Chapter 21: Let the Tournament Begin!

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming! We shall now reveal the brackets for the supreme martial arts tournament round ups!

The crowd cheered loudly.

Announcer: The winner of the tournament will receive a prize money of 9 million, second place gets 1 million, third and fourth 100 thousand and last 1 thousand. This'll be a no killing or cheating fight, anyone caught will be out of the tournament! Now on to the first match!

The crowd cheered as the announcer show the first match on the brackets.

Announcer: Contestants Cristina and Steak Stankco, step forward!

Lincoln, Lynn, Clyde, Polly Pain, Tabby, Liam, Francisco, Ava, Haiku, Maggie and Ronnie Anne watched along with the rest of the crowd as two fighters stepped up to the ring.

Steak Stankco was a tall man with slight tan skin, freckles, a black mohawk and was very muscular. He was wearing a black and army green gi with a black belt, bandages wrapped around his hands and black boots. He had a smug grin on his face as he was ready for a fight.

Cristina was a slightly tall woman with fair skin, curly brown hair, pearl earrings and has a beautiful figure. She was wearing a black and golden yellow gi with a black sash, black wristbands and black shoes.

Announcer: And Begin!

Steak: (smug grin) You ready to get your ass kicked, loser? Woman or Man, I hurt everybody all together. 

Cristina: (gets into her fighting stance; serious face) Are you going to talk big or are you going to fight?

Steak: (growls in annoyance) Fine but don't come crying to me if I break something of yours!

An army green aura surrounded Steak as a spiritual imagery of an Ape appeared, pounding it's chest with fists & a roar as Steak charges at Cristina, trading blows with her.

Lynn: This fight may be interesting.

Liam: Let's hope the lady doesn't become Steak's next victim.

Lincoln: Whatta you mean?

Ava: Steak Stankco is the son of Warlord Stan Stankco, a brutal martial artist with a heart of malice.

Polly Pain: The Ape Spirit knows no bounds as the Warlord Stan once leveled an entire army & ended a lot of martial artists careers & lives. Like father, like son... Steak here has a 299-0 winning streak, no one has beaten him in a fight.

Lincoln: I see...

Lynn: Well that might end today, either the woman will beat him or I will.

Back to the fight, Cristina and Steak were attacking one another as the curly haired woman dodges an uppercut and lands a solid kick to Steak's neck which stuns him but he quickly recovered as he grabbed her leg.

Steak: Heh. Nice try.

Steak proceeds to slam Cristina into the ground with great force, making the woman grunt. Steak smirks as he then grips Cristina's leg and spins her around like a lasso.

Steak: Just tell me when & I'll slam you down, hahaha!

Cristina: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! 

He kept spinning her around until he throws her into the air as Cristina then soon landed on her feet, golden yellow aura radiating from her body.

Cristina: Haaaaaaaa!!!

A spiritual imagery of a Pegasus appeared, which let out a loud war neigh as Cristina charges at Steak and delivers an assortment of combo attacks to the large man, followed by a smack to his face and an axe kick below his head, slamming him into the ground with a large thud.

Lincoln: Wow, She has a Pegasus spirit.

Lynn: You don't see anyone with that animal spirit everyday, I heard only three people possess the Pegasus animal and it looks like we found one of them.

Haiku: Quite a majestic spirit.

Polly Pain: I wonder if it's strong?

Cristina backs up and got in a defensive stance, waiting for her opponent to get up. Steak slowly begins to get up from the rubble, having an angry look on his face and a large bruise on his forehead.

Steak: Grrrr... you're going to wish you haven't done that, winged horse b***h!!

Cristina: Okay then... allow me to hurt you even worse, jerk.

Cristina runs at Steak, who readies a fist to smash her but Cristina dodges the attack, going in a majestic twirling motion and unleashing a swift display of kicks to Steak.

Cristina: Pegasus Hurricane kick!

Steak stumbles back, growling in anger as he attempts to fight back against Cristina's speed with his strength.

Francisco: Man, she's destroying him.

Lynn: I know, this Cristina woman's got this in the bag.

Lincoln stares at the fight between two martial artists, though Cristina was taking the fight to Steak, the white haired man's eyes narrowed as he felt like something doesn't seem right.

