My time of leave was over. And so, I returned to my royal functions.

The last days of this little vacation was quite a blessing. And I would never forget our special night together. Of course, even afterwards, more occasions had shown up for us to be wildly intimidate. But more than that, we didn't hide our love. We walked holding hands, we kissed, we complimented each other in such sweet ways, etc. Link's gentleman-like behavior was already something that I could call exemplary. But after his birthday, it was as if he was perfection personified. Well, almost. He still had the clumsy aspect of his person. And I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

The royal council and I had just finished a meeting. With Father overseeing silently the meeting, and with Mipha, Urbosa and the respective political leaders of the Ritos and Gorons being present, we had been discussing on the progress of fixing the damages done by the Calamity and other ways to help in other remote areas with the resources at hand. It was very constructive and dynamic. The council applauded my way of thinking and supported my rejuvenated ideas. Impa looked at me with a proud smile. I nodded to her, appreciating her never-ending support. Urbosa and Mipha offered the same encouragement through their smiles and nods as I greeted their eyes as well. I gazed to my left, not too far from me. Link was there, winking at me and clapping his hands along with the council. Every time my eyes crossed his, I couldn't help blushing and tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. Butterflies flew wildly in my heart thanks to him.

Lord Raros stood from his seat. "Your Highness, if I may..."

"Yes, Lord Raros."

Raros. If Impa was my royal advisor, then Lord Raros was my father's. He had been in the service of the royal family of Hyrule long before my birth. Despite his age, he also proved to be very skillful and daring with a glaive and wasn't afraid to tussle against the corrupted Guardians that we had to face in that previous war. His hair of white pulled into one long braid, his short-boxed beard that was always clean and sharp, his hazel eyes that held intensity like a hawk, and a stature similar as a soldier; this man seemed to always be ready to slay any adversary if needed. Whether if it was in the royal court or the battlefield.

"Your Highness, you have accomplished some remarkable feats during these last few years." He started. "You've been a great pillar in the reconstruction of the kingdom, your social and political tact has reinforced the bonds between our allies, and the people of all lands show to you an unparalleled love and admiration. Even the once dreaded Yiga clan, despite retaining their independence, reintegrated the Sheikahs."

"Your compliments honor me, Lord Raros." I expressed with a guarded smile. If I knew his reputation, he would always butter someone's confidence before cutting them with cold inquisition.

"But strong rumors landed onto my attention," his voice seemed to brew a storm. "Rumors that are the talk of yourself and your appointed knight, Sir Link, involved in an intimate relationship."

Some members of the council were surprised, a few were shocked. That was exactly what I was expecting from him. His snares and traps on the vocal and mental matters were known to all. I caught a glimpse of Impa. She looked very calm, but her knuckles were pale. She wanted to reply harshly but knew better than to act rashly on impulse. After all, she was not my adviser for nothing. All eyes were on me, waiting for an answer. The person that I was before would have been terrified. But today, nothing but an optimistic and strong heart embedded my being. I deliberated turned my attention to Link. He was surprised, but I gave me a smile, winking at him. He returned a blushed, but serene smile.

Work with politics but live for love. Urbosa's voice echoed in my mind, repeating my mother's words. Mipha and Urbosa gazed at me with confidence. I expressed the same feeling.

"Your Highness," Lord Raros said, almost insisting. "Do you care to—"

"Let me assure you," I cut him quickly. "Those aren't rumors, Lord Raros. These sayings birthed from Sir Link and I are indeed true: we are in a romantic and intimate relationship. It is not a fact that neither one of us tried to hide."

"I thank you for the clarification. But you do understand the trouble that it might cause to the political cast. Sir Link is indeed a brilliant knight and his devotion and efforts back in the war of three years ago are recognized by the people of all realms. Nevertheless, while a master of many battle arts, he is still but a knight. A person of such rank should not and cannot marry into royalty."

"And so, you would have me marry any random lord and gift him the throne of Hyrule and myself like some expensive presents wrapped in a beautiful bow?"

"You may twist my words like you want, but it is of crucial importance for the next king to be well-versed in all layers related to the role, such as politics, diplomacy, history, and more."

"And his rank, like a mask, is all that you have seen from him. That is all that you have seen and believe that he was; a simple knight. I have seen more than just a knight who is versatile in skills and weaponry."

"You would have to enlighten me on the matter, if I indeed was fooled by your knight's mask."

"Lord Raros, Sir Link has been my appointed knight, not yours. If there is one person that saw his development onto intellectual and social matters up close, I am the only one deemed worthy to say that I have. For the last four years, protecting me was not the only task that he had accomplished."

"Really, now?" One of his thick eyebrows rose as he gazed towards Link.

