Picnic basket: check. Ceremony dress remodeled into a summer dress: check. Special gift for Link's birthday: triple check. All was set!

I glanced at myself in the tall mirror. I wore the remodeled version of the ceremonial dress and I was surprised of my sewing skills. I didn't think the result would be so lovely. I wore a small blue blouse over it; the combination was glamorous. I turned around, spun a little bit to see the all-around elegance of my outfit. It was perfect.

"What do you think?" I asked Terrako. It responded gleefully. That reassured me.

A knock on my door was heard. "Zelda, are you there my dear?" My father asked.

"Yes, just a second, Father!" I walked to the door to answer him.

My father entered my room and wished me a pleasant morning by embracing me. That was one of the many wonders from him that I would never cease to love. He was taken aback from my current allure, smiling with admiration and pride.

"My, my! You look splendid, my daughter!"

I giggled to the compliment. "Thank you, Father!"

"Am I to understand that this is all for a certain sir knight's birthday?"

"Oh, I..." Just hearing these words was enough to make me blush. "You know, I presume?"

"Well, it is the same date as of every year, after all." His humor replied. That was silly of me to even asked. "Also, you tend to whisper your thoughts more vocally than you think when you are within your own world."

I couldn't help but laugh at my silly flaws. I was thankful that I never said anything embarrassing out loud during one of those self-conversations of mine.

"You really love him, do you?" My father brought the question with a tender smile.

I paused as a new wave of heat came over me. A lot of these have been happening when it came to Link. Just saying that I loved him wouldn't be enough to describe my heart's content. But yes, I did love him. Yet, I hadn't told him those magical words, neither did he to me. But the certainty of our hearts knew that we attracted each other. The night that we spent in each other's arms was a beautiful proof of that. I still recalled the protective warmth that laced me and how so many layers of affection and love was embedded in it.

I was to answer to my father's question, but he raised his hand as a sign to stop.

"On second thought, I believe this question is best to be answered to him, and not me."

"I certainly will." I nodded happily with conviction. "Oh, I'm sorry. I let myself talk and never asked if you needed anything."

"Oh, nothing at all. Just an old man wishing a good day to his beloved daughter."

"Oh, Father." I smiled.

His warm hands laid on my shoulders and he offered me an intense gaze of care and love; it was accompanied with long seconds of silence. Terrako looked at us. Just like it, I was also quizzical about my father's gesture.

"Father?" I finally said.

"The way that I have witnessed both of your efforts over the course of the recent years," he started, "I am so proud of you and Link. I know that our beautiful land of Hyrule can have a prosperous and wondrous future with the two of you standing tall for it."

The lovely words were appreciated, but they frightened me suddenly. It almost felt like a goodbye's prelude. My expression changed and I held my father's hands in apprehension.

"Father, are you well?" Worry carpeted my voice. "Please tell me you're not ill and dying!"

His eyes were surprised, but his laughter enveloped the atmosphere. "Oh, daughter! I am as dying as a healthy and newborn horse! I'm sorry if my words sounded too gloomed and dramatic. I assure you; I am exceptionally fine."

I exhaled in relief. "Oh, thank goodness!"

"Although," my father's left hand found his chin, rubbing it. "The physician did put me on a diet. She even ordered the chef and servants to only deliver me food that are only beneficial for my health. I do not dislike it quite, frankly. I even noticed an improvement on my side."

"That's so pleasant to hear!"

"But," he sighed, "I, alas, cannot eat any Hyrule's Rupees until this diet's end." I gasped at the sacrifice that my father had to go through with his dietary.

Hyrule's Rupees were pastries shaped as rupees. Depending on their color, they all possessed a different taste. But all of them were quite the delicacy of the kingdom.

"That is so cruel!" I added. "I could sneak some for you if you like."

"Truthfully speaking, that was my first thought," he replied. "But she also banned you from those sweets as well until my diet is over."

"Wow, she's cleaver." I was surprised. "Wait, why do I have to be collateral damage for your diet?" My father shrugged childishly. We both ended the topic with a good laughter.

"I believe you have a rendezvous with a certain knight now, do you?"

"Oh, right!" I had just realized. "I'll see you tonight, Father!" I headed past him towards the hall.

"Hum, Zelda?" He called me halting my jog. "I believe that picnic basket is also necessary."

"Dear goodness!" I ran past him and grabbed what I forgot. I landed a kiss on Terrako and then one to my father's cheek as I embraced him. "I'm ready now. Have a good day, both of you!"

"The same to the two of you." My father nodded. "Have fun."

