Chapter 23: Another break, more fights & more surprises

Another 10 minute break was issued after the events of the Fight between the Jackal martial artist of Hazelturkey, Pablo and The Returning & now merciless and lethal Wolf martial artist, Luna. Lincoln, Lynn and the group were surprised to see Luna alive but was shocked by her sudden savage & bloodthirsty behavior during her match as she would overboardly brutalize Pablo to the point where he would forfeit the match but Luna wasn't satisfied as Michelle ordered Luna to break his spirit. Luna would howl & summon her monstrous Dark Wolf spirit to savagely maul Pablo, his cries of agony music to her ears until he passed out. Anderson and Taylor tried to get vengeance for their fallen team mate but they too became victims of luna's bloodthirsty rampage, once she was done with them, Luna's murderous intent vanished into a calm & soulless demeanor as Doug and Michelle ordered her to follow them. Lincoln and Lynn couldn't confront them aimlessly, they had to take a stealth approach to see what was going on with their big sister.


We see Lincoln & Lynn walking through the tournament palace main halls, the others were in the dining hall and having some lunch, the two louds decided to approach Doug and Michelle in a calm and casual manner but to not show suspicion or they'll suspect something is up.

They spotted a door with a sign of a wolf symbol & luna's name next to it. The two louds approach the door with Lincoln knocking on said door as he and Lynn wait for an answer, the door soon opens to reveal Doug, who had an annoyed expression on his face.

Doug: Look! I told that luna's not accepting autographs and- (sees Lincoln and Lynn at the door) Oh it's you two (smiles) Greetings! It's nice to meet members of the Legendary Loud Palace!

Lynn: (hiding her anger well) The pleasure's all ours.

Lincoln: Indeed. I was wondering if we could have a talk with you, Michelle and our thought to be dead sister, Luna. That is if you're busy?

Doug: Sure. C'mon in.

Doug leads Lincoln and Lynn inside the private room which looked luxurious at its finest, portraits of all of Doug and Michelle's martial artist clients before Luna's picture was seen on the wall. The two louds then see Michelle alongside Luna, who was gorging herself with tons of food like a wild animal.

Michille: That's good, eat up. You'll need tons of energy for the next fight.

Doug: Michelle, we have some visitors.

Michelle turns to see Doug with Lincoln and Lynn as the woman smiled.

Michelle: Ah, it's a pleasure to meet members of the Legendary Loud Palace. You already met my partner Doug. My name is Michelle, we're martial artist managers, we find a martial artist and take his or her fighting skills up to new heights as you can see from the portraits of all our famous clients.

Lincoln: A pleasure to meet you too and I take it that Luna here is your recent client?

Michelle: (smiles) Why yes. Doug and I found her washed up to shore and immediately found out she was one of the members of the Loud Palace. So we took her under our wing, gave her special training and treatment to turn her into the ultimate fighter you see!

Doug: Yep! She's our shining star. Why don't you say hello to her? It's been awhile since you guys last seen each other, right?

Lincoln: True.

Lincoln and Lynn walk towards Luna, who was still feasting. When the two louds got near, Luna swallowed her food whole & turns to the two loud warriors with a cold glare & an inhuman growl.

Michelle: (eyes glinted violet red) Luna... don't be like that, they're your little brother and sister. Say Hello.

Luna's ferocious gaze vanished.

Luna: (raspy, guttural female voice) .... H... Hello...

Lincoln and Lynn noticed the tone of her voice, it seemed... forced. And the expression of hers as well. Something was definitely not right.

Lincoln: Hello to you too, Luna.

Lynn: Glad you're alive, we missed you.

Luna gave a brief nod before going back to eating.

Doug: Well we hate to cut this reunion short but we have business to attend to.

Lincoln: (still suspicious but doesn't show the expression) I understand. We'll leave you be and thanks for taking care of our sister.

Michelle: No problem! Once the tournament ends in luna's victory, you louds are gonna be very rich!

Lynn: Sure.

The two louds took their leave but stop upon hearing a faint voice in the wind that whispered "Help... me...."

Lincoln: Do you say something?

Doug: I didn't say anything.

Michelle: Neither did I.

Lincoln: Okay...

