Chapter 24: Confrontation & more fights
We cut to the high roof of the tournament palace where Lincoln and Ronnie Anne appeared. Ronnie Anne then giving him a dark stare while Lincoln had a calm stare of his own, both in silence of a stare down. If that wasn't intense enough, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's Dragon Spirits were staring at each other in means of intimidation.
The silence continues for a moment before Lincoln decided to break it.
Lincoln: You've been giving me the evil eye ever since I came to this tournament and I get why you're mad, no... It's an understatement of how you're feeling right now. So whatever it is you need to get off your chest, the floor is yours...
Ronnie Anne glares coldly at him, the Black Dragon above her glaring menacingly at Lincoln, who wasn't fazed by it's frightening visage. Soon, the Latino Woman finally spoke in a dark tone.
Ronnie Anne: Why... Why did you abandon the temple? Why did you abandon us? You and Lynn just disappeared without telling us, come back after 11 years and expect us not to forget about it? Why didn't you take us with you?
Lincoln: You probably were told why Lynn and I were gone, I had to look out for my sister and I didn't think you would come along with me.
Ronnie Anne: We would have, no matter what it took. Why couldn't you trust us?
Lincoln: We didn't want to drag you or the others into what we had to do. It was-
Ronnie Anne: You forget, you and your family aren't the only ones The Scarlet Dragon Clan has made a plague upon.
Lincoln: I'm aware of that, Ronnie Anne. But this was a path Lynn and I had to take on our own. I'm sorry it feels like I couldn't trust you or the others but I would never purposely betray the bonds Lynn and I have with you and the others. We didn't take you guys because your path lies with the Sapphire Dragon Academy to reach your potential, We didn't want to hold you guys back, Please understand...
Ronnie Anne stares at him for a moment before walking towards him.... and surprised him with a kiss, which shocked the white haired man as she separated from him.
Ronnie Anne: Good. Don't ever pull a stunt like that again, we all have a common enemy as a group so no leaving us out in the dark.
Lincoln: Ok... But where did the kiss come from?!
Ronnie Anne: Sigh... I like you, okay Lame-O? This was the only thing besides my anger that I needed to get off my chest.
Lincoln: Oh, well... I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way.
Ronnie Anne: Heh. We have a lot of catching up to do.
Lincoln: Yeah. I agree.
Ronnie Anne: Better hope you don't see me in the next rounds or I might knee your head off.
Lincoln: Heh. You think so, well if it comes down to me and you, I have a light dragon fist with your name on it.
The two laugh it out for a moment before glaring calmly and coldly at each other, both dragon spirits flaring their nostrils while glaring into one another's eyes, determination to triumph in the tournament as rivals.
Announcer: Alright everyone, it's time for the next round up!
The crowd cheers loudly.
Announcer: Contestants Ava Jones and Mollie, come on down!
Ava: Ah, finally! Can't wait to run wild!
Lynn: Go for it!
Ava stands up from the crowd and jumps up high, doing an aerial flip before landing on her feet in the ring.
Ava: I'm ready, bring out my opponent.
Soon, the next opponent appeared before Ava in a cloud of smoke, revealing Mollie herself. She was a slightly tall woman with slightly short brown hair covering a bit of her left eye, buck teeth, light skin and possesses a very curvaceous, athletic body with some muscle. She was wearing a red and white sleeveless gi shirt, a black long sleeve shirt underneath it, a pink side sash, stretchy black trunks, thigh length black leggings and sandals.
Girl Jordan: Ah, I have no idea Mollie was going to make an appearance here?
Chandler: Ya know her?
Girl Jordan: Yes. She's an old friend of mine from the Crimson Claw Martial Arts Academy, she's quite the fighting prodigy & one of those individuals who possesses a dual animal spirits.
Clyde: Dual animal spirits?
Girl Jordan: A martial artist who possesses two animal spirits.
Tabby: How bizarre.
Francisco: I thought a person's body wouldn't be able to handle two animal spirits and would get overwhelmed or something.
Girl Jordan: True but only a select few can control more than one animal spirit and Mollie is one of them, possessing the spirit of the white lion and the crane.
