The Next Day
Dormitory - Around 8 am
Today's round would be Wakiya against Akira Yamatoga. The battle today would be epic because, Seriously. Valt and Shu will support Wakiya with all their power and whoever wins this match will be my next opponent once I defeated Shu Kurenai.
Of course this was still the qualifying round and after tomorrow, which is Saturday, will be the Quarters. I have a good feeling i'll be in it!
Too bad Jin Aizawa lost the first round due to Valt. I thought I had him... But I guess I was wrong. It was stupid... Now i'll have to fight alone and avenge my dear Aizawa!
"Aren't you gonna go and check Wakiya's battle with Akira?.."Jin asked. He fell asleep on my bed with his cheeks stained with icing. God it was a mess but I find him cute.
"Of course I will. I'm just preparing my stuffs so I can be fully prepared for later."I smiled and transferred all the data I needed for later in my tablet. This tablet is so convenient that it's the only thing I need to bring, other than my beyblade and launcher, everyday!
"Well... Good luck... Im just gonna sleep... Again."Jin closed his eyes, snoring right after in sign of his peaceful sleep. This guy always sleep I always think he's doing some Astral Projection to stalk Christina. I feel so broken!
I pout and left the room. At least that's my daily routine and today's my second to the last day to execute my plans. Time moves so fast... I hate it. Valt or Wakiya? I can't kill them both...
I always think of killing Shu instead but it would be a bit... Err dramatic and obvious. I'm a mad scientist, Shu's my next opponent, and the BeyClub always notice me pass by wherever they are.
"Naokiiii!"Wait.. That voice. Couldn't that be?...
I turned around to see that bluenette running towards me with a smile on his face. How the heck did he find my dormitory?!
"Valt?! How did you—oh never mind! Why are you here anyway?!"I hid my tablet in my lab coat and glared at him. Eventually, I hope that scared him off.
"I just wanna see how you are! Oh if you asked how I found where you live... I asked Wakiya's private investigator over there!"He pointed behind the stairs wherein we saw Wakiya and a guy in black with glasses hiding.
"WHAT THE HECK VALT AOI?! YOU LOUD MOUTHED KNUCKLEHEAD!"Wakiya shouted, running towards Valt as he pulled the bluenette away from me.
Private Investigator? Does that mean Wakiya knows something? If so, I have no other choice but to dispose him... Quick!
"What's wrong Wakiya?"Valt break free from Wakiya's strong grip. He ran back to me with a grin on his face."I just wanna say good luck to you on Saturday! For now, i'm gonna support Wakiya! Oh and I'll support both you and Shu!"
... Mnggh... This guy.. At the very least I know I was annoyed, but... Why do I feel like I don't want to kill him? Those flashbacks when he tried to stop me from destroying all my hard works... That thing still gets me.
I want to be... His friend... But... I know I'll regret it anyway.
"Why do you have a private investigator Mr. Murasaki?"I grinned and placed my hand on my back.
"Nothing! It's for educational purposes if you don't mind!"His voice were rather shaky and the way he avoid eye contacts from me was obvious he's doing something other than that. Psych of course.
Wakiya... I just realized that my two Test Subjects are here... This is a perfect timing to pick who to kill but I think i'll pass till Wakiya's battle.
The bluenette, who was rather happy shifts his attitude real quick. He was smiling a few moments ago and now he was crying. What the hell. Is he having some bipolar disorder after what happened to Toko? At least that's normal. But that's fine with me. Like I care anyway.
"Valt! Don't cry in front of Naoki. Come on."Wakiya carried Valt on his back and gestured his 'private investigator' to leave the place.
I raised an eyebrow and decided to take the elevators instead. I don't wanna see them nor pass by that Super Saiyan anymore.
The elevator was really peaceful. All you can hear was your breathing and nothing else. Besides, nobody really uses the elevator because they're scared it might break or something.
After a few moments, I finally reached the ground floor. Looking around to see if Super Saiyan and Valt had their feet resting on this floor.
"Nothing? Have to hurry though.."I ran outside the dormitory. The lobby was a bit crowded but I guess it'll be fine.
The sun was high, it was really hot despite the season. As usual, this sidewalk was always quiet and peaceful. Beigoma had always been this way anyway.
