13. Nuggets Over Sandwich

"Hello, Lou! It's been a while!" Laura hugged him as soon as he walked in.

"Hey, Laura. I was sick and kinda busy. I'm sorry." Louis sent her an apologetic smile before pulling away from the hug.

"Everything's okay. Can I take your measurements now?" Laura asked.

"Sure." Louis nodded and walked into a room with Laura to take the measurements.

"They are the same as the last time." She giggled once she's done with taking the measurements.

"I haven't changed even an inch I guess." Louis giggled with her as he put his dress back on. "Did Liam give his measurements?" Louis asked as he fixed himself on the body length mirror.

"Yeah, he did. He came here yesterday." Laura replied and Louis hummed while putting his lipstick back on.

"Everything is done, yeah?" Louis turned back to Laura.

"Yeah, love. You can get going. I'll call you when the dresses are done."

"Okay. Bye, Laura. See you soon." Louis gave her a quick hug before stumbling back to his car. He got inside it and pressed the ignition button before driving off to the place he knew that he has to go.

He turned the car to a slightly deserted street and parked it there before looking around to see if anyone saw him. When he noticed no one around he walked down the street and turned a corner before walking down the narrow path between two tall buildings. He stopped by the black door to his right and knocked exactly five times on the door before talking to intercom attached to the wall beside the door.

"It's Louis."

The door was opened by a giant like person and Louis smiled at his before walking into the dark room. He knew exactly where he's going since it's nothing new to him. He stopped by one corner of the room and pressed his thumb against the small screen on the wall. No one would notice that there is a fingerprint recognizer on the wall unless they know it. It was greatly hidden with a wooden cover over it.

"Access Granted!" The machine's monotone voice said and the ground that is few feet ahead of Louis opened to reveal a staircase. He smiled a little before going down those. Once he's in the basement, he stopped by the first guard he saw.

"Is Zayn in his office?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. Our sir is in his office." The guard nodded.

Louis thanked him before turning back and walking down the hallways like he owns the place, which he somewhat does. He walked his destination and stopped at the metallic door and knocked twice.

"Come in, Lou." His best friend's voice could be heard through the intercom and Louis happily opened the door to reveal the raven haired man sitting on his leather chair with a joint in between his fingers.

"Hi, Zaynie!" Louis bounced over to him and Zayn, Louis' best friend stood up from the chair to hug him.

"Hi, boo!" He pressed a kiss to the side of Louis' head before letting the smaller lad go. Louis sat on one of the chairs there.

"So... Tell me about him." Zayn wiggled his brows in a suggestive manner.

Yeah, Louis told him everything about his marriage but he didn't get time to tell anything after the marriage. He couldn't invite him to the wedding since the name Zayn Malik itself was enough to make the town shiver in fear. Plus, Zayn didn't like to attend occasions that has many people dressed up in clothes that is gonna suffocate them to death to look beautiful and letting out fake laughs to look that they are fine. Fake bitches are his breaking point. Maybe that's why Zayn declined the invitation even when Louis invited him at one point.

Now he's asking about Louis' husband who he stalked as Louis and him went on dates. It was for Louis' safety.

"I was fooled, Zee."


"Alright. Desmond Styles would be dead within twenty-four hours. I'll start looking for this Edward guy too." Zayn said calmly as he leaned back on his leather chair.

"NO! I don't want Desmond dead, Zaynie! I was just telling you these things because you are my best friend but anyways, I will tell you if I ever wanted him six feet under." Louis smiled a too sweet smile making Zayn chuckle.

"That's my Lou."

Louis blushed a bit.

"But I want you to look for Edward. I'm pretty sure he'll be in one of the offices Styles Co. owned." Louis mumbled. "I wanna slap his dick with a fucking truck." Louis gritted his teeth making Zayn burst into a laughter.

"Sure, love. I'll find him as soon as possible." Zayn nodded. "Anyways, tell me more about your autistic husband." Zayn offered.

"Don't call him autistic husband, you moron. You know I don't like it when people are labeled." Louis faked a glare at the brown eyed boy.

"Alright, alright." Zayn lifted his hands in surrender before continuing. "How is your husband?"

Louis smiled instantly at the mention of Harry and a warm feeling swallowed his heart in whole.

"He's so adorable. He always flaps his hands and he has an obsession with frogs. He wakes up around 3am every morning and it's a little tedious for me but I go to sleep early with him. He strips his clothes by the bathroom door before a shower and comes out with a towel securely wrapped around his waist." Louis stopped to giggle a little.

"He loves to play in the backyard. He wouldn't get tired of it even if he was forced to reside there. He's the duplicate of Edward because they are twins but Harry is so much different and much innocent than Edward. He's just a gentle little bunny." Louis was smiling so big that Zayn was afraid that he'd get his face split in two.

"What the fuck?" Zayn questioned with his eyes wide.

"What?" Louis focused on Zayn and his dreamy faraway look is nowhere to be found.

"Are you fucking in love with an autistic person who's also your husband? God, this situation is much more messed up than I thought." Zayn groaned.

"There you go with labeling again! And I'm not in love with him, Zee. He's just too adorable not to adore. Even if I was, what's wrong with being in love with someone who is a little different than others." Louis frowned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uh- okay, I'm sorry for labeling him. Well, there's nothing wrong if you love him but you know there are lots of responsibilities that comes with that. It's not that easy." Zayn explained.