Lynn: Whoa...
Lincoln appears.
Lincoln: Hey guys, what'd I miss?
Lynn: You're just in time, Ava is fighting a fighter with dual animal spirits.
Lincoln: A fighter with dual animal spirits? That's new.
In the ring, Ava was practicing punches while Mollie was stretching with a grin.
Mollie: So, you're my opponent? Not bad on your style but you won't make it pass me.
Ava: Heh. Already jumping the gun that you're gonna win this fight, huh? Well I got news for you, it won't be easy to knock me down to advance so watch yourself. (Enters her fighting stance)
Mollie: (Enters her fighting stance) Heh. Well then... Show me what you're made of.
Announcer: And Begin!
Ava: Ready. Set. Go!
Ava ran straight towards Mollie, who grinned as both fighters vanished. Most of the crowd is in shock of the two fighters disappearance while others like Lincoln, Lynn, their friends, Girl Jordan, Chandler, Steak, The Blind Fighter and other martial artist can feel the aura of Ava and Mollie moving very fast at near instantaneous levels, the two were trading fierce and swift hits to each other, not willing to back down from one another.
Ava hits a couple of strong jabs to Mollie followed by 2 roundhouse kicks but Mollie dodges the second one and hits a couple of kick boxing combo attacks before leaping up and nailing a crane kick to Ava, making her stumble back.
Mollie: Now Roar!!!
Ghostly white aura erupting from her body, a spiritual imagery of a white lion with glowing blue eyes roared ferociously and advanced towards Ava, hitting a massive claw to her, knocking her across the ring.
Announcer: Looks like Mollie has gotten one over on Ava!
Ava slowly got up, breathing heavily as she glares at Mollie.
Mollie: You're still up, huh?
Ava: Heh. I told you... I won't go down so easily.
Ava summons her aura giving off a winter mist with the Snow Leopard spirit appearing with a mighty roar, lunging at Mollie in an assortment of strikes and grappling against one another.
Announcer: And Ava bounces back but it looks like Mollie isn't letting up either!
Ava kicked Mollie in the air but... Mollie stopped in mid air with a crane stance glide.
Mollie: Try nice but you'll have to do better than that!
Ava growls as she leaps up and trades fists with Mollie, hitting a couple of strong rights and a forearm to the face, a straight jab to the mouth and a claw strike across the chest. She was going for another combo but Mollie blocks and retorts with a crane style kick to the face of Ava but she didn't stop there as she hits multiple kicks to the face and gut, sending Ava high up in the air.
Mollie: Now, Glide!
Mollie goes further into the air, shrouded in fiery red aura as a spiritual imagery of a Crane appeared with a mighty screech. When Mollie was above Ava, she spins around with fiery red aura like a tornado aimed at her.
She struck the gut of Ava with the attack, knocking the wind out of her as she started to spinning around to hit the arena with a loud thud.
Haiku: Gasp.
Liam: Went from ragin' lion to swift like crane!
Girl Jordan: Mollie tends to show off in her fights sometimes.
Chandler: I can see that.
Ava groans as Mollie landed near her, taunting her and shoving her back down whenever she would get up.
Mollie: C'mon! I thought you said you weren't going down so easily, huh?! Is that what you said?! Or was all that nothing but hype, huh? You wanna show me what you got now? Or do you got nothing, huh?
Mollie picks up Ava by the hair.
Mollie: C'mon, Show me! Or was it all talk? You're not on my level, not even close-
Ava headbutted her, making her stumble back as Ava tackled Mollie to the ground, nailing her with MMA style hits to her. Mollie rolls Ava off her to get up in order to strike but Ava caught her with a judo flip but didn't let go as she hits a second judo flip, then a third judo flip and then she put her in a inverted headlock to spin her around a couple times.
Announcer: Oh! Looks like Mollie's taunting awoken a fire in Ava!
Ava released Mollie as she powers up her aura into her left arm and charged at Mollie.
The attack connects but... Mollie brought her hands up in time to block the hit to the jaw, it stung her hands but she held on and broke the attack.
