The restoration of the kingdom was going smoothly. Before the event of the Calamity, I had so many doubts and worries plaguing on my insecurities. But after awakening my powers, it was as if those heavy stones were lifted from my being. I felt free and determined. I had asked myself if I had it all to become the next ruler of Hyrule or not. With the efforts I had deployed since our victory, I almost did not recognize myself. My father was willingly letting me take the lead and the results were stunning. Perhaps that he saw that I would soon be ready to wear the mantle of queen.

Alas, despite my great work, every person needed to rest. As wise, determined, and strong I had become, I was no exception. My father and Impa advised me to take the next two weeks for recuperating. I agreed with them. The timing was perfect anyhow. It would allow me to accomplish two things. The first; spending more time with Link. In terms of his presence, he was still my assigned knight. Wherever I went, he was there. The issue with this matter was the lost of our privacy. I had been so busy throughout the kingdom, yet the moments we used to have with just the two of us were scarce. It was as if he had become a mere decoration walking by my side constantly. I had more interaction with Terrako than I had with him. And ever since my last birthday, guilt still lingered in me for not giving him the deserved privacy. I wanted to repair that. The other thing I wanted to accomplish during such resting time was finding the perfect present for him. After his gift, I wanted mine to be just as meaningful. And I had seven days to figure out what.

But before that, I needed to be certain of something.


I was officially on leave for the next two weeks. I felt lighter that I could enjoy myself for some time. My first decision was to visit a dear friend at Zora Domain. Link and I stood outside, next to the tower near Hyrule Castle. Purah and Impa were there as well to attend my departure. As I was about to go, I was surprised that Terrako did not want to make the quick voyage with us.

"You're not coming, Terrako?" My little guardian waved its head. I kneeled in front of it. "Why not?"

"That's a first!" Impa noticed. "That thing would usually follow you to the jaws of death."

Purah knelt next to me, humming with her hand under her chin. "Perhaps a faulty bug in its programming?"

Terrako waltzed itself behind Link and pushed him delicately towards me. He was surprised as well about such behavior. It then repeated the act, but to me. Link and I stood facing each other, an almost non-existent distance separating us and our faces heating up by the proximity. Terrako looked at us and nodded in glee, all the while Impa dressed a surprised look. Purah nodded in agreement, but her eyes and her smile had a rather naughtier definition.

"I'm in very agreement with you, Terrako," she said. "I think it's a good opportunity to let these two have a long-deserved alone time."

"Wait, what?" Impa was shocked.

Terrako once again responded positively, while my face and Link's rose to a new shade of crimson. A part of me was not surprised on its respond. Almost every night before bed, I would tell Terrako of my day, my joys, my worries, and... about Link. Everything about him. And that entailed on how much I loved him. While I appreciated the kindness, the embarrassment that came along was not making things any better for Link and myself.

I hooked my arm with Link's. It surprised him.

"W-Well, I bid you a good and beautiful day everyone!" I activated the teleportation with the sheikah slate before further questions were asked.


"I-I'm really sorry, Link." I quickly let go of his arm as we arrived in Zora territory. "I just..."

He, too, carried a very embarrassed look. He told me to not worry about it, yet I could not help feeling responsible for this episode. Despite our best efforts, we always seemed to end up in such comedy. Still, I loved seeing that boyish charm of his when he laughed or blushed. As he was scratching the back of his head, I just smiled at him.

"To be fair," I told him, "I don't think it would have been wise to have Impa question us about whatever Purah was implying in." Link rolled his eyes and nodded. He added that she was as protective as a tigress protecting her cubs, which I completely agree. Link feared what he would have to face her after our return. I reassured him that I would help. Terrako and Purah had put us in quite the situation.

We continued our short walk towards Zora Domain. The uneasiness between us seemed to have departed. Link and I enjoyed a lovely conversation of different matters. Seeing him so talkative and expressive moved me. I felt I could just stare at his eyes and drown in them. It was so refreshing to just waltz ourselves to the beautiful summer breeze. No burdening destiny, no looming darkness, no pressure. I wished for the coming days to be filled with those little blessings of everyday.

We arrived at the entrance of Zora Domain. Two guards greeted us. While we were in the middle of asking an audience with Princess Mipha, a loud and cheerful voice resonated throughout the realm.


Like a lynel galloping at its top speed, Prince Sidon ran in haste past the two guards and tackled Link to the ground. Link grunted loudly as he received the full impact of the prince's arrival.

"Zelda! Link! I'm so happy to see guys!" He greeted us with his dazzling smile.

"It's always a pleasure to see you too, Prince Sidon!" I replied joyfully. I couldn't believe how fast he was growing. He was already reaching Link at his waist.

"Oh, my goodness! Sidon, that's not how you greet your friends!" A softened and elegant voice followed, coming from behind the two guards.