Haiku: You see it too, don't you?

Lincoln and the others turn to Haiku.

Maggie: What are you talking about?

Lincoln: Whatta you mean?

Haiku: Cristina's giving it all she's got in the fight and dealing out damage to Steak but... I sense his aura building up within as he's taken damage.

Lincoln: Like he wants to be attacked...

Haiku: Correct.

Ava: So you're saying that Steak is baiting Cristina? But she's owning him right now.

Lynn: Yeah. That Mohawk Ape is getting his ass handed to him.

Haiku: Steak may be an arrogant brute but he isn't stupid, he's planning an attack to end the match.

Lincoln then sees the angry grin on Steak's face as Cristina continues to attack him. The aura of Steak started to surface as Cristina senses it and hold off her attack, backing away from him.

Steak: Hahahaha! Thanks for the Warm up lady, that was really something but now... (grins evilly) I think I'm getting bored of you.

Cristina: Warm up?

Steak: (angry grins widens) That actually hurt though, not gonna lie though. You pack a punch but... this move is gonna more than just hurt you, it's going to break you.

Steak let out a loud roar as he started beating his chest with his fists like an Ape as everyone felt his immense aura skyrocketing to the surface. Cristina got into a defensive fighting stance, her eyes widening in shock of Steak's menacing aura.

Cristina: (in her mind) He was baiting me to attack him all this time...? This is unacceptable, I need to end this now before he tries to attack.

Golden aura formed all over Cristina's body as she leaps up in the air, spreading her arms wide with spiritual imagery of Pegasus wings appeared over her arms. She then flies directly at Steak with her next attack.

Cristina: Sacred Pegasus Blight Kick!!

Cristina executes the attack at Steak, who had a wide grin and counters Cristina's move with a mighty tackle to the abdomen of Cristina, earning a pained groan from the woman.


Steak wasn't done as he grips Cristina by her waist and flips her over his head, not letting go until he jumps up into the air, his army green aura intensifying as he came crashing down and slams Cristina into the tournament ring with a giant thud.

Steak: Ape Meteor Bomb!!!

Cristina: Ack!

The crowd was shocked, even the group minus Lynn, Lincoln, Haiku and Ronnie Anne from Steak's monstrous power and strength as the arena was shaking from the pressure. The smoke started to clears to reveal Steak standing up with his head held high with a smug grin, looking down at Cristina, now lying down in a large crater, damaged and unconscious.

Announcer: Cristina is unable to continue, Steak advances!

Steak: (raised his arm in victory) Heh, easy as pie. She wasn't even a challenge for me.

Haiku: Sigh... and there's his 300th victory.

Lincoln narrowed his eyes while Lynn growled. The others had different expressions about the outcome of the match. Steak then looks down at the unconscious Cristina, his grin widening evilly.

Steak: I ain't done with you yet. Here's a reminder of what will happen if you try to fight me again. (Forms a fist with army green aura radiating off it)

Steak brings his fist down to sent a fatal message to Cristina but his attack was stopped by Lynn and Lincoln, blocking the fist with their hands.

Steak: What the?!

Lincoln: .....

Lynn: .....

Steak pulls back his fist and glares at the loud martial artists.

Steak: Hey! What are you doing stepping into my business?!

Lincoln: (cold tone) Trying to strike someone when they can't fight back anymore, I despise people like you. You already won the match now run along or else.

Steak: Tch! Or else what? Do you know who I am? Do you know what I do to people who want to step up to me?

Lynn: (glares) I. Don't. Give. A. Damn. Leave or We'll show you what the loud martial artists are capable of.

Steak suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, sensing the auras of Lynn and Lincoln as well as the spiritual imagery of the Tiger and the Dragon.

Steak: (in his mind) These two are one of the few people who possess the Tiger and the Dragon spirit...? (Shakes his head; hiding his shock with a smug grin) Hmph, whatever. You two aren't even worth my time right now so I'll let the woman go but next time you two wimps won't be so lucky.

Steak then walks away. Lincoln then picks up the unconscious Cristina.

Lincoln: I'll take her to the infirmary, I'll be back.