The two loud warriors left Doug, Michelle and Luna to their business.

Lynn: You heard that voice too, right?

Lincoln: Yes, I did... I also noticed the pattern in luna's voice when she said hello, it seemed forced.

Lynn: Not to mention that Luna started acting like a wild animal not recognizing us. She didn't even look happy to see us.

Lincoln: I know... it probably has something to do with Michelle's voice which caused Luna's change in attitude.

Lynn: You're saying that her voice is mesmerizing Luna to act crazy?

Lincoln: It might be a theory but we need to find more clues to know for sure. For now, break is about to end and the tournament fights are gonna start.

Lynn nods as she and Lincoln head to see the next fight, unaware that the blind fighter was watching them but turns to Luna, Doug and Michelle's private room. Her aura was shown as it engulfs her in an unseen form, heading to the martial artist manager's door... going through it like a ghost.


Announcer: Alright everyone! It's time for the next round to begin! However, due to the brutal assault by contestant Luna, Anderson and Taylor are out of the tournament due to injury!

The crowd felt chills down their spines, remembering the savage wolf martial artist's assault on Anderson and Taylor.

Announcer: Now contestants Lynn Loud and Maggie, step forward!

Maggie: (appeared out of nowhere) Finally.

The Announcer was spooked and found Maggie standing in the ring already, shocking the crowd.

Maggie: (rolls her eyes) C'mon, I don't have all day.

Lynn jumps out of the crowd and lands directly into the ring, causing it to shake but Maggie was unfazed.

Lynn: Sweet. I didn't think my turn would come sooner. 

Lynn does a couple of stretches and squats while Maggie simply cracks her knuckles.

Announcer: And... Begin!

Lynn and Maggie got into their own fighting stance while circling each other, waiting for one to make the first move. Soon, Lynn ran at Maggie and went for a leaping spin kick only for Maggie to duck underneath it and went for a straight kick to the face but Lynn leaped back to avoid it. Lynn would then trade grapples & strikes with Maggie as the two were showing off their own fighting techniques.

Announcer: And Lynn and Maggie are in a fierce battle of grappling to out do one another!

The two women were delivering assortments of grappling and strikes to one another, Lynn hits a straight charge tackle to Maggie to knock her down & got on top of her, followed by some tiger style palm strikes to the emo woman.

Maggie turns the tables on Lynn, switching positions as she begins to hit her own strikes to Lynn. The two then rolled off each other before kiping up to their feet at the same time, staring each other in the eyes.

Lynn: (smirks) Heh. Nice one.

Maggie said nothing and hits a spinning kick to Lynn, she didn't stop there as she hits spin kick after spin kick to the tiger warrior, who caught the 10th kick and begins to spin Maggie around a couple of times before throwing her across the ring.

Maggie managed to land on her feet but barely managed to catch the incoming fist from Lynn & spins her around, does a handstand to hit a scorpion style kick to the head of Lynn, making her stumble back a bit.

Announcer: And Maggie catches Lynn off guard with a handstand scorpion kick!

Rubbing her forehead, Lynn smirks at Maggie.

Lynn: Great kick, Mags. Great kick. Not gonna lie, it really stung like the actual scorpion's tail minus the poison.

Maggie gets back into her fighting stance with blackish gray aura surrounding her body, a spiritual imagery of a giant scorpion appearing with a menacing gaze.

Maggie: Are you gonna talk or are you gonna fight?

Lynn said nothing as a feral grin stretched across her face, red blazing aura erupting as her tiger spirit appeared with a thundering roar, shocking the crowd.

Announcer: It seems Lynn and Maggie are getting serious!

Lynn charges at Maggie with an assortment of hits stronger than the last, making Maggie go on the defensive. The emo woman winced from the impact of the Tiger Warrior's offense.

Maggie: (in her mind) She's really gotten stronger...

Maggie struggled to block lynn's fierce offense but then she saw an opening and dodges the next hit, curling up in a ball to spin in mid air before executing a front flip kick to the head of Lynn.

Lynn: Agh!

Maggie retreated a bit to get some breathe while Lynn was seen staggering back to her feet, cracking her neck a bit before slowly lifting her head up to stare at Maggie with a savage grin.

