Chapter 2: The Savage Outworld Wilderness

Hello and welcome back finally to the next highly anticipated chapter of The Perfect Timeline and here we are entering our first arc of the entire story, which of course if you haven't guessed it yet is hunting down and finding the Outworld Kamidogu dagger, the first of six daggers to collect and increase your own power. Of course it won't be easy as Outworld is a highly dangerous realm in which you could get attacked at any second for looking at someone the wrong way, not to mention the plethora of beasts and bandits that roam the wilderness looking for some action or food. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I've added a new segment in the previous chapter which confirms there was a one year timeskip in-between the Prologue and Chapter 1 in order for Y,N to train and properly learn his mission and what he's fighting for and the revitalization process took a little longer than expected. Additionally this means Kotal Khan preformed a coup against Empress Mileena much, much, much earlier within the timeline and rose to become the newest emperor of Outworld(approximately around 23 years before canon because in this re-telling Mileena lost the throne only 8-9 months into her rule instead of ruling for Empress for around 15 years give or take. Which means the civil war between Mileena and Kotal Khan happened earlier and will finish earlier, practically changing an entire plotline from MKX and MK11.....But we'll get to that once we arrive at said plot points.) So with all of this exposition and new information stated let's continue on with the chapter.

Y,N POV, Location: Outworld 

Y,N: *steps out of portal before it closes behind him and he surveys the landscape with a clear sneer of disgust on his face* I don't know whether I should condemn this place to the rotting hellhole it deserves to lie in or I should give pity upon this wretched place and steer it towards a brand new age of enlightenment and honor. But first things first, I must find the Kamidogu to further enhance my power *he looks down at his left hand and then balls it into a fist* only then I'll become powerful enough to bring about true and permeant change, I can't have my timeline fall into one of despair and ruin like all the others that came before it. *he looks up at the sun and sees it lowly dipping away from him, meaning he was burning precious daylight and he needed to get a move on quickly. After all the Outworld wilderness was certainly not a place to be during the day, but it grew worse tenfold during the night as that's when the deadliest creatures prowled the wastelands for food* I need to get going, the time I spend talking to myself the more time I lose hunting down the Kamidogu. I need to find that temple, then locate the Edenia Kamidogu, and then get out of here before I drawl any attention to myself or my mission. 

*Y,N began to trek through the rough and abandoned terrain of the Outworld wilderness, far, far away from any sizeable and hospitable civilization, the only "friends" Y,N would find out here were vicious and hungry beasts and greedy bandits who through their lives away in the great lie of they'll eventually steal enough that they won't have to steal and pillage anymore, those vagabonds lived the worst life-style imaginable....They lived a complete lie as their individual greed would never stop and they would never stop pillaging as they loved the touch of gold, the smell of smoke, and the cries of the innocent and defenseless. People like that truly made Y,N sick as they inhibited the worst of mortal life and gave humans or other humanoid creatures are horrible name for their constant greedy and ruthless ways. If he wasn't bound to honor and an oath decreed by both himself and the Elder Gods above him, he would have killed and murdered every person that deserves to be thrown down into the Netherrealms....Some people simply don't deserve to live and while he kept these radical views to himself now that he was "dead" and therefore free from the oath of the Elder Gods who could kill whomever he wanted. But, he swore he would only target and kill those that deserved it as wouldn't become vile and greedy like them and attack random and innocent villages for the hell of it. He was better than them and he deserved to live, due to his mission and his newfound purpose.....Even then he would only limit it to those who crossed his path as hunting down every negative and vile soul would take decades upon decades to fully accomplish and that would alert all of the realms to his plans and ultimately Kronika's plan. So for now he needed to complete his goal of hunting down and collecting all of the six Kamidogu's and then once Kronika's plan was achieved and this timeline would be spared from destruction, he could then cull those who deserved divine punishment and an extended vacation in the fiery infernos of the Netherrealm.* 

Y,N: *thinks* I wonder who's in charge of this realm now that bastard Shao Kahn has been killed. Probably his nightmarish cloned daughter Mileena....But last time I saw her, she was a mere child trapped inside of a fully grown woman's body there's no chance in any of the realms she could grow enough maturity to fully run and operate an entire realm efficiently. Her childish demeanor would have run all of Outworld into the ground and since I'm still walking on Outworld sand currently something else has to be running the show and ruling the roost, either as Mileena's advisor or completely as their own Emperor/Empress. Which means unless they've also heard about the legends of the Kamidogu's then I could easily slip in and out for this realm without dragging myself into a slaughter against the foolish Emperor or Empress of this barren wasteland. I would hate to have to slaughter an entire army simply because their idiotic ruler wanted a power they couldn't control or even know how to manipulate. 

