The Basics and Complexity [1]

Sharing the information and the misinformation first. I'll try to make it simple even when it's not.

1) What is D.I.D?

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a type of dissociative disorder where a person has one or multiple dissociative states called parts or alters. Alters in D.I.D are NOT the same as alter egos. Those are two separate different things.

Dissociation in on the spectrum. There's other types of dissociative disorders.

A person can have one type of dissociative disorder but with D.I.D, you have multiple types of dissociative disorders together (':

D.I.D is caused by repeated childhood trauma. Not every person with childhood trauma have D.I.D. However, every person with D.I.D (or O.S.D.D) have gone through repeated childhood trauma.

Childhood trauma can be s*xual abuse, war, neglect, physical or emotional abuse, hospital trauma, bullying, trafficking, etc.

The diagnostic title was formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. In 1994, it was changed to Dissociative Identity Disorder. It was changed for a better understanding.

Personality disorders and dissociative disorders are two separate category of disorders and not the same.

An example of personality disorders is Boderline Personality Disorder (BPD/EUPD) or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

I would say D.I.D is the most misunderstood disorder. Either online or through media portrayals. People only speaks from what they know. However, if you're not sure then best you don't.

In D.I.D, there's two different types. There's Cover D.I.D and Overt D.I.D.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Covert means it's meant to be hidden. Camouflaged. This makes it challenging for outsiders to notice the symptoms.

Overt means it's publicly shown and it's meant to be shown. The overtly display online or in movies only makes it difficult for a person with overt D.I.D to be taken serious. Both types are significant and valid.

In D.I.D, there's NO one single integrated identity. Everyone has ONE single integrated identity with their own internal parts (inner child, inner teen, etc) and struggles. For anyone with D.I.D, it's not the same but different. For D.I.D, it's an unfinished personality and there's absolutely nothing fucking cool or quirky about it.

2) How many alters can you have?

A person with D.I.D may have one or multiple alters. A person might have only one alter. A different person might have over 10 alters. A different person might have over 50 alters. The higher the alters, the difficulty they'll face through daily life. It all depends on what you need as a child need to survive.

One thing to know ALL alters have a role. ALL alters are there for a reason. There's no evil alter but they can be toxic alters.

Someone can be aware of their alters or they might not be. The thing is, the person might not be aware but few of their alters might possibly be too. It's complex and can be confusing.

It's what happened to me. I wasn't aware but certain alters were aware of my existence. He was aware they were part of me. He was aware on my other alters too. He was aware I had D.I.D. It wasn't me that booked my first therapy session. It wasn't me that told my family about it. It was a whole different alter that did. I don't know when or how he became so aware. All I know I've always trusted him. Him and others have always been here through my damn life and they're not going anywhere.

Again, this experience with the disorder is purely from mine only. It's different for every person.

3) Can alters have different name, gender, age, sexuality, religion, likes, dislikes, clothing style etc?

Yes. Alters can have their own names. They can be a boy or a girl. They can believe in different religions and have different sexualities. However, an alter might not have a name. An alter might not have any idea what gender they are. They might not even know anything about them. It depends on the environment and upbringing so alters with names, ages, etc can vary per person.

It all comes down to awareness because of the nature of dissociative and amnesia barriers that comes with the disorder.

4) What is a switch? What causes a switch?

A switch is when a different alter comes forward and takes over your body. Many don't know but there's different types of switches. There's overt switches. There's covert switches. There's switches where alters are given permission to. There's forced switches and can cause physical effects to your body.  There's full switches with black out amnesia where when a different alter is present, they wont remember what the previous alter did or said. There's switches when alters can be co-consiousness together (this one isn't accessible to everyone but every person with the disorder might need it as it can be beneficial for recovery).

But with switches, it's often caused by a positive or a negative trigger. All alters have triggers or they might not be for some but switches always happens for a reason. Never ask anyone "to switch for me" because those are vulnerable moments and it's deadass disrespectful.  It's not a damn show. It's a survival coping mechanism.

Only the therapist or family members or trusted friends can ask during any crisis or emergencies.

Switches happens when also feeling under extreme stress. Happens with me a lot.

There's also something called rapid switching. I would say this one is dangerous and can be exhausting. When different alters comes forward and takes control of your body one after another. Can be caused by certain trigger too.

In rapid switching, No alter is in control over your body. Not every alter would know what triggered it. When it happens to me, it causes a lot of distress. You would deadass hear different alters screaming and begging for someone to take control or to stop it. Nothings more frightening seeing yourself out of control.

I had multiple incidents where I was badly triggered and it triggered multiple alters and it left me all exhausted with tears. I felt vomiting. I literally felt like I was about to faint too. I know for some it can cause a nose bleed too. Very privileged to attend therapy and have a good support system. Those helps me alot. I didn't for a while but now I do. Possible it's one reason why I can write about it.

5) Do you need amnesia to have D.I.D?

To be diagnosed with it, full black out amnesia MUST be present and experienced throughout different periods of life. This is without any substance use.

However, there's also other types of amnesia with the disorder. There's external and internal amnesia. There's daily amnesia, emotional Amesia or dissociative fague. Then there's a common type of dissociative amnesia with the disorder. Way too complex for many to understand.

