Chapter 15: Sapphire dragon academy final part- Two separate paths

In the dark and stormy night, lynn was running through the forest. Anger, betrayal and deep depression filled her heart as she kept on running until she tripped over a tree stump and fell into the wet grass.

Lynn slowly got up as she was breathing heavily, looking up at the dark and stormy sky as raindrops fell upon her face. Lynn then let out a loud and furious yell that echoed throughout the forest as the thunder roared and the lightning flashed.

Lynn's yell then ceased as she fell to her knees and she looks down at the ground, tears threatening to spill but lynn held them back as she didn't want to cry.

She couldn't believe that pop-pop would agree to such a decision with that old geaser. He basically betrayed her, his own granddaughter and kicked her out of the academy. Anger filled her mind again as lynn wanted to hit something as she then let out a loud and furious distorted roar as her tiger spirit emerged and slashes numerous trees which fell one by one with loud thuds.

The tiger spirit vanished as lynn looks back at the ground, sniffling and trying to hold in her tears.

Lincoln: LYNN!

Lynn turns around to see her brother lincoln running towards her.

Lynn: (whispers) lincoln...?

Lincoln tackles her in a big hug, lynn was stunned for a moment until she finally returns the hug.

Lynn: I... I don't understand, why did you come after me...? I thought you were staying at the academy.

Lincoln broke the hug and looks at lynn.

Lincoln: are you kidding? Why would I stay at the academy when you got kicked out? I don't hate pop-pop but I hated the decision he made against his own family. So if they kick you out then I'm not staying there either.

Lynn sadly smiles at her brother's kind nature but the smile faded as lynn looked away from lincoln.

Lynn: I'm sorry...

Lincoln: (confused) why are you apologizing for? You didn't mean to-

Lynn: I did! I ended up brutalizing the students, pushing you and our friends away all because I was too angry, aggressive and... scared (whispered the last word as lincoln didn't hear it)

Lincoln: you were what...?

Lynn couldn't hold her tears back anymore as they stream down from her face, sobbing loudly.

Lynn: (angry and sad; in tears) I was scared, okay?! I was scared because of the nightmare I had!

Lincoln: what nightmare?

Lynn tried to speak but nothing came out.

Lincoln: (worried) lynn please?

Lynn tries to pull herself together as she told lincoln about the nightmare she had about being in the loud palace surrounded by fire, her family being tortured and killed as well as the scarlet dragon clan surrounding lincoln and killing him before the nightmare ended with the ninja about to end lynn's life.

This gravely sent chills down the white haired boy's spine, that he was killed in lynn's nightmare and lynn had to watch as her family was killed by the scarlet dragon clan in the nightmare before she was killed. He then put the pieces together as he thought that the nightmare lynn had was the reason behind her behavior and aggressive attitude.

Even the clan that killed their family plagues them in their dreams. Lincoln admits that he too had these  nightmares and it frightened him to the core as well but lynn took it the hardest and it got her kicked out of the academy. Rage fuelled lincoln as he wanted the clan dead not just for his family but to make sure the scarlet dragon clan don't hurt or kill anyone who crosses them ever again.

Lincoln saw lynn looking at the ground as she sobs a little. The white haired boy comforts his big sister.

Lynn: I'm sorry... I'm really sorry...

Lincoln: lynn it's okay.

Lynn: it's not okay! I only wanted to make myself stronger and make you strong enough to protect yourself but I ended up doing more harm than good to you linc! I... I didn't want to lose you like my family....

Lincoln: I understand lynn and I forgive you. I don't wanna lose you either but if we find another place to stay and train together some more, we'll be able to get stronger.

Lynn then begin think about it but after a few minutes of thinking, lynn finally spoke.

Lynn: no lincoln....

Lincoln: huh?

Lynn: look... I hate to say this but we're never going to achieve our true strength as we are now no matter how many times we try and I end up hurting you more than protecting you.... so...

The lightning flashed.

Lincoln: so... what?

Lynn: lincoln... (Gives a sad smile) I think it's time you and I continue our journey on separate paths.

Lincoln's eyes widened in shock.

Lincoln: nonono... Lynn, please don't say what I think you're saying?

Lynn: (smiles sadly) yeah... it's time you continue your journey without me linc...

Lincoln: (slowly in tears) lynn... please... if this is about what happened, I don't hold it against you, I'm not mad at you lynn... please don't...

Lynn places her hands on Lincoln's shoulder.

Lynn: lincoln... I don't like it anymore than you do but... it has to be done. I can't always be there to protect you and I don't want you to get hurt by anyone, especially me when I lose control of my anger.

Lincoln started to tear up more as he didn't want to separate from his big sister.

Lynn: hey don't cry... it'll be okay. you've heard of the golden tiger temple far south of here and the silver dragon temple far north of here in the royal valley, right? Our parents told us all about those two legendary temples when we were little.

Lincoln: sniff... y-yeah.

Lynn: that's where we split up bro... you take the path of the dragon and I take the path of the tiger... we'll get the training we need to outclass and defeat the scarlet dragon clan... we just need to split up for 11 years.

Lincoln: 11 years?! I can't do that! You're the only sister I have left, my only family I have left! What if something bad happens to y-

Lynn: lincoln listen to me! We have to do this, if we don't then... we won't survive and we won't get stronger no matter how many times we try! I know you're scared but we have to take separate paths to start our own journey without each other. (Smiles) I know you can survive on your own, like me, you have potential so promise me that you'll be strong and endure any challenges you'll face... don't be scare... become the ultimate dragon style martial artist you're meant to be...

Lincoln: b-but lynn...

Lynn: please... promise that you'll be strong... for me...?

Lincoln thought real hard as he wipes away his tears.

Lincoln: okay... I promise.

Lynn: thanks.

Lincoln: p-promise me that you'll be strong and endure any challenges you'll face.... and b-become the ultimate tiger style martial artist you're meant to be... okay?

Lynn: okay.

Lincoln and Lynn then embraced each other in a warm hug as the storm kept on drizzling. Soon, they broke the hug as they slowly backed away from each other.

Lynn: (smiles a little) guess this is goodbye for now...

Lincoln: (smiles a little) yeah.... see ya in 11 years... lynn.

Lynn: yeah... see ya in 11 years linc, until we meet again.

Lincoln and Lynn nodded as they both ran off in seperate directions in the forest until they faded away into the darkness of the storm. Both took seperate paths, one of the tiger and one of the dragon... Both determined... Both aiming to defeat the same enemy... Both promised to survive, endure any challenges they'll face, get stronger and meet each other again in 11 years... this was the tale of the two louds... Lynn and Lincoln.

To be continued....

(Chapter 15 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Lynn has made a shocking decision that she and lincoln should continue their journey on separate paths. What will become of the two louds when the 11 years are up? Find out next chapter cause chapter 16 will be a time-skip to 11 years, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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