*However before he could continue the sun was setting over the sky above coating the entirety of the Outworld wilderness in near pitch black darkness with the only light being the stars and his own Pyrokinesis. This would probably be the worst night of his life as countless creatures or armed bandits could attack him at any second and while they couldn't much to him before frying their bodies with his electrokinesis it was still something he worried about as it would be like flies attacking him, meaning they wouldn't cause much damage if none at all but their mere presence would drive him mad and potentially cause him to lash out which would end up in an entire mountain being destroyed at the minimum. So biting the bullet and hoping nobody would be dumb enough to mess with him, he set up camp for the night and after luckily finding some firewood and using his Geokinesis to create a rock pit he threw the wood back into the pit before lighting it ablaze with his Pyrokinesis which surrounded the immediate vicinity in a comfy and warm reddish-orange glow. It wasn't comfortable and it certainly wouldn't be enjoyable but at least it was something and Y,N got a beautiful view of the Outworld night sky, it was one of those rare nights where the stars flickering and glowed beautifully which gave life and beauty to an otherwise drab and decaying realm. Seeing this brought the faintest of smiles underneath Y,N's face even if his war helmet blocked it. Sometimes it was the small things that brought forth a smile, yet he knew this was the only luxury he would get from this night as once the morning sun broke through the sky he would have to locate the temple and find the Kamidogu.* 

Y,N: Huh. Even the most rotten and decaying of realms can have their miniscule positive upsides. A once more potentially prosperous realm reduced into nothing more than war, strife, and decay. It's sad yet poetic as that perfectly sums up Shao Kahn's reign in a complete nutshell. *his eyes begin to lightly drop as the sound of the crackling firewood and the weirdly serene sounds drive him into the realm of sleep....which was against his better wishes. Y,N then within the realm of sleep gets a flashback of his near death at the hands of the brutal and ruthless Outworld Emperor and he cringes as he feels his heart rapidly beat almost like he was being killed again and death flashes before his very eyes before he screams out as he feels like his heart was pierced again before his eyes shot open as it turned out he had fallen asleep at his campfire* Shit. I actually fell asleep and didn't even realize it. That was reckless and careless as any bastard, bitch, or creature could of come up and slit my throat while I was having a nightmare experience in la-la-land. *sigh* Well at least I didn't get killed in the middle of the night. *he cracks his neck* And sleeping on the rock floor is worse than sleeping in those lava constructed torture rooms in the Netherrealm or frankly anywhere in Chaosrealm. 

???: *a sadistic cackle fills the air* I wouldn't count your eggs before they hatch stranger! There's no telling when you'll die in a barren wasteland such as this! Especially with esteemed gentlemen such as ourselves Isn't that right fellas? We're proper pillagers of honor and intrigue, not those common riff-raff bandits that just randomly attack people for no reason whatsoever! *three more bandits come up from behind them each also bearing a sadistic grin as their supposed leader and each one screamed vile bastard as their thrown together armor and steel daggers told everything he needed to know and truly cared about these bastards as his eyes narrowed at this idiots. He knew exactly what they were and exactly why they came up on him......These idiots had a clear abet unknowing death wish and Y,N would gladly give them the sweet release of death they apparently so desperately craved for coming upon him.* 

Bandit #1: *licks his lips* So how are we going to kill him boss? I hope it's painful and harsh as he's on our land and we don't take kindly to strangers walking around like they own the place on our land. We won this land fair and square stranger! So you better be leaving before things get worse for you! *cackles and giggles insanely* I'll personally gouge your eyes out and rip out your tongue and shove it up your ass! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! I want to kill him so badly and take his helmet for myself! 

Bandit #2: *chuckles* Or maybe partner we just wanna see you squirm before slitting your throat and leaving your corpse for the beasties! After all, the beasties need feeding as well! And this poor fool has found himself in our personal crosshairs! It doesn't seem to be this idioto's lucky day. 

Bandit#3: If we kill him then I call dibs on his badass armor! That's one way to strike fear into the hearts of those no-good innocent villagers! He looks like some kind of warlord with that outfit! It would totally strike fear into the heart of that village we pillaged a few miles back! *he points in a direction northwest of their current location* Ah man, the way those ladies screamed was music to my ears! 