There's nothing cool about amnesia. Stop glorifying this shit. It's not dementia too.

6) Can you internally talk with your alters?

Yes you can with therapy. It takes a while for it happen. For some, it happens. For me, that's not the case. It's rare for me to hear any of my alters voices. It only happens when I'm under extreme stress or distress. Due to the nature of dissociative and amnesia symptoms, it can be difficult for alters to communicate with each other. This is where therapy comes in. With a trained specialist, you can reduce the dissociative and amnesia barriers to reach your alters. This is a significant recovery process for ALL people with D.I.D. There's a process called co-con (coconsiousness). It's when more than one alter is present and remembers what you say or do.

I've only often heard any of my alters voices and communicate with me when I was going through a risky and dangerous situation.


Things here got overwhelming. I (one of xan's alters) removed the story shared here. Xan wrote a lot but it's best no one read any of it.

I'll continue the chapter.

6) Can you internally talk with your alters?

It takes years of therapy to get to know your alters and communicate with your alters. For me, I do know information on them (name, age, likes etc) but I personally don't know my alters.

I do want to say inner monologue is normal. Everyone has it. The difference here is that the thoughts and emotions comes from a different alter that's separated from yours. Complex and confusiong for many to understand.

Journaling is one approach of communication with alters. For me, there's not always effective results. It can take years for others to start journaling.

The point is to reduce the symptoms and have access to each other. To help and gain trust with your alters. To understand and figure out the origins of your alters (when were they created and for what reasons). All this can be done with a specialist. This step can be of good use when facing any hardships.

7) How are alters formed? Can you develop alters later in life?

All alters are formed from traumatic experiences. Because of traumatic events, a child's mind couldn't handle what was happening to them so they reacted by dissociating and their mind was split off to create a different identity. An alter is created to carry the pain and painful memories for you. Because it was too overwhelming and unbearable for you to face it alone.

All alters are either fully functioning formed person OR a fragment carrying one type of role. All alters have a purpose. All alters are equal and should be treated with the same love, care and respect. No alter is superior or inferior. There might be a hierarchy within the alters but this is something only the therapist and trusted friends should know.

According to structural dissociation, alters are categorized under two types;

1) ANP - Apparently Normal Part
2) EP - Emotional Part

Everyone has ANP and EP. In D.I.D, those parts never fully integrated (before the age of 6-9) so they become separate identities. Each alter here has different levels of dissociation and amnesia barriers. Making it difficult for alters to communicate and be aware of their existence.

ANPs are the alters that don't carry any of the trauma. EPs are the alters that do carry traumatic memories. EPs alters can split off ANP or EP alters later in life if facing extreme stress or trauma.

For ex; Victor is an Emotional part (EP). He has been under extreme stress and emotional distress for a while. Due to the nature of relying on creating and splitting alters to reduce the pain for you, if Victor can't handle it anymore, he's going to split and split off one or more alters. Those new alters or parts from Victor might carry any of his traumatic memories. To ease the pain for him.

This isn't something to celebrate about too. It causes a lot of distress knowing you can create more alters later in life.

ANP (Apparently Normal Part) alters are the ones that can contribute to do daily tasks. For ex; cooking, cleaning, shopping, helping with work etc. EP (emotional part) alters can do those too but it's going to be difficult for them since they're traumatized.

8) Are alters literal different people in one body?

No, alters are not literal different people. The symptoms makes the person feel that way but alters are still part of you. All alters still share one brain and one body. This disorder isn't a scapegoat for any toxic behaviours (said by the YouTuber MultiplicityAndMe).

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Despite having amnesia symptoms, alters need to take accountability for each others actions.

I hate it but it's just the reality.

If someone with the same disorder tells you "oh but we're all different people!" don't pressure and slap their faces with what I said here. It requires a lot of time, awareness and acceptance to believe alters are all part of you.

It's going to make that person feel worse or their symptoms worse so my love, sit your ass down. And every alter has different levels of awareness so be careful with that one.

Since alters are part of one person with their own personality traits, this doesn't mean you stop treating them as different people. If the persons aware and still wants to be treated as different people, let them. Respect their decision. If someone wants to be treated as one person, let them. Respect their decision too.

9) Can alters date each other or be in a romantic relationship?

Every person is different but yes alters may date each other. It's not the same as dating in real life. The whole purpose of alters dating is different and complex. It's part of recovery journey.

10) Is D.I.D real? Can people fake it?

My love. It's all real. I understand why someone would find it suspicious but it's very real. It's in the DSM-5. There's a global agreement it's real. There's evidence of it. This isn't a super power but a surviving coping mechanism.

You can watch a video on it by a clinical psychologist;

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

There might be people faking it and yes anyone can fake it. If someone can fake cancer or disabilities, they can fake D.I.D too. Why would anyone fake it? For money, for clout, for fame, for all reasons. All I know it's never good.


Before ending the chapter;

"I'm a psychology student I know alot on it," I'm sorry sugar plum, you're not a trained specialist to speak on something you're not professionally trained in. You might have knowledge on it and have the right sharing your opinion. However, be cautious. Your voices can either heal and bring peace or it can destroy someones dear life.

Hugs and kisses from me. 😌

( I don't watch JJK )

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