Lynn: Got it.

Lincoln takes Cristina to get her wounds treated, unaware that Ronnie Anne was watching from the crowd with narrowed eyes.


Announcer: And now for the second match to begin, contestants Rusty Spokes and... The Blind Fighter? Ok... will you both step forward!

The crowd watched as two fighters stepped up to the ring. Rusty Spokes was a slightly tall man with fair skin full of freckles, slightly skinny with a bit of athleticism, wild, curly & messy orange hair and buck teeth. He was wearing a lime green and orange sleeveless gi with a black belt, armbands and shoes.

The blind fighter was a slightly short woman with a beautiful & curvaceous figure. She was wearing a bamboo coolie hat with a black and white mask that covered her mouth, a black and gray bodysuit with ninja armor, a black belt, armbands and boots while carrying two swords on her back. She was staring at her opponent with pure, white and pale blue eyes.

Announcer: And begin!

Rusty: So you're my opponent, huh? I must say that you are quite the badass/gorgeous ninja lady.

The blind fighter said nothing.

Rusty: So how about after I win, you and I go on a date?

The blind fighter still wasn't saying a word.

Rusty: Not saying a word, eh? C'mon, don't tell me that a busty ninja women like you wouldn't want to go out with a strong warrior like me?

The crowd had deadpan looks, even Lynn and the group as everyone knows of Rusty, a good fighter but a self proclaimed ladies man who get rejected or his ass kicked by any female martial artists he hits on and/or their boyfriends.

The blind fighter removes her blades and throws them to the announcer, who barely caught them.

Rusty: Okay then, if you don't want to answer, then let's fight!

Orange aura formed all over Rusty's body as he got into his fighting stance, a spiritual imagery of a falcon appeared with a mighty screech. He charges at the blind fighter, engaging in combat. He delivers an assortment of quick punches to the blind fighter, who counters Rusty's attack with her own with little effort.

The two then separated from each other and jumped into the air, attacking one another with quick punches and kicks as the blind fighter was overwhelming Rusty with her own near instantaneous strikes.

Ava: Whoa...

Liam: Look at the swift gears of those attacks.

Haiku: Sigh... quite a ninja master. Wicked.

Back to the fight, the blind fighter was dodging Rusty's hits, grabs his arm and flips him over, Rusty managed to land on his feet and leaps back into the air, his falcon spirit arising.

Rusty: Try this on for size, FALCON'S BICYCLE TALON BARRAGE!!!

Rusty fires at the blind fighter with a flurry of quick bicycle kicks, knocking the wind out of her in the abdomen before sending plummeting into the ground with a thud. The crowd gasped in awe of the attack as Rusty lands back on the ground.

Rusty: Oh Yeah! I win! Announcer, check her out cause I knocked her out! Wooohoooo!! I'm Awesome!

Announcer: Uhh.. okay.

The Announcer went to check if the blind fighter was conscious or couldn't continue. But before he got any closer, the women's body suddenly exploded into mist.

Announcer: W-What?! (Backs away)

Rusty: What the?! Where did she-

Suddenly, a stream of black and gray aura erupted behind Rusty as he slowly turns around to see what's up until he was frozen in fear at what he saw. It was a large Bat spirit with ominous red eyes which shrouded the blind fighter, who's white and pale blue eyes became black and a sinsiter red.

Rusty: Uhhh... I retract my statement of asking you, s-seeing that you're not interested and just t-terrifying. So... friends maybe? Eh...?

His answer was a punch to the face, followed by an uppercut as the blind fighter glided to the air, delivers a swift motions of palm strikes and kicks before finishing it with a downward spin kick to the gut of Rusty, driving him into the ground with a thud.

Rusty: Guuh!

Francisco: Whoa...

Maggie: I like her style.

Haiku: Same.

Lynn: He got knocked out into next week.

Rusty's eyes bugged out wide as he lost consciousness.

Announcer: And Rusty is unable to continue, The Blind Fighter advances!

The Blind Fighter retrieved her katanas and walked away while the medical staff take the unconscious Rusty to the infirmary.