Ava: Gah!
Mollie: My turn!
Her hands glowed a ghostly white of claws, Mollie caught Ava off guard.
Girl Jordan: It's over... Ava's done.
Mollie unleashed a fury of lethal combo attacks to Ava, who tries to defend herself but was getting overwhelmed by Mollie's ferocity as she gears her claws up in a cross formation.
Mollie: Endgame... WHITE LION'S CROSS CLAW!!!
Mollie struck the final blow to Ava, earning a pained scream from her as a large claw cross formation like mark on her chest, falling to the ground with a thud, her eyes rolled back unconscious.
Announcer: Ava is knocked out and unable to continue! Contestant Mollie advances!
Mollie raised her arm in victory while Ava was taken away by the medical staff to the infirmary.
Lynn: Wow...
Lincoln: So that's the power of a martial artist with a dual animal spirit.
Mollie then stared in the direction of Lincoln and Lynn.
Mollie: (grinned) Better be ready, Tiger girl and Dragon boy cuz I'm comin' after you two next! (Leaves)
Lynn: Does she really want to get hurt?
Lincoln: Lynn, don't. Just don't.
Lynn: What? She wins one match and all of sudden she wants to come at us?
Lincoln: She's not the only one who wants to fight us. We'll just have to wait and see who will be next to fight us.
Lynn: Yeah.
Announcer: Alright ladies and gentlemen, time for the next incoming match! Contestants Clyde and Liam, come on down!
The two men leave the crowd and made their way in the ring to meet each other.
Clyde: Looks like we're going against each other in this round, old friend.
Liam: Indeed partner, guess only one of us will be advancin' next. So don't think I'll go easy on ya because you're my pal, I ain't holdin' anythin' back and you best do the same.
Clyde: Oh don't worry, I'm not holding back on you either.
The two bowed before getting into their own fighting stances.
Announcer: And Begin!
Clyde and Liam circle around each other.
Tabby: Go, Liam! Show 'em your ox like strength mate!
Haiku: Liam has the advantage in power and size but Clyde is more quick and resilient. This'll be a remarkable fight.
The two continue to circle around each other until Clyde runs towards Liam, trading hits with the giant.
Announcer: The start of a great battle takes place!
Clyde lands some lefts and rights to Liam but he grabs him and throws Clyde across the ring. Clyde grunts as he heard Liam running towards him, he kips up to nails Liam in the chest with repeated kicks, making him stumble back with Clyde about to hit a flying roundhouse kick but Liam caught him in the last minute and proceeded to slam him into the ground with a thud.
Announcer: And Liam shows his display of strength!
Liam then picks up Clyde in a reverse bear hug, squeezing him tight as he grunts and tries to get out of the hold but Liam adds more pressure and also bashing his chest in with his right fist. Clyde managed to catch the next club strike and hits a couple of elbows to Liam's chest before flipping him over to release the hold.
Clyde got into his fighting stance as Liam slowly got up, cracking his neck a bit before lunging at him and exchange fists with Clyde.
Announcer: And Clyde is fighting back and it looks like Liam is giving it his all as well!
The crowd was cheering loudly for the match but not as much as Tabby for her boyfriend Liam while Haiku silently watches her lover fight off the giant. Clyde and Liam were delivering shots after shots to the face and the gut in full collision, Clyde lands a couple Mauy Thai knees to the gut of Liam followed by chops to the chest and punches to the jaw. Clyde was about to finish but Liam hits a monstrous double bear chop to the chest of Clyde, causing him in yell out in pain.
The crowd winced in hearing the sound of the chop, Liam hits a ferocious haymaker combo to the man followed by a monstrous right to the jaw, he grabs Clyde and lifts him over his head, displaying his strength for all to see while holding him up for a moment before dropping him with a devastating slam.
Clyde grunts from the impact, holding his stomach. Liam looks around the crowd watching his fight, even his friends and girl Tabby, who winks at him as he smiles. Liam focused on Clyde, who was slowly getting up, the giant drags his right foot into the ground like a bull ready to run over it's target, he gears up and flexes his right arm as green aura surrounded him.
