We came back to Hyrule Castle at the dawn of the afternoon yesterday. Link and Sidon had their fair share of fun together just as I did with Mipha. He was curious about the pieces of paper I carried, but I playfully told him that it was a secret. I couldn't show it to him yet. After our return, I had to dismiss Link for the rest of the evening. I encouraged him to rest; luckily, he didn't object and welcomed the suggestion as his training with Sidon drained him. Afterwards, unknown to him, I immediately went to visit our master craftsman, Rama. He reminded me a lot of a hylian version of Daruk, but smaller in stature. Just like the champion, he bore a great beard and mustache, was always enthusiastic, and never backed down from a challenge, no matter the difficulties ahead. It was no surprise to see a great friendship bloom between the two individuals. I explained to him what I was aspiring to be made through my sketches. "Don't you worry, Princess!" He said proudly. "I'm going to make a masterpiece of a work!" I was so glad of his response. My idea was in the greatest of crafting hands in the kingdom. I could now rest easy.
A new morning rose on the land. Today in this vacation time, I decided to visit Urbosa. I was so happy that we decided to keep the sheikah technology in our daily lives. It made matters of communication and transportation much easier. Since our victory over Ganon, I had asked Urbosa to train me. While, yes, I was wielding a vast amount of divine powers, the experience of facing the threat of the Calamity taught me not to only rely on one way to defend myself. I had thought of asking Link at first, but I had a feeling that he would have held his strength against me. But with Urbosa, who was bred in a country of powerful women that valued strength and independence, I knew that she wouldn't go easy on my behalf. And that was what I was looking for.
All set and ready to embrace the day, I stepped out of my chambers. I walked the castle's halls as I saluted the guards posted. I arrived in front of Link's room. Since he was my appointed knight, he had to have a room of his own not too far from mine. I thought it strange that he hadn't woken up yet. Among us, he was always the early bird.
"Link?" I knocked on his door. "Are you awake?"
I knocked again, still no answer.
"I'm coming in, Link. All right?" I twisted the doorknob.
I entered his room. It was a wide bedroom that was well-furnished with standard wooden furniture. The walls carried a beautiful brownish tone dressed in banners of the royal family. Just like my room, Link also had access to a round bathtub along with a sink for his daily needs. A beautiful and large window gave away a magnificent view, but it was veiled by blue curtains. A large bed fit for two was present in my view as I walked further into the room. Here lied Link, sleeping fondly, and sprawled all under a thick and soft cover.
Considering the amount of fun that he had with Sidon yesterday, it wasn't surprising seeing him sleeping past his usual waking hour. His hair was a childish mess, but his look was so sound and innocent. I felt bad that I had to wake his beautiful expression.
I pulled the curtains apart and let the sun drown the inside of his bedroom. That didn't work. I had to try something else.
"Link!" I walked closer and shook him by his shoulder. "Link! Wake up!" His head turned and he hummed annoyingly but didn't wake. I sighed. There was only one way to wake him from slumber. It was a bit ruthless, but it was effective. And in a way, there was some playfulness in my upcoming action. Yet, I was going to learn that all antics of the sort had consequences. Firmly grabbing the cover, a mischievousness dressed my lips and eyes. I took a momentum and swiftly pulled it from him.
"Wake up, sleepy head!" My voice was playful and mischievous.
I let go of the cover that floated and slowly fell towards the floor. I gazed back at Link. Shock took me over. I then realized how horrible this idea was. What started in my mind as a childish prank was about to become one of the most embarrassing moments in my entire life.
If speechlessness were personified, I would be it. I covered my mouth to not scream in surprise and to not cause any alarm. My mind told me to avert my eyes from his body, in particularly from... it. I couldn't. Link started to grumble, and I wished all the forces in the universe that he wouldn't wake up to this dire situation. Those forces denied my wish. His eyes burst open to the sudden breeze that traveled over his unclothed self. Confusion quickly took over him, then shock regarding that he was now without cover, and finally a mixture of both shame and embarrassment added as he discovered my startled person. He briefly screamed as he retrieved his blanket to cover himself. His face couldn't be told apart from a red apple's shade. His mouth was opened in shock, but no words could come out. He had a million questions to ask at the moment. I didn't have a million answers, alas.
"L-Link, I..." I uncovered my mouth, my face being massively flustered. "It's not what it looks like! I knocked twice and you didn't answer! I was worried; therefore, I entered your room! I then thought of doing a playful farce on you by pulling your cover! But I didn't know you were sleeping... well, naked!" The grand image of it flashed in my mind like hot iron. Oh, my goodness! I couldn't get it out of my thoughts! What kind of princess was I to have such naughty and impure matters in my mind? By the crown! What was wrong with me?
