23. What do I feel?

Louis looked into enrolling Harry to a college but the educational qualifications Harry had wasn't enough for the boy to enroll to a college. Therfore, Louis immediately managed to get Harry a tutor who will be helping him for his AL's. 

"Mr. Sheeran this is Harry." Louis said introducing Harry to his new tutor.

"This is Ed Sheeran, Harry. He's gonna be your tutor for a while, okay?" Louis intoduced the tutor to Harry.

"You can call me Ed." Ed said extending his arm but Harry ignored it because he doesn't like to get all touchy feely with people he barely knows. 

"It'll take a day or two for him to warm up to you but don't worry he will cooperate with you for the lessons." Louis said reassuringly. 

"I'll stay right there for today." Louis said pointing to a chair at the corner of the study room. He wanted to make sure that Harry was fine with the new person. Louis turned around but stopped when he heard Harry call him in a small voice.


"Yes, love?" Louis smiled at his husband. 

"Don't go?" Harry asked afraid of being left alone with a stranger. 

"I won't baby. I'll be sitting right there. If you need something please excuse and come to me." Louis said pointing to where he would be sitting for next few hours again. Harry nodded before sitting down on one of the chairs of the large table in the study room. Louis nodded once at the tutor before walking away.

"Okay, what do you wanna do first?" Ed asked but Harry just kept mendling with his fingers, kind of nervous. 

"How about maths?" Tutor questioned and Harry sent a small nod making Ed smile and get started with the lesson. 


"He's so smart! We can get him ready in less than a year." Ed, who was done with their tutoring session for the day, said to Louis. The blue eyed lad smiled wide at the news.

"Amazing! Thank you so much Mr. Sheeran." Louis said sincerely. They finally bid their goodbyes after talking about Harry's education for a little longer and Louis went to where Harry was still sitting on the table doing his homework, already.

"Hey, babe. Let's go to our room and finish with that, yeah?" Louis asked but Harry shook his head. 

"Okay, then. Call me when you're done with those, I'll come to help you upstairs." Louis said before placing a small kiss on the elder lad's cheek and leaving. 

He closed the door behind him and walked down the hall to reach the elevator. He hit the down button of the elevator wanting to get something to eat from the kitchen but before the elevator could reach his floor his phone started ringing. Louis fished the phone out of his pocket and rolled his eyes playfully when he saw the caller ID.


"I'm done." Harry said from the other end of the line makinf Louis chuckle. 

"I'm in the hallway. Come out." Louis said and heard Harry hum before the line went dead afterwards Harry came out of the door of the study room.

"You could've come with me earlier." Louis shook his head smiling as he walked towards Harry. The stairs were at the other end of the hallway so they both walked towards it since Harry absolutely hated elevators. Louis helped the elder boy up the stairs and Harry even went few more steps by himself which made Louis so proud of his husband. 

"Take a shower, love. I'll be in the kitchen."


"Do you like Ed?" Louis asked when they were getting ready for bed and Harry nodded a little. 


"I'm glad you like him. If he does something you don't like please tell him that okay?" Louis asked and Harry hummed before plopping onto the bed. 

"Brush your teeth first, love." Louis said as he walked into the bathroom to brush his own teeth. "C'mon"

Harry groaned but got up anyway before following Louis to the bathroom. Louis put some toothpaste on Harry's brush before handing it over to him. They both brushed their teeth before going back to the bedroom. Harry plopped himself back to the bed and Louis turned some lights off and left one on before getting into the bed himself. 

"Goodnight, baby." The blue eyed lad placed a kiss on Harry's forehead and Harry returned a cheek kiss to Louis making the younger lad beam in happiness. 


"I'll get the paperwork sorted." Louis said smiling at the lady in front of him. He was planning on starting his own modelling agency. He have saved enough money by himself for that and he has enough contacts to survive in the field. He talked few people and he found this perfect building to start his business. 

"Thank you, Louis! I'll see you around." The lady shook Louis' hand before standing up to leave their house. It was the former owner of the building and she was moving her business to a new place. Therefore, Louis decided to get the building rented for his business. 