He waited for Clyde to get up to his feet, his right arm bulked up with pulsating aura.
Liam: C'mon... C'mon, turn around...
Clyde was dazed still and slowly turns around which signaled Liam to quickly charged at him with his attack.
Liam: OX LARIAT!!!!
The attack connected with Clyde, feeling immense pain from the lariat which send him straight across the arena. The crowd was shocked by the impact of the lariat, Liam goes over to Clyde, seeing him completely damaged from the lariat with his gi tattered with heavy burn marks on his chest and neck. The announcer was about to check Clyde out of the match to declare Liam the winner... but Clyde's body blow up in a cloud of smoke.
Tabby: What the?!
Girl Jordan: A multi decoy!
Liam then looks around for Clyde keeping his guard up but there was no sign of him. Where could he be? Then he heard something, turning around but seeing nothing. He heard the noise again and yet saw nothing again.
Liam: Alright partner, no more hidin'! Come on out!
Liam heard the noise again only this time it was coming from the sky, he looks up as the sun was in view, hearing the sound as a Hawk's screech, the sun was too bright as Liam couldn't tell but something was flying or launching itself down below... Lincoln and the others look up and saw what or rather... who is was. Liam couldn't get a clear look of the thing flying towards him due to the sun as it drew closer and closer aligned with the sun's light and unleashed a mighty hawk screech.
Liam: What the?!
Then Clyde's voice was heard... in the sky!
Everyone's eyes widened as Clyde came out of the sun's view of light, flaring with fiery blue aura, aiming his kick at Liam, who was too late to react as the attack connects with his face. Liam let out a pained grunt as he was sent flying straight into the walls.
Lynn: Whoa!
Tabby: Gasp!
Haiku: It must've been through their near instantaneous bout, that's when Clyde made the right time to use the sky and sun to his advantage to hit the kick.
Liam fell to the ground, the announcer went to check on him to see if he could continue, Liam was knocked out.
Announcer: Liam is unable to continue, Contestant Clyde advances!
The crowd erupted in cheers as Clyde went to Liam and picks him up, placing his arm over his shoulder. The giant slowly regained consciousness with a groan.
Clyde: It's alright. I got ya, man.
Liam: Ouch... That kick struck harder than bein' rammed by a mountain goat or an angry bull. Good fight though.
Clyde: Thanks.
Clyde helps Liam to the infirmary.
Announcer: Alright, Clyde and Liam put on a tremendous match but it's time for another bout of the ages! Bring out the next contestants who's names I... haven't got yet.
One person walked up to the arena, A 6 ft 8 tall man with long, big frizzy black hair, green eyes, a goatee, some body hair on his slightly muscular body with a wicked tattoo on his left shoulder/arm. He was wearing black wristbands, a black gi pants with red claw marks on it and black shoes. Lincoln and Lynn also noticed the scarlet dragon clan crest tattooed on his back.
Announcer: Nice to welcome you to the tournament mister-
The man snatched the microphone from the announcer, who slowly backs away under the man's fierce gaze as he spoke in a strong tone with a hit of arrogance.
???: My name is Cross and I'm one of the most intense, brutal and hellacious fighters on the planet, trained by the most feared clan in the planet... You might as well declare me the winner because if my opponent is smart... He or she better throw the match to spare themselves the sheer brutality and humiliation. I know it's a no killing tournament but there's no rule in ripping your opponent limb by limb... That's what I'm gonna do, if my opponent doesn't quit then they'll be this armless and legless sack of pulp-
He was interrupted by a strange, eerie presence that filled the arena. Lincoln, Lynn and the others felt that mysterious aura around the area with the gravity growing heavier and air growing denser.
Haiku: Gasp...
Chandler: Anything else feeling that...?
Girl Jordan: Pure... Murderous intent...
Lynn: It's worse than the one Luna was giving off...
Lincoln: Who... Who is it...?
Soon, a stream of pitch black and crimson aura swirled into the arena like a twister, shocking most of the crowd while some were afraid of what was occurring. The raging twister of aura depletes to reveal someone standing a few feet away from Cross.
