Chapter 22: 10 minute break & more fights

Meanwhile inside the tournament palace, the martial artists were taking a 10 minute break until further notice from the attack on Girl Jordan and Chandler by members of the Scarlet Dragon clan, who were driven off by Lincoln, Lynn and their group.

Various fighters were having a conversation amongst themselves, practicing their martial arts for the next round or dining on food at the buffet area. The blind fighter was seen meditating while... floating in mid air, Steak was seen gorging on a couple of large ribs at his own table and Girl Jordan and Chandler were sitting at a large table with Lincoln, Lynn, Ava, Maggie, Clyde, Haiku, Francisco, Liam, Tabby, Polly Pain and Ronnie Anne, who was silently eating & not paying attention to the conversation.

Girl Jordan: Thanks for the assist, you guys.

Polly Pain: It was nothing.

Chandler: Who were those hit and run guys anyway?

Lincoln: They're members of the Scarlet Dragon clan.

Girl Jordan: I've heard of them from my parents, they are a ruthless and bloodthirsty group of merciless martial artists who eradicate anyone in their way.

Lynn: Yeah. Our ancestors won the war against them 200 years ago. Now they have descendants lurking around for whatever they have planned.

Chandler: Your ancestors...? So you're one of the members of the loud palace, hmm?

Lincoln: Yeah. Well... The Loud palace is no more and our family is dead thanks to these descendants, Lynn and I are the last louds.

Ava: Some of us crossed paths with the dreaded clan and had a loved one taken from us or scarred by their actions.

Girl Jordan: Oh my god... I'm so sorry that happened to you.

Girl Jordan hugs Lincoln out of the blue, getting a light blush from the white haired man. Polly Pain and Tabby chuckled as well as Lynn, Ronnie Anne had a dark scowl but went back to eating.

Girl Jordan broke the hug as Lincoln recollect himself.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Wow, this woman is strong...

Clyde: Well what I don't know is why would the Scarlet Dragon Clan target you two? (Points to Girl Jordan and Chandler)

Haiku: Hmmm... perhaps they're trying to eliminate any major threats to their plans, seeing Girl Jordan and Chandler as potential threats.

Chandler: Well they have our attention. No one makes a fool of me and lives to tell about it, if I see those Scarlet Dragon cowards again.... they're gonna know how deadly a Cobra's fangs are.

Girl Jordan: (rolls her eyes) They just attacked us & you're already wanting to pick a fight with them? I want payback too but charging in against the Scarlet Dragon Clan without thinking or having a plan is a death sentence.

Chandler shrugs.

Chandler: Whatever.

???: Hey losers.

Lincoln and the others turn to see three figures approaching them; the first was a tall, slightly fair skinned man with black hair, black eyes, had an athletic build and was wearing a black, red and white gi & black shoes. The second was a slightly tall man with tan skin, slick black hair, a slight athletic build and was wearing glasses, a black & white gi, black armbands and shoes. And the third was a slightly tall woman with long dark hair covering her right eye, slight tan skin, purple eyeshadow, has an athletic yet curvaceous figure and was wearing a black and red gi shirt, red belt, black slim shorts and black boots.

Lynn, Ava and Polly Pain: Who are you calling losers, loser?!

Woman: We're talking about you freaks.

Man with glasses: Yeah.

Lincoln: (cold glare) And you are...?

Man with buzzcut: What? You don't know greatness when you see it, snow white?

Lincoln: (sarcastic) ha ha, hilarious.

Francisco: And greatness... I don't see a lot of it.

Girl Jordan: I know, These three are from the hazelturkey martial arts school, great fighters but overly arrogant, conniving and brutal. The man in the middle is Anderson, the guy with the glasses is Pablo and the punk woman is Taylor. These three possess the Jackal animal spirit, strength in numbers they do against one & very remorseless for bloodshed.

Chandler: Heh. Never heard of them, so get lost, pansies.

The three glare of the group who glared back.

Clyde: Whatta you want anyway?

Maggie: (glares) If you plan on leaving, start walking away...

Anderson: (smirks) Why so tense? We're just checking out the competition and basically... I'm not impressed.

Taylor: (Looks at Lincoln and Lynn) Hey, those two are from the royal loud palace. (Smirks) Weren't they killed off an attack?

Pablo: Oh yeah, I heard the news. They died in a mysterious attack because... (smirks) the louds are so weak!