Well... Except the fact that Valt ruined it. But his non-filtered mouth comes out pretty handy to know that Wakiya had been suspicious of me. Hehe. I guess i'll disregard Valt for the moment and dispose Wakiya Murasaki... But I have to kill Hoji first... Aysh.
I bit my lower lip and started to get a bit stressed out thinking a plan to kill Wakiya. Also after I kill him.. I haven't decided wether i'll make him a display in my house or just throw him down the river... Nah.
"Naaaoooookkkkiiiiiii!"It's that bluenette again! Oh god. I have to run! Wait... Isn't he crying a few moments ago?! Oh god nevermind about that for now!
"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK!"I ran down the sidewalk, trying to get away from that punk who was chasing after me. Running isn't really in me nor any kind of sports so I easily get tired and this is bad.
"I just wanna talk to youuu and were heading to the same place anywayyyyyy!"He's right! Were both heading to the arena! Holy mother of—
I suddenly feel myself crashing on the ground. I then realized I suddenly tripped over a rock. Silly me, oh well — me.
"Naoki! Are you alright?"Valt asked, staring at me with his sparkling brown eyes.
How can I be alright when i'm crushing my tablet?!—
My tablet... MY TABLET!"OHMYGODMYTABLETISITSTILLALIVE"I quickly stood up and pulled my tablet from my lab coat.
There were scratches all over and the upper left part of it cracked. But all in all, it's still alive and working. But...
"This is your fault!"I shoved the tablet on Valt's face and walked away,"I swear if you don't stop chasing me or even STARE at me... You're gonna taste something you wouldn't wanna taste!"
I hugged my tablet and started to walk away. The brown-eyed lad just stand there frozen in place. His face was burning red and he was just sweating all over.
"Those two dunderheads really gets in my nerves! If they don't stop annoying me they won't even reach the arena to fight for their dreams! Ugh. Freaks!"I stomped my feet and continued to walk down the sidewalk... Until everything was quiet again...
Arena - 8:34 am
As expected, it was still quiet here. Most people flock in here at around 9 am so they could practice before their battle. Well me... I'll just stick with the plan i've been planning since the dawn of times. To crush Lui Shirasagi.
I sat by the sofa inside the lobby where you could watch the contenders compete in a battle. The room was cold due the airconditioning inside and it was also well lit even though there are no person left inside the lobby, the staffs rather keep these electronics open because they're rich while i'm here being broke.
"Now.. Micro drone."I started to control that micro drone I left inside the arena and explored the place with it. The stadium was still dark but good thing I have my night vision camera placed on it for this kind of situations.
The place was really clean. You can't see signs of dirt anywhere near here because the janitors here are really cleaning the stadium hard to impress Lui. Because once Lui saw even one dust on his seat, he's totally gonna degrade each one of them. Which is one thing I like about Lui. He's not as pathetic as that blue-haired punk out there.
I tried to find the ventilation system so I can get my drone out of this arena. Good grief there is one at the ceiling.
The ventilation system, as expected was really dark. But at least i'll finally get my drone from it. I might hyperventilate once I see my drone crushed by ants. That would be weird.
"Naoki!"Holy mother of Einstein! Why does that punk follows me anywhere! I mean... He's really gonna go here but... IS HE ANNOYING ME?!"No i'm not here to annoy you or anything.. I just wanna say sorry for doing that scratches on your tablet.. I... I'll just pay ya."
Oh yes you will pay me with your blood!
From behind Valt, the blonde Super Saiyan guy entered the room but without his private investigator. He stared at me oddly with his sharp eyes. I guess I really have to kill you.
"That's fine!... Just... Go away!"I groaned and gestured them to leave me alone in my haven.
"Fine. Let's go Valt before he do something to ya."Wakiya smirked and pulled Valt's arms to lead him out of the lobby.
"Nitwits."I mumbled and turned to my tablet again. My drone's still alive, of course. It would be suspicious to lost its signal because if it does, someone had touch it or something. But good thing it's bacteria size, I mean pea size and it's in the ventilation system so it would be impossible for people to break it.
Oh and speaking of what Wakiya said about me earlier. I have no other choice but to give him a taste of my anatomy lesson.
A few minutes had passed, rather, half an hour had passed before I got my drone with me in the lobby. The place was also starting to get a bit busy and crowded since hey, the clock reads 9:13 am.
The battle starts at 10 am so I still have lots of time to think and refresh my mind for Saturday's battle... It's Thursday after all and tomorrow's my last day to formulate everything to win against Kurenai Shu.