I looked upwards to deviate my sight from him! "I-I'm heading to Gerudo Town for my weekly training! I'm taking Impa and Purah with me! C-Could you look after Terrako for me p-please?"
Link reverted immediately into his knightly self. He rose to his feet and insisted to accompany me. But by doing so, the thick blanket escaped his grasp. And I made the mistake to lower my face.
"Oh, it won't be—OH MY GOODNESS!" I quickly turned around this time. He retrieved his blanket in a very awkwardly way. "I have to go! I'll see you tonight! I'm so, so sorry!" I quickly escaped his room.
I slammed the door shut and hasted myself down the hall. I didn't risk looking back, especially with that beaming and bright face I carried. Oh, goodness! That thing was pointing at me! And Link; he must have believed that I was some sort of pervert after this. My heart was racing as loud as a marching army. How in the world was I going to face him afterwards? Just when I thought that the random and embarrassing shenanigans between him and I had stopped, the cosmic forces of the universe showed me otherwise. Oh, why me?
"Princess?" Impa called, awakening me from my thoughts of shame. She was with her sister. "Are you all right?"
"Impa! Purah! Perfect timing!" I held their shoulders. "On we go to Gerudo Town!"
"Oh! Uh, of course!" said a surprised Impa. "Wait, shouldn't we wait for Link?"
"Just saw him!" I replied hurriedly. "He's sick! He caught a cold, so I gave him the day to recuperate! Poor thing!"
"Oh..." Purah said. "That's too bad."
"If you want, I can have some medicine—"
"Taken care already!" I insisted. "He shall be all right! Now, on our way we go!"
"O-oh, okay!" Impa let herself pulled by my pressuring hand.
"Woo-hoo!" Purah got existed. "Up on that big tower then!"
"WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I RIDE THAT THING?" I screamed idiotically before realizing the foolishness of my words. The two sisters gazed at me with confused awe.
"W-well, we need to get to the tower to activate the teleportation, as usual..."
"Oh, r-right..."
"Princess, are you doing well?" Impa asked, raising an eyebrow to my weird behavior.
"Oh, yes! No worries!" I quickly dismissed. "Come on now! Chop chop! There's no better time than the present!"
I took the lead and hasted myself while they followed. I didn't need to look back at them nor to read their minds to wonder if my behavior raised their curiosity or not. What was supposed to be a little farce led to an embarrassing and shameful moment. As if that wasn't enough, I now had Link's most intimate privacy burned into my mind forever and he probably thought of me as a weird pervert.
What was I going to do? How in Hyrule was I going to face him after that?
Sliding on the rough and stony ground, sword and shield in hands, I gazed at an impassive Urbosa. She was in great stature and dominated our duel like a mountain towering over an ant. I had lost count on the many times she had manhandled me. Purah was bothered about the numbers of beatings I could continue to take, while Impa seemed to notice something unusual in my battle style. And by the look of her piercing gaze, so did Urbosa.
I stood back and rushed mindlessly toward the Gerudo chief again. She parried all my assaults with ease. With a simple and strong swing, she disposed of my blade from my hand. With my shield left, I blocked the new flurry of attacks except the last one, a swift drop kick. As I landed on my back, my shield rolled away from me. Urbosa's blade was a small gap away from my face. I had lost again. I didn't mind losing against her; she was the Gerudo champion after all. This time, I was clearly not at my best. I sighed in defeat.
She retrieved her sword and offered her hand to help me get up on my feet. I was disappointed of myself. And because of what? Because I for once wanted to act silly. Impa and Purah came to my side. Urbosa laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. As I looked at their expressions, they knew something was wrong.
"Little bird," started Urbosa. "Something is definitely bothering you. It spoke loudly in your swordplay."
"I... I know..." I replied.
"Your Highness," Impa followed. "Does it have to do with something related to Link being bedridden?"
I took a deep breath. My mind was made up; this couldn't go on any further. If I were to admit this morning's true event, it might as well be surrounded by my closed friends. And so, I decided to concede another victory; this time, I was going to be truthful. And that, at the risk of being laughed at without any bound.
"I... lied about this morning. Link is not stricken with a cold. He's perfectly fine..."
"What? But... why lie about this, Princess?" Purah added.
"Something has happened between the two of you, I suspect?" Urbosa added.
"It would be more accurate to say that I happened to him..."
My three friends looked at each other, disorientation dressed on their faces.
"You Highness," Impa said, "you'll have to be more specific than this."