Announcer: It seems that Maggie's lethal kick have brought out a savage side of Lynn, folks! Judging by that grin, she's more than ready for a fight!

Lynn: Good... very good, now we're really getting somewhere!

Maggie was unfazed as she lunges at Lynn with a couple lethal kicks, the tiger warrior taking the hits. The emo woman then amp up the kick combo with her animal spirit aura, sharpening said kicks to level Lynn with her legs coated in said aura.

Maggie: Scorpion Stinglash Kick Strike.

Maggie finishes it with a powerful tornado kick to the neck of Lynn, sending her flying across the ring, landing with a large thud.

Announcer: Holy shamoly! Maggie's attack just sent Lynn flying!

Maggie got into her fighting stance again as she knew that the tiger warrior was still conscious, Lynn got up but remained on all fours with her tiger spirit appearing with a loud roar.

Chandler: Looks like lynn's getting serious.

Girl Jordan: I agree. Maggie gave a lot of lethal and quick strikes but it looks like the Tiger Warrior is ready to pounce.

Maggie then begins to run at Lynn, who was running at her on all fours with a fanged grin. Maggie intend to hit Lynn low with a straight sweep dash kick to the face to stop her momentum but Lynn intercepted it by slamming her hands down and leaping up to pounce, nailing Maggie with a hellacious spear tackle!

The crowd winced at that.

Announcer: Maggie was looking aim low to stop lynn's approach but the Tiger Warrior intercepted the Scorpion martial artist's attack!

Lynn didn't let go of Maggie's midsection as she flips and slams the emo woman to the ground with a loud thud, she switched positions to ensnare Maggie in an head & arm trapped Guillotine submission hold!

Lincoln: It's over.

Clyde: Huh? What do you mean?

Lincoln: Besides being a striker in the tiger style martial arts, Lynn is also an expert on submission hold techniques when she was young. The guillotine, she calls it her Tora-lock (A/N: Tora is Japanese for Tiger), is one of her favorites. Once she gets you in it, Lynn won't let go until you tap out or pass out.

Clyde and the others see Maggie trying to get out of the hold but Lynn wasn't letting go as the grip tightens the more the emo woman struggled. Soon, Maggie's movements started to slow and cease, going limp & motionless. The Announcer quickly goes to check on Maggie to see if she's still able to continue, he lifts up her left arm for a moment before letting go as it fell to the ground, unmoving.

Announcer: It seems that Maggie has passed out & is unable to continue! By Submission, Contestant Lynn advances!

The crowd let out loud cheers. Lynn releases the unconscious Maggie, kiping up to her feet with an energetic smile. She helps Maggie up as the emo woman slowly regain consciousness.

Maggie: Uuuuuggggghhhhhh.....

Lynn: That was a great match. Hope we can fight again sometime.

Maggie: Sure... need to watch out for that guillotine next time...

Maggie heads to the back while Lynn heads to join Lincoln and the group in the crowd.

Lincoln: Nice work, Lynn.

Lynn: Thanks. Gotta give props to Mags here on a good fight, those kicks of hers were like blades.

Haiku: True. She's been honing her kicks to sting like her animal spirit, the scorpion.

Announcer: Alright, Time for the next match! Contestants Lincoln and Chase (A/N: The name I made up for the Bratty Kid from Cereal Offender), step forward!

Lynn: Looks like you're up next, Linc.

Lincoln: Guess I am.

Jumping out of the crowd, Lincoln walks towards the ring, entering said arena to wait for his opponent. Soon, the one named Chase also made his way to the ring while the white haired man got a look at him. Chase looked like a doppelganger version of Lincoln, same height & physique. The only difference is that the man had short & messy blonde hair, red orange eyes and he was wearing a black and red gi, pants and shoes.

Lincoln sees arrogance in his opponent's eyes but the white haired man's stare grew cold when he noticed the symbol of the Scarlet Dragon on the left side of his gi.

Lincoln: (in his mind) So... he's one of the Scarlet Dragons.

Chase: One of the members of the Legendary Loud Palace.... (smirks) My master will reward me for beating you. Are you ready?

Lincoln: (cold stare) Yes.

