Chapter 9: Sapphire dragon academy part 7-aiming to get stronger

Morning has risen over the sapphire dragon martial arts academy as lincoln woke up from his slumber as he let out a loud yawn.

Lincoln: morning already?

Lynn: yep!

Lincoln turns his attention to lynn, who was doing pushups with one hand tied behind her back.

Lincoln: lynn you're up early?

Lynn: (grunt) yeah...just thought I'd get a workout in... so I can be ready to train my body into a deadly weapon...!

Lincoln: what number of pushups are you up to?

Lynn: up to 1,000, aiming for 2,000.

Lincoln: how long were you-

Lynn: 4 in the morning!

Lincoln: okay...

Lynn: should workout too... how about...100 punches!

Lincoln: lynn I just got up, I can't start training now.

Lynn: c'mon linc, there's no slacking off in martial arts.

Seeing that there was no arguing with lynn, lincoln groaned as he got out of bed and started practicing 100 punches.

Lynn: (smiles) that's it! Keep up the good work on those jabs. After that, try 1,000.

Lincoln: (sighs; practicing his punches) I sense that today is going to be very busy for all of us.

Narrator: 3:00pm, in the training area.

And today is was a busy day as the students of the sapphire dragon martial arts academy were training under master albert and grouse's instructions. We now turn our attention to the ten fighters and their training sessions.

Haiku and clyde were standing on the tall bamboo trees on one foot while meditating. Polly pain was trying to shatter some huge boulders with one punch but can only get a crack out of it but she wouldn't give in as she tried again. Liam and tabby were sparring with each other. Ava was breaking cinder blocks with her punches and kicks. Francisco was practicing his tiger style martial arts with 300 pounds weights wrapped around his wrists and ankles, it was hard for francisco to move around like this but he wasn't a quitter as he continued to gain more progress. Ronnie anne was practicing wielding a katana by slicing down a huge row of bamboo trees in seconds. And finally, lynn was destroying numerous boulders with her tiger spirit power while lincoln was focusing his dragon spirit aura like ronnie anne taught him and getting the hang of it.

Masters albert and grouse watched this from the sidelines.

Albert/pop-pop: (smiles) look at these kids, they sure are working hard to became great martial artists, especially my look alike grandson and my strong granddaughter.

Master grouse: yes I admit that they are doing very well on their progress. Their potential is growing greater by every minute of the day but I just hope that your grandson and granddaughter do not stray from their paths.

Master albert: (confused) what do you mean?

Master grouse: I mean that you should keep a watchful eye on them. Lincoln has the potential power of the dragon spirit and he does have a kind heart but sometimes that can be taken advantage of in many ways that can drive him to the path of darkness. Lynn has the potential power of the tiger spirit and she's brave and skillful in fighting but she can be too overconfident and that can be her downfall, making her into a merciless, aggressive warrior of darkness that won't show any mercy for her opponents.

Master albert: grouse, you can't be serious...

Master grouse: oh but I am. I heard their conversation albert, both lynn and lincoln want revenge against the scarlet dragon clan for their family's  death. Even if they get strong enough to combat the clan, they'll stop at nothing to strike them down, they will even head down the path of darkness and hatred.

Master albert: oh dear....

Master grouse: if you don't want to lose lynn and lincoln to their hatred for the scarlet dragon clan, you need to get them to steer clear of the path of revenge. The scarlet dragon clan will face justice but lincoln and lynn will be out for their blood if you don't watch them carefully.

Master albert was silent for a moment before speaking.

Master albert: very well...I will do what's best for my grandchildren.

Masters albert and grouse watched their students continue their training session, especially with lynn and lincoln.

To be continued...

(Chapter 9 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Masters albert and grouse will be keeping a close eye on lynn and lincoln now, will lynn and lincoln know of this objective? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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