The three martial artists laugh arrogantly but stopped as they felt the auras of Lincoln and Lynn flaring, the Dragon and Tiger spirit looming over them.

Lincoln: Unless you three want to spend your lives in a body cast, you'll start walking away...

Lynn: Or else you'll end up as a casualty for brutality.

The three jackal martial artists snapped out of their shock and glared angrily at the group.

Anderson: This isn't over...

Taylor: It doesn't matter if you have strong animal spirits, you losers better hope you don't meet us in the tournament rounds cause if any of you do... you're dead meat.

Pablo: Yeah!

Chandler: F**k off.

Anderson, Pablo and Taylor growled before they walked away.

Tabby: Yeesh, what flew by and stung them in the ass?

Francisco: A bunch of jerks, they are.

Haiku: Despite their idiocy... we don't underestimate them or anyone in the tournament.

Lynn: Yeah. I hope I get one of them in the tournament rounds because I'll show the Jackal martial artists what happens when you disrespect a loud.

Ava: We also better keep a lookout for the Scarlet Dragons, if they're really targeting strong martial artists, we better be on our guard.

Lincoln: You're right on that.

The group go back to their meal, unaware of the two cloaked figures watching them from afar.


Soon, the ten minute break was up as the tournament was back on.

Announcer: Alright everyone it's time for the next tournament rounds to begin!

The crowd cheered loudly.

Announcer: Contestants Benny and Johnny Bling step forward!

Two competitors stepped into the ring to face each other. Benny was a slightly tall, slight fair skinned man with curly brown hair and has a slight athletic build and he was wearing a white and pale blue gi shirt, black belt, black pants and shoes. His opponent, Johnny Bling was a slightly tall man with fair skin and slightly long blonde hair, an athletic physique and wearing blue & gold kung fu pants, black armbands and shoes.

Announcer: Are you ready?!

Johnny Bling: Johnny Bling is always ready to win. Bring home the gold like he always does.

Benny nods.

Announcer: And... Begin!

Benny got into a tai chi style fighting stance while Johnny Bling did some shadow boxing before entering a hopping kickboxing stance.

Johnny Bling: Set. Go!

Johnny Bling ran at Benny.

Johnny Bling: WATAAAAAAAH!!!

Johnny Bling delivers a couple of punches and kicks to Benny, who was on the defensive.


While the two were fighting, Lincoln, Lynn and the group were watching from the crowd.

Lynn: Whoa, this guy immediately charged at him.

Polly Pain: This is Johnny Bling, son of a famous martial artist of prestige. He possesses the jaguar spirit, has a track record equal wins & loses and is all ego in the fights he's in as Johnny Bling wants everyone to acknowledge him as the best.

Lynn, Chandler, Ronnie Anne & Ava: (in their mind) The best? Get real.

Lincoln: And what about the other one?

Maggie: Benny. A protege of the Sapphire Dragon Academy, we met him back then after you & Lynn left. He's quite a mystery, we only know that he possesses the Antelope Spirit.

Lincoln: Oh.

Francisco: You'd be surprised how well Benny can fight. Right now, he's waiting for the right moment.

Johnny Bling was giving it his all as Benny attempts to block off some of his attacks but Johnny managed to get a few blows before knocking Benny back with a swift fist.

Johnny Bling: C'mon, That all you've got? Johnny Bling's just gettin' started here, are you intimidated?

Benny: No. I'm just getting a little warm up. To be honest, your punches and kicks are a bit... off.

Johnny Bling: WHAT?!

Benny: Yeah. They're strong and all but a bit off balanced and sloppy.

Johnny Bling: (glares) You dare mock Johnny's skill? When I'm done with you, you're gonna wish you never mocked Johnny Bling's skills!

Johnny Bling has gold aura as a jaguar spirit appeared with a loud roar. Johnny Bling then ran at Benny to deliver another set of punches and kicks to Benny, who dodges them.

Johnny Bling: You're not even tryin' to fight back?! Are you scared of Johnny Bling givin' you an ass beating?!

Benny: (smiles while dodging) Not even close.

Johnny Bling then bounces back and charges fast towards Benny.


Johnny Bling was seconds away from tackling Benny in half but Benny vanished the moment the attack connected!

Johnny Bling: Huh?!

Announcer: And Benny disappeared the moment Johnny's attack collided!!