I dreaded that request so much, but I couldn't hide it from them any longer. And so, I started telling them the whole mishap that I caused this morning. As I went on with my story, a growing heat slowly embedded my face, still having Link's manhood engraved in my mind. My eyes averted my friends' as I knew exactly what their reaction would be. Finishing my story, an imposing silence took place. Only the calm desert breeze made itself heard. My three friends looked at me, bewildered. Not a word came from their lips. And then, as I expected, a booming laughter exploded from these three. I hid my face in my hands not daring to look at their mocking. A strong arm laid around me in comfort.
"Oh, little bird! Come on now!" Urbosa tried to cheer me up. "There's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Now I understand why the word 'tower' seemed disturbing." Purah said, but her expression came to another realization. "But wait a minute! Did it mean that you compared his member as a tower?"
"Oh, for goodness's sake! Purah!" Another wave of blush made me want to disappear from this moment right now.
"Purah, stop it!" Impa said, but laughter was still mixed in her voice. "I'm so sorry, Princess! I can't help it!"
I looked at my friends timidly, "How am I supposed to face him now? He must think of me as someone of depraved nature!"
"Now, now," the Gerudo leader reassured me. "This is Link we're talking about it. Besides, I believe this calls for a great celebration. Ladies: tonight, we raid the Noble Canteen! My treat!"
The Noble Canteen, Gerudo's Town's most enchanting place.
The charming pub was always filled with a delightful, elegant, and mature atmosphere. I welcomed the idea to clear my head. After the morning event, I hoped that this evening would be without ridiculousness and with more amusement. Our group led by Urbosa entered the place and everyone cheered for her. To say that she was cherished and loved would be an understatement. As we saluted the current clients in the bar, familiar faces that I'd seen on the battlefield against the Calamity were happy to see us. Others complimented our stylish summer garments offered by Urbosa and inspired by her own style. To be quite honest, I was very fond of the glamour born into Impa and Purah's current looks. The combined colors of red and silver was outstanding on them. My royal adviser seemed shy at first, her not being used to such clothing, but my admiration on her looks seemed to have given her the needed confidence. Purah on the other end was gleeful about hers. Mine and Urbosa's style were similar, wearing a shortened shirt exposing our stomach and wearing a long kilt. Our only difference was our color palette; mine being blue and yellow, hers being green and white.
We sat at our table. Already four drinks were ready to be consumed: the bar's specialty, the Noble Pursuit. And of course, it was my favorite. We raised our glasses and cheered for all Hyrule before gulping our beverages. Well, at least the first round.
I stopped counting after the third round of drinks. Afterwards, our good humor and laughter had taken over. The same could be told for my thought process, now loosened. Among our little group, alas, I was the only one appearing more than just tipsy.
"You know something!" I held with my half-emptied glass and pointed my friends. "I-I believe that Link tried to snare me into a vile trap!"
"Really?" Urbosa said elegantly in control of her liquor. "Please do tell, little bird."
"I believe that... he knows about my feelings for him! And he's obviously in love with me!" I shook and sipped a little of my drink. "Therefore, he devised a plan to sleep completely unclothed, because he knew that I would wake him up the next morning! I mean, who sleeps naked inside the castle?"
"That's quite the devious plan!" Impa nodded with a hazy look. "Please let me know when you're ready to counter-attack, Princess."
I pointed at Impa happily. "This is why you're my adviser! I love you, Impa!"
"I love you too, Zelda." I threw her an air kiss. She caught it and held it close to her chest.
"But Zelda..." Purah's voice was softened and a bit seductive. Her eyes were direct and suggestive. She put her hands together and let her chin rest above them. "Here's the real question: did you enjoy the view?"
I was now the center of attention at the table. Luckily for me, the alcohol in me gave me more courage and less filter. I threw my hands in the air in surrender.
"Well, I can tell you this," I pointed Purah. "I have seen in my lifetime not one, but two Master Swords. And they are both wielded by Link. Sooooo... it's a nice discovery I'd say!" Gleeful shock jolted in their expression.
"My, my!" Urbosa exclaimed. "My little bird is all grown up now!"
"My goodness!" followed Impa with a serene smile. "Who are you and what have you done with my princess?"
"Princess Zelda went to bed... Tonight, it's Miss Zel!"
"Well then," Purah said as she eyed a set of new drinks put onto our table. She grabbed one. "To Miss Zel!"
"To Miss Zel!" We followed through and drank our newly round of liquor.
"If I may, Miss Zel," Urbosa said, "I do have one bold question for you."
I tapped my chest quickly and opened my arms. "Nothing's too bold for Miss Zel! Lay it away, Mama Bosa!"
