Chapter 10: The Rally
The next day, Ren once again had curry and coffee for breakfast, then he and Akira head to school together. As they walk to the school they overhear two boys talking about the volleyball rally today. Ren winced when they mentioned the volleyball team practice... They had no idea.
Once they made it to the school, Ren and Akira once again split up to head to their separate classrooms. After the first half of classes concluded, Kawakami announced that the rally was starting and they proceeded to change into gym clothes and head to the gymnasium. Ren met with Ryuji and they both sat off to the side and watched.
~Take Your Time~
After Akira and her classmates changed their clothes, they all head to the gymnasium where the rally was being held. A team of teachers vs a team of students. Akita ended up sitting at the end next to another girl with ash blonde and light blue eyes, who wasn't really watching the game and was just playing with her twin tails.
"You the other transfer student?" The blonde girl suddenly asks Akira.
"Huh? Oh, yes. My name is Akira Sakura." The raven-haired girl replied.
"I'm Ann Takamaki." The girl introduces. "I love your hair, it's so beautiful." She compliments. It was surprisingly not as uncomfortable with her then with the other girls in class.
"Thank you, I've been growing it out for a while now." Akira says while twirling a lock of her own hair around her finger, the other girl smiling at her.
"So, do you know Amamiya-kun by any chance?" She suddenly asks. Sh, there it is. "Sorry, it's just, Amamiya is in my class, and you kind of look alike, so I was just curious." She apologizes and explains. Akira sighs.
"It's okay. No, we're not related. My Dad is his guardian for his probation so he's staying with us." The raven-haired girl replies.
"Oh, I see." Ann says and turns back to the game. Akira also watches, then notices Amamiya sitting with Sakamoto off to the side. She sighs while shaking her head. She told him to stay away from the blonde boy.
Her attention was directed back to the court when Kamoshida spikes a ball thatends up hitting a boy, on the student's team, in the face, and the boy collapses to the floor, stopping the match. Kamoshida immediately goes over to check on the boy.
"Hey! Are you alright?" He asks the boy, but gets no answer. "Hey! Someone take him to the nurse's office!" He calls, Akira quickly stands up and rushes over.
"I'll take him." She says then wraps one of the boy's arms around her shoulder and carefully leads him out of the gymnasium and down the hall to the infirmary.
~Take Your Time~
After the match was over, Ren and Ryuji left the gym and met up in the school courtyard by the vending machines to talk.
"That asshole's acting like a king over here too... Get to know each other better my ass! It's just a one-man show for him to stroke his own ego. Oh, and how he acted like he was actually worried about Mishima? What an abusive d-bag!" Ryuji states, disgusted. Ren had to agree.
"...Well, anyways. Now's our chance to go look for the guys we saw were slaves yesterday. Look for the faces we saw in the castle. All the members of the team should be here today. I'll be sure to find someone to spill about Kamoshida's abuses. Just you wait asshole." The blonde then says in determination.
"Okay. Where do we search?" Ren asks, just as determined.
"The first one that popped out was a guy from Class 2-D, so let's start from there. That's your class. So, hopefully you can talk to him without any issues. People have been avoiding me for a while now, so..." The punk-looking boy replies.
"Yeah, but I don't think my record will help with that." The ravenette points out.
"Oh yeah, we are kind of in the same boat there, aren't we." The blonde realizes. "Well, let's give it a shot anyway." He says and the two split up to find volleyball team members.
Ren managed to find some of the team, but despite asking about their injures and admitting that he knew about Kamoshida's abuse, they just stayed quiet. Knowing well about abuse victims, Ren figured it wasn't going to be that easy. He got a text from Ryuji saying he was having the same bad luck.
Thankfully they at least got something from a first-year new recruit. He said something about a boy, Mishima, who got "special coaching" from Kamoshida. Ren then remembered Mishima was the boy that Kamoshida spiked a ball in the face earlier. So the two agreed to meet back at the courtyard vending machines.
"Can I talk you for a sec?" Ren, who had gotten to the machines first, turned to see Takamaki walk up to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" The ravenette replies then asks.
"It'll be quick." The girl promises. "With that, what's with you? Like, how you were late the other day was a lie and all. There's also that weird rumor going around about you too." She says.
"Whaddya want with him?" A voice spoke and they both turn to see Ryuji.
"Right back at you. You're not even in our class." The girl says back.
"Well... We just happened to get to know each other." The boy replies.
"What are you planning on doing to Mr. Kamoshida?" Ann asks them.