I jogged a little until I reached the castle's main entrance. I looked around as my eyes aimed to find Link. At first, I seemed to not see him. But I was expecting him to be dressed in his champion attire. After adjusting my sight, I realized that he was just there, a short distance from me. He was brushing his horse Epona's muzzle. He wore short pants that carried the color of golden earth and a blue buttoned shirt with white pattern at its edges. He looked so refreshing in civilian clothing. He kept watching left and right frenetically. He seemed nervous. I couldn't blame him. In a certain way, this day was more than just his birthday; it was a sort of a date. Our first date.

I walked to him. I tapped on his right shoulder. He turned right, but I was nowhere to be seen. I reappeared to his left side. He turned to greet me, and his expression lifted upon seeing me. He smiled to me with joy and complimented my looks with sweet and poetic words. I thanked him by trying to hold a wave of heat invading my face. Pride was what I felt about the beautiful work I made onto my dress. Fashionably speaking, Link and I completed each other in the aspect of the color theme.

"Good morning, Link!" I commenced. "And happy birthday!"

He nodded and thanked me. He looked so adorable in his clothing. Both being ready, I got onto the saddle and held the picnic basket dearly. After all, Link's gift was inside, buried under a delicious lunch. Link embarked behind me. Just feeling his contact behind me felt lovely and electric. He lightly whipped the reins and Epona galloped us through Castle Town towards the exist. Through the road, we made many heads turned. Some compliments made our ears reddened; from how lovely we looked like a couple to how great it would be if we were wedded together. The townspeople's words were symphony to my heart. I hoped Link felt the same.

We galloped on the outskirts of Hyrule field. The greenery's splendor, the delicious sky inhabited by its few clouds, the wildlife of creatures co-existing together, the lovely breeze that kissed our faces; this day was indeed perfect. Since Ganon's defeat, the presence of monsters had become at an historic all-time low. I didn't want to be too comfortable on that news alone, but I was happy that travellers could voyage across the land without any risk of being attack by these fiends.

The three of us stopped near a grove of tree. Epona slowly explored the area on her own as she was feasting on the delicious grass. Since she was within our sight, we let her be. I installed the wide and checkered blanket on the green ground. Link offered his help, but I declined it. It was his special day, and I wanted to pamper him. He deserved it. But also, I didn't want him to accidently stumble on his gift that sat inside the picnic basket. The blanket was spread along with many goodies and treats. From well-garnished sandwiches to colorful pastries, there was enough variety to choose from. On usual circumstances, I wouldn't need such quantity of food, but from my perspective, Link's stomach was famed to hold more than his own weight. And since I had told him to not eat breakfast very previously, I believed that he was more than ready to chow down. His eyes sparkled with wonder.

I grabbed a little cupcake and crowned it with a candle. I held its top with my thumb and index fingers. These two glowed with my power. It lit. No, my powers weren't meant for this, but it was for a good occasion.

"Make a wish, Link." I presented the cupcake to him. He looked at it in a childish matter. It was as if he had returned to childhood. His eyes captured mine. For a moment, it felt like he was trying to convey his wish silently. Or perhaps... he saw his wish in me, just like I looked at him in shy desire. He delicately blew the candle out. The smoke quickly vanished by the small breeze.

"I do hope that your wish come true, Link." I told him. His eyes turned away from mine, his cheeks heated. He nodded as he replied that he wanted that, too. His reaction was adorable. Was my person had something to do with this wish of his? If so, I would gladly make it happen. But in the meantime, I took some of the cupcake's icing and put it on his nose, teasing him. We shared a lovely laugh. Link's stomach started roaring. That was his cue.

We dined in the open air and talked about all matters of topics. We smiled, laughed, jested. My knight and I were so carefree and at peace. No distance separated us. A comfort had installed among us in physical contact. With no eyes prying on our privacy, he found no unease to lace his arm around my waist. Welcoming the gesture, I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued our discussion. His affectionate arm would also find the caress of my hand cherishing it. This was heavenly.

I believed it was time.

"Link," I turned to him. His blue eyes loomed over me. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you... for quite a long time now, but... I didn't have the right words at the time." I reached for the basket as my hand snaked inside to get the package.

A loud and urgent neigh resonated. It came from Epona. Our attention quickly turned to her. Her front legs leaped in the air a few times. Link and I didn't understand. From the short distance that we could see her, she was free from any danger. No presence was noticeable from her surroundings. But immediately, Link and I looked at each other instantly.

She wasn't trying to escape danger. She was warning us of it.