Johnny Bling looks around.

Johnny Bling: Where is he?! Behind me? Above me?

Benny: (on the side of Johnny) Over here.

Johnny Bling was spooked by Benny and tried to punch him but Benny struck first with great force, followed by a kick to the left side, a karate chop to the side of the face and a flurry of punches to the gut.

Johnny Bling: Guuuuhh!!!

Benny breathes in and out as a light blue aura surrounded his body while his hands turned... silver?!

Lincoln: ....?!

Lynn: His hands?! They're silver!

Benny: Haaaaaaa... Antelope Art: Silver Horn Double Palm!

Benny struck the two silver palms to the chest of Johnny Bling, whose eyes bugged out as he yelled out with foam coming from his mouth, sent flying across the ring.

Lincoln and Lynn: Whoa!

Maggie: He's gotten stronger since last time.

The Announcer ran to Johnny Bling to check on him, seeing the blonde haired man's eyes rolled back and foam coming from his mouth as he was twitching a bit.

Announcer: It seems that Johnny Bling is knocked out & can't continue! Contestant Benny advances!

Benny took a bow & left while the crowd cheered loudly and Johnny Bling was taken by the medical staff.

Lynn: Wow... that guy is really something. That Antelope Art: Silver Horn Double Palm is quite an attack.

Maggie: Yeah. Benny concentrates his aura into his hands, turning them into a strong, silver metal. His animal spirit the Antelope is unique due to it having strong, silver horns as I heard of it in legends.

Haiku: Sigh... that attack targets an opponent's chest & lungs with a devastating impact like a ram, if Benny used it full power he would've caused Johnny's lungs to explode, killing him but he didn't intend to kill, Benny only uses a fraction to knock him out in breath & consciousness.

Clyde: Yep. If you can't breath, you can't fight.

Lincoln and Lynn stared at Benny, who was walking away backstage.


Announcer: Ok! Time for the next match! Contestants Polly Pain and Ronnie Anne Santiago come on down!

Polly Pain had fire on her eyes with a large smile as she practically jumped out of her seat, landing in the ring.

Polly Pain: Oh Yeah! Finally my turn has arrived!

Ronnie Anne was surrounded by her ominous aura as she vanished and reappeared in the ring with a dark stare.

Announcer: Are you ready?!

The two nodded.

Announcer: Begin!

Polly Pain: Don't think I'll go easy on you because you're a friend! I won't hold anything back!

Ronnie Anne said nothing as Polly Pain ran at her full force, delivering a punch to Ronnie Anne who blocked it with one hand. Polly Pain then proceeded to step up her game by landing a quick assortment of punches and kicks to Ronnie Anne, who was blocking them all with one hand.

Lynn: Polly has gotten a lot faster than ever since last time. But Ronnie Anne is only blocking the attacks with one hand.

Lincoln: Hmm?

Polly Pain: (attacking) C'mon, at least try to fight back Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne: You asked for it.

Ronnie Anne knees Polly in the gut, followed by a kick to the face, making her fly in the air and soon came crashing into the ground on her feet, grunting while holding her stomach while grinning at Ronnie Anne.

Polly Pain: Ok... That's more like it!

Yellow aura surrounded Polly Pain's body as the cheetah martial artist ran swiftly at Ronnie Anne, who was surrounded by black & purple as the two engage in battle.

Announcer: Wow! The incredible speed of Polly Pain is out of this world, folks! But Ronnie Anne isn't letting up either with the black dragon martial artist is countering Polly's moves!

Polly was delivering a cycle of swift kicks to Ronnie Anne but she was dodging them as Polly then low sweeps Ronnie Anne, knocking her off her feet with Polly executing her next move with quick power stomps to the chest and midsection of Ronnie Anne, who grunted in pain.

Polly then picks up Ronnie Anne and deliver a spinning elbow, followed by quick jabs to the face and chest.

Ronnie Anne: Guuuh!!


Yellow aura surrounded Polly's body with the Cheetah spirit roaring as Polly disappeared in a blur and Ronnie Anne was attacked from all sides in a swift yet brutal fashion.

Ronnie Anne: Gaaaaaaaahhh!!!

The Latino woman was sent flying across the ring, hitting the ground.

Announcer: An impressive display by Polly Pain! Ronnie Anne is down but can she continue?!

Polly got into her fighting stance with a grin.