"Huh?!" The boy replies, shocked, while Ren was frozen. "Oh... I see. I get it. You are all buddy-buddy with Kamoshida after all." The sunny blonde retorts.
"This has nothing to do with you, Sakamoto!" She says back.
"If you found out what he's been doing behind your back, you'd dump him right away." The other blonde rebuffs.
"Behind my back...? What's that supposed to mean?" The girl asks, confused.
"You wouldn't get it." Ryuji says in response. Yeah, how were they supposed to explain?
"Anyway, people are already talking about you two. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but no one's gonna help you. I'm warning you, just in case. That's all." She finishes then leaves.
"Why's she gotta be so aggressive all the time?" The faux blonde groans.
"Do you know her, Ryuji?" Ren then inquires.
"We just went to the same middle school." The other boy replies. "Anyways, that's not what we're here to talk about. I had no luck on my end. What about you?" He then says, changing the subject.
"Not much, but I did manage to get a name, Mishima. Apparently, he's getting 'special coaching', from Kamoshida." Ren reports.
"...Special 'coaching', huh? True I do always see the guy covered in bruises. Let's go talk to him." The blonde says then suggests and the rush to find the boy. Thankfully, they manage to find and catch him before he left the school.
"Hey! You got a second?" Ryuji calls to the boy. Ren recognizinf him from class.
"Sakamoto? And, Amamiya too...?!" The blue haired boy says nervously.
"C'mon, we just wanna chat. Kamoshida's been 'coaching' you, right? You sure it's not just physical abuse?" Ryuji asks without tact, Mishima then backs away.
"Certainly not!" He immediately denies.
"What're talking all polite for? Anyways... We saw him spike you today. Right in the face." Ryuji states.
"That was, just because I'm not good at the sport..." Mishima says, dejected.
"That doesn't explain all the other bruises you've got." The blonde adds.
"They're from practice...!" The shorter boy retorts.
"Is he forcing you to keep quiet?" Ryuji asks.
"That..." Mishima trails off.
"What's going on here?" Speak of the devil, here came the bastard himself. "Mishima, isn't time for practice?" The man asks the said boy.
"Um, I-I'm not feeling well today..." He replies.
"What? Maybe you're better off quitting then. You're never going to improve that crappy form unless you show up to practice." Kamoshida pretty much threatens.
"Didn't you hear him? He ain't feeling well!" Ryuji retorts.
"Well, Mishima? Are you coming to practice or not?" The man asks, ignoring the blonde.
"...I'll go." The boy answers, sounding defeated. Kamoshida then turned to Ryuji.
"As for you, any more trouble and you'll be gone from this school for sure." He openly threatens this time.
"Bastard..." The faux blonde seethes.
"Same goes for you. Didn't the principal tell you to keep in line?" The man then warns Ren.
"Sorry, I was just leaving." The bespetactled boy replies, biting back any retort he had.
"Hmph. Just don't in the way of my practice. All these unsettling rumors making students anxious after all." The man says.
"That's your own goddamn fault." Ryuji retorts.
"This won't get us anywhere. Let's go, Mishima." The volleyball coach then brushes off and turns to walk away. "Shujin Academy is a place where those with aspirations come to learn. Unworthy students like yourselves don't have any right to be here. Get with the program!" He says the last part with an aggressive tone.
"Yes, sir." Mishima obeys, just as the PE teacher leaves.
"That asshole... He's gonna pay for this!" Ryuji fumes, angrily.
"...There's no point." The blue haired boy then speaks.
"Huh?!" The blonde one says, shocked.
"Proving that he's physically abusing us... is meaningless. Everybody knows... The principal, our parents... They all know, and they all keep quiet about it." The bruised boy tells them, and the other two were shocked, and horrified.
"This had gotta be a joke..." Ryuji breathes out.
"Don't be a pain. You don't understand what we're all going through. Shouldn't you of all people know that nothing's going to help?!" Mishima then says and Ryuji locks up.
"So, everyone knows? And they don't say anything? Why?" Ren asks.
"Doesn't matter. Just stay out of it!" The boy snaps and runs off toward practice.
"Dammit..." Ryuji curses.
"What do we do now?" The ravenette asks.
"...I'll try one more time to persuade the other guys. That's...all I can do." The blonde boy replies.
"There you are!" They both turn to see Akira as she approaches them. "I thought we agreed you'd stay away from people like him." She says.
"Like me? What are you talking about?!" The faux blonde exclaims, getting the impression he was just insulted there.