Louis led the woman to the door and got back to the living room after she left. He found Harry coming back from the backyard talking to someone on his phone. Louis raised his eyebrow at the boy because he barely talks to anyone except for Louis and his grandparents. 

"I'm uh- Harry." Harry said to the phone making Louis more suspicious as to who he was talking to. 

"Who's that baby?" Louis asked out of curiosity. He could've waited until Harry's call was over but he was afraid Harry was talking to someone dangerous and he was overprotective of his husband. He couldn't help it.

"A friend." Harry said smiling, making Louis chuckle a bit. He'll let Harry talk because it's not always Harry make friends. 

Louis decided to get back to their room and make himself productive by getting started on some paperwork he gotta do for his new business. He made some calls here and there to get some things cleared as he did what he had to do and after an hour or Harry came to the room. Someone may have helped him up the stairs. 

"Hey, boo! What did your friend say?" Louis asked smiling at the boy as he closed his laptop and some files on the table.

"Nothing." Harry said as he walked away to the bathroom. 

"At least tell me their name." Louis asked chuckling. 

"No name." Harry sent a cheeky smile before closing the door to the bathroom. Louis couldn't help but fond over his beautiful husband. Louis was afraid about Harry getting involved with bad people because Harry still had no sense of good and bad that much. That's why he asked some questions from Harry after he came back from the bathroom.

"What's your friend's name babe?" Louis sat next to Harry on the bed. 

"Perrie." Harry mumbled before reaching out and taking a book from his book shelf. 

"Nice name." Louis smiled at his love. "What did y'all talk about?" He really needed the information to at least guess that person's effect on Harry. Otherwise he won't be this nosy. 

"We just talked about food and frogs." Harry said as he flipped through the book he got. Louis decided that it was good enough.

"Frogs, of course." Louis giggled as he got up from the bed to take a shower. 


Five months later

"Hello Eddie!" Harry said excitedly when he saw his tutor walk through the front door. Ed chuckled as he walked towards the boy. 

"Hey, H. Shall we get started on the lessons?" Ed asked while pointing towards the staircase, indicating that they should go to the study room. 

"Yes!" Harry nodded before going towards the staircase. He took a hold of the banister before carefully going up the stairs with Ed following behind. Yes, he learnt how to go up and down the stairs and Louis couldn't be more proud of his husband. 

Once inside the study room, Ed pulled out his books and Harry did the same. 

"What do you wanna do today?" Ed asked the same question he asks everyday. 


"Hey, sweetie, I'm home!" Louis said as he walked into the house knowing that Harry's gonna wait for him in the living room but he frowned when he didn't hear the familiar excited 'Louis!' from Harry. 

He decided to go upstairs to their bedroom, thinking Harry was there. Once inside the room he found Harry texting on his phone with someone and Louis couldn't help but pout. 

"Hey!" Louis said as he placed his stuff on the table inside the room. "You were not there to greet me, babe." Louis commented. 

"Louis?" Instead of answering what Louis just said, Harry asked completely different question. "What is love?" 

Louis' eyes widened at the question. 

"Why'd you ask that baby?" Louis asked gently as he took a seat on the bed next to his husband. 

"This girl said that she loves me and I said same but she said that it's not what she meant." Harry said showing the conversation on the phone to Louis. Louis couldn't help but feel so, so jealous. 

"Okay. I'll try my best to explain, alright?" Louis said before taking off his heels and leaning back against the bedpost. Harry watched his movements intently.

"So, it's a feeling baby. It's not like the love you feel towards your mommy or grandma or dad. It's something really different than that." Louis stopped when he saw Harry's attention going somewhere else. He decided to wait until he has Harry's attention back on him. 

"You don't feel it towards everyone." Louis continued when he had Harry's attention again. "You get all tingly when you think about that person and you don't want to be with anyone else other than that person." Louis tried his best to explain it to Harry. 

"I don't wanna be with anyone else, Louis. Just you. Is that love?" Harry asked totally confused.


A/N - Heyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I've been watching you all niiiight 

Forgive my stupidity and tell me how have you been? 

I hope my baby potatoes are all fine! 

Anygayyy this book will come to an end soon, sadly. 

I love y'all to death! Have a nice day/ night! (: xxx


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