Polly Pain: I know you're not out yet, Ronnie Anne. I wanna fight you at your best so you'll have no excuses when I beat your ass!

Suddenly, the gravity started to weigh a ton throughout the area as Polly sensed the aura coming from Ronnie Anne, who slowly got to her feet with the spiritual imagery of the Black Dragon appearing behind her with an ominous glare. The crowd, even Girl Jordan, Chandler and even Steak Stankco, Anderson, Taylor and Pablo were shocked by Ronnie Anne's terrifying power.

Ronnie Anne lifts up her head to stare at Polly Pain with glowing purple eyes.

Ronnie Anne: Okay then... but remember what I said, You asked for this.

The Black Dragon unleashed a mighty roar which shook the entire arena as the crowd either screamed or was in shock & awe. Polly Pain was overwhelmed by the pressure but stood her ground as she charged at Ronnie Anne as the two trades fierce blows with each other.

Lincoln: It's over...

Lynn: Whatta you mean, Linc?

Lincoln: Polly's done for... Not dead since this is a no killing tournament but the moment Polly burns out her energy, Ronnie Anne will land the final blow...

Lynn: ..... (Looks at the fight) Man, how strong has Ronnie Anne gotten...?

Francisco: More so than you can imagine.

Polly Pain and Ronnie Anne were exchanging decisive attacks to one another, Polly was fighting with everything she's got but Ronnie Anne slowly begins to turn the tides as the Black Dragon martial artist then unloads a fierce combo attacks, finishing it with a straight kick to send Polly crashing into the ground.

Announcer: And Ronnie Anne is unloading her attacks! Things are not looking so good for Polly Pain!

Ronnie Anne noticed Polly slowly getting up.

Ronnie Anne: Endgame.

The Black Dragon unleashed another mighty roar as the purple and black aura surrounded Ronnie Anne's right foot up to her right knee, having Polly right where she wanted her. When Polly was in position, Ronnie Anne charged at her without hesitation to land her final attack.


She connected the attack with Polly's face, unleashing a huge shockwave of black and purple aura, shaking the entire arena as the crowd braced themselves.

Polly Pain: AAAAGGGHHHH!!!

Polly was sent flying out of the ring, landing on the ground, very bruised and unconscious.

Announcer: Unbelievable! Polly Pain has been knocked out by a sinister knee strike to the face! Contestant Ronnie Anne advances!

The crowd cheered loudly while some booed, Steak Stankco, Anderson, Taylor and Pablo were shocked but had their own opinions. Lincoln and the group stared at the unconscious Polly Pain, who was being carried away by medical staff then back at Ronnie Anne, who had a dark scowl as she glared at Lincoln before she walked away.

Liam: Yikes. I hope Polly will be okay. That black dragon knee strike ain't nothin' to play with.

Clyde: Yeah, Ronnie Anne's put a lot of martial artists away with that move, ended their careers but now that the move is stronger... it'll be a miracle if Polly ever fights again.

Lincoln and Lynn: ......

Lynn: Lincoln, What is up with her? And she keeps giving you the evil eye too.

Lincoln: I might know but I have to talk with her alone about it later.


Announcer: Alright! What a great fight between Polly Pain and Ronnie Anne, huh folks?! Anyways, it's time for the next round! Up next, representing the hazelturkey martial arts school alongside Anderson and Taylor..... PABLO!

The glasses wearing Jackal martial artist was accompanied by Anderson and Taylor with smug grins as the crowd boos them but the three Jackal martial artists didn't care.

Anderson: Bring the loser who's gonna lose to my friend here!

Pablo: Yeah!

Before the announcer could answer, two figures entered the ring with microphones in hand. One was a tall man with light fair skin, a slight athletic build, short black hair and was wearing a black business like martial arts attire and shoes. And the second was a tall woman with light fair skin, a beautiful figure, long brown hair, yellow earrings & was wearing a split legged Chinese red dress, a pink scarls & black high heels.

Black haired man: Ladies & Gentlemen! My name is Doug and this beautiful woman right here (Points to the brown haired woman) is Michelle and we are the martial artist managers! Every martial artist we've had as clients names rose to the top & our new client will be participating in this round!

The crowd cheered loudly while some booed.

Taylor: (rolls her eyes) Whatever, just bring the worthless fighter out here so Pablo can wipe the floor with him or her.

