Chapter 17: 11 years passed pt 2: We finally meet again
We cut to the calm, peacful forest where we see someone leaping and jumping from tree branch to tree branch as the figure jumped high and landed in the middle of an isolated field.
The figure was revealed to be an older lincoln loud, the Dragon warrior. He was wearing a sleeveless black shirt and pants with a white, orange and gold ninja armor, a equipped belt with the silver dragon emblem, gauntlets and armored boots.
He then looks around, seeing that it was quite peaceful in these woods. Upon noticing a large boulder, he leaps up and lands on top of the large boulder as he sat in a lotus position while beginning to meditate.
Lincoln: (in his mind) I'll be waiting for you right here... 11 years have passed and I hope to see you stronger than ever, lynn.
Then hours and hours have gone by as lincoln continues to meditate with his orange aura shrouding his body. He heard footsteps, thinking it was lynn but no... he heard more than one as he slowly opened his eyes, he sees not his sister but a school of bandits armed with daggers or katanas, all with smug grins.
Lincoln: sigh... bandits.
Bandit 1: give us your money...
Lincoln: or...?
Bandit 2: (smirks menacingly) we kill you, slice up your arms and legs and take it.
Lincoln smirks as he chuckled, much to the bandit's confusion and anger. He gets up from the large boulder, still chuckling.
Bandit 3: what's so funny?!
Lincoln: that threat would've been intimidating if you guys were... well intimidating, hehehe.
Bandit 1: (angry) are you mocking us?!
Lincoln: oh nononononono... (smirks) ...yeah.
Bandit 1: get him!
The bandits rush lincoln, who simply stood there as they tried to stab him but he kept evading them, much to their annoyance.
Bandit 1: stop moving!
Bandit 2: let us stab you!
Lincoln: (dodging) I'm gonna go with no...
Lincoln vanished.
Bandit 3: where'd he go?!
The bandits looked around until they saw lincoln standing there, sword drawn.
Lincoln: come at me.
The bandits became enraged and lunged at lincoln, wanting to kill him as the white haired dragon warrior lunged at them, sword drawn. The screen fades to black, illuminated with a couple of orange slashes as we cut back to lincoln, with his back turned to the bandits, who stood there for a moment until they fell to the ground with sword wounds, lifeless.
Lincoln: that takes care of them.
He then hears giant footsteps as lincoln turns around to see two familiar huge bandits carrying spiked clubs.
???: did you guys find any loot-what the?!
???: what happened to our men?!
They see lincoln standing a few feet away from the lifeless bodies of bandits.
Lincoln: so you two giant ogres are their leaders, right?
???: (angry) what did you say, punk?! Do you know who we are?!
Lincoln: should I care?
???: you should! We're hawk and hank, the toughest and feared bandits known as the bone devastators.
Lincoln: oh my god... you're hawk and hank? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Hawk: (angry) what are you laughing for?! You should be scared of us!!
Lincoln: (grins) I see you've changed in appearance but not in mind and spirit, seems like you've learned nothing from your exile from the sapphire dragon academy.
Hank: how did you-waaaiit a second... (looking at lincoln for a moment until realization hit him) you're that white haired shrimp from the academy!!!
Lincoln: and you're the big, tough numbskulls who got their asses handed to them by a couple of 'shrimps' who were way stronger than you two put together.
Hawk: (furious) those weaklings got lucky! And it's them, yours and your sister's fault for getting us kicked out of the academy!
Lincoln: don't blame us for something that you two couldn't get through your thick skulls, luck has nothing to do with it... you lost to the students in the academy but you would beat them up when their backs were turned, you lost to my sister lynn and francisco and finally... you lost to ronnie anne. You two are highly outclassed.
Hank and hawk were now fuming mad as hot steam shot out of their nose and ears.
Lincoln: (serious) look, I'm waiting for my big sister and you two aren't worth my time, now why don't you two run off before you end up like your friends here.
Hawk: (furious) THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DEAD!!!
Hawk and hank lunged at lincoln, who seems unfazed by this as he stood there. Then a terrifyingly powerful aura made its presence known, making hawk and hank stop in their tracks, chills going down their spines.
Hawk: w-what the hell...?!
Hank: what... is t-that chill?!
Then a rough female voice spoke.
???: you know I don't appreciate people trying to bully my little brother... so how about you guys fight me?
Hawk and hank slowly turn around to see a woman standing on top of the large boulder but that was no ordinary woman... it was the Tiger warrior, lynn loud jr.
The highly athletic martial artist was wearing a black top underneath her red and gold warriors shoulder armor with four curved spikes wrapped with her golden tiger emblem on the chest area, gauntlets, a slim black short trunks underneath her waist warriors armor with a special belt of a tiger's eye and fangs, kneepads and armored boots.
She was staring down at hawk and hank with a cold look. Lincoln, who was standing there, was happy to see his big sister again. Lynn hopped off the boulder and landed in front of hawk and hank.
Hawk: (angry) you!!
Hank: (angry) we'll smash you!!
The two bandits swung their spike clubs at lynn but she vanished the moment the clubs hit the ground.
Hawk: huh?!
Hank: where'd she go?!
The two turn around to see lynn in front of lincoln, both staring at each other in silence for a moment until lincoln spoke.