"Amamiya here is already on thin ice, if he gets caught with a punk like you, it isn't going to look good for his probation." The girl replies. "Also, whatever you guys are planning with Kamoshida, for your own good, just stop it." She then adds.
"Why, you buddy-buddy with him too, like Takamaki?" The blonde accuses.
"Ryuji!" Ren chastises while elbowing the boy.
"Whatever you're trying to do, it's not going to work. Nobody's going to take the word of two teenagers, known for violence no less, over a respected man, like Kamoshida's. You should give it up, this society isn't generous to people like us." She tells them, strangely downtrodden.
"If you won't heed my warning, fine. Just don't drag me and Dad down with you. I'm heading home." The bespectacled girl says then turns and walks away to most likely change and leave.
After a bit, the two boys also get changed and get ready to go home. Ren takes the train back to Yongen and Leblanc café. As usual, Sojiro was waiting there for him and left, locking up the café for the night. He didn't say anything about bad influences, so Ren assumed Akira didn't tell him about Ryuji. The boy then went upstairs, where he got a text alert and takes out his phone.
Ryuji: Hey, this don't make any damn sense.
Ryuji: The principal and even the parents know about the abuse.
Ryuji: Why ain't anybody speaking up?!
Ren: Glory.
Ren: If they speak out against Kamoshida, then the volleyball team and one of the biggest stars of the school, would be through.
Ryuji: So it's cause Kamoshida is famous and made the team famous.
Ryuji: Even so, that doesn't give him the right to do whatever he wants!
Ryuji: He's beating up kids, and all they're allowed to do is endure.
Ryuji: And that follower of his doesn't give a single shit...
Ren: Huh? What follower?
Ryuji: Ann Takamaki. You met her in the courtyard, remember?
Ryuji: You should know her. I mean, she's in your class, dude.
Ren: You mean the blonde girl with the twin tails?
Ryuji: Right!
Ryuji: Ugh! What a load of bull!
Ryuji: I can't just let it end like this.
Ryuji: I'm gonna try and find someone who knows about what's going on with Kamoshida during break tomorrow.
Ryuji: Just you watch. I ain't giving up!
Ryuji: Though, what was up with that Sakura chick?
Ryuji: She like Ann, Kamoshida's follower?
Ren: No. That wasn't about Kamoshida. It was about me not making a scene and drawing attention to myself, and Sakura and her Dad.
Ren: She told me herself she found Kamoshida creepy.
Ren: I don't think she's really involved with him.
Ryuji: Oh, now I feel bad for suggesting that.
Ryuji: Anyway, see ya tomorrow, man.
With that final message, Ren changed into his pajamas and went to bed, feeling tired from all the running he did that day. He sighed and quietly drifts off.
~Take Your Time~
Akira woke up early in the morning and began her morning routine. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up for the day, then got dressed in her school uniform and grabbed her bag before heading downstairs. Like every morning, Sojiro left a readymade pot of curry and rice for her for breakfast. She quickly got herself a plate, then made a plate for Futaba, which she takes up to the said girl's room.
"Futaba?" Akira calls as she knocks on the door. The girl had been spending a lot more time in her room lately. It began around the time Akira announced she would be going back to school. "I got you some curry. I'll leave it in front of your door." The older girl tells the younger and sets the plate of curry on the floor, then goes back downstairs to eat her own food.
After finishing her breakfast curry, along with a cup of coffee she made, she gathers her things and heads to the front door, putting on her shoes before walking out the door and towards the café. She arrives at the shop just as Amamiya steps out, flipping the sign then notices her. The girl sighs and speaks.
"Come on, let's go. We don't want to be late." She tells him and they both make their way to the subway station then to Shujin.
On the way, they overhear two girls talking about the rally yesterday and how great Kamoshida is, and about a rumor of hearing screams from the PE factually office. Akira decided to ignore it and just focus on getting to school, where she and Amamiya each went to their individual classes. Akira let out a sigh since she had to sit next to Sakamoto-kun, luckily he ignored her for the day.
Throughout the day, she would hear her classmates gossiping, mostly about Sakamoto and Amamiya targeting Kamoshida. She mostly brushed it off. Why did Amamiya have to draw attention to himself? But her interest was piqued when she about Takamaki, the girl she talked with yesterday at the rally.
Apparently, she was actually dating Kamoshida and was known to be "being easy". Which was odd, because she didn't seem like that kind of girl. Though, she knew better than to believe rumors, as a lot were spread around about her during elementary. Lunchtime then came and Akira left to find a quiet spot to be alone. After a few days, the hype around her thankfully died down.