Chase grinned as he unleashed a frightening dark red aura, a spiritual imagery of a black & dark red dragon spirit appearing as it's roar shook the arena as the crowd was overwhelmed by its powers, minus Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Lynn, Steak, Chandler & Girl Jordan. Meanwhile, Doug and Michelle were running to the arena, trying to stop Luna, who was trying to barge in on the fight between Chase and Lincoln.

Doug: Luna! Stop right there!

Michelle: (Eyes glowed completely violet red) Luna, this isn't your fight, you'll get disqualified if you interfere! Now come back to our lounge, NOW!

Luna snarled like a wild animal and was trying to get through doug out of the entrance to the arena but the wild intent soon vanished, returning to her calm, emotionless state. Doug took this opportunity to drag Luna back the way they came, Michelle saw the black & dark red dragon spirit coming from Chase while noticing Lincoln unleashing his own dragon spirit in action.

Michelle: Such unbelievable power... it nearly sent Luna into a wild frenzy. I better be careful not to have our plan exposed.

Michelle leaves. Soon, Lincoln and Chase got into their own fighting stance while their aura was flaring and ready to go.

Chase: You ready to feel the greatest pain you've ever felt in your life?

Lincoln: You're not the first person to say that and you won't be the last.

Chase grinned as he charges at Lincoln, who lunged at him to ready a fist while Chase did the same, both landing a punch to each other's face at the same time. The stalemate lasted a few seconds before they separate and begins to exchange blows with one another.

Lynn: This guy has a dragon spirit too?

Ava: That's not all... did you see the symbol? He's in league with the Scarlet Dragon Clan.

Tabby: Oh no...

Liam: And with a dragon spirit of his own, this'll be a tough challenge for linc here.

Lincoln and Chase were in a stalemate of delivering fierce strikes and strong blows, Lincoln hits a straight uppercut to the chin of Chase followed by a kick to send him up in the air. Lincoln followed him up but Chase grinned, spun into a ball for a moment before lunging down & nailing Lincoln with a solid heatbutt, not stopping there as he repeatedly punches Lincoln in the gut & face.

Chase: C'mon loud! Show me what you can do!

Lincoln blocked the next punch, landing 6 shots to the face, a knee to the gut and wicked right cross to the mouth before grabbing him & judo flipping him into the arena.

Announcer: Unbelievable! Lincoln and Chase are really giving it their out, folks!

Lincoln waited for Chase to get to his feet, he had blood running down his forehead from the solid heatbutt but he wasn't concerned about that. Chase slowly got to his feet, glaring at Lincoln who wasn't fazed. Chase had blood running down his mouth from Lincoln's fierce right hit, he growled for a minute but started to grin.

Chase: (spat out some blood) Heh. At least you're not a spineless weakling, you may be strong but you're not winning this fight.

Lincoln: (cold glare) I wouldn't be so sure about that. Your arrogance will be your undoing.

Chase: Ha! My undoing?! That mouth of yours won't be talking so tough once I kick your skull in.

Lincoln: You may have a dragon spirit, you have all of that power but try to flaunt your arrogance around thinking you can effortlessly beat someone, it'll only lead you to defeat.

Chase: Quite the speech, save it for someone who cares. All I care about is putting you in your place and proving that my dragon spirit is superior to yours. Once you fall, the ruthless Black Dragon martial artist Ronnie Anne was feel my power!

Lincoln sighs while shaking his head, suddenly vanishing from sight.

Chase: What the...? (Looks around) where are you? Where are you?! (Spots Lincoln on the left side of him) Gah!

Lincoln delivers a massive chop to the chest of Chase, knocking the wind out of him, followed by grabbing him & hitting rapid knees to the midsection and a quick left to the jaw. Chase growls as he fought back against Lincoln, the two were trading blows with one another as both dragon spirits were seen in the air, battling each other for dominance in power and strength, much to the surprise of the crowd.

Announcer: Whoa! What a display of skill and power!

Chase then begins to deliver a couple of strikes to Lincoln and spins around with his right fist glowing dark red and black.


Chase struck Lincoln hard in the face with his ultimate strike, sending him across the ring.

Lynn: Lincoln!

Clyde: Oh no!

