8. Frogs and Sippy Cups
"Show me what you have in your room, yeah?"
"Yes." Harry said with a hint of happiness and bounced over to his bookshelf. He came back with his animals book and sat next to Louis on the bed. He flicked through the pages and stopped at a certain page which read about frogs.
"Ew." Louis couldn't help but feel disgusted by those greasy green creatures. "Do you like frogs?" He asked.
"Yes!" Harry nodded and started reading the paragraph at the bottom of the page. Louis was surprised to learn that Harry can read too. He definitely underestimated the elder boy.
"You can read!" Louis exclaimed.
"Yes, he can." Anne came into the room with a tight smile gracing over her lipstick coated lips.
"You've done such a great job on raising him, Anne. Like I said before, you are a wonderful mother." Louis smiled brightly at Anne.
"Thank you, love!" There was a faint blush coating Anne's cheeks.
"Louis, listen!" Harry tugged roughly on Louis' hand to get him to listen what he's reading.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening." Louis smiled at his husband and he pretended to listen as the green eyed boy read out loud about frogs.
"That's enough for now, Harry. Let's eat yeah?" Anne placed a hand over Harry's shoulder.
"Go downstairs?" Harry asked hopefully.
"No, love. Your daddy has some people over." Anne sent him an apologetic smile.
"But- but I wanna go downstairs!" Harry stomped his feet.
"Hey, Harry, how about you stay and eat with me here? Hm?" Louis jumped in.
"C'mon, I'll take you downstairs after breakfast." Louis said.
"Yes, I'd take you downstairs if you eat with me here." Louis repeated.
"Eat with me here." Harry repeated Louis' words in scripting manner making Louis smile fondly at him.
"Yes, silly." Louis turned to Anne before continuing. "I'm just going to clean myself. I'll be here soon."
"Sure, love." Anne nodded.
Louis turned on the shower and checked the temperature before stepping under the stream of water. He closed his eyes as he ran his fingers through his wetting hair.
Flashbacks of last night's scenes played before his closed eyelids. He has already accepted his fate but he wanna know who was the fake Harry and slap him for being such an asshole.
He looked exactly like Harry, no difference at all. His voice, every feature, even the way he walks was the same as Harry. His only thought was Harry having a twin brother.
He would've asked Anne about it by now but the woman already declined answering his questions any further. Desmond is not at all an option as Louis has some plans for him and asking about Harry-look-alike will ruin those plans.
He can ask Harry but he doubts that Harry knows if he has a twin brother seeming he has been hidden inside a room all his life.
Louis turned off the shower and got out of the cubicle. Once dry and dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a lilac sweater, he walked back into the room he spent his honeymoon in. He chuckled sarcastically at his misfortune and made the bed. As he was cleaning up a bit around the room, there was a knock on the door.
"Who's there?" He asked.
"It's a maid, Mr. Styles." A female voice could be heard from the other side and that 'Mr. Styles' hit Louis like a brick wall.
"Uh- yeah. Come in." Louis stuttered out. In came a maid with a vacuum cleaner amd few other cleaning stuff. The lady seems to be in her mid-50's. Her skin was wrinkled a bit but her smile was very pleasant.
"Good morning, sir." The lady greeted.
"Good morning..." Louis trailed off not knowing her name.
"I'm Martha." She sent Louis a bright smile.
"Nice to meet you, Martha. And please, don't call me sir. Just Louis is fine."
"I'm sorry, sir but I can't lose my job." Martha chuckled.
"Oh, okay then." Louis said a bit shocked. Well, then again, there's nothing to be shocked about. If Desmond can treat his own family like that, what can't he do to his maids.
"I was told to tell you that Sir Harry is making a scene downstairs. Madame asked you to come there as soon as possible." Was all Martha got to say before Louis was dashing out of the room and down the stairs. He doesn't know what got to him but he suddenly felt the urge to make sure that Harry is okay. He's opening Harry's room and barging in within 3 seconds.
"Hey, I'm here. Let's eat. C'mon." Louis said as he walked in. Anne let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Louis.
"See, I told you he'll be back soon." Anne chuckled at the elder boy.
"Wait here till I bring our food." Anne excused herself.
Harry was still sitting on the floor next to his bed while humming. Louis walked over to him and sat next to him on the floor.
"Hi." He started. "I'm sorry, I was late. I was making our bed and I met Martha." Louis explained.
"Martha." Harry repeated.
"Yes, I met Martha. Do you know her?" Louis tried to make a conversation.
"Yes." Harry nodded and let out a happy sound from his throat making Louis giggle.
"Do you like her?" Louis asked.
"Yes." Harry rocked back and forth.
"She's a nice lady." Louis hummed.
"She's a nice lady." Harry scripted making Louis smile at him. Then there was a silence between them. The only sounds were Harry's hums and the creak of the bed when Harry's back hit it while rocking back and forth.