"Sir Link had been the closest to my side in my research of ancient technology. As I was learning new discoveries in the matter, he as well absorbed the newly found knowledge. His thirst for the subject had been so passionate that he requested that I tutored him personally. With one of the brightest minds of the kingdom, I can assure you that his response to my education is quite impressive."

"But still—"

"I'm not finished!" I interrupted him again sternly. "You spoke of diplomacy and politics. Let me confirm to you that Sir Link has become the embodiment of those two facets. His strength, valor and bravery has been recognized not only to our people, but to all Hyrule. While the Gerudo excludes the male kind in their city, he is seen as a voe of great worth, one who shed sweat and blood for their sake. In Goron City, he was made a sworn brother of the champion Daruk. In the Rito Village, all see him as someone worthy of trust and comradeship. And in the Zora domain, King Dorephan takes the presence of Sir Link as honorable, seeing that he and Prince Sidon are training together. He qualified it as a symbol of brotherhood not only between those two, but between both of our royal families, even though Link isn't royalty himself."

Even though my calm remained, I took a pause to catch my breath. But I was satisfied of the speech I had declared on Link's behalf. He wasn't a Lord or royalty, but his person and exploits alone were more than enough to prove him that he had gained the recognition of all the people in Hyrule.

"Tell me, Lord Raros," I continued to conclude, "can you tell me in all seriousness that any other one worthy of their name had a stronger impact among the people from all corners of Hyrule than Sir Link?"

Our gazes locked at each other as a grand silence rested in the room. His eyes lowered closed in reflection as he rubbed his beard and hummed. My words and convictions perhaps were getting to him. Briefly after being surrounded by the meeting's sudden silence, he stared at me once again, newly filled with seriousness.

"Your arguments are heavy and true in definition, your Highness." He replied. "Nonetheless, the matter of succession still lingers in the air. A king must rise to the throne of Hyrule. Are you certain that Sir Link is capable of such task for the betterment of Hyrule and its habitants?"

I calmly rose from my seat. All eyes were aimed at me. I took a deep breather and steadied myself with proud stature. I had never made the announcement yet, but I was more than ready. I had accomplished great tasks in the past few years, I had made great advancements in terms of political and diplomatic relationships, my friends and family had been and intend to still be my greatest support in all matters of situations I may face in the future. And most of all, finally... Link was by my side. And we loved each other so much. I knew that with those elements alone, and with the people's love and support as well, Hyrule would prosper towards a greater future.

I know that our beautiful land of Hyrule can have a prosperous and wondrous future with the two of you standing tall for it.

I recalled my father's words from the other day. Perhaps he knew already that I would take after him.

"The matter of the throne's succession has already been dealt with, Lord Raros."

"It has?" He seemed surprised.

"Because the next ruler of Hyrule will not be a king." I said, determined. "It will be a queen."

I took everyone by surprise, including Raros. While there was disbelief in his eyes, I found expressions of hopeful confidence in others.

"Princess," Urbosa rose from her seat. "Seeing you as today, strong, determined, caring, and beloved, I speak in the name of your mother's memory that she would be so proud of the distinguished woman that you have become. I am looking forward for when you inherit the throne. As before and as always, you can always count on the support of the Gerudos and mine."

I welcomed her kind words with a loving smile as I nodded towards her. Another figure rose from her seat: Princess Mipha.

"Princess Zelda," she started, "I have sided by your side on every level that our friendship and sisterhood were composed of: whether in good times, whether in times of doubt, or even fighting onto a battlefield. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; you are my sister. And by your side I will stand when the kingdom's weight rests onto your shoulders. Zora Domain and I will always stand by you."

I nodded to her as I was so happy to of her vocal support. I was glad to know that she would stand by me for the many years to come. For the longest time that I've known Mipha, she was the only I could relate to when it came to having a sibling. And confiding to her always felt like I was embraced by a personified home. She was right; she was my sister.

The chiefs of the Rito and Gorons also rose from their seat. The Rito elder nodded to me and gave me a warm smile like welcoming home. The Goron chief pounded his fist to his chest and looked at me with acknowledgment and pride. His expression felt like it he was saying to me, Well done, kid! You got spunk like a Goron! Other lords rose and bow their heads to me, acknowledging me and giving me their support. Lord Raros was silently surprised.

Suddenly, the entire group of us looked upward towards the upper balcony. My father rose from his royal seat. I turned around and captured his gaze, as he looked at mine. There used to be a time that moments as such would put pressure onto me. I would feel nervous, anxious, and scared to let everyone down. But today, I felt uplifted, proud, confident, and most of all, happy.

He looked down toward me and smiled humbly. He took off his crown and held it to his heart, then bow his head towards. I reciprocated the gesture.

