4. "No. Baba."
"Who's that?" Louis asked with a giggle. Edward looked around, still panicking before giving an answer to Louis' question.
"A friend of mine. Listen baby, I'll call you later." Edward was about to hang up but Desmond gestured him to bid goodbyes before hanging up so Louis won't get suspicious.
"Okay, bye, Harry." Louis said and a pout was evident even in his voice.
"Bye, love." Edward hung up.
"Harry! Go upstairs to your room with your mother. I'm here trying to fix the biggest mistake of my life but you are just messing it up more!" Desmond's voice boomed through the room. Harry stared at him with big and terrified eyes which started getting damp with tears soon.
"Sh... Everything is fine. C'mon, baby, let's go. See I told you not to run into the living room." Anne took Harry's hand and made him stand up from the couch. She wrapped an arm around her son and Harry had to slightly bend down to bury his face into his mommy's shoulder. He wailed into her shoulder and his snot and tears started wetting Anne's dress but she was used to it.
"It's okay, sweetheart. Let's go." Anne whispered, not wanting to trigger a meltdown.
"Just get him out of here!" Desmond demanded and Anne has had enough of his behavior. She'd have fought with him if it wasn't for the fact that her baby is on the brink of having a meltdown.
She led harry up the stairs to his room. She laid him on his bed and laid down next to him. She ran her fingers through Harry's hair as she hummed a little tune under her breath to calm him down.
"D-daddy yell." Harry said trough hiccups as he clenched and unclenched his fists to get some stimulation to his hands.
"He was angry at you for interrupting Edward's call, baby. I have told you not to interrupt someone when they are in a call." Anne said in a soothing tone.
"But- but- I wanded Edward to see me in the garden!" Harry reasoned.
"Yeah, I know, baby, I know." Anne sighed.
After that the only sound in the room was Harry's hiccups for a few minutes.
"Want sippy." Harry sat up on the bed.
"Okay. What do you want in it? Water?" Anne asked, already getting out of the bed to go to Harry's dining room which is attached to his room.
"No. Baba." Harry did a drinking pose.
"Call it milk, Harry. You are little too old to call it 'baba'." Anne chuckled.
"No. Baba." Harry repeated.
"Wait here until mommy brings it to you." Anne ruffled Harry's wavy curls which made him a giggly mess.
"Did your friend leave?" Louis spoke to his phone.
"Yeah, he did. He was just grounded for few days." Edward said.
"I never knew that they ground 22 year olds." Louis giggled.
"He's just 17 but we know each other for a while." Edward smoothly corrected his little mistake.
"Oh, okay." Louis stopped giggling.
"I called you before to ask you to go on another date with me." Edward said.
"Yes, sure. When?" A faint blush covered Louis' cheeks.
"Tonight?" It had Louis gasping and Edward chuckling at that.
"I have to get ready now! It's already 4pm!" Louis started running around his room to look for clothes.
"Hey, hey, calm down. I come around 7, not now." Edward kept on chuckling.
"But it takes time to get ready, Harry!" Louis whined.
"Okay, okay. Wear something casual. This date is also a surprise as every other one was." Edward said smirking.
"Okay, now hang up you goofy frog so I can get dressed!" Louis giggled when Edward faked a gasp.
"I'm really offended. You'll regret it, Tomlinson." Edward chuckled as Louis kept on giggling before hanging up.
"Wow! It's beautiful." Louis exclaimed while staring out at the big spacy ground which gave the view of millions of stars in the dark night sky.
"Not as much as you." Edward whispered in his ear, trying to bring out his charm and make Louis
"C'mon, let's go and take a sit." Edward dragged Louis to the blanket spread out on the grass with food resting on it. They sat down next to each other and Louis cuddled up to Edward's side as he stared up at the sea of blinking stars.
"Are you hungry, love?" Edward asked.
"Kinda." Louis shrugged and looked up at Edward with a smile. He traced his fingers along the birthmark that Edward has on his collarbone as he kept on admiring every little thing on Edward's face.
"Let's eat." Edward smiled down at the smaller boy.
"Okay." Louis got out of Edward's embrace and watched as Edward opened the food bowls on the blanket.
They ate in silence while watching the sky and each other.
Once done with dinner, they stood up from their places on the soft blanket. They started walking down the empty ground with Edward's hand wrapped around Louis' waist.
Edward made a stop at one point and turned to Louis who was looking at him with twinkling eyes. He wrapped both of his hands around Louis' waist and pulled his body closer to him.
"What, Harry?" Louis whispered, afraid to shatter the moment. Edward knew that this was the time to say those three little words that meant nothing to him but everything to Louis. He swallowed the guilt down and opened his frozen lips to speak up finally.
"I-I love you, Louis." He whispered. Louis stared at him with his rosy lips slightly parted and eyes twinkling with happiness.
"Oh. My. God." He whispered and for a second Edward thought that the smaller boy is gonna slap him across his cheek but what he did was the exact opposite actually.
Louis stood on his tippy toes as he got Edward to bend down a little using his hands wrapped around Edward's neck and linked their icy cold lips together in a kiss. Edward was shocked at first but he kissed back anyway. After all he has a plant to work on.
But for Louis, he felt like he found the missing puzzle piece to his puzzle of life. He felt like he found the missing verse for his song of life. He felt like he found the purpose for his book of life. He felt like he found the other half to make his life whole.
After few seconds, they pulled apart because Louis couldn't stop himself from smiling into the kiss. Edward placed his forehead against Louis' and watched the beauty in front of him that still has their eyes closed.
"I love you too, Harry." Louis whispered as he opened his eyes to look at Edward in the eyes.
"I'm exhausted." Louis whined as he plopped onto the couch in their living room.
"How did it go? Did the dress look great on you?" Jay asked as she sat on the couch and rubbed Louis' back.
"Good. They had it done and it looked really good on me. I brought pictures for you." Louis said as he giddily fished his phone out of his purse and showed Jay the pictures of his dressed in his wedding dress which is custom made by the best wedding dress sellers.
When Styles family and Tomlinson family met to talk about the wedding about a month after Edward proposed Louis on the smaller boy's birthday, they decided on a simple wedding which will not be revealed to media at all. It was Desmond's idea to be honest and Louis wasn't hapy about that.
He wanted to show the world the man he got for himself but he agreed to Desmond's idea when he remembered how his daddy needed the money. There were some strange requests from Styles family but Tomlinsons agreed to them anyway.
"You look beautiful, baby. God, my boobear is going to married soon." Jay pulled her son into a hug and cried upon his shoulder making the boy's eyes get damp with tears too.
"It's not until next week, mommy." Louis let out a wet giggle and squeezed his mother in his hands in a reassuring matter.
(Word Count 1349)
A/N - Thoughts?
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