Standing there was a woman who was about Luna's age & Lynn's height, fair skin, slightly long wild brown hair, piercing golden yellow eyes and possesses a feminine yet slightly muscular figure. She was wearing a sleeveless black leotard with the kanji symbol for "Animal Spirit Killer" in red on the back, a dark red side sash, a black right shoulder armor, black gauntlet with gray bandages wrapped underneath on her arms, thigh length black leggings with red armor knee pads and sandals.
She had a calm yet eerie glint in the eyes and that grin she was sporting isn't friendly.
Lincoln: The mark on her back cloth, is this the animal spirit killer Ava was talking about?
Lynn was silent... something about that woman seems familiar to her. Cross looks at the woman with a raised eyebrow before narrowing his eyes.
Cross: I have to admit that your killer intent is off the charts but you're still no match for me.
???: (Rough female voice) You think so...?
Cross: I don't think, I know. Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, I brutalize and rip people limb by limb just the same.
The woman's grin grew more haunting.
???: You sir sure reek of arrogance... Not the first time I've fought someone like that. Allow me to proper introduce myself... My name is Fang.
Lynn's eyes widened.
Fang: And I am something you definitely don't want to piss off.
Lynn: Fang?!?!
(Author's note: That's right, one of my old original OCS from my deleted story, Loud House: Path of the Assassin is making her debut in Path of two louds, Fang is baaaaaaack~!)
Fang turns to Lynn with an eerie glance before turning back to Cross, getting ready to fight.
Announcer: And Begin!
Soon, Fang and Cross lunged at each other, trading blows with each other unleashing massive shockwave throughout the arena as the crowd felt it along with the fighters feeling the dangerous killer intent between the two.
Lincoln: Lynn... You know that woman?
Lynn: From Master Ryuken... But I didn't think 'she' would be the animal spirit killer.
Sid: Animal Spirit Killer?
Lynn: Fang was once a student amongst the Golden Tiger Palace, one of master's prodigy fighters. Not much is known about her true origins & family, Fang has battled many of the best at a young age, at age 12... She quit the palace and disappeared. Then Master Ryuken discovered that someone was using his teachings to brutalize & maim fighters across the land.
Girl Jordan: (sees Fang and Cross fighting) And you're saying this Fang woman is responsible?
Lynn: That's exactly what I'm saying! Fang is driven by battle & bloodlust that must be quelled... Why she quit the palace, she ran out of opponents to test her might & craved more, so she went on a rampage and completely decimated every fighter she could find, good or bad. Master Ryuken engaged her in a heated battle, she was defeated and put in a high security prison to hold only her years ago, but somehow she was out.
Francisco: And based on what Ava told us, She has the Dark Tiger Spirit...?
Haiku: Yes. And She killed Ava's panther spirit.
They saw Fang trading fierce blows with Cross, who exchanged his own share of shots to her. Cross hits a couple of spin kicks to Fang, who dodges them but the seventh caught her & and to everyone's horror, Fang's neck was broken, yanked up and her head dangling awkwardly down to the right. The crowd were grossed out and some wanted to puke, Cross smirked but it went away in seconds as Fang still stood as a snarling sound can be heard followed by her neck cracking up to the side, upwards with the neck & head unnaturally curling back up and spun with a twisting snap.
To everyone's shock, Fang lifts her head up & just stared at Cross with a mad grin, snarling and breathing heavily.
Francisco: What the hell?! Cross broke her neck in an awkward bend that... doesn't bend or hang that way!
Chandler: It looked like it was hanging on by a thread and She fixed her neck like that, she ain't human...
Girl Jordan: This woman is anything but human...
Lincoln: .....
Cross stared at Fang, who tilts her healed neck to the left, the grin never leaving her face, that kick was strong enough to nearly take her head off but she rejointed and placed her broken neck back in place?!
Cross: The F**k?
Fang snarls with a grin. Cross growls as he took the fight to Fang, hitting her with a series of lethal combos via street fighting and kick boxing attacks to the woman but Fang took the hits while not attacking just yet. Cross went for a right hand but Fang caught it, flips over while gripping the right arm and...