Pablo: Yeah. I'm gonna dominate the loser.

Doug and Michelle shared a laugh.

Michelle: Hahaha! (Smiles) You're gonna dominate our client?! We got jokes here, you three Jackals are good fighters but you're not better nor are you legendary.

Anderson: (angry) What do you say?!

Doug: Did we stutter? All we see are a couple of low class punks, if you were to sign with us then you'd be discovered and be legendary martial artists known across the land but I see you three are just... irrelevant, unworthy of our time.

Anderson, Taylor and Pablo growled furiously.

Lynn: (drinking a beverage) Man, those three idiots veins on their foreheads are about to pop.

Clyde: I wonder who is this client they're talking about?

Ava: Yeah. He or she must be a big deal.

Michelle: You three are good fighters but that's just it, I can tell you now that you jackal martial artists think you run this place like the forest but you jackals... no... you pups are nothing compared to our client, a real brutalizer, a bloodthirsty predator and the TRUE Alpha of the pack!

Pablo, Anderson and Taylor snapped.


Anderson and Taylor: YEAH!!!

Doug: (grins) Ask and you shall receive... Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce you to our client, THE ULTIMATE ALPHA, THE MERCILESS PREDATOR AND TORMENTOR!!!

Michelle: Here she is.... LUNA LOUD!!

Lincoln's eyes widened while Lynn spat out her drink at a random member of the crowd.

Man: Hey!

A tall, light fair skinned woman appeared in the ring, walking up to Doug and Michelle, who had smug grins while Anderson, Taylor and Pablo had angry scowls. To Lincoln, Lynn and the crowd's surprise, the woman was indeed Luna Loud, alive.

Luna was very tall, had short brown hair in a sharp pixie cut, purple eyeshadow, fangs and has a beautiful, curvaceous figure with some muscle. She was wearing a black choker around her neck, a tattered white gi with black & dark purple logo of a howling wolf on the left side, bandages wrapped around her massive bust underneath, purple bandages wrapped around her hands, black side sash, black and purple side striped stretchy shorts & purple bandages wrapped around her bare feet. She also has soulless, violet red eyes and various claw mark scars on parts of her body.

The group noticed the shocked expressions of Lincoln and Lynn,  seeing one of their sisters who they thought was dead, standing there among the living.

Lincoln: .....

Lynn: Luna's alive...?! But how? The guards told us that she along with the rest of the family were killed!

Doug: That's right people, one of the louds who was believed to be perished in the attack on the Loud palace but she's alive & well. With our teachings, she was molded into the ultimate fighting machine!

The crowd was shocked but gave some cheers.

Michelle: (whispers in Luna's ear) You got this Luna, don't just beat him... break him into a million pieces.

Luna's soulless eyes glowed as she nodded. Doug, Michelle, Anderson and Taylor left the ring so the match can start.

Announcer: Are you ready?!

Pablo and Luna nodded.

Announcer: Begin!

Pablo got into his fighting stance while Luna stood there, staring a hole through her opponent.

Pablo: (smug grin) So you're one of the weak louds who supposedly died in an attack years back from what I've heard.

Luna: ......

Pablo: Are you scared of me? You ain't speaking so that must be terrified. Awww, is the so called true Alpha terrified?

Luna: ......

Pablo: Not much of a talker, huh? Are you going to attack, freak?

Luna: ......

Pablo: Well if you're not gonna make a move then I will!

The glasses wearing Jackal martial artist ran towards Luna with a wide grin as he delivers a punch to the face!

Announcer: And Pablo makes the first move!

Pablo: How do you like this?!

Pablo then begins to attacking Luna with quick strikes but the wolf martial artist only stood there and took it.

Anderson: Hahaha! That's it! Show that so called true Alpha what for!

Taylor: (Turns to Doug and Michelle; smug grin) Your dumb client ain't so tough now, huh?! You're just all talk and she's weak!

Doug had a smug smile which Michelle had a sinister grin.

Michelle: I'm afraid that you're gravely mistaken....

Taylor was confused as she watched the fight between Pablo and Luna. Pablo was attacking Luna with all his might but soon, Luna caught the punch and proceeds to squeeze Pablo's hand.

Pablo: Aaagggh!! Hey! Let go of me!

Michelle: Now Luna... Break him, slowly and painfully.