She giggled at her newly given nickname. "Have you ever... thought about it? About you and Link in... such?"
"Oooooh..." I said lifting my eyes to the ceiling. "That is bold indeed. Quite frankly, I'm... I'm glad that you asked me this, I needed your advice on the matter, from all of you."
"We're all ears," said the sisters, smiling with curiosity.
"Well..." my gaze was as if I was in a daydream. "I do... think about it. Quite a lot, actually."
"Oh, Miss Zel! You naughty girl!" Purah added.
I winked seductively to her. "I've seen him numerous times train in the outdoors without anything to cover his well-sculpted torso. He had gained a good number of scars. I used to see those as reminders of my weakness that Link had to pay with his body. But now..." My smile became a bit more enticing. "I found those adding a lot of his manhood. It gives him a delicious look."
"Someone has enjoyed the view for far too long, if you ask me." Urbosa replied.
"Guilty as charged." I admitted. "But alas... I know that... I must follow a set of dust-covered and ridiculous rules and procedures when it comes to have a lover. After all that we've lived through with the Calamity and rebuilding the kingdom, the desires of my heart sometimes want to be freed and let loose. While I plan to confess my love to Link on his birthday, I..."
A clear and fiery image flashed in my mind. My inner desire reflected what I thought. I saw an image of Link and I blessed in total intimacy. The picture heated my cheeks, and I loved the given sensation.
"I... I want to love him in any way I want; in any way we want. Tell me, would you submit to ancient laws? Or just let your heart dictate your actions and desires towards the one that you cherish the most in this whole wide world?"
I had to thank the numerous drinks that were now within my body. They enabled me to ask about the matter without restraint. My question resonated towards everyone at the table. Me being in love with Link was already a known fact among them, but as I mentioned earlier, I wanted to love him how I saw fit. I knew that my words were bold, perhaps even unfit for a princess. Yet, as of this moment, I wasn't a monarch heir, I was just a woman in love. A woman that just wanted to freely love her heart's chosen one. Could traditions of old not hold me back from doing this?
Urbosa sighed in the cheerful silence I created, then spoke. "Work with politics, but live for love."
"What?" I asked. Impa and Purah were quizzical in their looks.
"Your mother," she said with nostalgic eyes. "She used to give me that advice. And now, I'm giving it to you, little bird."
"Urbosa..." I was moved.
"Zelda," it was rare for Urbosa to call me by my name. "In that last war that we've endured against Calamity Ganon, you, of all people, worked so hard to contribute effort, strength and willpower to show your value despite the weight of your doubts of that time. And when your powers had finally rose from their slumber, it was all because you showed your heart's true color, the color of love. The love that you had for Link all along. Such emotion should never be restraint by laws and traditions. It should always be free to fly."
Her hand came and caressed my left cheek. Her gaze poured care and love into mine, the kind that was similar to Mother's.
"So go and love him. Love each other as you see fit. You two deserve it immensely."
Her words really touched me. As I rose and laced my arms around her neck, I kissed her on her cheek, feeling grateful to have her presence in my life. I had lost my mother a long time ago and no one in this world could ever take her place. Yet, I was more than certain that her spirit would be relieved and happy that her best friend was there and present for her daughter.
"Hmm, thank youuuu Mama Bosa!"
"I'm happy that you're being honest with your feelings," she said. "And truth be told, that voe of yours desires you just as much as you desire him. In particularly in a physical matter."
"Really?" I was surprised. "Link?"
"Oh, yeah!" Impa said after taking a sipping of her drink. "I do believe he loves you heart and soul, but these pretty blue eyes of his have been roaming around you in more places than one. Trust me, Zel!"
"Then again," Purah gulped her drink, "can you really blame the guy? I bet he fantasizes about you quite a lot just by looking."
"Really?" My voice sounded dreamy and interested.
The idea of Link thinking of me in such way was enticing to my mind. While he was always cheerful and boyish, yet mature and dedicated, him possessing a sensual vice was a new ground to explore. I almost wanted to try out this theory advanced by Urbosa and Impa.
No... I really wanted to.
The three of us returned to Hyrule Castle. The time? Quite late.
Impa and Purah guided me back to my chambers. We embraced each other so hard; this evening was really entertaining and pleasant. We promised each other to bring Mipha next time. I entered my room as I saluted the guards stationed outside, but I quickly retracted. I had almost forgotten something; Link. It was late, but... I was wondering: could he be asleep? If I knocked, would he wake up? Would he be angry if I disturbed his sleep? Well... there was only one way to find out.