"Haha. I know..."Look, the BeyClub's here. I gave them a glance. One.. Two.. Three.. Where's that super saiyan guy and Shu?
I held my tablet and started to control the drone around the arena to find Wakiya Murasaki and Shu Kurenai.
I can feel sweat beads form on my forehead. Why am I getting tensed? Is it because they're close to busting me? I won't let that happen of course... If I have to kill Wakiya today before his battle, I will. For the sake of my dreams and future with Jin! To create a perfect world where both of us are happy.
Oops. That was supposed to be a secret but whatever.
I turned the microphone of my drone so I could hear their voices or something. It's hard to find someone without hearing their voice.
"No Shu! You don't understand!"Found it.
From my tablet, I can see Wakiya and Shu standing beside the comfort room. God that's such a bad place to talk about schemes.
"What do you mean?! Wakiya you're just going insane."Shu rolled his eyes, giving Wakiya a sidelong look.
"Toko didn't die! He was killed! And the person who killed him just framed things up so we could think that he committed suicide that we know he can't do for no reason at all!"Wakiya retaliated. Stomping his feet in sign of anger.
"Then tell me?! Who killed Toko?! If we don't have a proper suspect what would they think?! Accusing others without the right evidence is also one kind of crime Wakiya."Shu clenched his fist, placing his other hand on Wakiya's shoulder."Wakiya."
"Naoki."Wakiya mumbled plainly. I knew it. He suspects me.
"How do you say so?"Shu raised an eyebrow and stared right into Wakiya's eyes.
"If i'm correct, you won't see me alive tomorrow. I'm certain he would kill me."Wakiya smiled and moved his face closer to Shu's.
"What if you're alive? Does that mean you're wrong?"Shu smiled, tapping Wakiya's back.
"Possible. Or maybe he knew better."Wakiya planted a kiss on Shu's cheeks. Leaving him surprised and red.
"W...what was that for?!"Shu wiped his cheeks that made Wakiya giggle. These two are making me vomit. It's okay if it's me and Jin but... Ugh. They're disgusting!
"Nothing. I just wanted to do that ever since! Plus, I might die. So just a reminder that I love you as a friend."Wakiya really emphasized the word 'friend'.
"You won't die! I'll watch over ya."Shu replied. Watch over Wakiya?
Does that mean Valt's the wrong target? Oh god... Wakiya's so protected it would be hard to kill him. Hoji... Bodyguards.. Private investigators... SHU KURENAI.
Oh well. They want thrill? Let's give em what they want shall we?
I landed my drone inside the ventilation system and tuck my tablet inside my lab coat.
I stood up from where I am sitting. Walking away from this crowded lobby where Valt and the BeyClub are in.
I glanced at the bluenette who was crying. This guy had really gone nuts. He's so bipolar he looks like he's crazy. I might as well call the mental hospital for this but they might take me instead.
Oh well.. Let's just go to the museum of beys..
10 am
Oh look it's already 10. Time moves so fast I don't even think there's actually time.
The stadium was going wild as well as the announcer. There was also a television here inside the museum so lazy people who doesnt wanna go to the lobby or maybe the audience seat can watch from here.
"Today's contenders are... Wakiya Murasaki against Akira Yamatoga!"The announcer shouted,"This would be a wild battle!"
Like I care about their battle anyway. I just care about what I would do to Wakiya tomorrow. For today, I'll just have to stalk him and formulate the right algorithm in killing Wakiya. The richest guy in Beigoma. I guess. My mum just ditched me inside the dormitory and asked me to live alone and be mature enough. Well at least she visits once a month and give me 30,000 yen.
Yeah yeah, 30,000's pretty big but I waste it all on my electricity bill and new gadgets. Isn't that amazing?
Oh well enough with the money talk. Besides, Akira Yamatoga still haven't gotten a God Layered bey so I don't think he'll win against Wakiya's 'unshakable layer' that was defeated by my Melech.
"Tornado Wyvern wins with a score of 2 to nothing!"Wow. A burst finish. Zac would rejoice because he won't get to see Akira's face again in the next round.
The battle continues, until both side were tied to 2. It was weird but... Akira had an epic comeback. Though he just got the score through a survivor finish.
He just have to keep that record up so he could win. But who cares wether who win or lose? Wakiya's gonna die anyway.
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