Luna's face twisted into a monstrous grin as she flips Pablo into the ground with an earth shattering thud.

Pablo: Ack!

Anderson and Taylor were shocked while Doug and Michelle grinned.

Announcer: And Luna finally goes on the offensive!

Pablo groans as he got up, seeing luna's monstrous grin which made him quickly back away to recollect himself. The glasses wearing Jackal martial artist saw the look in her eyes, they weren't soulless & calm anymore... they were full of grave malice and murderous intent. Pablo shook his head to not give into fear as he glared angrily at Luna.

Pablo: You'll pay for that!

Red aura surrounded his body as a spiritual imagery of a menacing jackal appeared. Pablo charged at Luna to deliver some punches and kicks but Luna blocked each one and countered with strong & brutal hits to overwhelm him.

Anderson had a surprised yet angry look that his friend was getting beaten, same with Taylor. Luna gave a straight shot to the face, breaking Pablo's glasses & knocking them right off his face, delivers a claw strike across the chest, grabs him & judo flips him to the ground while backflipping and landing her foot on the ten fingers of Pablo.


Lynn: Oof! A shot to the ten digits.

Lincoln: .....

Pablo slowly go up, trying to get the feeling back in his fingers as he growled furiously at Luna.

Pablo: Grrrrr!!! That's it, I'm not gonna let a freak like you humiliate me like this! (Hands glowed red) Prepare yourselves for ultimate attack, JACKAL STRAIGHT FANG BLADE!!!!

Pablo ran at Luna, placing both glowing hands together and with a battle cry, driving the joined palms like a blade into the chest of Luna, a red shockwave going through her back.

The crowd was shocked, Anderson and Taylor grinned at Pablo's work.

Announcer: Pablo comes back with a lethal strike to the chest of Luna!!

Lynn: Luna!

Lincoln: .....

Tabby: That strike really got her!

Haiku: Sigh... look again.

The group look closer as Pablo grinned that his attack did damage but then... his grin slowly faded away as the attack only got left a mere scratch while Luna staring at him with a large, scary grin.

Pablo: (in his mind) I don't understand. My Jackal Straight Fang Blade does tremendous amount of damage to my opponents and it only gave Loud here a mere scratch?! How... strong is she?!

Luna grabs Pablo's hands which got him out of his thoughts, eyes widening in fear as Luna opens her mouth and bites him on the side of his face, earning a loud scream from the guy.


Anderson and Taylor: What the hell?!

The crowd had mixed reactions while Lincoln and Lynn were surprised by luna's sudden savage behavior. Pablo managed to get Luna off him while backing away, clutching the side of his face which had a bleeding bite mark while looking at Luna, who had Pablo's blood falling from her mouth with a large, scary grin.

Pablo: She... she's crazy.

Luna: Raaaaaagghhh!!!

Luna charged at Pablo and brutally attacks him, Pablo fought back to get some shots at the wolf martial artist but Luna knocks him back, leaps up and delivers a flying kick aimed directly at Pablo's left leg, greatly fracturing it.


As Pablo fell grabbing his hurt leg, Luna got on her knees and grabs Pablo's fractured leg and repeatedly strikes it with a solid elbow as Pablo yelled in agony.

Lynn: Whoa...

Lincoln: Hmmmm...?

Luna stops and stands up while still gripping the injured leg of Pablo & twists it clean around, breaking it.


Pablo was shedding tears while screaming in pain. Luna then proceeded to pick Pablo up and smash his face in with strong punches and kicks, Pablo then begins to plead for mercy.... mercy Luna did not bestow upon him.

Ava: Was your sister always this brutal?

Lynn: No. She is a laid back yet wild brawler type martial artist but I've never seen Luna this brutal before.

Girl Jordan: My god....

Chandler: Well someone's going to be mauled.

Lincoln: (in his mind) Something's not right about luna... like she's a complete different person...

Clyde: She might be going overboard. I get that Pablo is one of those jerks that deserve their own comeuppance but this... isn't the way to do it. If things aren't kept in order, Luna could end up killing him...

Luna was now on top of Pablo as she was repeatedly punching in his face in and ramming his face into the ground. Pablo tried to crawl away from her but Luna picks him up, lifts him over her shoulder and spins him around and around and around and so on until Luna drives Pablo back first into her knees on impact!


Luna throws Pablo to the side.

Announcer: And Luna is mercilessly beating Pablo down! This is unbelievably chaotic here, folks!