Bandit Leader: *he holds his left hand shutting up the other three bandits* Boys, boys shut the hell up! Our arguing could cause Mr. Silent-Ass to run away and we'll never see him nor catch him due to his pure black armor blending in with the time of day that it is! Meaning keep your eyes on the prize and head in the here and now! Now speak stranger before we simply blow your head off for not showing us the proper respect we deserve! We may be bandits of impeccable taste and intrigue but even our patience does indeed run thin. Especially with potentially smartasses such as yourself fine sir.   

Y,N: I have only have a singular phrase for evil and unforgiveable scum such as yourself. 

Bandit Leader: *his right eye twitches in rage* And that would be stranger?

Y,N: *he breaks a smirk underneath his helmet* You're all fucked. 

Bandit Leader: *breaks out laughing* Those are some big words for a man about to di----------*his sentence gets cut offs as blood pours down from his mouth while the other bandits yell out in fright.*

Y,N: Well......Don't say I didn't warn you. 

*Y,N materializes the sword Kronika bestowed upon him as a gift for his allegiance and he brutally pierced the bandit leader through the stomach with his blade causing blood to go flying everywhere and he spat out blood as he crumbled down to a bloody heap as his blood was now turning the sand red as Y,N slowly pulled out his blade and pointed it at the cowering bandits...and why wouldn't they be scared? Their leader had been murdered right in front of their eyes and before anyone could notice the figure was gone and then a loud scream was heard before silence as the decapitated head of Bandit #2 rolled along the desert floor before coming to a stop right next to the roaring campfire with his head now being one permanently of fright and terror. Which now left Bandit's #1 and #3 to looking around wildly for this man who clearly wasn't normally and Bandit #3 was on the verge of tears as he was scared shitless as this man forced a blade through his leader's stomach which he pulled the fuck out of thin air without batting an eye and then he decapitated his friend Antonio's head clean off his shoulders with neither him or Blades being none the wiser. This was a clear dominant and frightening predator they were dealing with......Maybe they shouldn't have attempted to raid his camp at night or maybe they should have slit his throat when they had the chance, but all of that was in the past and they were dealing with the horrifying now!* 

Y,N: *his voice echoes across the desert* Do you give up and concede or are you still willing to have more blood spill tonight? Either way I'm perfectly fine with your decision but let's see if you're willing to repent for your sins or if you rather die with your twisted ideals clearly lodged within your mind. And what did your friend say? This isn't "idioto's" lucky day. *smirks* I believe that now perfectly encapsulates what's happening right now.  

Blades: *yells while taking out one of his many daggers* I'll never beg like a horrid coward! Only crybaby villagers beg! I'll kill you and take my revenge for you killing my comrades! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! You'll pay for slaughtering my comrades like mere beasts! I'll make you scream and squeal for mercy! And once your throat is raw from the yelling and screaming I'll mercifully slit your throat and leave your body for the buzzards! How dare you use Antonio's words for yourself! He was a proper bandit! Not a random killer such as yourself!

Y,N: Well....I gave you a chance of running away but you idiotic bandits are all cut from the same miserable cloth. And you're right....We're nothing alike *Y,N lunges forward from the darkness with his blade glowing from the blaze for the campfire and with a loud tension in the air and a loud "slick" Blades' torso landed a few feet away from legs causing the insane maniac to yell out in rage, fear, and pain as he only had a couple of minutes tops left of life. Blood soured in the air and landed onto the sand like horrifying rain as the geyser of blood that shot out from Blade's bottom half of his body was horrifying as blood was soaking into the sand below and stained even more of this desert red with blood, not of the innocent like these bastards did, but the blood of the downright guilty, the unforgiveable scum of Outworld.*  I'm better and not morally irreprehensible. My actions are for the proper good of all the realms, not just being greedy for myself. 