Link's warrior reflexes immediately triggered. He grabbed me and the Master Sword and dash rapidly to the right. Less than a second later, a large and heavy mace made of bone destroyed our picnic site. Everything was crushed by the brutal and vicious Moblin that roared along with its small group of Bokoblins. While monsters were rare, it wasn't synonym of their extinction.

The Moblin was in a tantrum and kept trashing our picnic location several times. There was nothing left that could be saved. My heart froze at this realization. It wasn't of the ferocity shown by the monsters. Next to the Calamity, they shown threat as big as newborn kittens. Link's gift was still in the basket. And the basket was mutilated and squashed.


Link unsheathed his sword and readied himself. The small group hurried towards us. My knight put himself first on the line, but I halted him. My body blazed in divine light as I levitated towards the monstrous fiends. Their rush abruptly stopped. Their gazes suddenly showed fear. I could tell a lot of regrets was seen in their faces. A pulsing ray of light shot from my right hand toward the Moblin who possibly destroyed my gift to the one I love. He disintegrated almost instantly. The remaining Bokoblins started fleeing, but they met the same fate as their master as I rained upon a holy judgement for ruining Link's special day. I was furious against those monsters. This day was supposed to be nothing short from perfection.

I landed back down, the light dying down from my entire self. I ran to the crushed basket and opened it frenetically. There was the small little package, crushed and folded as if it was chewed and spat out. I delicately opened it, fearful of what to expect.

Alas, what I feared had happened.

The medallion was supposed to shape the three golden triangles traversed by a silver blade held by a purple handle. The miniature replica of the Master Sword was folded in weird angles, and the triangles, deformed in many folds, were barely holding in one place. I was so devastated. I was looking forward to giving this meaningful gift to Link. Everything was supposed to be perfect for his birthday, and once again, the universe or fate or no matter the force made sure it wouldn't go my way.

I didn't realize that Link stood behind me. As I got up from the ground, I turned to him with tears in my eyes. He quickly closed the distance, ready to offer himself to whatever I could be needing. As of now, I wished I could turn back time, like the hero of time could with his mystical ocarina of time. If I had that, I would be able to turn the tides of time and protect Link's gift, as selfish as it would be.

Link looked at the shattered gift. He immediately recognized the gift's purpose. I nodded as new tears rained. "I... I had all of this planned out; we were going to enjoy a picnic, spend a beautiful time together, and then, I would offer you this as a symbol of... of my..." My eyes rose of his as I couldn't finish the sentence. He looked saddened to see me like this. I wasn't making his special day any better.

No... I wasn't going to let it end like that.

My left hand cherished his right cheek. I dived in and captured his lips with mine. For long seconds, I stay connected to him. His lips tasted like the cinnamon of some pastries I had thought today. As I parted from him, I whipped away my tears. Slowly, new ones started forming.

"It was supposed to be a symbol, Link." My voice was a bit heavy in sadness and disappointment. "A symbol of how I—"

He didn't let me finish. My voice was shut as he blessed me with a sweet and passionate kiss of his own.

Our behavior of the past few days was more than proof to show our mutual feelings for each other's heart. And yet, the experience of his wet lips and their hypnotism, his arms around me, and the strength behind them that told his need to cherish me, there was no better way to display such delicious love. My eyes slowly closed, and my arms laced around his neck. I savored the kiss. Relief embedded my whole being, along with a dose a burning passion. Oh, by the goddess! I have waited for this moment for so long. And it finally came!

We parted after a few minutes, but it seemed that our lips were locked in for an hour. Link looked at me with fiery intensity. While his gift was ruined, his face beamed in the most happiness that I've seen in him. He followed by saying that his birthday wish came true. I wondered what it was, I asked. He answered in the shyest way possible: he wished that he could be mine.

"Oh, Link..." I kissed him again. My heart knew no bound to this newfound happiness. Butterflies flew all over my stomach. I guessed this day managed to still have the happy ending that I desired.

Epona's muzzle came between us. She came and cherished my face. Whether that she wanted to be loved as well or that she was envious, that I didn't know.

"Come on, Epona." I told her, rubbing her face. "Don't be jealous, I'm certain that we can share him." I winked at Link. He laughed in return.

With nothing else to accomplish in Hyrule Field, I hopped onto Epona's back. Link joined behind me. His arms didn't loose anytime to embraced me. We shared another lovely kiss before we headed back to Castle Town. I was going to enjoy more time at his side, especially now with our love admitted and accepted in each other's heart.


Rama was... furious.