Cross yelled out in pain as Fang fractured his arm with a twist but the animal spirit killer wasn't done as she grips the right arm of Cross who tried to attack Fang but she used his right arm to block his strikes, making him grunt as his own arm was used against him.
Cross: Let go of me, you b***h!!
Fang: Nope.
She grips, wiggles, awkwardly and viciously bends Cross's right arm in different and bizarre angles and places while hitting mixed martial arts jabs & tiger style strikes causing Cross to yell out in agony as the crowd was horrified by this.
Fang: Say Goodbye to righty here.
Fang plants her foot to Cross's chest and pulls his right arm back very hard.
Cross: Aaaaaaagh!
Fang: Hehehehehahahahahaha!!!!
Laughing manically, She pulled and pulled and pulled until...
Crack! Riiiiip!!!
The crowd gasped, some screamed in fear while others looked away, even the announcer was scared as Fang literally ripped Cross's right arm off his body, Cross fell to his knees, clutching his bleeding stub where his right arm once was, yelling loudly in excruciating pain while Fang held his disembodied right arm with the grin leaving her face.
Fang: What was that about ripping your opponent limb by limb? Well... Look what I got here, hehehehe... (Waving Cross's severed arm to him.)
Cross glared at Fang with furious, bloodshot eyes, grabbing a bottle of alcohol from his pants pocket and quickly pours it on the bleeding wound as it stung him but he took the pain with the stub stopped bleeding.
Lincoln, Lynn and the group looked on, while they have no sympathy for the scarlet dragon clan member in the match against Fang, they would have to watch their backs against her in the tournament. Cross was breathing heavily as he continues to glare at Fang.
Fang: So Mr. One arm, got that pained shriek out of your system?
Cross: You'll... You'll pay for that...!
Fang: By glaring at me, angrily until I submit? Ha!
Cross: I'll... I'll... (Purple aura flared) I'LL DESTROY YOU!!!
A spiritual imagery of a snake, a viper type with a menacing hiss appeared with Cross advancing towards Fang swiftly to deliver a snake style combo attack against Fang despite having one arm. Fang, however, was dodging and countering the hits before hitting a backflip kick to the face of Cross and low sweeps to trip him.
Cross: Gah... Grrrr!!
Cross recovers with his purple aura flaring and continues to attack Fang again, adding more power to his combo moves and speed while Fang was on the defensive.
Fang: (defending herself against Cross's attacks) For someone who has one arm, you're not too bad.
Cross: (attacking) I'm. Going. To. Decimate. You!! VIPER RUSH STORM!!!!
He continues his attack combo on Fang with near instantaneous and swift strikes to the woman, who defended herself against the gatling attack but Cross hits a devastating one palm strike to the chest of Fang, causing her to be sent across the arena, landing on the ground.
Francisco: He managed to push her back, even with one arm?!
Chandler: For a scum of the scarlet dragon clan, he's quite a fighter.
Cross walks towards Fang, who was lying on the ground motionless.
Cross: Heh! And that's what happens when you mess with the likes of me, you took my arm so I think it's fair that I'd take yours in return.
Cross gets closer to the motionless Fang, his left hand glowing purple as he was going to cut her arm off. As he got closer to do the dreadful deed, Fang suddenly leaps and latches onto him.
Cross: Agh!!!
Fang wrapped her legs around his torso/lower back, squeezing him like a boa constrictor while digging her claws into his upper back to leave marks, causing the man to scream with Fang grinning madly at Cross.
Fang: Let me show you one of the reasons why I'm called "Fang."
Fang chuckles coldly with a low snarl, opening her mouth wide as her teeth grew and sharpened up like razors, frightening Cross and the crowd. Cross tried to get out of the hold but Fang wasn't letting go, she draws her razor sharp teeth near Cross's neck and bites down, causing Cross to scream in complete agony with fang digging her teeth into his neck and a large portion of his shoulder, tightening the hold and digging her claws deeper into his back, drawing blood going down his back.