Princess Mipha walked to us as Link got back on his feet. She apologized for Sidon's behavior, but we brushed it off, calling it a kind greeting. Though I believed Link's abdominal area would feel such impact for days. Mipha and I embraced one other, happy to see each other. She greeted Link as well; this one did the same and offered her a respectful nod. Sidon was anxious to show the results of his training to Link and pulled him inside the domain.

"Have fun, you two!" I told Link as he passed me by. To my surprise, he offered me a smiling wink. I gazed at his back, him already far away with Sidon, and a shy smile and lovely redness colored my face. I was certain that I looked silly now. I was happy to be silly.

"Princess?" Mipha snapped me back to reality.

"Oh, my apologies!" I said embarrassed.

"No need to apologize." She giggled. "And quite frankly, if I may, I as well would be blushing if he'd offered me such a smile."

"Oh... you saw?" I felt guilty for a moment. Not because of my girlish behavior, but because I knew as well how Mipha regarded Link. "Mipha?"


"Could we... talk in private, please?"


I walked in Zora Domain alongside with Mipha. I offered my salutations to King Dorephan. He bid me welcome and always greeted me with a warm voice. He was also honored that Sidon and Link were training together. For him, it was a beautiful bond of brotherhood. I was deeply honored by his words. He and Father shared some time together after the battle of three years ago. I believed they saw a lot of themselves in each other. Seeing them laughing and talking like brothers was a fond sight.

As I walked with Mipha, talking with her reminded me of how soothing it was. Since we had a lot of things in common, I felt at ease to confine in her. I was impressed of my own efforts in running the kingdom, but I always looked up to Mipha and Urbosa for inspiration. I felt they both possess a level of charisma and grace that I still needed to attain. While the old version of myself would have said these words in weakness, I today was telling them in awe and motivation. We arrived in her private chambers. Both of us sat down on her grand bed. We usually would talk about all and everything without a care in the world. But today, as my fingers laced in anxiousness, the topic would have to be heavy. Perhaps hurtful on emotional layers.

"Princess, are you all right?" Her voice was filled with genuine concern.

"Please, you know you can call me by my name when it's just us."

She giggled. "My apologies, Zelda. A work of habit. So, what is burdening your thoughts?"

"It's... Link." I said, hesitant.

"Oh, my! Is all well between the two of you?"

"Oh, yes!" I reassured her. "All is well, but..."


I took a deep breath. This was it. Other than Terrako, Mipha would be the first person to hear it. I was afraid that I would cause a lot of hurt in my honesty. Yet, it had to be done.

"I'm..." I started. "I'm in love with Link."

She offered me surprised eyes, but in them was wonder and happiness on my behalf. I didn't expect that. "But that's a great thing, is it not?"

I waved my head. "Not if it means breaking your heart along the way."

Realization came to her. She knew of my knowledge of her feelings towards Hyrule's hero.

"The way you look at him, the way you interact towards him," I said, "I act the same. I know that your heart yearns for him, Mipha."

"I... see." Her smile was distant.

"And as much as I love him, I cannot live in bliss knowing that I've shattered one's heart to do so." I held her hands. "Perhaps there is still time for you and Link. Maybe if I have him talk to you and you confess your love to him, then—"

"Zelda." She stopped me. "I appreciate your beautiful gesture. Your heart really knows no bound of kindness. And you're always ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. I couldn't be prouder to call you my sister."

"Oh, Mipha..." Her words were nectar to my heart.

"But..." she sighed with a nostalgic smile. "Link and I already had our talk about these feelings."

"Pardon?" My surprised voice was more elevated than intended. "When did you?"

"Well," she readied herself to tell me the story. "It happened a few weeks after we had successful gathered the parts to rebuild Terrako. Unaware to anyone, I was able to have a moment with Link to talk about the emotional matter that plagued my heart. And in that moment, I told him how truly I felt for him."

"What... what was his answer?"

"When I confessed, I could tell by this saddened expression that his reply was not going to be what my heart desired. But I knew all along that I wasn't the one his heart and thoughts were haunted by. I admit, I was hurt at first. But then, I was happy when he told me about you."

"About me?"

"Indeed." Mipha nodded, her smile returned to her usual self. "Link had told me not to tell you a word of this, but..." She hummed looking at me as her index finger rested on her cheek. "Since you do love him, I'm certain that it won't cause any harm."

Mipha moved to the bed rest. She signaled me to sit next to her left side, so I did. She felt anxious in a playful way, readying to tell a big secret as if it was a sleepover between us. Truth be told, I loved that strange feeling. She held my hand, I held hers back.

"Link told me that it was an honor for him when he was appointed as your personal knight. But afterwards, that feeling of honor was drastically changed."


"He continued by saying that after each passing moment with you, he grew in admiration of your whole being. Your dedication, your intellect, your bravery, your willpower; he saw all that in you and used it as inspiration to push himself further. As you were getting more familiar with him, that changed furthermore."


"'Her hair, her eyes, her grace, her smile; there wasn't a moment I could go by without thinking about Zelda. That's when I realized that I was in love with her.' Those were his own words."