I walked back a short distance and stood in front of his door. I delicately rested my ear on it; I heard nothing. Perhaps he was asleep. I looked down and saw a glimpse of light coming from under the door. Either he was still up in such a late hour or he fell asleep while his bedside candle was still lit. I knocked at the door; not too loud, but enough so he could hear it. To my surprise, the door swung inward almost instantly. There stood Link, wearing a white shirt and a pair of short trousers of dark blue and gray that smoothly kissed his skin.
"Humm..." I froze in a very silly way, but finally was able to say something. "Heeeey you..."
Link was surprised of my presence. But after a second look at his expression, his surprise was more due to concern.
"Can I... come in?" I asked quietly, but cheerfully. He let me in.
I entered his bedroom, but my first steps were a bit wobbly. The great amount of alcohol I ingurgitated was still having fun inside of me. I wondered where Terrako was; my appointed knight explained that he stayed with Robbie as they played continuous games of chess. I really needed to see this. Link had faith in Urbosa and Impa, but he still expressed his worry when he didn't see me coming home to the castle. I appreciated the gesture from him. Maybe it was the multiple Noble Pursuits talking in me, but there was a beautiful charm in his way to show care for me.
"I'm sorry, Link," I held his forearms tenderly. "After my training with Urbosa, she invited all of us to the Noble Canteen. It was soooooo much fun."
One of his eyebrows rose as he smiled quizzically to my pleased expression. Before he asked me, I nodded slowly and widely. "Yes, I am THAT drunk. I stopped counting the drinks at the fourth round. Or... was it at the third, maybe? Next time, you must come! I'm certain that you'd look great in female clothing."
Link let out a cheerful laugh. He replied that he was happy that I had fun. So was I. Those days of leave really were beneficial. Despite a few embarrassing moments, I was really enjoying myself. A warm silence took place between us. I was lost in his blue eyes, and him in my green ones. Or so I thought.
I was still wearing the clothing given to me by Urbosa. They added a lot of exoticism to my bodily charm. I could see in Link's eyes that his gaze was hypnotized and lost in them. I could tell that they were scanning all my appearance. My knight looking at me discreetly head to toe. His stare became intense, his face flushed sweetly like an apple. Urbosa and Impa were correct; he loved devouring me with his eyes. Pulling a lock of hair behind one of my ears, I was embarrassed by his behavior, but pleased of the desire expressed behind such act.
"Link," my voice escaped my lips with a flirty tone. "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll catch on fire."
The poor thing immediately felt bad. He started bowing and kneeling to me, but I stopped him.
"No, not that!" I said as I pulled him and hugged his face to mine. "Not when it's just the two of us. Just let me be Zelda, okay? Not the Princess of Hyrule."
Holding him against me, my eyes re-plunged in his. Link blushed even more, but he quietly nodded to my request. It was a good night; I didn't want any royal titles or matters of politics interrupting us in this exact moment. It was just me and him; just two persons awkwardly in love with each other. Link's arms moved to my back and held me against him. I took a deep breath and tasted the delicacy of his whole being: his muscles, his pounding heartbeat, the side of his face resting on mine, and his radiating warmth, etc. That was heavenly. His hands on my skin were hypnotic tempters as their caresses were indeed enjoyable. My hands pulled at his shirt furthermore as I took a deep breath. A part of me desired to stay; I wanted to let our inner instincts dictate our heart's wishes. But alas, the wisdom in me won; by a thin victory.
"It's getting late." I said softly as I pulled away with reluctance. "Thank you for the hug. I really appreciated it."
Link nodded. I could tell in his expression that he wanted to explore our common desire furthermore. But he was a gentleman. Patience was a virtue, and he seemed to have mastered it for the matter of love that we shared. I walked to the door, but instantly turned around to see Link once more.
"Really sorry about this morning." I apologized again. "This was really not intentional."
Link laughed a little and shrugged his shoulders. He suggested me to write a chapter regarding this incident if I were to compose a biography. The idea was very tempting. I had to make a mental note about this.
"Goodnight, Link." I bid him. "Sweet dreams." He wished me likewise before I left and gently close the door.
I didn't lose any time to change into something more comfortable for the long sleep awaiting me. I quickly slipped on a sumptuous night gown of pale pink. I lied down on my large and wide bed, a great smile to my face. This day was enchanting and fantastic on many layers, despite its start.
But it was almost perfect.
I found comfort in my warm bed and tender blankets, but I was still cold tonight. My body craved solace in Link's arms. While I was wise to hold my yearning for his body, this night was about to reveal the loneliest one I had ever spent.
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