She'd turned a corner and promptly bumped into someone, nearly loses her balance for a sec, but quickly regained it, thanks to her ballet skills, and without dropping her lunch. She then looked at who she bumped into. It was a girl, who had fallen to her knees on the floor, her long, straight black hair tied up in a ponytail and a white turtleneck over her uniform.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" The bespectacled girl exclaims and asks worried.
"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. It was just an accident." The other girl replies. Akira then helped her back up, noticing the other girl had quite a few bruises on her. All old and fading, except for one forming over her eye.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look really hurt." Akira inquires, concerned.
"It's fine, it's just from practice." The girl replies. "Hmm... You don't look familiar. Are you the transfer student in Class 2-D?" She then asks.
"Class 2-C, actually. You must mean Amamiya-kun." The ravenette girl replies.
"Oh, my mistake then." The bruised girl says, sounding a little tired. "Anyway, I'm Suzui." She introduces herself.
"Akira Sakura," Akira then replies.
"See you around then, Sakura." Suzui says then walks away, with Akira watching in worry. Were those bruises really just from practice? Cause it looked more like she was hit by someone. She would know... Akira rubs her arm, feeling the phantom pain of bruises that have long since healed physically, but remained emotionally.
~Take Your Time~
After school, Ren and Ryuji once again met up in the courtyard. Along the way, Ren met a girl who encouraged him to not let the rumors get to him, though she left before he could say something to her, considering all the bruises she had. He didn't even get her name. The raven-haired boy then found his friend by the vending machines looking angry and frustrated.
"Dammit. What the hell..." Ryuji exclaims.
"Did you find someone?" Ren asks him.
"Is that what it looks like?" The blonde asks sarcastically, then slams his fist against one of the machines, making Ren jump. "All of them kept saying the same shit Mishima was talking about! Kamoshida had to have told them something!" He explains. Well that was just great... "At this rate... it looks like we'll have to confront him directly..." He says.
"Yeah, that'll be fun." Ren sarcastically remarks.
"No kidding..." Ryuji sighs. "But seriously, isn't there something we can do? No way I'm gonna give in like this. Can you think of anything?" He asks and Ren thought about it. Calling the cops was out of the question, they would never believe them. Then he remembers the castle and the Kamoshida there.
"What if we, punish the king." He suggests.
"The king...? You mean that other world's Kamoshida?" Ryuji asks.
"Exactly." The glasses boy replies.
"I didn't think of that, but... Is there any meaning to—"
"I finally found you..." An unknown voice interrupted the blonde. The boys both jump and look around but find nothing.
"...You say something?" Ryuji asks.
"Wasn't me." The ravenette replies. Just then, a little black cat with bright blue eyes jumped up onto the trouble and, started speaking?!
"Don't think you can get away with not paying back for helping you." It says, in a vaguely familiar voice.
"That voice... Is that you, Morgana?!" Ryuji exclaims.
"How dare you, up and leaving me the other day!" The cat, Morgana, says angrily.
"The cat's talking?!" The faux blonde shouts.
"I am NOT a cat! This is just what happened when I came to this world! It was a lot of trouble finding you two!" The not-cat, yeah right, retorts.
"Wait... You came to our world?! Does that mean you got a phone!?" Ryuji asks.
"You don't need one when you're at my level. I did get pretty lost making my escape though..." Morgana replies.
"That aside, why can you talk?! You're a cat!" The sunny blonde questions.
"How should I know!" The said cat responds.
"You hearing this too right?" The faux blonde then asks Ren.
"Meow?" The ravenette says absentmindedly.
"This is no time to joke around!" The other boy yells, frustrated.
"You guys are having a rough time of this, hm? I heard you mention something about witnesses." The cat inquires.
"Shut up..." Ryuji groans, still salty about it.
"You know, I could tell you a thing or two about what to do about Kamoshida." Morgana offers, then turns to Ren. "You were close just a moment ago." He says.
"God, that condescending attitude! This thing's defiantly Morgana!" Ryuji growls.
"You were still doubting me!?" The cat exclaims, annoyed.
"Ack! Quiet down, will ya!" The sunny blonde exclaims himself.
"Do we really have to be looking for a cat in a busy time like this?" They heard one of the teachers, who was nearby along with another, say.
"I just heard a meow somewhere near here. Didn't you?" Another replies back and his companion sighs.
"Make sure you check every nook and cranny around." He says and they walk away to continue their search.
"Meow? Does that mean only we can understand you're saying, Monamona?" Ryuji questions.
"It's Morgana!" The cat corrects him. "And looks like it." He adds.