I couldn't believe this testimony, yet Mipha was the last person in the world who would jest on matters of the heart. I felt like I was offered a chapter of Link's biggest secret. That secret was me.

Mipha continued. "When he was chosen by the sword of Evil's bane, he knew that it put more pressure on you. He resented himself for that."

"What? But why?"

"From what he had told me, while being by your side, he felt useless. He couldn't make you smile, lift your spirit or anything to make you feel better. While he never expressed it, he was even frustrated against your own father for not giving you the proper encouragement and praise that you deserved. Nonetheless, he hated himself for failing of making you happy."

"Oh, Link..." I couldn't help being sad for him. All this time, his love had been there, supporting me all along.

"When his life was dreadfully in danger and that your powers awakened to save him, he told me that his heart felt warmly blessed when you called out his name. 'Was I perhaps important to her?' He told me. I couldn't answer that question but..." Mipha looked at me tenderly. "I believe that you can, Zelda."

The confidence that Mipha had told me took me in awe. Oh, Link... the poor thing. His care and devotion; he had loved me for an awfully long time. I would have never known this big secret without my Zora sister.

"Zelda," she looked at me as if my attention were needed dearly. "On that day that your powers awakened to save him, that light helped us vanquish the Calamity and save all of the realm of Hyrule. That light was born out of love: your love for Link. And I want this love to accomplish its other purpose; for you and Link to be together."

There was so much conviction in her words. There was uncertainty in my heart when coming here. I didn't want a love at the expense of one's unrequited feelings. I was so afraid that she would despise me or find it unfair of retaining Link selfishly to myself. But instead, she pushed us forward to be blessed in happiness. All of this, in exchange of her own love that she bore for Link.

How could I ever been so lucky to have a sister as her, I wondered. I laced my arms around her petite person and pulled her towards me. Tears dropped on her beautiful head as I cried deeply. That was all I had to offer her. She cherished my back and returned the squeeze.

"There, there." She held my face gently. "Why the tears?"

"I'm sorry," I said whipping them. "I just..."

"It's okay." Her thumbs kept cherishing my cheeks. "If there are two persons in the world that deserve to be happy after so many battles, it's you two. Go and be happy with him."

"I will! I promise!" I wiped my last tears to let a small laughter of relief escape my lips.

"But I must say," she said with a curious tone, "I am surprised that you needed to bring this topic to me."

"Is that strange?" I asked confused.

"If you ask me," she added, "I was certain to believe that your relationship had already begun since your last birthday.

"Oh... Well, about that..."

I told her regarding this matter and on how things had been a bit comedic and embarrassing between the two of us. I wanted Link and I to admit to each other's feelings. And with Mipha's revelation, my desire to do so became more urgent. And yet, I didn't want to rush things. A castle built on weak foundations last shortly.

"I see," Mipha looked thoughtful about my problem.

"His birthday is next week." I added. "And I have absolutely no clue on what to offer him. And I just don't want to get any random gift. I aspire to get him something as significant as the one he gave me." I cherished the silent-princess-shaped jewel. As much as I loved his gift, I knew I had to put as much effort in giving mine.

"You may not know what to offer him, but I'm more than certain that whatever you give him, he will appreciate and cherish it."

"Oh, I'm sure he will. But..." I waved my head. "I intend to offer him something special. Something that says I love you, but timelessly."

"Well," said Mipha, "how about something that represents the two of you? Your bond, your journey, your history together."

Something that represented Link and I, I spoke in my mind. The things that bonded us were so many. It was difficult to define it by just one single thing. A flash of Link bloomed in my mind throughout all the time spent together; from our first encounter, through the many battles we fought side by side, to that moment when my powers had awakened to save him and...

Wait... that was it!

A pure realization struck my mind like lightning. "I think I got it!"

"You do?"

"Can I have a paper sheet and a pencil?"

"On it!" Mipha swiftly reached to her right and grabbed the material to quickly lend them to me.

We both lay down on the bed as I started scribbling. My hand was guided by my thoughts. The imagery from my mind was vivid and clear. I now knew how to pronounce my profound love to Link, and thanks to my sister, I had found the right item to do so. During this intense silence, the air was embedded with the sound of the pencil furiously tainting the paper's surface. I was drawing multiple sketches as trials. Mipha gave me other sheets as I was quickly running out of space on the first one. The newly acquired papers were already being dressed by the pencil's lead. My hand was dancing with artistry, like a maestro guiding a symphony; I love the symphony that I was creating.

"There! Finished!" After that long half of an hour, I finally finished the perfect draft of Link's gift. "What do you think?"

"It's perfect, Zelda!" She gleefully agreed, gazing at my drawings.

"And I can't thank you enough for the idea!" I embraced her again as I landed many kisses on her cheek. She laughed to the tickling of my wet lips, but I didn't stop. I owed her so much for her wisdom, care, and beautiful heart.

Now that was dealt with, was one week enough to have it made? And what matter of situation would I use to deliver it to him? Well, one thing at a time.

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