To be more accurate, he was in a colorful range of emotions. Upon seeing of what happened to his majestic craftsmanship, he screamed in total shock. Then sadness took him over to a point that he shared multiple tears. Afterwards, a blowing anger took charge of him as he grabbed a large axe and wanted to hunt the monsters who did this. I assured him that they were dealt with. Disappointment then calmed him down. He finally sighed and told us that he would need a day or two to fix the broken medallion. I thanked him for his effort and apologized again to have let this happen, but he cheered us both to have fun to the rest of the day.

The afternoon colors were already being shown in the sky. We strolled through Castle Town, walking aimlessly. Link and I didn't hide our relationship. We gladly held hands and shared kisses as much as possible. The goal wasn't to boast about the newly bond that we shared. We desired only one thing: to be comfortable in expressing it. Yes, I was princess of Hyrule. And yes, Link was a sir knight and master swordsman. But over the importance of those titles, we were human beings. We just wanted to live our love as anyone in this world. And the soothing feeling of being able to do so was a blessing. Luckily for us, the townspeople were happy for us. Some even were relieved of seeing our love born. "About darn time!" a miss in her vibrant forties of age said as we visited her shop of pottery. "I have a knack for these things, you know! And I knew you two were meant to each other!" Link blushed hearing these words. He added to the lady an assortment of compliments on my behalf and how privileged and fortuitous that he was to have me by his side. I grabbed his arm firmly and replied the same towards him.

"Spoken like true gentleman!" the shopkeeper said. She threw me a sly look. "This one's a keeper, Princess. Don't let him get away."

I giggled to her as I squeezed Link's arm. "Not in this life, nor the next."

We continued strolling in town for a while. As the evening was slowly installing itself, the town became lovely with an enchanting atmosphere brought by its light posts. It was like a little piece of heaven. Link and I never broke contact during our stroll. I couldn't remember the number of kiss that he landed on the side of my head; I couldn't count my replies to his lips. It was as if we were never embedded in huge titles or bigger roles for the sake of Hyrule. Just him and I, just a young man and woman in love. I loved that so much.

We didn't realize it yet, but some stars were already noticeable, and our legs and feet led us back to Hyrule Castle. Upon seeing our royal home, we decided to call it a day. But I didn't want to be separated from Link just yet. Neither did he.

I asked Link to wait for me in his room. He was confused as he asked the reason. At this actual time of the day, not many guards were posted between his room and mine. I didn't want them to raise any suspicions about my interactions with Link within the evening. Link did as I asked, but not before kissing me. I was never going to tire myself of this.

I sneaked in the kitchen and collected a few snacks. One of the workers was still there, but I hid under a counter, my hands holding a full plate. He looked like he was walking around, looking for something. "Didn't I leave those sweets there 10 minutes ago?" he asked to himself. He passed by my current position swiftly. I made sure not to make a noise. I knew that if I would just ask that he would gladly give them. Weirdly, the excitement given by stealing those snacks was thrilling and lively. But of course, I noted to myself to not make a habit of it. The cook finally gave up and exited. I sighed in relief as I stood up. A smaller picnic basket laid over on one of the counters. It was empty. I let the plate down but transferred the snacks in it. It would facilitate transport.

I jogged all the way to my room to make a quick verification. No guards were posted yet. It was just what I needed, but I had to act fast. I entered my room in haste and lit the lamp right to my bed along with the fireplace as I put the basket picnic on my bed. With enough lighting in my bedroom, I ran back to Link's room and knocked. He answered quickly. I pulled him and we ran towards my room before the night guards would start their shift. As we entered my room, we couldn't help but laugh like young children. I had just realized that Link was bare feet. I looked at him with a questioning look. He replied that its much quieter to run. Duly noted.

As we entered my room, I locked the door behind us. I wanted this evening for us to go uninterrupted. I took off my blue jacket and laid it on a nearby piece of furniture. I made my sandals escape my feet quite rapidly with repetitive air kicks. I delicately put away the pendant gifted by Link. That was one gift that I didn't want to break at any cost. There was a small table in the middle of my room. We used it to eat the snack that I collected. While eating in bed sounded more romantic to me, sleeping on bed crumbs was extremely uncomfortable. I spoke of experience. Not much was said between us, at least with words. Our body language, nevertheless, was very vocal: kisses, embraces, touches, etc. We savored every single minute of our time together.

We finished a light supper. A thought flashed in my mind. That alone made me a bit embarrassed, but I didn't dislike it. I'm not sure what Link would think of me if I told him that. And yet, now that we tasted love's nectar, I... I didn't want the evening to end right away.