Lord Raros didn't let his expression speak, but he submitted defeat and nodded to me as well. The support that I had along with the arguments that I presented were too much of a heavy stone for him lift and throw back at me. While I had gained a victory toward him, which was something very difficult to gain on a usual basis, it wasn't about winning. I had to show and present to everyone that I could do it, that I was ready, that the realms would prosper under my rule. The future of this great land would soon depend on me. I had to act and display nothing but hard-stone determination and vigor from heart and soul. I believed this event just now showed that I passed this test with flying colors, given the reaction of my surroundings.

Nonetheless, there was one thing that I had to make clear; something that he mentioned. I knew that Lord Raros was not the only one thinking about the matter of Link and his lack of royalty and lordship. I was going to address this matter only once. Otherwise, may the goddesses protect the next one who would bring this matter to the table again.

"Before I adjourn this session," I said in a serious tone. "I'd like to address the matter of my relationship with Sir Link here present."

As I waved my hand towards him, everyone followed to stare at my knight. He felt a bit embarrassed; I could tell. Yet he made an excellent effort to show no sign of it.

"I love him," I said bluntly. "And he will be the man that I will cherish by my side, the man that I will marry, the man with whom I will carry children for and with whom I will spend decades with, regardless of his title." We were looking at each other; a blush covered our joyful expressions. Mipha and Impa expressed a silent and happy smile towards the both of us, as if she was telling us congratulations; Urbosa smiled as well but leaned on one side as if she had been waiting a long time to hear such words from my mouth.

"With that said," I suddenly became cold and turned towards Lord Raros. "The matter of my heart's holder, or with whom I may share my bed, that matter regards only myself and no one else. No god, king, lord, or anyone else shall ever be the judge of who is the right suitor for me. Only I have that power. Is that clearly understood?"

Everyone acknowledged my words, but those were mostly directed towards Lord Raros. For the first time in this vocal contest, I saw a crack in his unmovable armor. Perhaps it was my tone; the cheerfulness that I had carried earlier was gone and left place for a cold and direct authority. He silently bowed once more, this time apologetically. There was a bit of guilt in his gesture. Hopefully such matter would be clear and never to be discussed again.

"Everyone," the joy of my voice returned. "Thank you for coming. Session adjourned!"


"I am getting too old for this," Lord Raros exhaled in relief. While he was known for being ruthless in this duty, he was a fine and kinder gentleman when he was off duty. Hopefully, our next encounter in a political matter wouldn't be this venomous.

The Rito elder along with the chief of Gorons, Princess Mipha and Lady Urbosa applauded my performance in the council. All of them were excited and anxious to see me rise to the throne. Led by Purah, they exited the room to return to their respective homes. While I wanted Mipha and Urbosa to stay longer, I knew they had responsibilities towards their own land and people.

After their depart, only Link, Father, Impa, Lord Raros, and I remained in the council room.

"The way you stood firm to your convictions and belief your Highness," Lord Raros said, "it felt as strong and resonating like Hyrule's next monarch. This land has seen the rise of great kings in the past; if life is kind enough, I would be blessed if I could assist to the rise of a queen as you."

"Thank you, Lord Raros. Your words honor me." I replied. "And what are you taking about? I'm expecting you to live a hundred more years at least."

"That would be quite a miracle, indeed," he laughed. "Well, I shall be off to enjoy the day outside if you don't mind."

"Please do." I nodded to him.

"Good day everyone," he bowed to my father and I, saluted Link and Impa, and waltzed himself to the exit. He seemed in a rather good mood after this meeting.

"That was the expression of one who will definitely please himself in a certain tea shop." My father rubbed his beard. "I might just follow through as well." The four of us remaining laughed at the playfulness.

Link looked at my father. This one looked back and silently nodded to him. The gesture wasn't trying to be hidden or subtle. Impa and I immediately wondered the nature of the hidden message between them. Then, their gazes turned to me.

I let out a little and uncertain laugh. "What is going on between the two of you?"

"My daughter," he approached me and laid his hands on my shoulders. He covered my field of view, attracting my attention. "Link came to see me today..."

"He did?" I tried to look at him, but he was gone from my sight.

"And... he has something that he wishes to ask of you." He let me go as he looked behind me with a welcoming smile."

I turned around and saw Link. His face bore such a lovely smile along with a warm glow. His hands held something. He walked a few steps towards me and stopped, a short distance. Impa gasped, discovering his intent, but I was still in the unknown.

"Link, what is all..." my sentence trailed off and died when I saw him bend the knee.

His hand opened and a small velvet-colored box made its clear appearance. Link delicately opened it. A wondrous silver ring shone with majesty and its diamond blazed like a miniature sun. My heart started beating as fast as a thunderous symphony. I looked at Link, blushing and loving, on one knee, and making the biggest decision that he had ever done in his life. It wasn't a strange thing to do; we were lovers after all. We knew this day would come sooner or later in our lives as a couple.