Lynn: I gotta admit that ninja woman has some great skills and that Bat spirit is strong and creepy, it reminds me of lucy... (has a sullen look at her mentioning her late little sister)


Soon, Lincoln returned from the infirmary and took his seat next to Lynn and the others.

Lincoln: I'm back, what did I miss?

Maggie: Just a fight between a fighter named Rusty and a fighter called the Blind Fighter.

Lincoln: Oh Rusty, the self proclaimed ladies man?

Clyde: Yeah. Good Fighter but Bad at trying to ask out Girls. He possesses the Falcon Spirit and was fairing okay but in the end, he lost to the Bat Spirit of that woman there.

Clyde points to the Blind Fighter, who was sitting in a seat on the other side of the crowd. Lincoln got a good look at the ninja woman and sensed a chilling aura from her.

Lincoln: I see. There is a very dark aura coming from her.

Polly Pain: Time for the next match, hope I'm next!

Tabby: Already raring to go too, huh? Same here!

Liam: Now, now. We'll all get a turn in the tournament rounds sooner or later.

Announcer: Alright! Time for the third match, contestants Chandler and Girl Jordan...? Is that her nickname? Oh well, come on down!

Two fighters approached the ring.

Girl Jordan was a slightly tall woman with fair skin, light brown hair tied in a braid, small pearl earrings and possesses a beautiful figure with a larger chest, rear and some muscles not too big but not too small either. She was wearing a black sleeveless leotard with gold and blue chest armor with a symbol of a Bear Paw on it, a yellow sash, waist armor, gold and blue gauntlets and thigh length black boots.

Chandler was a slightly tall man with fair skin, freckles, slightly long red hair and has an average muscular physique. He was wearing a black headband, a black gi with a red belt, fingerless gloves and black shoes. 

Lynn: Wow... do you feel the aura off these two?

Francisco: Yeah.

Haiku: Jordan and Chandler, two very formidable martial artists in their own way.

Polly Pain: Chandler is a member of the McCann Martial arts academy, he may talk the talk but he can walk the walk. Chandler's a cunning & very  experienced fighter, has taken down many martial artists and possesses the Snake Spirit, model: King Cobra.

Liam: And Girl Jordan here is a hier to the Amazonian Martial Arts Academy, she is a real tough woman and isn't someone to mess with. Girl Jordan possesses the Polar Bear Spirit and boy, her strength is terrifying sight to behold to anyone who fought her.

Announcer: And begin!

Chandler and Girl Jordan get into their fighting stances.

Chandler: Alright, are you ready to do this? I won't go easy on ya because you're a woman.

Girl Jordan: Same here.

Chandler smirks as he charges at Girl Jordan, he throws a couple of swift punches and kicks to the abdomen of the Amazonian Martial Artist. Girl Jordan grunts but caught the next kick with one arm and proceeds to slam her left fist into Chandler's gut before picking him up and throwing him across the ring. 

Lynn: Whoa... look at the strength of Girl Jordan there!

Lincoln: I see.

Chandler managed to land on his feet and bounced back, running at Girl Jordan, who aims a punch at him but Chandler jumps out of the way and hits an assortment of reverse bicycle kicks to the back of Girl Jordan followed by a spin kick to her head, knocking her to her knees as Chandler vanished and appeared in front of her.

Chandler: C'mon, I was hoping for an interesting match, don't tell me that you're all tired already, heheheh!

Girl Jordan: Don't count me out yet!

Girl Jordan tackled him as Chandler tried to elbow her head in but Girl Jordan switched positions and nails Chandler with a German Suplex. She then picks Chander up and hits him a few times before Chandler struck her with a throat chop, making the woman grab her throat while coughing.

Chandler smirks as blue green aura shrouded his body, the spirit of the Cobra appearing as he was getting into a strange fighting stance while his eyes became sharp like a snake. Then Chandler struck Girl Jordan with a gatling of quick strikes, making the Amazonian Martial artist yell out in pain while feeling the effects of the attack.

Ava: Oh man... I felt dizzy looking at that attack.

Polly Pain: That's Chandler's way of fighting, to be as quick, cunning and deadly as a Cobra.

Girl Jordan fell to her knees as she felt her shoulders dislocated from the attack of the grinning Chandler.

