29. Burned out

A/N - I have to clarify that Harry is NOT severely autistic. He was just deprived of life experiences. I have included this in the Introduction as well. Anygay, enjoy the chappy! (: xxx


Harry was offered a biology degree from a university in London and he took the chance (chonce XD) because he could attend university from home and wouldn't have to stay at the dorms the university offered. Louis was glad because he could easily look out for the elder boy when he is within his reach. 

It was Harry's first day at uni and to say he was panicking was an understatement. He would have to be in crowded hallways and he would have to introduce himself to lot of people. He would have to actually hold conversations and pay attention to what people say. This wasn't serving right with his anxiety and he was considering staying home and giving up. 

"I- I can't go." Harry whispered as he looked out of the window of Louis' car. Louis decided to drive him there as it's his first day. 

"Baby, it will be alright. You have been taking speech therapy sessions all summer and you know how to read social cues just enough to survive. You love biology, so pay no attention to what people would have to say about you. You are amazing and I'm always there for you." Louis squeezed Harry's hand, reassuringly. 

"B-but. but I can't. This is too many people." Harry's breath is shortening and he can feel that he is on the verge of a panic attack. 

"How about I come with you? I'll walk you to your first lecture." Louis offered. Harry seemed to consider the offer and he finally nodded. 

"Put on your headphones. You have your stress ball with you?" Louis asked to make sure that Harry has his new comfort device with him. Harry nodded his head before fishing it out of one of the pockets of his bag. 

"Great. Let's go." Louis leaned over and stole a quick kiss from Harry before getting out of the car. He opened Harry's door for him and got the taller boy to step out. 

"Give me your schedule. We will stop at the front desk and find the lecture hall. Stick to my side and walk with me, okay?" Louis looked at the curly headed boy to make sure he got everything Louis said. Harry just looked around nervously as he paid no attention to Louis. 

"Baby?" Louis rubbed his hand down Harry's arm and got his attention back to himself. "Can I have your schedule?" Louis asked. 

"I know where the lecture hall is. It's on the third floor of that building. I looked it up." Harry explained and Louis smiled fondly at him. The boy would do anything to make uncertain situations somewhat certain. In this situation, it was finding out where the specific lecture halls are, about two weeks earlier and it gave him some concrete fact to hold onto, even when things with people were unpredictable. 

"Great! Let's go." Louis walked forward and Harry was practically glued to his side. They navigated their way through the crowded hallways and Louis always tried to find the less crowded path to get them to the lecture hall. 

"We are here." Louis said standing by the door of the lecture hall. 

"I know." Harry almost whispered. He didn't want to go inside because he didn't know what will happen next. 

"Hey, listen, it's alright. You can get through this baby." Louis said as he rubbed his husband's arm. 

"Hello, um, is this the lecture hall of the first lecture for freshman's?" A girl asked, walking up to them. Harry quickly hid behind Louis and Louis could see the girl eye him and smile knowingly. 

"Yes, it is." Louis said smiling. 

"Thank you. We can walk in together?" She offered smiling. Louis could tell that she is trying to make friends on the first day here. 

"Oh, no, I'm not here for the classes but, Harry here is." Louis said, stepping away a bit so the girl could see Harry. It wasn't like she couldn't see him because Louis was way shorter than his husband. ( XD ) Harry quickly followed after, hiding behind Louis again.

"Oh, hi Harry. I'm Julie." the girl, Julie apparently, said extending her hand for Harry to shake.  Harry cautiously looked at her before, extending his arm and shaking hers. 

"I-I'm Harry," Harry whispered. 

"Shall we walk into the class?" Julie asked after retrieving her hand. 

"Baby?" Louis looked at Harry when he didn't respond. 

"I don't want to go," Harry whispered.

"I also feel very nervous Harry." Julie agreed, looking about. 

"See, it's not only you. Just two hours and it's over. You don't have anything else today, do you?" Louis asked and Harry shook his head to say no. 

"I'll be right here when you come out of the class. You can sit next to Julie." Louis gestured towards the girl standing in front of them. She nodded with a smile. 

"Okay." Harry whispered making Louis smile at him proudly. Louis watched Harry walk into the class with Julie and he couldn't help the stray tear that rolled down his face. 

"I'm so proud of you baby." He whispered.


"Hey! How was today?" Louis asked when Harry finally walked out of the class. He must have waited until everyone was out of the room because he and Julie were the last people to walk out. 

"Good." Harry smiled at Louis before looking down again. 

"I should get going. I have not yet unpacked, so bye Harry and bye- I'm sorry I couldn't catch your name." Julie smiled apologetically at Louis. 

"I'm Louis." Louis smiled at the girl. 

"Right, then, bye Louis." She waved at both boys before walking down the corridor. 

"Alright, let's go home." 

Louis walked them through the crowded hallways again before they reached their car in the parking lot. They got themselves settled inside the vehicle and were driving down the roads to get home in no time. 

"I feel like some ice cream. Do you wanna go and grab some ice cream?" Louis asked when Harry continued to stay silent. Harry just nodded to say 'yes' and laid his head against the shutter. 