Pablo: T-That's it! I give up! I-I give up!!

Announcer: (Walks towards Pablo) Do you not want to continue?

Pablo: I quit! I QUIT!!! Just get that crazy woman away from m-m-me!!

Announcer: Well you hear him here, folks! Pablo wishes not to continue so winner by forfeit, Contestant Luna!

The crowd cheered or booed loudly while Anderson and Taylor were fuming that Pablo lost to Luna. Doug and Michelle smirked at their client's victory but they and Luna weren't satisfied yet.

Michelle: (eyes glowed violet red: whispers) Luna, good work. You've already broken his body & confidence... now break his spirit.

Luna's violet red eyes glowed as she let out a loud howl with dark purple and black aura erupted out of her body, A spiritual imagery of a large & ominous dark wolf with bloodthirsty violet red eyes fixated on it's prey.

Lynn: What is Luna doing?! The match is over!

Lincoln: What a monstrous aura...


Luna's roar then commanded her Wolf Spirit to advance towards Pablo and the Announcer. The Announcer saw what was coming and immediately ran off while Pablo sees the Wolf Spirit approaching but couldn't escape as his leg was broken.

Soon, Luna's Wolf Spirit savagely mauled Pablo, whose screams of agony echoed throughout the tournament arena while the crowd had mixed or horrified expressions about this. Luna then stopped as her Wolf Spirit retracted back in her body, Pablo was down and out, bloody and completely maimed but alive.

Clyde: Oh man...

Liam: She pulverized him even after she won by forfeit...

Haiku and Maggie: .....

Taylor was completely shocked by what just happened to Pablo while Anderson was at his anger limit.

Anderson: THAT'S IT! SHE'S DEAD!

Anderson jumps the crowd barricade and runs towards Luna while Taylor followed after him to give Luna payback.

Doug: Not a good move for those punks to barge in.

Michelle: Yeah, hehehe.

Anderson tries to attack Luna, who saw it coming as she knocks him away with a spinning back kick. Taylor attempts to strike her but Luna ducks underneath and wrapped her arms around her neck, proceeding choke Taylor out.

Taylor struggled but the more she did, the tighter luna's grip on her neck became as Luna spins her around like a rag doll. Anderson slowly got up and saw Luna choking out Taylor, who was losing unconscious. Anderson angrily charged at Luna to attack her to get the wolf martial artist to release Taylor but Luna wasn't budging.

Anderson: (attacking Luna) Let go of her, you crazy b***h!

Luna then released the now unconscious Taylor and turns around as Anderson was in her face.

Anderson: (angry) Who do you think you are?! (Slaps Luna) Who do you think you are, huh?! (Punches her) You ain't bad! You ain't nothing-

Luna grabs Anderson by the neck, knees him in the stomach repeatedly and slams him chest first into the ground.

Anderson: Aaagghh!!!

Luna then got on her knees and sinks her fangs into Anderson, biting the back of his neck while Anderson yelled in panic and agony.

Chandler: She's biting him like a rabid dog.

Tabby: More like a wolf eating it's prey.

Lincoln and Lynn: ......

Anderson soon stopped screaming as he passed out from shock with Luna releasing him, a scary grin full of Anderson's blood spread across her face while Doug and Michelle approached her.

Doug: Great work Luna. That's our protege.

Michelle: Now that win deserves a reward. Let's get a feast prepared for you, come on.

Luna's murderous smile vanished and returned to it's soulless scowl as she followed Doug and Michelle while the medical staff tend to Pablo, Anderson and Taylor.

Lynn: I'm gonna go follow them.

Lincoln: No, not yet. We don't know what the two are planning and the cause of luna's strange behavior but we're not gonna charge in head on. We need to take a stealthy approach and once we find evidence, only then we can exposed what Doug and Michelle are doing & help Luna out.

Lynn: Fine.

Announcer: Well everyone... we'll take another 10 minute break until further notice but rest assured that the tournament will still be a spectacular one!!

To be continued....

(Here's my sketch of Luna Loud after 11 years.)

1. Luna Loud (older/alive)

(Chapter 22 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it as well as my Luna sketch. More matches on the way, more new fighters are coming, what's up with Ronnie Anne? Can Lincoln and Lynn found out what's the cause of the revealed alive Luna's strange & killer behavior? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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