.

"Then can I assume that both of you have made up your mind about this—about how he might suffer a mental shutdown?" The cat asks.

"I have... Someone almost died because of him! I don't give a rat's ass what happens to that bastard anymore!" Ryuji replies with determination.

"Yeah. It doesn't matter if he lives or not at this point. He's not going anywhere near, Sakura-san." Ren says, just as determined.

"Then it's settled." The cat declares.

"By the way, is getting rid of a Palace hard? You've tried it before, right?" Ryuji then asks.

"When did I ever say that?" Morgana answers, with a question... Wait a minute!

"Are you saying you actually haven't does this before?" Ren asks.

"What?! Were you just pretending to know?!" The blonde boy exclaims.

"Is it true that you're getting expelled?" A new voice chimes in and they all turn to see Takamaki, back from the hospital. "Everyone's talking about it..." She says.

"That asshole's at it again!" Ryuji growls. "So you came all this way to tell us that?" He then asks the girl.

"If you're going to deal with Kamoshida... then let me in on it too." She replies, shocking them. "I can't just sit back and do nothing, not after what happened to Shiho!" She declares.

"This has nothing to do with you... Don't butt your head into this..." Ryuji says.

"But it does! Shiho's my—"

"I said don't get in our way!" The boy cuts her off. The girl is silent, then runs away.

"That was harsh." Morgana says.

"We can't take her somewhere like that..." The faux blonde replies.

"You didn't have to tell her off like that." Ren says, though he understood.

"I hope she doesn't do anything too crazy. Woman can be much bolder than men at times." The cat then says.

"We just got to hurry up and deal with Kamoshida. Let's go already." The bottle blonde says and they head out, making their way out of the school building and to the alleyway to enter Kamoshida's palace. Not realizing they had a tail.

"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, so I hope you're ready." Morgana says.

"Huh? Phantom thieves?" Ryuji questions.

"Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal Treasure—that is what we'll become!" The cat says in response.

"Phantom thieves, huh?" Ren thought, feeling a twinge of excitement. He had read stories about phantom thieves and had actually imagined himself in such situations before. "Okay." He says.

"Dude... What's with the twinkle in your eye? Thought, that does sound kind of cool!" The blonde boy says. "So we just say Shujin, Kamoshida's name, and... "castle"? Then we end up in bizarro world." He says. Ren pulls out his phone and brings up the app.

"It's already saved." He says

"Huh?" Ryuji says and brings out his own phone. "How the hell's all this work? Someone make it?" He questions. Ren wasn't sure if he should tell them about Igor and the Velvet Room. Would they believe him? Well, maybe they would after everything's that happened.

"Whatever... We'll show that effin' Kamoshida!" He says with determination.

"Let's go." Ren then says and activates the app and it starts to speak like last time.

"Kamoshida... Shujin Academy... Pervert... Castle... Beginning Navigation. Entering, Castle of Lust." It says and once again the world warps and changes around them into the castle. They approach the front gate, dressed in their phantom wear.

"All right! It's time to bust on through!" Ryuji exclaims.

"What is this?!" They hear a voice turn to see, Takamaki?! How'd she get here?!

"T-Takamaki?!" Ryuji says surprised as the girl approaches.

"That voice... Sakamoto?! And... are you Amamiya-kun?!" The girl says, shocked.

"Wh-Wh-Why are you here?!" The sunny blonde exclaims.

"How should I know?!" She responds while look around confused. "What's going on? Hey, where are we?! Isn't this the school?!" She questions.

"I see. Perhaps she was dragged here because of the app things." Morgana says. Ren swore he looked moonstruck for a sec there. "If multiple people can enter along with the person who uses it, it stands to reason it'll pull anyone nearby as well." He says. Oh, that did actually make sense.

"Wait, so THIS is related to Kamoshida?" Takamaki asks, turning her attention back to them.

"Anyways, you gotta leave!" Ryuji says.

"What?! No!" She refuses.

"He's right, it's not safe here." Ren agrees.

"The Shadows are going to find us if you make a scene." Morgana tells her.

"No way! It talked?! Oh my god, it's a monster cat!" The girl freaks out at Morgana, who looks flabbergasted. "You better explain what's going on! I won't leave until you do!" She exclaims and Ryuji sighs.

"Looks like we gotta force her out. But, how do we supposed to do that?" He says.

"Just take her back to where we came in. That's how it worked last time, right?" Morgana, having snapped out of his frozen state, says.

"O-Oh, yeah." The boy says and looks at Ren. "Can you lend me a hand?" He asks.

"I feel bad for this..." He admits and the two approach Takamaki.

"What're you—?" She says as they grab her by the arms.

"Sorry, we'll explain after everything's over! Promise!" Ryuji says and they lead the girl back to where they come in and literally throw her out, then return to the castle drawbridge.

"We better be careful from now on when we use that app." Ryuji says with a sigh.

"You should've checked the tools you use!" Morgana exclaims. "Why do I—the one who is just watching—know more about it than you two?!" He questions.

"Sh-Shut up!" The blonde responds. "Ah geez, Takamaki found out right when we were starting off... We gotta deal with this fast!" He adds.

"That girl's name Ann Takamaki, right?" The not-cat asks. "Lady Ann..." He says a little dreamily. "And the other's was—"

"Morgana, castle, Kamoshida, remember?" Ren interrupts and reminds.

"Uh! Right! Let's go!" The not-cat exclaims and they all advance towards the castle. "The Shadows have noticed us. You better brace yourselves, got it?" He informs then turns to Ren. "We're counting on you, Joker!" He says. Huh?

"What did you just call me?" The ravenette asks.

"It's a codename. What kind of phantom thief would use their real name? And there's no telling what kind of effect yelling our real names will have on the Palace... It's just a precaution." He replies. That does make some kind of sense.

"Okay. So, why's he Joker then?" Ryuji then asks.

"Because he's our trump card when it comes to fighting." The not-cat replies.

"Well, okay. Not bad." Ren responds.

"It's settled then! Next up is you, Ryuji. You'll be... Let's see... 'Thug'." Morgana suggests.

"Are you picking a fight with me!?" The blonde says in outrage.

"How about "Skull" then? After your mask." Ren suggests.

"Oh, yeah! That sounds totally awesome! I'm Skull!" The blonde agrees. "So what do we do about your codename then?" He asks Morgana.

"Well, in the metaverse, you should call me, 'Milord'." The not-cat says.

"I'm not calling you that." Ryuji rejects.

"How about, 'Mona'?" Ren then suggests.

"Nice, I have been calling you Monamona, anyway." The blonde admits.

"Well if you think it's easier to call me that, then fine." The cat agrees. "All right. From here on out, we're Joker, Skull and Mona. We need to be absolutely thorough about using these code names from now on!" He states.

"Alright! Let's go and steal this Treasure thing and bring down Kamoshida!" Skull exclaims and they all head into the castle.

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