Chandler: How do you like my Cobra Venom Striker? If the attack hit your vital organs, you would be dead in a heartbeat but I only attacked you to give you a small dose of its power, rendering your limbs numb, disabled or broken.

Girl Jordan growls.

Chandler: So is this all you have? If it is, quit now while you still can.

Girl Jordan: Grrrrr... Never, Raaaah!

Navy blue aura erupted from Girl Jordan's body as she yelled, a spiritual imagery of a Polar Bear letting out a fierce roar while Girl Jordan flexed her muscles, the sound of bones popping as she relocated her shoulders back in place.

Polly Pain: Whoa!

Lynn: By flexing, she popped her dislocated bones back in place? That's hardcore!

Chandler: (smirks) I guess you aren't just a pretty face.

Girl Jordan: (smiles) Heh, now it's my turn to have a little fun.

Girl Jordan then lunges at Chandler, nailing him in the face with her elbow. The red haired grunts as he backs away to gain some distance but Girl Jordan wasn't going to let Chandler slither his way out, she hits some wide palm strikes upon the red haired martial artist before putting him in a headlock and kneeing him in the gut, followed by letting him go and reverse elbowing him in the face.

Girl Jordan didn't let up as she put her hands together in a claw like motion, nails glowing ice blue with her navy blue aura radiating from her body.

Girl Jordan: Frost Art: Polar Bear Ice Claw!!

Girl Jordan struck the attack to Chandler's chest, making the red haired man yell out in pain as he was sent falling to the ground with great force.

Lincoln: She's very strong.

Lynn: That Polar Bear Spirit ain't no one's fool.

Haiku: Indeed, Girl Jordan is as strong as they come. Underestimate her and it's all over.

Girl Jordan watched as Chandler slowly gets up, the front of his gi tattered a bit with claw marks on his chest from Girl Jordan's attack while he holds his side.

Chandler: Ouch... that really hurt, it was like being stabbed with a couple of sharp icicles.

Girl Jordan: Yep. So, still got some fight in ya?

Chandler chuckles.

Chandler: (fighting atance) Now we're talking... a real challenge. Come at me and I'll show what happens when you get near a Cobra, you'll get the venomous fangs.

Girl Jordan: (fighting stance) Very well, never underestimate a Polar Bear's strength cause the Cobra's head will be ripped off.

The two were about to go at it again but all of nowhere, 8 masked figures jumped into the tournament ring and attacked Girl Jordan and Chandler, much to the Crowd's surprise.

Announcer: What's going on here?! It appears that 8 masked figures are attacking Girl Jordan and Chandler! Why? What is this?!

Lynn: What the hell?!

Lincoln: Lynn, Look!

Lynn took a good look as she saw the emblem of the backs of the 8 figures... a symbol of the Scarlet Dragon.

Lynn: (growls) they're in league with the Scarlet Dragon Clan!

Ava: What?!

Clyde and Liam: Oh no...

Tabby: Why are they here?!

Francisco: They're attacking Girl Jordan and Chandler! Let's give them a hand!

Lincoln, Lynn, Clyde, Haiku, Liam, Tabby, Maggie, Ava, Polly Pain, Francisco and Ronnie Anne jumped into the tournament ring and helped Girl Jordan and Chandler fight off the 8 masked figures of the Scarlet Dragon Clan.

Announcer: And some competiters jumped in to assist Girl Jordan and Chandler! And it looks like they're driving off the 8 masked men!

The numbers now overwhelming them, the 8 masked figures of the Scarlet Dragon Clan disappeared in a large cloud of red smoke.

Lincoln: Damn it!

Lynn: They got away!

Ronnie Anne: Grrrrrr...!!

The crowd was in shock at what happened.

Announcer: Uhhhh... I'm not sure what just happened but the fight between Girl Jordan and Chandler will end in a tie! We shall take a 10 minute break until further notice to get back to the next round of fights, take care everyone!

To be continued...

(Chapter 21 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! Sorry if it's been so long since I updated this story. Three fights have been shown along with a sudden attack from the Scarlet Dragons. Also, Chandler won't be the bad guy in this story, he'll be in an ally and rival to the group, including Lincoln. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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