"Okay. I'll go and grab us both some," Louis said, pulling up to a parking lot of an ice cream parlor. He knew that Harry didn't want to get out of the car right now and he respected that. He got out of the car and walked into the shop. He was out of the shop with two ice creams in no time. He gave one to Harry and got into the driver's seat while eating his own. 

"Was it just an introductory session?" Louis asked. Harry just nodded to answer 'yes' and Louis didn't like how quiet he was being. 

"Why are you so quiet today?" Louis asked but didn't receive any reply. He decided to leave it at that considering Harry has had the busiest day of his entire life and he must be feeling a little out of it now. He figured maybe he was having some kind of a burnout from all the things he had to go through today. 

"I wanna go home." Harry said once he was done with his ice cream. Louis nodded before quickly finishing off his and cleaning his hand with some tissues before driving them home.

Once home, Harry walked up the stairs to their room and set his bag on his desk before changing into some comfortable clothes. Louis also did the same and sat on the bed next to Harry. However, Harry just got up and left the room. 

"So you need some alone time," Louis said to himself as he figured Harry was not in the mood for social interactions now. If he continued to push Harry now, he could possibly have a meltdown or a shutdown and Louis didn't want him to have either. He just decided to leave Harry alone until he figured out his thoughts and to get some of his work done.


After a few hours of working in his office, he decided to check on his husband and went to the study room. He knew that Harry would be there because the boy always found comfort in the books. He slowly opened the door to the room and smiled a bit when he saw Harry reading his infamous book about frogs. Louis could remember the first day Harry dumped a lot of information about frogs on him while reading that book. 

"Hey." Louis greeted in a soothing voice as he sat down in front of Harry. Harry just looked up from his book at Louis, silently asking what he needed. 

"It's time for lunch. Do you want me to bring it into our room or-" Harry's nod of 'yes' stopped Louis mid-sentence. 

"Okay. Let's go to our room and I will get Martha to bring in our lunch there."

Once the lunch was served, they had their lunch silently, Harry's hums being the only sounds in the room except for the occasional hit of cutlery on the plate. Louis was finished with his meal and he waited for Harry to finish his before getting up from the table and collecting both their plates. He placed them both in the dishwasher and sat back on the table. 

"I think it would be good if you took a nap, baby. You look exhausted." Louis suggested but received no reply from the green-eyed man. He watched as Harry kept on rocking back and forth on his chair while flapping his hands. Louis guessed that maybe he tried to mask his repetitive behaviors in class to fit in and maybe that caused this burnout. He felt bad for the elder guy and he wished there was something he could do about it 


The burnout continued to stay for the next few days and Harry didn't show up at any of his lectures within those days. This had Louis contacting the college and asking for the procedure of providing medical reports to compensate for the missed days. He was glad he could sort it out because he didn't want Harry to hate himself for something he couldn't control.

"You need to take a shower, baby," Louis said softly. Harry hasn't stepped into the shower in two days and he was basically ignoring his whole daily routine. Louis needed to help him get back into his usual ways and he will do it step by step.

"C'mon. I will run you a bath." He tried again and this time Harry decided to follow him up the stairs. Louis ran a bath and put some bubbles in there because why not?

Harry slipped out of his clothes and got into the tub. Louis decided to take a seat on the closed toilet seat and stay if Harry needed anything. He didn't want Harry to feel any more overwhelmed than he already is feeling and he would do everything in his power to help him. 

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" Louis asked, grabbing Harry's shampoo bottle. 

"Yes." Harry said small. He would talk a little bit more than he did the first two days and Louis was happy about it. Louis put some of the shampoo on his palm before smothering that on Harry's long curly locks. He gave him a good scalp massage and he could feel Harry relaxing into his touch. 

Once the bath is done, Harry changed into some comforting clothes and got into bed. He slept the whole evening, only waking up for dinner.


"I wanna go to uni today." is the first thing Harry said as he woke up that morning.

"Okay. Let's get ready. I will drop you off." Louis said as he got out of the bed. They quickly finished their morning routines and got into one of the cars in the garage. 

"Are you feeling better now?" Louis asked as he drow down the roads.

"Yeah, better." Harry nodded. "I need to go to lectures anyway." 

"As I told you, I have discussed with the college and we will present medical reports of your condition to them. Don't worry about the past week." Louis rested his palm on Harry's knee and smiled at the green eyed man. 

"Thank you." Harry said sincerely because he couldn't imagine how he would have gone through that without Louis' help.


As months passed Harry got used to the ways of college in no time. He has started talking with Julie and Louis is so happy to see Harry socializing with people that is not Louis. The boy deserved to experience what everyone else was experiencing and Louis made sure to expose him to new opportunities as much as possible. 


A/N - 

I hope y'all are enjoying this. There is a high chance of the next chapter being the last one and then the epilogue. 

This is my favorite book out of all 11 books I have written here on Wattpad. I love this book with my whole heart and that's why I don't wanna drag it forward. I wanna give it a proper closure. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. 

I love y'all to death! Have a nice day/night! (: xxx


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