Link called me, and this snapped me back to reality. He held my hand and asked me if I was well. I was more than well. I looked at him and kissed him. I stood up from my seat, grabbed his hand and led him towards the grand bed. He leaned against the pillows and the bedrest and I settled between his legs as my arms snaked around his torso. As I was covered by his strong arms, he landed sweet and long kisses on my forehead. I closed my eyes and relished on each of the feeling. My heart skipped a beat as this sudden thought traversed my mind again. I was uncertain if I should go with my desire or not. To be quite honest, I knew that I wanted to. The question of the matter was rather if Link would agree or not.

Work with politics, live for love.

I recalled my mother's words. I smiled with confidence. We were already in the confinement of our own intimacy. I had to take a leap of faith and hope for the best that he wouldn't despise me for it.

I pulled myself up from his embrace and sat on his lap. I cupped his face in my hands and rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs. He closed his eyes and moaned to the feeling. One of my hands departed towards his ponytail; my fingers delicately freed his hair from his hairband. Added with the moon's light blessing us both, his allure was divine. I detached the braids from the top of my head, and two locks fell in front of my face. I shook my head, feeling a bit freer. We kissed anew, locked in each other's arms and a heat pulsing back and forth, one body to the other.

"Link," I cut the kiss short. "I have a favor to ask you." He smiled and nodded to me. "I know that... there's a proper order to do such things. But... I don't care about traditions and old laws. I want this night to be just about us. No crown, no titles, no responsibilities or obligations, nothing of the sort. You may deny my request and I would perfectly understand if you would advocate patience. And yet... if that would be okay with you..."

I took a deep breath, finalizing the last words of my request.

"Tonight, Link... please be mine."

A little misunderstanding was shown in his smiling expression. He acknowledged to me that he was already mine. My forehead rested on his. Another kiss happened. I looked at him hypnotically. Both of my hands started caressing his torso, travelling to every corner that I could think of. My hands reunited at the first tied button and set it free. They continued and did the same at the second, but I halted my travel any further.

"That's... not what I meant..." I whispered with timid seductiveness.

Link looked at me with the same hypnotism: desiring and sensual. His face got closer to my left ear. He whispered something. Those words elevated my heart and soul to the same desires as his. It was me that misunderstood him. And with those words, I knew that him and I could dive into our heart's inner desires, and more. So much more.

Zelda, I am already yours. All of me, all of it. And so, tonight... please, take me.


(Art by Hievasp on Instagram)

Our passion suddenly bloomed and became tenfold. Our lips locked in the wettest and hungriest kiss that we ever shared. My hands resumed where they left off. The third, fourth and fifth buttons of his shirt were freed. I pulled the clothing down to his elbow, exposing his well-sculpted chest. With my fingers, I tasted its surface embedded with war scars. Each of them sent a flutter of lust into me. Link's hands didn't lose anytime either. His hand had conquered the back of my dress. My back was bare, and I felt his radiating heat massaging it. He proceeded to loosen the shoulder straps, pulling them down one after the other. I pulled his blue shirt completely from him and threw it to the floor. His hands then quickly got rid of my belt. He pulled my dress to my waist, leaving my chest unclothed, and leaned forwardly. A pleasant shock traveled my body when his hands slid onto my thighs to firmly hold my behind. That same jolt became more intense when his mouth captured one of my bosoms. I exhaled an exquisite moan, delighted of the given joy. He repeated the same pleasure onto the other one. My breath kept speaking nothing but sensual satisfaction. I reclaimed his face and kissed him as if my life depended on it. I pushed him down and discarded my dress to the floor. I pulled down the remaining clothing worn by him until nothing covered his athletic body.

There, in the middle stood his other "sword." Some while ago, when I visited Gerudo Town, a fine and beautiful lady offered private courses about matters and ways to please a man in intimacy. At first, I was disconcerted of what I was taught. But now, here with Link, I wanted to put that knowledge to their first test.

I firmly took hold of it. Instantly, his moan was heard. His face twisted with a desiring plea. I gave it more strokes, Link's head pulled back as the pleasure rippling through his body was more than intense. His breath was battered, but he loved it. I almost felt sadistic torturing him at such, yet the dominating role was pleasing to do. I pulled down the last piece of fabric that I wore. My excitement of seeing Link at my sexual mercy aroused me deeply. I lowered and approached his sacred member. It looked like it was ready to explode. I give it a long and wet kiss, Link relished on the feeling. My mouth engulfed it and offered the same service that he had given me to my chest. Going back and forth at length, my knight exhaled in pleasure of my treatment. He gripped the covers trying to retain the little composure that he had left. He failed miserably to contain his excitement. I couldn't help but savor his moment of enjoyment.