"Yeah, I know and I already deal with everything just fine, Zee. He's not that hard to handle unless he's having a meltdown which I only dealt with three times for the past four days. He just loves it he has someone else to play and tell stories to other than his mother. He's stuck inside that room. Even when it is a complete apartment; it gets boring for an energetic 22 years old." Louis sighed.

"Yeah, I feel so bad for him. I'll help you with whatever plan you come up with to free him and yourself." Zayn smiled at his best friend.

"Thanks, Zaynie. You are the best!"


"C'mon, babe. It's a nice sandwich. Try it, please." Anne tried feeding Harry his sandwich since he doesn't seem to do on his own.

"NO!" Harry pushed his plate and it landed on the floor with the other sandwich on it scattering around the carpet.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. What do you want, hm? I'll quickly make it for you." Anne rubbed Harry's back.

"I want nuggets." Harry whined out.

"Alright. I'll be right back with your nuggets." Anne leaned over to place a kiss on Harry's cheek but he pushed her away making her sigh and walk out of the room, leaving her half-eaten lunch behind.

Harry stood up from his seat in the dining room and took Anne's plate too before pushing it off the table with full force. It being china, scattered into pieces with a loud noise as it hit the wall. Harry instantly covered his ears and started humming as he swayed from side to side.

The door of the bedroom opened and in came Louis. He had no clue on what was happening inside since the walls were sound proofed. He threw his purse onto Harry's table before calling out for Harry.

"Harry! I'm home." He walked into the dining room to grab himself a glass of water and that's when he noticed what's happening there.

"Hey, sh... What's wrong, love?" Louis carefully walked over to Harry avoiding the pieces of shattered plate on the ground. He pulled out a chair and tried making Harry sit on it but once Louis touched the boy he just hissed at him and pushed away his hand.

"It's okay, babe." Louis didn't even know what happened and he doesn't even know what is wrong in the first place to make it right. He decided to wait until Harry calms down on his own because if he were to touch him or make more noises it'd only worsen this situation.

Harry kept on humming and staying back and forth with his hands flapping against his ears. He let out an aggressive grunt before stomping his feet and Louis really can't see a reason for that. The taller boy clenched and unclenched his fists before banging them against the wall behind them making Louis jump with his eyes wide.

"Harry!" He didn't mean to shout but he got scared that it came out of his mouth without his consent. Harry's hums got louder and he again flapped his hands against his ears while letting out angry grunts in between. All of a sudden, he started slapping his right palm against the wall with all of his force making Louis flinch.

"Harry, Harry, Harry, sh... babe, come on. Let's take a seat." Louis said in a whisper afraid to trigger something but Harry just kept on grunting and slapping his palm against the wall.

The dining room's door opened and Anne came in with a plate of nuggets but gasped when she noticed the situation in there.

"What happened?" She asked Louis but the smaller boy could only shrug. Anne sighed as she walked over to the table avoiding the sharp pieces on the ground and placed the plate of nuggets on it. She fished out her phone and dialed a number as she walked back out of the room.

"Give the phone to Martha. Martha, come to Harry's room. He shattered a plate to the ground." She hung up before entering the dining room again. She carefully walked over to Harry and stared at the boy for few seconds who's now punching the wall.

"He'll calm down on his own, Louis. We can do nothing about it." Anne said as she patted Louis' back. They both took a seat on two dining table's chairs and watched Harry as he has his meltdown.

Soon, Martha came in with the cleaning equipment and started cleaning the sharp pieces off the ground. Louis volunteered to help her but she declined the offer. 

When the old lady left the room, Louis looked back at Harry and noticed he has stopped punching the wall. Instead he's scratching his fingernails against his hands and he knew that its gonna leave bruises but lucky for them, Anne cut his fingernails yesterday.

Soon enough, Harry was starting to calm down as he just flapped his hands in front of him and hummed to himself. He soon walked out of the room, leaving Louis and Anne to follow after him. The green eyed boy tucked himself into their bed and curled into a ball.

"He's so adorable when he does that." Louis commented smiling and taking a seat on the bed next to Harry's curled up body.

"He is, isn't he?" Anne chuckled.

Louis carefully ran his fingers through Harry's soft curls, hoping it would not bring back the meltdown which died down few minutes ago. Harry didn't give any reaction to Louis rubbing his scalp so, Louis continued. Soon enough, Harry fell asleep and Louis stood up from the bed to change into something more comfortable.

"Make sure he eats when he wakes up, Louis. He put on a tantrum saying he didn't want sandwiches and this all happened while I went to make him some nuggets as he asked me to." Anne said and Louis nodded with a smile.

"I will, Anne."

"Did you have lunch?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, I did. I'm just gonna take a little nap with him to catch up with the sleep I lost for the last few days." Louis shook his head fondly at Harry's sleeping figure.

"Oh imagine how I had to wake up every day at that hour all his life." Anne giggled when Louis groaned. "I'm sorry you have to go through that." Anne suddenly was serious.

"No, Anne, it's alright. I'm going to sleep with him early so it doesn't matter." Louis reassured her. She sent him a thankful smile before leaving the room.

Louis quickly took off his dress and changed into shorts and a baggy t-shirt. He walked back to the bed and laid down next to Harry. He pulled the covers over the curly haired boy and himself before draping an arm over Harry making him the little spoon of their cuddle session.

"I'll help you break free and I'll break us free from him." Louis whispered only for Harry to hear.


(Word Count 2200)

A/N - It's a quiet long chappy and an early update cause I suddenly got excited for this book. *rolls eyes at myself*

Btw, both Liam and Zayn made an appearance in the book. Well, Zayn did a big one. ;)

Anygay,,,,, thoughts?


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