3. "Did you see me?"

"Am I dressed okay, mommy?" Louis asked as he twirled around in his dress. Jay chuckled and wrapped her arms around Louis' middle.

"Yes, you do, baby. You are always beautiful. You never had to put any effort to be beautiful." Jay said and pulled back from the hug.

"Thank you, mommy." A smile spread across Louis' blushed face.

"You are welcome, love." She placed a kiss on his forehead. As they were going out of Louis' room, they heard the sound of the doorbell ringing across their house.

"He's here." Both Louis and Jay said at the same time but in different tones. Louis was nervous to no end but Jay was happy to no end.

"I can't mommy." Louis whispered as he looked around, trying to find a place to hide.

"Yes, you can Lou. Now go and see him. C'mon." Jay pushed her son towards the stairs. Louis whined a little but went down the stairs anyway. Once downstairs, he heard the sound of his father and his date talking. It just made him more nervous.

For Edward, he's watching his mouth closely than ever before to not let anything slip out to Mr. Tomlinson and mess up every plan of his dad.

"Are you the only son of Mr. Styles?" Mark asked.

"Yes, I am, sir." Edward answered politely.

"I have always been curious about this. Why did your dad wanted you to marry my son this bad that he made it a deal?" Mark watched Edward's face closely to catch any lie but there was none. Meanwhile, Edward thanked his dad for giving an answer for that question too.

"It's actually my idea, Mr. Tomlinson. I have always liked Louis since the first time I saw him on the TV in one of his fashion shows. When my dad asked me to marry someone else, I told him about how I like Louis. He's very caring about his family, so he said he'll talk to you about that." Edward let the lies flow out of his mouth smoothly and purposefully putting on a shy smile. He let out a soft sigh of relief when he heard Mark chuckle.

"I'm glad you like my boy. Make sure you get him to like your true personality too. Deal or not, I'll not let this marriage happen without Louis' approval." Mark said sternly.

"Yes, sir. I'll do my best." Edward nodded furiously.

"Oh, he's here." Mark said gesturing towards something behind Edward. When Edward turned around, he saw Louis standing there with a pink dress and a pair of heels covering his body. He was looking down at his feet so the fringe that his hair is styled on is falling over his face and covering the faint blush on it.

Jay lightly pushed Louis forward when Edward stood up from his place on the couch. Louis shyly walked forward with his head still hung low and stopped when he saw Edward's expensive black leather shoes.

"Hello, Louis. You look really beautiful." Edward used his usual charm.

"Thank you." Louis' blush deepened but he looked up at Edward anyway. He looked exactly like in the pictures that Google provided Louis, if not more handsome. He hoped that his personality is as much beautiful as his appearance is.

"You also look handsome." Louis whispered while blushing again.

"Thank you, Louis. Should we get going now?" Edward asked offering his hand to Louis like a prince would do to a princess. That had Louis giggling and placing his manicured one over Edward's.

"Yes." He nodded.


"Then she tripped on her own heel and rolled down the runaway." Louis' giggles filled the small cozy diner along with Edward's chuckles. Desmond booked a romantic diner for Louis and Edward for the night so no paparazzi would see them and there won't be any articles saying 'the world famous model and the biggest business owner's son are dating'.

"Harry why did you want to marry me?" Louis asked after few seconds of silence. Edward was taken aback by that question but he quickly made up a lie.

"Because you are beautiful. So is your heart." He said smoothly. After all, he's really good at getting boys and girls since he was a teenager. Louis blushed scarlet red at that and covered his face with his hands as he giggled.

Edward smiled at that and reminded himself again that Louis is for Harry not himself.


"Did you enjoy tonight?" Edward asked as he pulled the car to Louis' front yard.

"Yes. Thank you so much for the amazing night." Louis said sincerely. Edward finally parked the car and turned to Louis.

"Um... so I have liked you for like a year now. I thought it was just a hopeless crush at first but now I think I couldn't be more wrong. How can I not like you Louis? You are basically a walking masterpiece that any artist would fight the world to draw again and again. Your eyes, your cute button nose, your hair, the way you dress and most importantly how big your heart is. You basically have me trapped here, Louis." Edward whispered the last part for good measure.

Louis was staring at him with his eyes wide and his mouth hung open. 'What did I do to get this lucky all of a sudden?' He thought.

He didn't know what to say. Does he say that he likes Harry back or not? Is he sure that he likes Harry?

He finally decided that he has no doubts about this man and poured his heart out.

"I- I like you too, Harry."


It's been 6 months since the offer has been placed on the table and Tomlinsons have taken it to themselves.

"So, what do you say, Louis?" Mark asked after few dates of Louis and 'Harry'.

"About?" Louis lowered the magazine he was reading and tilted his head to a side confusedly like a baby kitten.

"About the marriage of you and Harry." Mark smiled at him. Louis shifted on the place he's sat on the couch next to his dad before answering.

"I like him and I think he's genuine about this. Plus, you need the money soon but it all just feels so fast, daddy." Louis admitted.

"Yeah, I know but you know, there's no time for love. You can fall in love at the first sight or you can fall in love after a year." Mark explained.

"Yeah, I know." Silence filled the air between them. It was thick and Mark knew that there's something that his son hasn't told him yet.

"What is it, Lou?" He wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulder.

"I think- I think I'm in love with him, daddy." Louis admitted with a faint blush. "But isn't it too fast? I mean- I mean, we just met six months ago. Plus, I said that I like him on our first date, daddy, on our first date. Gosh everything has moved so fast. I have been so dumb." Louis started panicking all of a sudden.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. It's alright. It's okay to like someone when you just met them and it's okay to fall in love within six months of meeting them." Mark rubbed Louis' back to calm him down.

"Do you think he's the one for you?" Mark asked after few moments of silence.

"Yes." Louis answered without any hesitation.

"Then there's your answer but Lou, no turning back after marrying him. Because, I take the money from Des and you know that I can't pay him back without getting my business back together." Mark warned.

"I will not want to turn back, daddy. He's the one for me." Louis said confidently as he smiled widely at his dad and that confirmation was enough for Mark to be proud of himself for making his son happy by making the right decision.


"I think it's time you say that you love him, so you can keep his tied up to you." Desmond sipped on his tea and Edward took a sip of his own coffee before nodding.

"Yeah, sure, dad." He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed Louis' number. Louis answered after just two rings.

"Hi!" His squeaky voice could be heard from the other end.

"Hello, babe. How are you?" Edward decided to make a little conversation before asking Louis to go on another date with him.

"I'm good. How 'bout you?" Louis asked but before Edward could answer, the door that leads to the living room from backyard opened and in came Harry. He was allowed to go out to the garden today.

"Edward, Edward! I went out today. Did you see me out there?" He bounced over to the couch and plopped down next to Edward making both Edward's and Desmond's eyes widen in panic. 


(Word Count 1467)

A/N - Thoughts? 


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