He suddenly halted my pleasuring of him. I was surprised as it seemed that he loved it. But a slight guilt took me over. "I-I wasn't doing it right, is that it?" I asked with disappointment. His strong arm snaked around and captured my waist, and he pulled my body to pin me on the bed. I yelped, being taken by awe. His eyes were hazy and hypnotized. I still didn't understand his reaction of earlier, but he lowered his head near my right ear and slid his tongue along it; very slowly. I had no idea that my ears were such a delicate spot. The mere wet contact made me gasped softly and pleasantly.

He whispered to my ear that it wasn't fair that only him was being pleasured. He reminded me that he was my servant. The tone that he spoke with was so enticing.

"Well," I addressed him with a smirk. I bit my lips seductively, "I'm waiting, servant."

He nodded, acknowledging my royal order. His lips and tongue started invading my neck. The suction gave me a sweet, quivering sensation. I let a sharp moan from my throat. His mouth continued his path of lustful plunder towards my chest. He continued lower and took his time cherishing my stomach. Thanks to Urbosa's training, I was starting to see the appearance of abdominal sharpness. Seeing how his mouth and tongue licked in delicacy, I could tell Link noticed that too. I couldn't help laughing with tickling pleasure when he tasted my belly button. He finally arrived at his wanted destination. His tongue started ravishing my intimate entrance. I gasped at the sensation as my body arched, torn by a sensual blessing. The rhythm of his tongue responded faster, and I couldn't help but succumb to the given thrill. My hands firmly held on its hair and my pelvis thrusted with pace towards his lewd mouth. My heart wanted to explode. Where in the world did he learn to do that?

Just as I was enjoyed being tamed by his mouth's whip, he stopped. I wondered why the need to stop in such excess of love. He stood tall on his knees, silent and gorgeous, and parted my legs. He lied down on me as I welcomed him entirely. We shared a long kiss, engaging in another session of burning affection. My hands were lost in the sea of his hair; his traveled my body. In this torrid session of love, the lower part of our abdomen kept pushing against one another, desiring to fully unite as one. I could feel his member all the way onto my stomach; it casted such an alluring heat. We parted from our kiss, looking at each other with otherworldly passion. Our gazes suddenly became soothing, speaking a silent understanding. Link waited for my permission. I nodded.

He positioned himself towards me. He took his time to make sure he was delicately and patient on my behalf. He finally connected with me. A slight, but sharp pain rippled within my body as I tensed. His expression was alarmed, but I quickly reassured him with a kiss. I encouraged him to continue. He looked worried, but continued. The next thrust was much less painful. But came to the third thrust, I was taken by storm. That storm had a name: it was euphoria. I let out such a sensuous cry. My fingers dug fiercely into Link's back. The sensation made him exhale sensually. His pace suddenly accelerated. I held for dear life as each receiving push sent me a tidal wave of divine ecstasy. My voice was shred through layers of lovely satisfaction and my body kept on demanding it. But my knight kept the demand coming and more. Our bodies were drowning in erotic sweat as we kept going, our exhaled breaths sang songs of delectation, and reason had long left our minds. Only two things remained within us: our carnal basic instinct and an insatiable need for lust.

My heart, mind and body echoed a building feeling. I felt the same coming from Link as he suddenly increased his cadence. That feeling rushed in us at a blinding speed; it wasn't stopping. Our voices elevated even more, and our bodies became more connected. My legs locked themselves on his waist while the strength of his drive was felt deep and deeper within me, sending me lustful shivers.

And there it was... the ultimate flare of celestial bliss, reached by the both of us as we shouted with lascivious fulfillment.

Link dropped next to me, completely drained. I was in no better shape, but I managed to turn around and rest my head and arm on his torso. We were drenched to no end, our breaths were ragged, but a delicious smile embedded our lips. I pulled myself to meet his face. I laughed at the complete mess that I made of his hair, yet I bet mine was worse. We laughed and shared another long kiss, elated of this beautiful and exciting evening. Link suddenly looked at his lower body. I followed his gaze and saw its destination. Despite the engaging exercise that we went through, it seemed his second sword was still ready for duty. We looked at each other, Link looking embarrassed, I smiled as a silly child. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and climbed on top of him.

"This time, I will take the lead."

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