The crowd was unable to stomach this in, Lincoln, Lynn and the group had no words for this, thinking about how Luna completely tore apart Pablo, Anderson and Taylor... In comparison, what Luna did to them was child's play to what Fang was doing to Cross. Fang's eyes open with a malicious glint, the pupils now dark red with slits like a cat, Cross's scream grew more louder upon feeling the woman's teeth in his neck/shoulder.
Soon, Fang released him as he fell on the ground while he grunts and groans in pain. The woman grinned viciously at him, teeth now normal but her mouth was stained with blood which she licked off along with her face cheeks.
Fang: Want to go some more~?
Cross: Huff... Huff... I give up... I-I yield...
Announcer: Ummm... Due to refusal to continue, Cross is out and advancing by forfeit, Contestant Fang!
Fang: Oh Nonono... I'm not finished with him just yet.
Fang walk towards the heavily injured Cross, who tried to crawl away.
Cross: I already gave up, y-you won! Just let me leave, it's over you fool!!
Fang's body erupted with pitch black & crimson red aura, causing the crowd to get horrified by the woman's malicious intent. Lincoln, Lynn and the group saw a spiritual imagery forming above Fang & looming over Cross. It was a huge tiger spirit with pitch black fur, crimson red stripes and haunting red eyes as it let out a ferocious roar which shocked the arena.
Lincoln: Is that...
Lynn: The Dark Tiger Spirit...
Fang: (the grin never leaving her face) Here comes the beast to prowl~.... Good or Bad, no one is safe~... not even you, DARK TIGER ART: HADES BITE!!!!
The Dark Tiger Spirit roared and advanced towards Cross, who screamed massively as the spirit and it's aura engulfed him, sinking it's fangs into not only Cross... but his viper spirit as well, the Dark Tiger's teeth was deep in the viper's neck, giving out a pained hiss as it starts to wither and disintegrate into nothing. The Dark Tiger roared as it retreats back into Fang's body, Cross himself was unconscious and looked worse for wear as everyone was silent and/or terrified of Fang's dreadful actions.
Fang: Now... We're finished. Hehehehe...
Fang then glances over to where Lincoln, Lynn and their group were sitting while titling her head eerily to the left, grin and all. Giggling darkly, fang turns to take her leave while the medical staff tend to cross. Lynn growls and wanted to go after her but Lincoln held her back to calm her down, one thing's for certain... Lynn wants to fight Fang and put an end to her bloodlust reign.
Another break was issued as everyone was spending time getting ready, having a conversation, relaxing and such. Lincoln was seen walking through the halls by myself to think about the competition, the difficulty of fighters were getting harder and harder by the minute and more dangerous than the last but he wouldn't let that intimidate him one bit, he knows he'll face some of his friends & sister in the tournament, as well as individuals like Steak Stankco, Luna, Benny, Sid, the Blind Fighter, even Fang and so on.
Then Lincoln stops in his tracks upon seeing the Blind Fighter standing in front of him.
Lincoln: Can I help you?
Blind Fighter: .....
Lincoln: Is there something you want or... what's the matter?
The Blind Fighter said nothing as she walked closer to Lincoln, pulling something out which looked like an ominous looking orb, she hands it to Lincoln who hesitantly takes it.
Blind Fighter: (dark female voice) Look into the orb and you'll see the truth behind the walls of the deceived...
She turns and walks away, leaving a confused Lincoln behind while he glances at the orb.
To be continued....
(Chapter 24 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! Lincoln and Ronnie Anne settled their little heated confrontation, Ronnie Anne confessed her feelings and they vowed to face each other in the tournament. The fights continue and more is to come & the animal spirit killer is revealed. I decided to have an old oc of mine from my deleted story Loud House: Path of the assassins to fill that role in the form of Fang herself, she's not good or evil but she's chaotic neutral and seeks out more challengers to quell her bloodlust for battle & kill the fighter's animal spirits whether her opponent is good or evil. More about her will be revealed to due time. The Blind Fighter gives Lincoln a strange orb in a form of a message, what does it mean? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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