Chapter 7 - Snakes in the Grass
Sophia crept from the hut and slipped on her jacket. A damp mist was blanketing the ground around the campsite and she shivered as she stuffed her things in to the large backpack. The noise startled her and she spun around, a large hunting knife in her hand.
"Whoa, it's me." Jack stepped from behind the hut, arms outspread.
"Where were you?"
"It would be rude to say."
"Oh . . . "
"What are you being so quiet about? Your lover still having his beauty sleep?"
"Jack . . . there was nothing I could do." She lowered her voice and glanced nervously toward the hut door. "We knew this going in, at least you said you did." He tossed his head in acknowledgement and reached for her hand, pulling her close. "Jack . . . not here, it isn't safe." Ignoring the protest, he held her and kissed her hard on the mouth, pleased to feel her resistance fade.
"I've got a surprise for you," he whispered into her hair as he pressed his body against hers.
"Jack, no . . . not no-"
He stepped back and grinned. "Not that. This." He reached into his pocket and withdrew one of the large emeralds from his stint in the mine.
"My god! Where did that come from?"
"Shhh!" He put it away and slipped an arm over her shoulder. "There's plenty more like that one."
The hut door banged open and Anton stepped out into the dewy morning.
"Plenty more like what, Jack?" He stretched and scratched his bare stomach, pushing down the waist of his shorts as he did.
"Morning Varga. Sleep well?"
"Plenty more like what, Jack?" Anton stood with his thumbs hooked inside the top of the sagging shorts.
"Your wife was just mooning over the nights we spent in Lima at the hotel, drinking and enjoying the sunsets. I told her that with what we've recovered there'd be plenty more like that."
Anton stared at the two of them and then cracked a grin. "There will be for her, that's for sure."
Jack turned to face his partner. "What does that mean exactly?"
"Nothing, partner, nothing. You misunderstood." He turned and sauntered back into the hut leaving Sophia to give Jack a very worried look.
By mid morning they had all the treasure they'd recovered packed and ready to transport. Jack tossed the last of his coffee into the fire and watched as Anton dragged the animal skin he'd worn to terrorize the dead team members before killing them, over to the fire.
"Shouldn't be needing this anymore." He dropped it on the edge of the flames allowing them to burn without a lot of smoke. "Shame to lose a skin like that and those claws, wow. Worked well, don't you think?"
"Sure as hell scared the shit out of them." Jack agreed. He wasn't feeling too secure himself at the moment; Anton had to know something was up between he and his wife. He hoisted his distinctive Explorer pack and settled it on his shoulders. "Guess I'll head out, if you're gonna wait around for that to burn."
"What's the hurry, partner?"
"None. I just don't feel like standing around here; it's a long trek to the airfield. I'd rather do it in the daylight."
"You taking Sophia with you?" The question surprised him.
"That's up to her. I imagine she'll wait for you." Jack started across the clearing. "If you don't catch up, I'll see you at the airfield."
"Yeah . . . the airfield." Anton poked at the burning skin with a stick and watched Jack all the way into the trees.
"He's alone." Stork lay in the cover of some low scrub on the side of the gorge, watching Jack's progress down the trail to the river; the bright colour of his backpack easily visible through the foliage.
"I seriously doubt that," Salvatore whispered. "Your estimate of the tracks was at least three."
"None of them might have been his though. Maybe this is the guy that knocked off all your buddies and he's knocked of three others as well."
"That's at least twelve people, Stork; it would be quite a feat for one man."
"Maybe, look what your goon did in that village."
Salvatore placed a strong hand on Stork's neck and held him firmly while he repeated his caution about characterizing his countrymen. He let go and returned his attention to the lone hiker at the bottom of the gorge. Stork shook his neck and glowered at nothing in particular.
"Follow him for bit, but no contact. We'll watch from here and see if he really is alone." He looked at the Australian, expecting an argument but the man simply wriggled back from the cover and disappeared through the trees.
Captain Warez signed and stamped all the necessary documents that would give Gretta all the permission she would need to travel through the different districts carrying weapons. The local Governor had assigned Captain Warez to head the investigation but not to take a proactive role; let the foreigners deal with the other foreigners, was his remark.
They would mop up when all was over and done. Warez was just to keep tabs on how things were going and make sure they didn't get way out of line. He had passed on the customs information regarding recent arrivals of North Americans with a written opinion of each.
"Are you positive you wouldn't like Lieutenant Sander to accompany you?"
"I'm sure, thank you, Captain. Maybe Lieutenant Sander could remain as a backup should it be necessary; we will be in touch by radio."
"I think that can be arranged. In any case, he will be driving you to Huánuco. Please be careful, Senorita, I would hate to lose such a lovely visitor to my country." He flashed a white-toothed smile and shared a bit of it with Arny, who was rolling his eyes as he waited for Gretta.
Gretta and Arny waved Sander off in the jeep, waiting until he was lost in a cloud of dust from the dirt road leading to the airstrip. They hired a small Cessna and a pilot who looked like a Latin, Robin Williams and took the short flight back to the town of Obenteni. The sun was just above the trees on the plateau and Gretta checked the time as they watched the plane bank away into some low cloud.
"Home at last," Arny reflected cynically.
"I want to be where we left off last time before noon so let's go." Gretta left with her trademark stride, chewing up distance with ease; Arny hustled behind just chewing.
The remains of the village held their attention as they passed, recalling the horror they'd discovered such a short time ago. Apparently someone else had been in the meantime because several small crosses decorated with small implements and flowers were grouped in a small clearing away from the ashes of the huts. Gretta sniffed back a tear and moved on. An hour later, they squatted on a small hill just alongside the edge of the gorge and Arny set up the radio for their prearranged contact with Sander.
"I don't see why we couldn't use cell phones instead of carting this great thing around."
"I thought you learned something about cell phones from our other trips, how unreliable they are in areas like this. The radio doesn't need perfect conditions and as long as you can crank, it has unlimited life."
Arny shrugged and bent his head to the mike as he heard Sander's greeting. He gave their position, according to Gretta and the time, for the record then asked if there was any word from Callao.
"Hospital reports slow but steady improvement. Still in lockdown over virus. Suggest a few days yet. Over."
Arny looked at Gretta and made a face. "Do we have to talk like B war movies?"
"It's protocol, Arny. Just do it." Gretta consulted her notes and used the binoculars to study the far side of the gorge.
"Wilco, Sander." Arny called, sarcastically. "Message received, over and out." He packed the radio away and joined Gretta. "Christ, I feel like John Wayne."
"Really?" She squeezed his arm, frowning. "I don't think so."
"Hilarious, Gretta. Just hilarious."
"Let's go." She grabbed her pack and started off again leaving Arny to catch up with a short jog.
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