Blades: *his grip is failing on his dagger but he gets it into a throwing position right for Y,N's back* You'll.......You'll pay.......For what you've........You've done to us! Try.......Try dodging this bastard! *Before he could get any blade off from his body Y,N without a care but with precise aim threw a fireball behind him and he smelt the sins burning from behind him as Blades screamed in agony from being lit on fire. His torso rolled around hopelessly trying to put it out and all the 3rd bandit could do was stand perfectly still as two of his friends were dead and the final one was certainly dead in a few moments....And finally the screaming stopped as Blades' charred corpse remained his last memory within this realm was pure pain and misery for all of the equal pain and misery he caused onto others during his accursed existence. This was simply all of that negative karma coming back at him all at once and it was poetic how karma worked, all of the villages he burned down and the people he slaughtered had their revenge as Blades himself was set ablaze. Every sin he ever committed in his miserable life came back to haunt him in this singular night.*

Y,N: From ashes to ashes, dust to dust, blood soaked sand to blood soaked sand. The desert cries with the amount of sin it's being forced to take in but once more this was a necessary culling as your vile nature ends here and now. Makes those deceased villagers rest well knowing their killers have been slain. *During his speech the final bandit finally grew a pair and charged at Y,N with his hammer clearly glistening in the firelight only for the face of death to stare him down which nearly caused the bandit's heart to fail just from a simple glaze alone before Y,N shoot a lightning bolt from his hands which completely obliterated the man's torso leaving his bleeding legs to fall lifelessly to the ground and like that all four bandits had been killed in some of the most brutal ways possible, some got off more lucky than others as some deaths were quicker but none escaped this place alive* Fatality scum. May your newfound existence in the Netherrealm be filled with torture and horror. And that was just a taste of my power. Huh, imagine how more powerful I'll become once I collect the six Kamidogu's. No one except true gods would be able to impede me, everyone else would be simple bugs in my eyes....Yet I won't harm any of them except those that truly deserve proper judgement. *looks down at the corpse of Blades* Might as well leave you for the buzzards.....After all they get hungry. 

???: *growls* 

Y,N: *rolls his eyes* Great one of those animals has come earlier than anticipated. And unlike these vile bastards this one can't be reasoned with or swayed. I'll simply kill you as well beast.

*The creature drew closer to the light of the campfire before revealing its horrifying self as clear fangs were seen as they even reflected off the glow of the campfire and its brown fur was evident to see yet its most defining feature besides the giant fangs was the blood red demonic eyes which were filled with malice and hungry, it had smelt the blood in the air and now it was here to eat everyone and kill anything that was still somehow alive. To any normal man this would of been horrifying as this creature had physical attributes taken wolves, alligators, warthogs, and possibly even monkeys to create this abomination of a creature that the Outworld locals had called "El Asesinato", which was a creature that ate, killed, slept, and repeated the cycle over and over again.*

Y,N: Ah! A member of the "El Asesinato's" ferocious and deadly creatures that give no regards nor pity to their prey. As nothing stands between them and their meal....A trait both commendable and stupid, especially if you're intent is to slaughter and feast me foul beast. 

El Asesinato: *growls, snapping its jaw to possibly intimate or frighten the entity in front of him but gets no reaction whatsoever* 

Y,N: *scoffs* I've dealt with far worse and far deadlier than your kind beast. I would highly advise you wait until I've left the area and then you can continue forward with your feasting ritual. However, if you decide to feast upon me.....I'll have no choice to put you down. 

El Asesinato: *growls once more before lunging at Y,N who instead of killing it immediately decides he wishes to play with this abomination of a mutt for a little while longer and simply uses some of his Hydrokinesis to push the beast back in a vast torrent of water causing it to cry out in confusion as it was encased inside of a wild torrent of water which didn't stop until it crashed into a cliffside wall with its spikes being trapped within the cliffside due to smashing against the structure of nature before it jumped off with its fangs being bare even more in rage*

Y,N: So much for the supposedly "deadly" beast race. Either I'm much more powerful or you're simply much more weak. 

El Asesinato: *it loudly howls before unleashing a sizeable purple blast from its moth which moves rapidly towards Y,N who only looks on with an unreadable expression due to the helmet but on the inside he was completely bored with this creature's attempts at fighting and with a single slick cut through the beast's orb of energy but what he didn't expect was the beast to lunge right after his slick and now was trying to dig its gigantic fangs through his helmet and into his face.*

Y,N: *is pushing back the beast yet some loose slobber from the beast falls onto the face of his helmet* Get......Get off of me beast! 