Announcer: And Chase delivers his special attack to knock Lincoln across the ring!

Chase: How's that for dragon power?! Hahahahahaha!

Lincoln was down flat... until he kips up and lands back on his feet, shocking the crowd and Chase.

Chase: What? How can possibly get up after a hit like that?!

Lincoln: (spat out some blood) Impressive, I really felt that... very much.

Lincoln walks towards Chase.

Chase: That attack should've shattered your jaw along with your neck, even for a dragon spirit martial artist.

Lincoln: Are you that arrogant or stupid?

Chase: (angry) What?! You mock me?!

Lincoln: This battle was a good one. However, you're a part of something I greatly despise so I'm ending this fight now.

Chase: In your dreams, loser!

Chase charges at Lincoln to attack him but the white haired man was dodging each blow. Lincoln then vanished from Chase's sight and appeared behind him while holding on to Chase's left arm.

Lincoln: Give your master a message. The Scarlet Dragon Clan's days will soon be numbered...

Pulling on his arm, Lincoln spun Chase around in a ripcord fashion to nail him with a reverse forearm strike to the skull of Chase, earning a pained grunt from him as he fell to the ground, knocked out.

Announcer: And Chase has been knocked out! Contestant Lincoln advances!

The crowd erupted in cheers as Lynn runs to her brother.

Lynn: Way to go there, bro! Ya really showed 'em!

Lincoln: Thanks!

The two louds then turn & narrowed their eyes to see the same group that attacked Girl Jordan and Chandler, pick up the unconscious Chase and vanished.

Lynn: You gonna be alright?

Lincoln: Yes but I'll go get myself checked out though.

Lynn: Alright.

Lincoln heads inside the palace while Lynn heads back to the crowd.

Clyde: What a crazy battle, right?

Lynn: Yeah... that guy was quite the brutal fighter, those attacks he dished out on Linc was no joke. But hey, my little brother came out on top.

Haiku: Indeed, Chase's dragon spirit had immense power but his arrogance costed him the match.

Announcer: Alright, time for the next match! Contestants Sid Chang and Becky, step forward!

Suddenly, a loud battle cry was heard as someone jumped off the roof of the tournament palace and into the ring with a huge thud, shocking the crowd. The person in question was a slightly short woman with light skin, slightly long & wild blonde hair in an upwards ponytail, a unibrow and has a beautiful figure with some muscle, an average sized chest and rear. She was wearing a white gi shirt with red & blue flame patterns, a black belt, bandages wrapped around her bare hands, stretchy black shorts and bandages wrapped around her bare feet.

Announcer: (shocked) Uhhh... contestant Becky, everybody...!

Becky: RAAAAAAAAH!!! (Grins) Let's do this!

Soon, the next contestant appeared, revealed to be Sid Chang. She was a slightly tall woman with long brunette hair, light skin with freckles & a graceful figure with a large chest, perfectly shaped hips and a plump rear. She wears a pink headband on her head, white earrings, a sleeveless & split legged, blue chinese qipao dress with a Phoenix symbol on the front and back, black stretchy pants and white shoes.

Sid: (in her mind) I'm so excited about the tournament but I'm nervous at the same time, keep calm! Gotta get it together!

Announcer: And... begin!

Becky got into a wrestler looking, grappling stance while Sid got into a tae kwon do stance, both circling each other to see who will make the first move.

Lynn: Those two have some strong aura.... who are they?

Haiku: The first woman is Sid Chang, she's a member of the Chang Family, well known as a royal and wealthy family throughout the land for their assistance in helping unfortunate people and animals in need. Sid is a master of Crane Style & Tae Kwon Do while possessing the Phoenix Spirit.

Lynn: The Phoenix Spirit?! One of the Legendary & mythical animal spirits!

Haiku: Correct. She is also a friend Ronnie Anne met on her travels after her graduation of the Sapphire Dragon Academy, Sid may be a kind hearted & energetic soul but you underestimate her & you'll be flat on your back.

Lynn: Noted. And what about the unibrow, powerhouse nut job over there?

Ava: That woman is Becky, a very wild brawler who combines martial arts with wrestling & grappling techniques. She once came to the Sapphire Dragon Academy as a crazy, energetic and untamed Bully, seeking out fights and would butt into business that doesn't concern her.