And yet...

Seeing him as such, being so charming, perfect, beautiful and mine in heart, body and soul, even my wildest dreams couldn't surpass the sight that I was witnessing. Nothing in this world could.

He finally spoke. Of course, he asked me that sacred question.

Zelda... will you marry me?

I let go of the bubbling emotion that built like a wildfire inside of me. Tears of joy flowed freely from my eyes. I flew immediately to embrace him and his lips, both of us falling on the floor. I cried of joy and kissed him so passionately, I was in total euphoria. This man, Link; my Link! My love! Oh, what did I do to deserve such personified magnificence as him?

"Yes...!" I said after I released his lips. His thumbs wiped some of my tears. "Of course, I'll marry you!"

His face shone with bliss. He slipped the ring to the proper finger. I gazed at the beautiful ring; new tears being shed. I recaptured his lips, he replied passionately in our kiss.

My father cleared his throat, a sound that was more than enough to burst our bubble of passion and love. Link and I both got up, not letting go of each other. Impa clapped her hands, tears in her eyes as well, being incredibly happy for the both of us. She walked to me and I embraced her so hard in my arms. She replied the gesture to Link as well.

"I knew you two were meant to be for each other!" Impa's voice bloomed with joy.

My father approached us. "My congratulations to the both of you."

"Thank you, Father." I was still crying a little bit.

"Although..." he said with a tone that didn't fit the atmosphere. "Such demand for the hand of a loved one should always be the first thing to do. More passion should always be kept and savored after a proper wedding."

By the goddesses... no. Father knew about... our night. Link's face froze, and so did mine. Impa became speechless, but I feared for what came afterwards.

"Yes, my daughter..." He was clearly uneasy discussing the topic. "I know about you and Link... consuming your fiery love."

"Father, I..." I clearly had no words to say.

"While I should be disappointed and angry with the both of you," Father continued, "I would be a hypocrite to do so, considering that..."

He stopped. My father was not known to be embarrassed. And there he was, timid to finish whatever delicate words that he was about to pronounce. He was even blushing!

"Considering that..." he repeated. "Your mother and I didn't exactly apply to such patience as well..."

An awkward silence embedded the room. A bit of my curiosity interrupted it after long seconds. "I beg your pardon?" I had to hear those words again. Did Father and Mother...

"By the time that your mother and I got wedded, well... she was already half-way through her pregnancy..."

My eyes and Link's almost escaped their sockets. The more I was learning about my parents, the more the unbelievable facts seemed to splash my whole self as if with iced water.

"It was as she used to say, 'Work with politics, but live for love.'" He recalled her words. "And she was very persuasive in the matters of... well... I don't believe I need to draw a picture to express my saying."

"No, you do not." I reassured him.

"I see..." Impa finally said. Her tone had darkened and neutral. That wasn't good.

She turned around and gazed emotionlessly at Link. I was worried of her current state of mind. Very rare were the times that I saw Impa in wrath. Alas, this was one of them. Before her madness would usually explode in those times, she carried off an eerie and silent darkness around her. The kind that would strike you deadly from the shadows.

"Impa?" I called her with apprehension.

"So, Link..." She said neutrally and ignored me. "You have dared with unbound boldness and desecrated the Princess' purity to satisfy your animalistic and lustful hunger. All that before a proper wedding."

She started approaching Link, I placed myself between them. "Impa, please! It was I who pushed Link into it!"

She disappeared instantly in a small tuft white smoke, only to re-appeared behind Link, surprising him with shock.

"YOU FILTHY SWINE!!" She shouted, readying to strangle Link barehanded. "HOW DARE YOU?!"

Link screamed in terror and started running towards the exit. Impa ran after him as she continued to hurl him some very vile words. I felt like assisting at a comical, yet dangerous theatrical show featuring these two. I knew that Link would be all right once Impa would return to her senses. But how long would go before that, I had no idea.

My father laughed. "Oh, that vibrant energy of youth!"

I sighed, resting my head in my hand. "Oh, I hope Link won't suffer too much of her wrath."

"Oh, he will be all right," he said with humorous confidence. He laid his hand on my shoulder. "Now, come on, my daughter. I believe we have your wedding to prepare."

I smiled to him and nodded. "I'm anxious to start!"

My father supporting me and laying the path for me towards the throne, my friends standing by my side, the people having faith in me, and on top of it all, Link, my lover and now fiancé; there was nothing more that I could ask for. As we walked towards the council room's exit, we were already exchanging ideas and suggestions for the wedding. I was more than certain that the future that awaited us had a place for everyone.

And I was ready to face it all. We all were.

Now, I just had to convince Impa to not kill my future husband.

To be concluded in next chapter.

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