"What the hell's going on?" The blonde says, confused.
"It's probably because Morgana looks like a cat. While we see him as a cat, at the same time we know he isn't." Ren offers an explanation.
"I guess that makes sense. Anyways, what you were talking about earlier... Is it for real?" The other boy says then asks.
"You're quite the skeptic for begin an idiot." Morgana says.
"Hey, tell us more. Then again, this probably ain't the best place..." The blonde requests then realizes. "Here, stick it in your bag for now! It should be small enough to fit." He said as he picked up Morgana but his scruff and held him up.
"Hey! How dare you treat me like—" The cat protests while struggling.
"Ryuji! Careful!" Ren says and gently took the cat from the other boy and placed him in his bag. The two boys then head up to the roof so they could talk without being overheard, and Ren let Morgana out his bag.
"Don't be so rough with me!" The cat complains.
"Enough of that!" The faux blonde says. "You said you know how we can do something about Kamoshida, right?" He then asks.
"It has to do with what he was talking about earlier. You gonna have to attack his castle." Morgana says.
"What do you mean?" Ryuji then asks.
"That castle is how Kamoshida views the school. He doesn't know what happens there, but it is deeply connected to the depths of his heart. Thus, if the castle vanishes, it would naturally impact the real Kamoshida." The cat explains.
"What'd happen?" The blonde boy asks.
"A Palace is a manifestation of a person's distorted desires. So, if that castle were gone then..." Morgana trails off.
"His desires would go too?" Ren theorizes.
"Precisely! You sure pick up on things fast!" The cat replies. You know despite claiming he wasn't a cat, he sure scratched and acted like one.
"For real!? H-He'll turn good?!" Ryuji says, surprised. "But... is that really getting back at him?" He questions. Yeah, he did have a point.
"Erasing a Palace essentially means forcing the owner to have a change of heart. However, even though his warped wants will disappear, the crimes he committed will remain. Kamoshida will become unable to bear the weight of what he's done, and will confess them all himself!" Morgana explains next.
"You for real?! That's actually possible?!" The sunny blonde says in surprise.
"Yep, and since the Palace will no longer exist, he'll forget what we did there as well. Not only will we be able to bring Kamoshida down, but there won't be any evidence of our involvement." The tuxedo feline adds.
"Really? That's amazing! You're one incredible cat!" The punk boy compliments.
"True, except for the cat part!" Said not-cat replies.
"How do we get rid of the Palace?" Ren then asks.
"By stealing the Treasure held within." Morgana replies.
"Stealing...?" Ryuji asks, unsure.
"I'll tell you more once you agree to go ahead with this. It's my most valuable, secret plan, after all. If you want to help me out, I'll gladly teach you. What's your call?" The cat says then asks. Wait a sec...
"There's catch here, isn't there." Ren states.
"What? Come on, dude let's take the deal! We're running out of options here." The other boy says.
"He's right though, there is something I should tell you first." Morgana cuts in. "If we do erase a Palace, there is no doubt that the person's distorted desire will be erased, but desires are what we need in order to survive. The will to sleep, to eat, to fall in love... Those kinds of things." He explains.
"And if we take away those desires..." Ren interprets.
"If all of those yearnings were to vanish, they'd be no different than someone who has shut down entirely. They may even die if they're not given proper care." The cat finishes. Shut down... That sounded distinctly familiar.
"What? They might die?!" Ryuji exclaims. "Would their death be our fault?" He asked nervously.
"Are you willing to face those kinds of risks though?" Morgana questions.
"Hey... What do you think?" The blonde asks Ren.
"I admit that guy's an asshole, but I don't want to kill him." He replies. "However, we might have to risk it as you've said, we're low on options." He then admits.
"For real?!" Ryuji says, surprised.
"Sheesh... I come all this way and this is what I got. It's not like anyone will ever find out." Morgana speaks.
"That's not the point! We can't just, go around doing whatever we want because we can't be caught!" The dyed-blonde retorts.
"Ryuji's right. It make us no better than Kamoshida himself." Ren agrees.
"Isn't this your only option?" The cat asks with a tired groan. "Alright... I'll come back later. Make sure you've made your decision by then." He says then runs off.
"Man, we're getting all worked up for nothing... Dammit!" Ryuji curses.
"Nothing? Kamoshida's a douche, but does that really mean we have to resort to offing him?" Ren questions.
"I know... I'll try and see if I can figure out another way..." The faux blonde says. "C'mon, we should be heading home." He says next and the two leave the roof, then make their way to leave the building, the conversation still heavy in their minds.
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