Chapter 5: Sapphire dragon academy part 3-The arrival of ronnie anne

In the mess hall, the students were having seasoned ramen, miso soup, BBQ boneless chicken with a side of seasoned vegetable rice. Lincoln and lynn were sitting at a table with clyde, haiku, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco, chowing down on their food.

Lincoln: this ramen is really good.

Lynn: you said it linc. Pop-pop really make the best servings.

Clyde: I still can't believe that you two of the loud palace are the grandson and granddaughter of master albert.

Polly pain: yeah I heard you have wealth and a lot of strong capable fighters.

Tabby: oi! So what brings you two brings you here to the sapphire dragon martial arts academy? Are your parents on vacation?

Lincoln and lynn stopped eating as they looked down at their food in sadness.

Haiku: the pain inside is growing...let it all out or it will consume you both.

Clyde: haiku what are you talking about? Do you know why they're suddenly upset.

Before haiku could answer, lincoln spoke in a quiet but angry tone.

Lincoln: they're not on vacation, they're....dead.

Clyde, tabby, polly pain, liam, haiku and francisco gasped.

Lynn: (growls angrily) yeah...a dark clan of ninja burned down the loud palace in a stealth operation attack, killed our parents and four sisters... lincoln and I are the only louds left.

Clyde: (shocked) I can't believe it.

Tabby: oi! A bunch of bloody murderers, they are.

Liam: I'm sorry about your loss fellas.

Francisco: me too.

Polly pain: I can't believe your family was murdered like that!

Haiku: which clan was it.

Lincoln: I didn't see the emblem or crest but the ninja had black and scarlet red armor and pupiless, soulless red eyes.

Haiku then let out a loud gasp, shocking the seven fighters.

Clyde: (worried) what's wrong haiku.

Haiku turns to lincoln and lynn with a horrified look.

Lincoln: what is it?

Haiku: the clan that attacked and killed your family...was a group of deadly ninja and martial artists known as the scarlet dragon.

The eyes of lincoln, lynn, clyde, tabby, liam, polly pain and francisco widen in shock and horror.

Lincoln: the scarlet dragon clan?

Lynn: who are they?

Francisco: you seriously haven't heard of the scarlet dragon clan?!

Tabby: there's a group of heartless, merciless killers that will destroy everyone who's a threat to them or for their twisted goals!

Lincoln: (angry) why did they have to take our family, they didn't do anything wrong!

Haiku: actually...I've read in one of the sacred scrolls in my parents library that there was a war between your loud ancestors and the scarlet dragon clan. 200 years ago, it happened and your ancestors were victorious and the scarlet dragon clan was vanquished or so we thought... there could be descendants living in the shadows, seeking to kill your family for their ancestors that have fallen.

Lincoln: (angry) so you're telling me that my and lynn's family was killed because of something that happened 200 years ago between our ancestors and theirs?!

Lynn slams her fist hard on the table, startling clyde, liam, tabby and polly pain while lincoln, haiku and francisco's eyes widened.

Lynn: (furious) I can't believe this! All because of a freaking war that our ancestors won, the descendants of the loser side took our parents and sisters lives away! Well I won't let them get away from this, I want them dead! I want REVENGE!!

Lincoln: (spoke in a calm yet dark tone) the same goes for me too. I want the scarlet dragon clan to suffer for their twisted actions.

Haiku: revenge is nothing but a poison. It'll fill you with nothing but anger and hate. Even if you succeed on killing the clan, it won't bring your family back.

Lynn: I don't care! It's personal! I will have their heads on spears!

Lincoln nods in agreement.

A female voice spoke.

???: excuse me but did you say the scarlet dragon clan?

The eight fighters turn to see a light skinned girl who was about lynn's age and height. She had short black hair, wore a black sleeveless gi with a gray belt, wraps around her arms and black wraps around her bare feet. She was carrying a tray with a bowl of ramen.

???: hello there. Name's ava. May I sit here?

Lincoln: sure.

The girl sat between lincoln and lynn.

Ava: the scarlet dragon clan got to your family too?

Lincoln: too?

Lynn: your family got killed?

Ava: no...just my father. He was a powerful martial artist. He died protecting me and my mother from the scarlet dragon clan when I was little. I will to avenge his death someday.

Lynn: maybe we can work together to avenge our loved ones.

Ava: yeah...I'm with ya.

Tabby: we'll help ya too.

Liam: same.

Clyde: I'll help.

Haiku: sigh...I guess I'll assist you too.

Francisco: count me in as well.

Polly pain: I'm in too.

A scream was heard as lincoln, lynn, clyde, haiku, tabby, liam, francisco, polly pain and ava turn to a student being bullied by two big kids with tattered black gi with red belts.

???: c'mon give us your lunch, weakling!

???: or we'll beat you senseless!

Lincoln: who are just two?

