Chapter 6: Sapphire dragon academy part 4-Brutal beatdown

The battle has begun between lynn, francisco, ronnie anne and hawk and hank.

The two bullys tried to charge lynn and francisco but they dodged then they came back with a double flying kick to their faces, making hawk and hank stumbled back. Ronnie anne then lunges at them, hawk and hank saw this and tried to punch her but ronnie anne kept dodging and blocking the attacks.

Hawk: (frustrated) stop dodging!

Ronnie anne stopped and delivers two hard punches to the guts of hawk and hank, making them grunt in pain.

Francisco then jumps up and delivers a bicycle kick to the faces of hawk and hank.


And francisco finishes it with reverse spin kick to both hawk and hank, knocking them down but not out.

Hawk and hank were starting to get furious as their green aura surrounded their bodies, summoning the spirit imageries of two angry rhinos.

Francisco unleashed his tiger spirit with lynn joining in as they charged at the two bullies with their special moves.


lynn's aura shrouds her hands, mimicking tiger claws.


Francisco's aura shrouds his right hand into a tornado-like rift with a tiger claw.


The attacks collided as it created an explosion but not big enough to destroy the cafeteria. The smoke clears to reveal lynn and francisco still standing and hawk and hank, injured and struggling to get up off the ground. Lincoln and the others were surprised by lynn, francisco and ronnie anne martial arts style.

Speaking of ronnie anne, the hispanic tomboy got into fighting stance as her black and purple aura surrounded her body then shrouds her right knee with her aura while she was waiting for hawk and hank to get up.

Francisco saw this and calmly closed his eyes.

Francisco: it's over for them.

Lynn: whatta you mean? We beat them.

Francisco: yeah we beat hawk and hank but ronnie anne wants them broken and she gonna do it with her ultimate move, the black dragon knee strike.

Lynn: the black dragon knee strike?

Francisco: yeah...ronnie anne puts a lot of aura into her right knee and turns it into a deadly weapon. Once she hits you with'll put the fighter out of martial arts for weeks, for months and maybe forever....

A look of pure shock formed on lynn's face.

Lynn: really?

Francisco: yeah, before hawk and hank, a gang of bullies attended the academy a year ago. They thought it would be a good idea to mess with her but ronnie anne had other plans. She beat and brutalized them...and hit them with the black dragon knee strike. The medical staff said due to the sheer force of the knee strike, those boys will never fight ever again.

Lynn: what happened to the bullies after that?

Francisco: they were exiled from the academy for being cruel and defiant. But their days as martial artists are over.

Lynn's eyes widened as she stared at ronnie anne ready to unleash her deadly move on the struggling hawk and hank.

Ronnie anne: (smirks) lights out!

She runs toward the two large bullies swiftly and aimed her knee at the faces of hawk and hank.


The attack connects and unleashed a huge shockwave of black and purple aura. Everyone including lynn and lincoln was stared at the sheer force of that attack in shock and awe.

The smoke clears to reveal ronnie anne standing over the unconscious beaten and badly burned bodies of hawk and hank.

Ronnie anne: well that takes care of them. Maybe you'll think twice before messing with others smaller or weaker than you, outclassed scums!

Ronnie anne walks away from the unconscious bodies of hawk and hank. Lincoln was watching her leave the cafeteria.

Lincoln: (in awe) wow...that was awesome...

Then a booming old male voice spoke.


The students grew pale, as did tabby, liam, polly pain and clyde.

Lincoln: what's wrong guys?

Liam: he's coming to the cafeteria...

Lincoln: who?

Clyde: m-master grouse.

To be continued...

(Chapter 6 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter and the fight between lynn, francisco, ronnie anne and hawk and hank. Next chapter will be ready sooner or later. This is omegacrow fading to black....)

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