Chapter 4: A new world

"Here" The old man tosses something to Ryan but he fails to catch it.

"I'm sorry," he said as he picked it up. Ryan scoffs "A coin?" He said weighing it in his hands. It's a gold coin with a button in the middle with carvings on either side of it. "At least I could sell it for a good buck"

"Press the button, Ryan" The man commanded.

"Sure," Ryan said as he hovers his hand over the button. "How would I know this won't suck me into a black hole or something," Ryan asked suspiciously.

"Why would it?" The old man asked.

"I don't know? My mom said-"

"Just press the damn button," The man said frustrated.

"Jeez Wizz, Fine" Ryan said pressing the button.

Light erupts from it revealing rows upon rows of the armoury.

"Holy shit!" Ryan exclaimed.

"These will help defeat the dragon," The old man said proudly admiring his collection.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me alone in that world with only a penny" Ryan exclaimed happily as he eyes one of the weapons. A marvellous katana with golden rims and red carvings. He reaches out for it but his hand sinks right through it.

"Holograms?" Ryan asked "I guess I spoke too soon," He mumbled as looked at the katana. He notices a sign below it. "15 grand?" He exclaimed! "You're selling these?" Ryan asked the man viciously.

"Yes," The man said.

"I only have a penny! This is like rubbing salt on my wounds, not cool man" Ryan said as he eyed another weapon. His jaw dropped.

"Is that the Excalibur!?" Ryan asked stunned, thunderstruck. "And the Mjolnir?"

"How do you put a price on these!?" Ryan asked.

"These are priceless, but I drew random numbers to make it easier for you," The man said.

"How am I supposed to get these from a penny!"

"I see some side quests for you to earn some little extra money," The man said smiling "you're welcome"

"How am I supposed to beat those?"

"They are easy to defeat. But you can't just bare-knuckle them, get those" He said pointing towards a pair of swords and a shield. "Those can defeat them if you use your brain," The man said.

"Alright, but five hundred bucks each"

"Get working then"

"What do you mean get working? How?"

"Work as any normal human being would,"

Ryan nods. "I'm going to defeat a dragon by working a day job"

"Get going then," The man said doing some hand gestures. A blue fog gathers

A blue portal opens up as the fog disperses.

"You're so cool," Ryan said.

"Thank you very much"

"Well, I do have infinite lives" Ryan shrugged." I don't think it would be that hard?" Ryan asked.

The old man pauses for a moment. "About that" the old man began. "Don't try to die much,"

"I should really keep my mouth shut," Ryan mumbled to himself. "Why?"

"You lose all your progress if you die. You get reset" the old man concluded.

"Reset? You saved that for last!?" Ryan asked spitefully.

"Alright bye-bye," The man said as he moved the portal towards Ryan which sucked him in.

"I DIDN'T WISH FOR THIS!" Ryan said as he gets sucked into the portal.

"Stupid kids. Always making wishes and blaming us if something goes wrong" The man said shaking his head.

Earth, 2022.

Ryan falls face-first to the ground. Ryan groaned as he got back up.

"Damn you!" He cursed, looking at the sky. He looked around only to find tall green trees and beds of plain grass.

"I don't even get a house?" Ryan muttered.

Ryan wandered around for a while looking around the area. He found acres of land filled with tall trees, with beautiful birds on them humming a tune.

"Where the hell am I?" He asked himself.

He was enjoying it though, The birds the nature, it was something Ryan rarely experienced on Expance. Ryan strolled aimlessly for about an hour trying to think of a plan to get some money. He thought of larceny but immediately threw it in the garbage he's not going to break the law. He thought of buying and selling but how much money does he have? A penny. He thought of getting a job but on what basis would he get one? He wasn't even sure if these people spoke English. Maybe he could get a retail job with some luck but it would take ages for him to earn that much money and defeat a dragon.

None of these matter if he doesn't find human civilisation first.

Ryan sat down to rest for a while he had been walking and walking and walking while brainstorming for a good couple of hours. That's when he encountered a foul beast.

While taking a quick break, Ryan saw a bush nearby rumbling. "Hello?" He called out. He got no answer.

"Okay," he said to himself in a low voice. Just as he began thinking, another rumble and another.

Ryan got up and advanced slowly towards a bush.


A Foul creature darted towards him clinging to his hair.

"Stop attacking me you foul beast" He yelled as he tried to yeet it off his hair. The beast changed positions as Ryan's hand zoomed toward him

It grunted back.

"Oh let's see about that," he said getting a hold of the cat and thugging it off of his shirt.

"Kyle!" Ryan heard a faint call.