Louis' mind wandered off to his parents. What is he gonna tell them when they visit him? They can easily figure out that this is not the Harry they let marry their son. Well, seems like he'd have to visit them before they visit.
"Food is here!" Anne announced as she came into the room with a food trolley. "C'mon let's go to Harry's dining room." She added and opened a door beside Harry's closet which Louis didn't notice before.
"No..." Harry whined out.
"We don't eat in the bedroom, love. You know this." Anne said sternly.
"Remember, I'm eating with you. Let's go." Louis placed a hand on Harry's shoulder and Harry shrugged it off making Louis' face fall.
"He doesn't like it when someone he isn't familiar with touches him." Anne explained when she noticed Louis' sad face. "He'll get familiar to you before the day ends, Louis. Don't worry, he gets along with people and he's very friendly." She added with a reassuring smile and Louis just returned the smile with a nod.
"C'mon, Harry." Anne offered him her hand. He finally stood up from his place on the floor with Anne's support and Louis did too. They walked into the dining room after Anne turned on the lights.
It was a somewhat spacy room and there was a table at the middle of the room with few chairs surrounding it. There were few cabinets and a sink along with a dishwasher.
Anne placed all the food on the trolley on the table and Louis helped her with getting the plates from the cabinets. He washed them before placing them on the table for each person.
"Don't give Harry a porcelain plate, Louis. Give him his plastic one." Anne pointed towards a cabinet and Louis opened it. He found a plastic plate and few sippy cups in it.
"Why are there sippy cups?" He asked out of curiosity.
"Oh, um... Actually, I couldn't get Harry to stop drinking from sippy cups. He still drinks from them." Anne explained, hoping Louis wouldn't judge her baby.
"Oh, okay." Louis smiled at her and took a sippy cup along with the plate. He went to the sink and washed both the plate and the sippy cup before filling the sippy cup with water under Anne's request.
"Mommy." Harry called out but Anne was in a deep talk with Louis to hear his call. "Mommy..." He whined out again but she didn't answer. "Mommy!" He yelled out as he banged his fist on the table and that had Anne turning around to him in light speed.
"Yes, sunshine? What do you want?" She asked.
"Sippy." Harry pointed at the sippy cup that's in Louis' hand.
"Here." Louis gave it to him a smile. Harry quickly snatched it away from Louis and drank from it.
"Were you afraid I'd steal it?" Louis giggled. Harry just kept on drinking while he stared challengingly at Louis until he finished every drop of water in it.
"Okay, let's eat." Anne sat on the chair opposite from Harry's and Louis sat next to Harry. Anne took Harry's plate first and put a sandwich on it.
"He doesn't like spicy food." She explained as she gave him his plate. Louis just nodded with a hum.
Once they all have their food on their plates, they started eating. There was a small talk between Anne and Louis occasionally, other than that the surroundings were silent.
Once Louis is done with his own sandwich, he looked at Harry to find him with peanut butter all over his cheeks and nose. He giggled at the sight and took a wipe. He carefully cleaned the elder boy's face and stopped when he growled at him.
"Okay, okay, I'm done, you big bad wolf." Louis held his hands up in surrender while giggling.
Anne watched all of this with a fond smile and for the first time in her lifetime she felt like her baby is not gonna be alone when she's gone.
"Tomorrow?" Louis asked to his phone.
"Uh- okay." Louis hung up and fell face first onto Harry's bed with a groan. Harry watched him and let out a string of giggles.
"What are you laughing at Harold?" Louis turned his head to a side and smiled fondly at the elder boy. "I have to go to work tomorrow." Louis added.
"Work?" Harry walked over to him and sat on the bed next to him.
"Yes. Do you wanna see?" Louis was already opening the pictures of him down the runaway on his phone. He sat up and showed Harry the pictures. Suddenly, a picture of Louis dressed in his wedding dress came making Louis' heart ache in pain.
"A princess!" Harry cheered.
"No, it's just me." Louis giggled, soon forgetting the pain in his heart.
"Louis is a princess." Harry said with wide eyes.
"I dressed like a princess." Louis ruffled Harry's curls not being able to resist the cuteness.
"Louis is a princess." Harry repeated making Louis' cheeks turn pink.
"I saw a princess in the backyard!" Harry exclaimed happily and Louis knew that he was talking about him yesterday.
"It was me, love." Louis said with a sad smile.
"Why?" Harry sometimes asks the strangest questions ever.
"Because I got married to you." Louis explained.
"To you?" Harry tilted his head to a side.
"Yes, to you." Louis let out a deep sigh. Then the air around them was silence, only interrupted with Harry's low hums. After a good 30 seconds, Harry broke the silent completely, leaving Louis curious.
"I saw Edward too"
(Word Count 1811)
A/N - Thoughts?
As a thank you to you guys for being incredibly supportive, here's a GIF of our Harriet being so damn cute.
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