Francisco: She would target us for that matter, especially Ronnie Anne in wanting to take her spot as top dog. But each time she & Ronnie Anne would fight, Ronnie Anne would beat her with the Black Dragon Knee Strike.

Lynn: Yikes, I know that move can shorten or end martial arts careers but Becky is quite a resilient wild card.

Haiku: Indeed. After the final loss, Becky changed. While still being wild & energetic, Becky became less of a bully and became more determined than ever to train harder & rigorously to become stronger to defeat Ronnie Anne one day, becoming a rival of her.

Lynn: I see. And her animal spirit?

Haiku: The Bull.

Lynn: Oh. A raging type animal spirit, eh?

Liam: Yep. I know that for a fact when she clashed with my Ox spirit.

Sid and Becky were circling each other for a moment before Becky ran straight for Sid, landing some hard punches and making Sid go on the defensive. Becky aims for another punch but Sid jumps high & leaps over Becky to land behind her, Becky turns around only to receive a spin kick from Sid, who kept up the barrage of spin kicks before nailing her with crane kick!

Announcer: Ooof! That's gotta hurt! Becky started this fight out well but Sid retaliated!

Recovering from the crane kick to the face, Becky smiles savagely as Sid ran to deliver a flying kick but the blonde haired, unibrow powerhouse side stepped to avoid the attack & grab Sid from behind. Sid let out a yelp as Becky delivers a crushing German Suplex to the brown haired woman, who grunts in pain while Becky wasn't done, delivering a second Suplex, a third Suplex, a fourth and finally she stops, turns Sid around to nail her with a monstrous uppercut!

Lynn: Yikes, that's gotta hurt.

Polly Pain: Tell me about it.

Lynn turns to see Polly walking towards them with bandages wrapped around her head.

Lynn: Hey Polly, you alright?

Polly Pain: I am. Ronnie Anne did a number on me in our match but I'm still alive & kickin'. So Sid is fightin' Becky, huh?

Ava: Yeah.

Polly Pain: Man, She's manhandling Sid.

Sid slowly got to her knees as Becky was in a hopping boxing stance, waiting for her to get up. Sid breathes in and out while getting into a crane stance.

Sid: You pack quite a punch since the last time we met.

Becky: What can I say? I aim to get stronger at every turn & I wanna see your animal spirit in action.

Sid: Be careful what you wish for... you just might get it.

Becky: Then bring it on!

Becky ignited her fiery red & orange aura while Sid was engulfed in a blue aura, running towards Becky and jumps to deliver an assortment of bicycle kicks to Becky, who attempts to block them.

Sid: Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Becky: Ngh! Grrrrrrrrr!!!

Sid continued on the offensive and goes for a spinning back kick, Becky blocks it and begins to trade boxing style blows with Sid.

Announcer: This is a real showdown between two strong women, it is!

The two women were delivering strike after strike until Becky grabs Sid by the leg and spins her around to throw her but Sid stopped upon gliding herself via crane stance, Becky charges at Sid for a clothesline only for Sid to duck underneath & use Becky to backflip and hit a roundhouse kick to the side of her face.

Becky fell to her knees as Sid delivers a couple of swift kicks to the chest of Becky repeatedly until she about to hit a solid kick to the head but Becky caught the kick & stood up, grabbing Sid by the neck and lifting her up over her head in military press motion.

Announcer: Sid was unloading swift kicks on Becky, who retaliated in lifting Sid up over her head in a display of strength!

Becky held Sid in the military press hold while... running laps across the ring about 10 times with Sid screaming as Becky stopped with a wide smile, planting Sid with a monstrous spinebuster.

Lynn: Ooooh, that's gotta hurt.

Sid groans in pain as Becky yells at her to get up.

Becky: C'mon! Get up! Get up! I know you got more than this! Show me what you have!!

Suddenly, blue aura erupted from Sid's body as the woman slowly rose to her feet with glowing white eyes, a spiritual imagery appeared behind her in the form of a fiery blue Pheonix which let out a powerful screech, much to the surprise of the crowd.

Lynn: That's her Phoenix Spirit?! Radical!