"Help!" Ryan yelled. The beast dug his claws into Ryan's arm and bit his finger he managed to shake the beast off before any serious damage could be done

"Kyle!" A woman said jumping out of the bush.

The beast leapt at the sight of the woman. It jumped off of Ryan and lunged toward the woman.

"Be careful," Ryan warned the woman who doesn't seem fazed at the sight of the beast. "It bites," Ryan said rubbing his arms

"What did you do to this poor man, Kyle," The woman said as he acquired the beast in her hands.

The beast slowly purred in her arms.

"He sure does bite," The woman said petting the beast.

"Be careful! That beast almost bit my finger off!" Ryan warned again.

"Beast?" The woman looked at the beast and laughed. "It's a cat man" The woman laughed. "Are you a beast Kyle?" The woman asked the cat who was licking his paws innocently.

"A cat?" Ryan said to himself.

"I'm sorry if he caused any trouble," The woman said.

"It's okay," Ryan said.

"My cafe is nearby, there's a first aid kit I could maybe bandage the wounds Kyle caused," The woman said.

"Alright," Ryan said hoping he could find civilisation.

"Follow me," The woman said as she started walking with the cat in her hands. Ryan followed her.

"What's your name?" She enquired.

"Ryan, yours?"

"Haylee. Nice to meet you,"

"You too"

"I've never seen you around here, are you new to town?" Haylee asked Ryan.

"I guess," Ryan said. He wanted to say he was new to this entire universe but that would be too weird to say, that too on your first meeting.

"Welcome!" Haylee welcomed him.


"Where are you from?" Haylee asked him.

Ryan hesitates. "I'm from--" Ryan didn't know what to answer her, he didn't know any names of this in this world. "Uh--", " why don't you guess," Ryan said rubbing his neck.

"Hmm, I'm up for a challenge," She said. "New York?"

Ryan shook his head, It would be too suspicious to have her guess right away "Nashville?"


"Las Vegas!"

"Ye-yess!?" Ryan said as he gave out a sigh of relief. He just missed a major curveball.

"Knew it!" She said excitedly.

Ryan laughed nervously.

A few minutes later they arrive at a fairly populated town. The town looks beautiful with rows upon rows of shops on either side of the road, bustling with activity. There's a man play in an instrument on one side while there's a man across the road doing some frenzied tap dance.

"Pretty busy huh?" Haylee asked Ryan.

"Is it always like this?" Ryan asked.

"Yup, this part of town is pretty busy," Haylee answered.

"Awesome," Ryan said. He could take advantage of the crowd.

"Here's we are!" Haylee said stopping in front of a building. She pushed open the door. "After you," She said holding the door open.

Ryan walked inside.

"Sit here, I'll go get the kit," Haylee said as she pulled out a chair. "I'll be right back," She said as she entered the kitchen.

Ryan sat down admiring the shop. Warm lighting lit the room causing a cosy effect. The counter was at the Centre of the room with round tables positioned around it. Haylee walked out of the kitchen with a white box.

She sat down beside Ryan.

"Show me your hand" she commented, Ryan obliged. She rolled up Ryan's sleeve. "Jeez," She said as she picked up some cotton and started dabbing the wound. "I'm sorry, Kyle is not...friendly around strangers" Haylee apologised once again.

"It's fine, really," Ryan said.

"Hold this," She said letting loose of the cotton and picked up some bandages.

Ryan held the cotton. "Nice shop," Ryan complimented.

"Thanks," She said as she put on the bandage. Ryan let go of the cotton.

"Thanks," Ryan thanked her as she packed the kit up

"My pleasure. Wait here," She said as she resumed back to the kitchen.

Ryan checked his bandage as he waited for Haylee to come back.

"That darn cat" Ryan cursed.

"I'm back," Haylee said as he came out of the kitchen holding a cup of coffee. "Here," She handed it over to Ryan.

Ryan hesitated "I..don't have any money on me right now,"

"Oh don't worry, it's on the house," She said as she forcefully handed over the coffee to Ryan.

"Thank you very much" Ryan thanked her.

"I'm really sorry for the trouble my cat caused," She apologised to her.

"Please stop apologising. It's alright," Ryan said.

"How do you like Texas so far?" Haylee asked.

"Texas?- oh- Yea It-It's great," Ryan stammered.

"Glad to hear that," Haylee smiled.

The bell chimes.

"Looks like you got some customers," Ryan said pointing to the door.

"Yup," Haylee said getting up to attend the customers.

"I'll get going now," Ryan said. "Thank you, for the coffee" Ryan thanked.

"Have a good day," Haylee said as she left to attend to some customers.

"Texas, Here I Come," Ryan whispered to himself.

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