*The beast only further begins to crunch down upon Y,N's helmet which while not buckling underneath the weight is beginning to feel the damage from the beast's impressive biting force and knowing when the next minute or so the beast would break through his helmet Y,N smirked and letting one of his arms fall from holding back the beast he charged a handful of lightning before shooting it through the creature's stomach causing it to howl in pain and leap off of him. With speed's that even the great beast race of the El Asesinato's couldn't predict Y,N launched up to his feet and in the same motion through another bright blue lightning bolt at the creature but this time aiming for its head which hits the creature dead-on and causes it to give out one final howl of misery before its headless corpse joins the 4 bandits as blood being spilt upon the desert flooring.* 

Y,N: Tch. It seems like their legend was greatly over-exaggerated. Either that or I'm simply stronger than these fabled beasts of destruction and malice. *smirks underneath his helmet* Most likely the latter. *yawns* Now with everything in my immediate vicinity either dead or too scared to face me I believe it's about time I got some rest. 

*Y,N laid down on the other side of his slaughter fest and closed his eyes as the serene abet eerie sounds of Outworld filled his ears once more and he dozed off into some well earned sleep with light snores coming from his body as he dreamt of the Outworld Kamidogu and where its legendary temple would be.....It could be very well anywhere in the original Outworld location and finding it would be akin to finding a needle in a hay-stack and he didn't have all the time in the realms to search for a single mythical dagger, even if Kronika had sent him "somewhere near the temple's location"......Yet before he could get anywhere else the bright sun started beating down on him and he woke up as the sun entered his eyes and let out a loud yawn as he got up to begin the day.*

Y,N: Ok, firstly I need to find some kind of village or civilization as they might have a lead on where the temple is. And once I get the information I need from those villagers, the Outworld Kamidogu is as good as mine! *he gets up and makes the long and arduous journey to find any kind of civilization that would be in this Elder God forsaken desert, the heat was almost unbearable and it beat down on him like a million daggers, yet Y,N pushed now as he wouldn't quit and he wouldn't accept defeat in his quest to preserve his timeline from complete and utter erasure. But first things first, take it one step at a time, a village needed to be located and information needed to be exchanged in order to find that temple.* Now......This is where the "fun" begins. I love wandering through a desert looking for a village that may or may not even exist.....I'm only going off the fact one of those vile bandits stated there was a village nearby that they just came back from recently pillaging. *he continues to walk off in the direction the Bandit's were pointing to earlier when describing the village* I just hope I can find it before collapsing off damn heatstroke, Hydrokinesis don't fail me now. 

Cetrion: *watches from back on Kronika's Isle* He's doing rather well mother, much better than either of us had originally anticipated. His fighting prowess is incredible and his elemental manipulations almost rivals my own....Well this was against 4 random and idiotic Bandits and a member of the "El Asesinato" race of beings but still we've made an excellent choice in making him our avatar. Once he finds and collects all six Kamidogu's his power will be off the charts! Only you mother will potentially have more power than Y,N! Potentially not even I or any of the Elder Gods may have a chance against him, and if we do we'll eventually lose in a prolonged battle.

Kronika: *watches on with a smirk on her face with her giant hourglass moving in the background as time kept on moving* You're indeed correct daughter Y,N has done a wonderful job currently but he's barely started down the path of becoming a true god. There's still a giant road ahead of him, a path filled with many twists, turns, and other potentially unforeseeable events occurring. Meaning let us not call him the be all and end all just yet and observe his travels and experiences through a purely unbiased lens......Even if we're both smitten with the demi-god.   

*The screen fades to black as Y,N walks down the lonely desert path, hoping that he could find this village those vile bandits had discussed before they planned to kill him and feed him to the buzzards, which failed horribly for them and now their blood forever stained apart of the desert but at least their souls are rotting in the Netherrealm for all entirety. But now the race was on to find this village and collect the Outworld Kamidogu as while no one else had specifically stated they were searching for it, Mileena or this brand new Outworld Emperor/Empress could very well have gotten wind of such a powerful weapon and wanted it for their own personal gain. As whoever possessed the Kamidogu, ruled the entire realm. Meaning Y,N had to find it first before it fell into greedy hands. He couldn't let anyone possess the dagger and use it for their own nefarious purposes such as entire realm domination.*  

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next as it's all about Y,N defending a village from an entire legion of Bandit soldiers, which will also include the debut of a certain female character native to Outworld who will become essential to the plot later on and then after that chapter we'll have finally reached the lost temple of the Outworld Kamidogu, so get hyped for when the next chapter drops because we're inching closer and closer to our first of six Kamidogu daggers. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this milestone and have scaled the summit to 5K Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!         

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