Polly pain: Looks like Becky woke Sid up.

Sid calmly got into her fighting stance while Becky was grinning like a madwoman.

Becky: Yes! This is what I wanted! (Aura blazing) Show me more! More, More, More, MORE!!!

Becky was engulfed by fiery red & orange aura as a spiritual imagery of a massive & menacing Bull appeared which let out a powerful roar.

The two women lunged at each other, going back to back with strong strikes, punches and kicks between the swift & agile Sid and the strong & wild Becky, the Bull and Pheonix clashing as well.

Clyde: Wow, surprisingly, Becky is holding her own against Sid at her best.

Haiku: Sigh... Indeed. Becky wanted Sid at her best and she's getting it...

The two women soon separated from each other, gearing up for their special moves. Becky's arms were pumping up & steaming, hands glowing red while Sid got into her crane stance, raising her right leg which was glowing fiery blue as the two lunged at each.



The two attacks collided, engulfing them in a massive fiery ball of blue and red aura, unleashing a shockwave of howling winds as the crowd and announcer braced themselves. The attack reached an explosive stalemate, a huge cloud of smoke covering the entire ring.

Announcer: Cough, cough, cough! Ladies and gentlemen if you can hear my voice beyond the smoke, Becky and Sid just showed a display of their special moves in a stalemate!

The smoke soon starts to clear to reveal Sid and Becky standing a few feet away with their backs turn to each other, their clothes tattered a bit.

Lynn: They're still standing.

Sid: Huff... huff... huff...

Becky: Huff... huff... huff... that (faint smile) was... awesome...

Becky fell to the ground on her back with a smile, unconscious.

Announcer: I-It seems that Becky has collapsed and is unable to continue, contestant Sid Chang advances!

The crowd erupted in cheers as Sid smiled happily and jumped up high in joy while Becky is taken by the medical staff.


Ronnie Anne was seen on the top of the tournament palace roof, watching her friend's victory with a slight smile but she soon had a serious frown, vanishing.

Announcer: Alright, everyone! Another break for the competition until the next fight folks!


Sid was seen having lunch with Lynn, Clyde, Haiku, Tabby, Liam, Francisco, Ava, Polly pain, Chandler, Girl Jordan and Maggie, who recently returned from being patched up.

Sid: I'm glad to see you again! It's been a while, how's everyone been?

Clyde: We've been doing good. Great match on your part.

Sid: Thanks! Becky was a real bruiser, I'm relieved that she's no longer a bully though. (Looks at Lynn) So you're Lynn of the Loud Palace, nice to meet you, I'm Sid.

Lynn: Nice to meet you too. You're quite the martial artist with the Tae Kwon Do, The Crane Style and the Phoenix Spirit.

Sid: Thanks. I heard some things about you from Ronnie Anne, some good and some.... bad things.

Lynn: Sigh... I know, I'm sorry. I assure you that I'm not that person anymore.

Sid: Ok. I've also heard about what the Scarlet Dragon Clan did to you guys, my family also have history with them as well. You need someone to help with the corrupted clan, I'm your gal.

Lynn: Thanks.

Girl Jordan: We'll need all the help we can get.

Chandler: Hey, anyone seen Linc?

Lynn: He's getting his injuries patched up.


Lincoln was seen walking out of the infirmary, his injuries treated & a patch on his forehead, traveling down the halls.

Lincoln: (in his mind) This tournament is getting more interesting but at the same time, I need to be on my guard, we all do...

As Lincoln was walking through the halls, he suddenly stops and calmly closes his eyes with a sigh. Right behind Lincoln appeared Ronnie Anne, who still had the same dark expression.

Lincoln: (opens his eyes, calm tone) Alright... where do you want to have this "conversation"....?

To be continued....

(Chapter 23 is finished! Please vote and let me know what you think of it! Good matches have occur as well as the debut of Bratty Kid (Chase), Sid Chang and Becky (from the Casagrandes, not the red haired Becky). Lincoln and Lynn are still investigating the case of Doug and Michelle involving Luna, The Blind Fighter seems to be doing some detective work on her own, The Scarlet Dragon Clan lies and wait as well as Lincoln getting in another encounter with Ronnie Anne. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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