12. Confusing Strings
Louis groaned in his sleep when he felt someone jump over his sleeping body. He opened one eye and found Harry standing there with an energetic smile on his lips making him groan once again. It's been 4 days since Louis and Harry married and every morning of those four days Louis was woken up from his sweet sleep at unusual hours of morning because Harry usually wakes up around 3am.
"Come back to bed, love." Louis said tiredly. He didn't want Harry doing something that'd hurt him while he's asleep.
"No." Harry giggled making Louis sigh.
"Why are you so energetic at this hour in the morning? It's what-" Louis checked the time on his phone. "3.17am." Louis felt like burying himself alive. He sat up on the bed when Harry decided to wander off to the bathroom instead of answering Louis.
"This boy is going to kill me from lack of sleep soon." Louis sighed and went to Harry's dining room to grab himself a glass of water.
When he walked back to the room, Harry was standing by the bathroom door while holding the strings of his sweatpants, not understanding how to put a knot but wanting to do it. Louis giggled at his adorable husband and walked over to him.
"Want me to knot them together for you?" Louis asked with a smile towards the elder boy. Harry didn't answer, too busy with trying to figure out how to do a knot that he didn't even realize he was drooling a bit. Louis smiled fondly at the boy before reaching over and placed the glass of water on Harry's table.
He took the strings from Harry and knotted them together and Harry watched the movements of his hands while flapping his hands.
"Done!" Louis cheered and ruffled Harry's hair making the elder boy squeal in joy and bounce on the balls of his feet.
"You are too adorable!" Louis complained.
"Dress is okay." Louis twirled in front of the full length mirror in Harry's bathroom.
"Makeup is done and hair is done." He made sure everything is fine before stepping out of the bathroom.
He walked over to the closet and opened his side of it. Since he decided to make Harry's room, their room, Anne cleaned up a side of Harry's closet for his clothes. He looked through his collection of purse before deciding on the white one which is somewhat bigger. He needed to hold some stuff in it.
He turned around when his purse is stuffed and walked over to Harry who is spread out on the bed with his limbs everywhere as he scripted something under his breath.
"Bye, sweetcheeks." Louis patted Harry's knee before waving. Harry quickly got up from the bed and wrapped his hands around Louis' torso. Louis wrapped his arms around the taller boy and ruffled his curls thinking it's just a hug from his cuddly husband but seems like Harry has other plans.
"Don't go!" Harry didn't let Louis go when the smaller boy tried to pull out of the hug.
"I'm just going to work, love. I'll be back soon. I promise." Louis chuckled.
"No!" Harry whined as he gripped Louis' dress and tightened his grip a bit around Louis' torso.
"I'll be back from work soon, love. I'm going nowhere." Louis tried to pry Harry's large frame away from his much smaller one.
"No!" Harry grumbled making Louis sigh.
"I'll be right back. I promise, sweetcheeks." Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair but the green eyed boy wasn't having it.
"No, no, no, no..." He repeated the word like a mantra. Louis sighed once again and was about to say another thing to convince Harry but the sound of their room's door opening stopped him. He let out a sigh of relief when Anne came into the room.
"He won't let me go." Louis complained with a pout like a preschooler, making Anne giggle.
"C'mon, babe. Let Louis go. He has to go to work. You kept him home long enough." Anne walked over to the couple and tried to pry Harry away from Louis but to no avail. Harry just tightened his grip around Louis' torso to the point it started hurting Louis' petite body.
"You are going to hurt him, love. You don't like hurting people, now do you?" Anne tried to do this in the calmest way possible not wanting to pull a meltdown.
"No." Harry shook his head but didn't lessen his tight grip around Louis.
"I'll come back home soon, sweetcheeks." Louis rubbed Harry's back and placed a kiss on his cheek, hoping he would let go at least at that since he doesn't like it when people kiss his cheeks out of nowhere but the boy didn't let go.
"C'mon!" Louis tickled his sides and harry quickly let go with a shriek of giggles. Louis took that as an opportunity and quickly grabbed his purse from the table to run out of the room.
He heard Harry let out an angered sound from behind him and the sound of his feet hitting the ground after Louis could be heard but Louis didn't stop until he's out of the door. Much to his horror, the room door he closed behind was opened by none other than Harry himself since Anne wasn't able to stop the boy before he does it and he's soon engulfed in Harry's arms as the boy let out angered grunts.
Seems like he's gonna call in sick today too.
"Harry..." Louis ran his fingers through Harry's greasy curls. He needs a shower soon. "I'll be back, babe." Louis tried waddling over to their room with Harry still attached to him but didn't succeed.
"C'mon, let's go inside." Louis dragged Harry to the room and closed the door behind himself. He grabbed his phone from his purse and dialed his designer's number.
"Hey, Laura. Is it okay if I came in a little late today? Something really important came up. I'm sorry for always postponing." Louis apologized and he let out a sigh of relief when Laura said that it's alright.
He can get Harry distracted and leave by then because he knew that the boy isn't gonna be attached to his side whole day. It was just a moment of things and then he'll be distracted with something else.
"I'm going to stay." Louis said in a cheery voice making Harry cheer. He smiled fondly at the boy before placing another kiss on Harry's cheek. This time Harry quickly let Louis go and started wiping on his cheek, making Louis roll his eyes.
"You couldn't do that before when I kissed your cheek, little monkey." Louis shook his head fondly at his husband and heard Anne chuckle.
"Keep me entertained if you made me stay home now." Louis ruffled Harry's curls and then he remembered that the boy needed a shower. "I think it's better if you showered, love. Your hair is a bit greasy." Louis commented and heard Anne hum from the dining room.
"I think so too. Harry, c'mon, go to the bathroom and take a shower." Anne walked out of the dining room. The elder boy flapped his hands and hummed as he walked towards the bathroom. Once near the bathroom door he stripped his clothes until bare making Anne sigh.
"We don't strip our clothes until in the bathroom, Harry. I have told you this before."
Harry just walked into the bathroom leaving his clothes there and ignoring Anne's words. Louis walked over to where he left his clothes and picked them up before throwing them into the hamper in the bathroom.
"I'll set the temperature of water." Louis volunteered.
"Thanks, love. It's lukewarm." Anne sent him a grateful look as she went back to the dining room to finish drying the dishes.
Louis walked over to where the shower is and saw Harry already sitting in the tub as he hummed while twisting his fingers. He chuckled a little and tapped on Harry's shoulder.
"Off the tub. I can't set the temperature while you are in here." Louis helped the elder boy off the tub.
"Thanks, babe." For the while he set the temperature, he heard Harry repeat it under his breath.
"All done. Step in." Louis took Harry's hand in his and helped the boy to get into the bathtub carefully. Once settled inside Harry demanded his bubble bath and Louis quickly grabbed it from the shelf to pour some of it onto the water filling the tub.
"Everything's okay?" Louis questioned and he didn't receive an answer from Harry as the green eyed boy has already playing with the water. Louis giggled at his husband's behavior and walked out of the bathroom before Harry wets his clothes.
He went to the dining room.
"Anne, I'll get going before he comes out of the bathroom."
Just like that, he left the mansion not only for work but with something else in mind too.
(Word Count 1487)
Soooooooo how was the chappy?
I'm just curious and desperate for your funny answers,
What would you do if you were fooled into marrying an autistic person?
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