Lincoln: (smiles a little) hey lynn.
Lynn: (smiles) hey linc, no time no see. I see you've gotten stronger bro.
Lincoln: same goes for you.
The two hugged it out, much to hawk and hank's anger.
Hawk: stop ignoring us and die!!!
The two broke the hug and dodged the spiked clubs, landing a few feet away from the two bandits.
Lynn: yep... No doubt that hawk and hank are still the big, tough, stupid ones.
Hank: (angry) you take that back or we'll kill you!!
Lynn: alright fine, you're not that tough.
Hank: that's better!
Lincoln: (chuckles) didn't you just-
Lynn: (smirks) give him a minute.
Hank: ...... HEY!!!
Hawk: no more games!! We're about to end you two right now!!
Lynn: ok then, let's see what you can do. I want you to hit me as hard as you can.
Hawk: oh really-
Lynn: (smirks) hold on! You might have misheard me, not half as hard, not some arbitrary percentage... I want you to hit me... as hard as you can.
Hawk: and if we don't play along?
Lynn: (smirks) then I guess you're a bunch of weakasses.
Hawk and hank struck lynn with their giant fists but were shocked to see that lynn effortlessly caught both fists with her hands.
Lynn: (smirks) ohhh, consider that nerve touched.
Hawk and hank were about to use the spike clubs in their other hands to smash lynn but lincoln vanished and appeared above hawk and hank, swiftly cutting the two spiked clubs until they fell piece by piece as the weapons were nothing but stubs.
Hawk and hank: what the?!
Lynn: my turn... RAAAAAAAAHHHH!!
With immense strength, lynn flips both hawk and hank as they were both slammed into the ground with a giant thud.
Hawk and hank: yeeoouuuccchhh!!!
Lincoln joins lynn's side as their orange and red aura shrouded their bodies, unleashing a massive display of animal spirit power.
Lynn: let's show these chumps what real animal spirit masters can do linc!
Lincoln: right lynn!
Their auras flared, creating a spiritual imagery of the tiger and the dragon, both spirits letting out powerful roar as hawk and hank slowly got up, now frightened and mostly angry at the sight of the two animal spirits of lynn and lincoln.
Hawk: No! No! No! You guys are cheating!
Lincoln: making excuses again, hawk?
Lynn: this is our true power, the power we've trained for 11 years to reach new levels while you two are weak minded and can't understand the difference between your power and ours.
Lincoln: (smirks) but don't worry, you're not gonna end up like your buddies I dealt with..
Lynn: (smirks) no... death is too good for you two, we're just gonna hurt you really, really bad...
Hawk and hank summoned their rhino spirits but they weren't as powerful.
Hawk and hank: CHARGE!!!!
The two bandits lunged at lincoln and lynn, who grinned as lincoln draws his sword which glowed orange and lynn puts both hands together in a form similar to the kamehameha but red aura shrouded both hands with a visage of tiger claws.
The two attacks clashed with hawk and hank's rhino spirit charge but the two bandit's power was quickly overwhelmed as both were engulfed by the spiritual attacks of the tiger and the dragon, both receiving critical damage.
Soon, both hawk and hank were send flying into the sky for a moment until they landed who knows where far away from lincoln and lynn. Their auras and animal spirits vanished as lincoln and lynn fist bumped each other.
Lincoln: great display of strength lynn.
Lynn: thanks bro, same for you.
Lincoln and lynn then stared at each other for a moment until they both laughed.
Lincoln: I haven't had a good laugh like this in a long time. I missed you lynn.
Lynn: I missed you lil bro, it's great to see you again. I practically ran through this forest from the golden tiger palace to get here.
Lincoln: that quick, heh, I'm surprised.
Lynn: well you know me, I aim to get stronger and faster.
Lincoln: yeah. Guess we both fulfilled our promise to each other to get stronger and meet again once the 11 years were up.
Lynn: hehehe, yeah.
The two then walked through the forest.
Lincoln: the journey and the training in the silver dragon palace was no walk in the park, it was crazy and I learned so many things from my master.
Lynn: me too, the training was maddening and it drove me physically until my bones cracked and muscles torn up but hey no pain, no gain, right? Heh, my master taught me a lot of things to use in my battles.
Lincoln: yep, I can't wait to fight new opponents and test my strength and spirit.
Lynn: yeah and we will avenge our families by vanquishing the scarlet dragon clan.
Lincoln: yeah, we will make sure that they never hurt us or anyone else ever again.
Lynn: but for now, let's relax and get something to eat, I'm so hungry I can eat a bear.
Lincoln: (chuckles) me too, there should be a village nearby in this direction if we follow the path.
Lynn: (grins) alright, race ya!!
Lynn ran at full speed, leaving lincoln in the dust.
Lincoln: (smirks) ok snorezilla, it's on now!!
Lincoln ran at full speed after her as the two warriors were heading to the next village.
To be continued...
(Chapter 17 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketches of lincoln and lynn. Also, here's my sketches of their masters (my OCs) master ayane shirai of the silver dragon and master ryuken of the golden tiger.)
(And there you have it. Please like and comment on these sketches as well. Lincoln and Lynn finally reunited again after 11 years and now what's next on their journey, find next chapter of path of two louds, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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