The fighters groans in irritation.

Clyde: those two are hank and hawk, their animal spirits are rhinos.

Tabby: they think they're the best here but they're just the worst.

Haiku: they have raw power but they lack experience on how to use it.

Francisco: they would taunt us but the seven of us have beaten them both more times than they can count.

Polly pain: yet they keep making the same excuse about saying our victories over them were flukes.

Liam: yeah. They're stubborn not to mention dumb.

Ava: they can't accept the fact that we beat them and they can't take it.

Lincoln: so they're strong but weak minded.

Clyde: yep.

Ava: here they come.

The nine fighters turn to see hank and hawk walking towards their table with smug grins.

Hawk: well hank it looks like we got some fresh meat.

Hank: yeah bro. Can't wait to test these training dummies out.

The two bullies laughed as the nine fighters glared at them.

Francisco: (glares) whatta you guys want?

Hawk: (grins) oh we just want your lunches so we can have more energy and beef up our muscles more so hand them over.

Hank: (grins) or else. (Cracks his knuckles)

There was no fear on the faces of the nine fighters, only annoyance.

Francisco: you really haven't learned from our last fights, have you?

Polly pain: cause if you forgotten then let me jog your memories, the seven of us beat you two, more than once.

Haiku: you have power in your rhino animal spirits but you're weak minded and underestimate your opponent even if they're smaller than you.

Hawk and hank were getting angry.

Hawk: those wins you got off us were flukes, nothing but luck!

Hank: yeah! We wouldn't waste our real strength on you weaklings!

Tabby: (rolls her eyes) oi! Please, you say that every time we fight you.

Clyde: yeah! Luck had nothing to do with it. We trained ourselves in not just physical strength alone. We trained our bodies, minds, hearts and souls.

Liam: we won't use our martial arts to bully people like you do.

Ava: face it! You two are nothing but two big dumbasses and sore losers.

Francisco: heck, our two new friends lynn and lincoln can beat you two and they have the animal spirits of the tiger and the the dragon just like ronnie anne and myself.

Hawk and hank were enraged.

Hawk: you lie!

Hank: hand over your lunches!

The two were about to take lincoln's lunch but lincoln smacked their hands away from his plate and glares at them.

Lincoln: what's your problem?!

Hawk grabs lincoln by the front of his gi as he glared daggers at the white haired boy, who was showing a little fear but didn't back down.

Hawk: (raises his fist; smirks) and now you're about to feel some pain.

But before hawk could punch lincoln, he was kicked in the gut by lynn as she uppercuts hawk in the jaw, making him drop lincoln and stumbling back next to hank.

Hank: hey! You okay bro?!

Holding his jaw, hawk gave a brief nod as he turns his attention to lynn, who had a furious look on her face.

Lynn: (furious) you lay a hand on my brother and I'll break every bone in your body, got it?!

Hawk: (smirks) so you wanna fight, huh? Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a girl.

Lynn growled as she got into her tiger style fighting stance. She noticed francisco walking next to her to join in on the fight and lend lynn a hand. Clyde, lincoln, haiku, polly pain, tabby, liam and ava decided to let lynn and francisco have this fight.

Once they were about to fight, a female voice spoke.

???: hold on. I want in on this too. These two boneheads are already getting on my nerves and I just arrived here.

Lynn, francisco, hawk, hank, lincoln, clyde, haiku, liam, tabby, polly pain and ava turn to look at the eleven year old girl walking towards them.

She was a latin american girl with dark skin, long black hair in a downward braided ponytail and has a scar on the right eye with said eye being pale yellow, due to being blind in that eye. She wore a tattered sleeveless violet purple gi with a black sash and white wraps around her arms and black wraps around her bare feet.

Clyde: ronnie anne...

Lincoln: (whispers) that's ronnie anne? The girl with the black dragon animal spirit? Wow...she looks beautiful...

Lynn: so you're ronnie anne?

Ronnie anne: yeah and you're new here?

Lynn nodded.

Ronnie anne: these loser chumps are giving you trouble?

Hawk and hank were glaring at ronnie anne but ronnie anne smirks.

Ronnie anne: well hawk and hank since you're at it again thinking you're top dogs and you continue to run your mouths. If that's the case...

Ronnie anne got into her dragon style fighting stance as black and purple aura surrounded her body, creating a spiritual imagery of her animal spirit, the black dragon.

Lincoln and lynn were surprised to see another person possessing one of the most powerful and rare animal spirits of history, hawk and hank were starting to feel fear as ronnie anne glares at them with a malicious smirks.

Ronnie anne: (spoke menacingly) then I'm going to have to shut your mouths for you and give you two another lesson in pain...!

To be continued...

(Chapter 5 is finished. Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketches of my oc ava jones and ronnie anne santiago in their gi. Hank and hawk are in for a brutal beating in chapter 6. See ya... This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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