Chapter 10: Sapphire dragon academy part 8-A new dark and brooding student
Lincoln and ronnie anne were meditating with each other as lynn and francisco were sparring with each other.
Lynn: c'mon francisco, show me your best shot!
Lynn punched francisco in the face, making him turn away as he retorted with a back flip kick to lynn, making her stumble and fall to the ground.
Francisco: (smirks) that was my best shot.
Lynn chuckled as she got up and wanting go another round with francisco, only to be interrupted by the sound of a gong bell.
Master grouse: alright students, stop what you're doing and gather around.
Every student, including lincoln, lynn, ronnie anne, francisco, clyde, haiku, polly pain, liam, tabby and ava gathered around to meet master albert and master grouse.
Master albert: alright class today we have a new student joining the sapphire dragon martial arts academy.
Master grouse: c'mon in new student! Come introduce yourself!
Just then, a girl about lynn's age walked into the training area and stood by masters albert and grouse. She was a tall, pale skinned girl with long black hair up to waist length, has freckles on her face cheeks and blackish gray eyeshadow. She wore a pale sky blue gi with a black side sash, wraps around her arms, black pants and black wraps around her barefoot. And she had a big grim frown on her face.
Master albert: so tell us about yourself.
The pale skinned girl spoke in a dark monotone voice.
???: my name is maggie... I don't like much of anything or anyone for all things in life are meaningless. My animal spirit is the scorpion.
The students gave maggie scared or awkward looks.
Master grouse: quite a brooding one you are...
Master albert: anyway... make yourself at home maggie. If you need something, let me or master grouse know.
Maggie: sure...
Master grouse: now that this is over, everyone go back to what you were doing.
The students went back to their training and the masters left to their business, leaving maggie in the center of the training area. Maggie's attention turn to lincoln, lynn and their group of friends as she just continue to stare at them.
Narrator: with lincoln, lynn and the group.
Lincoln: so (dodged ronnie anne's punch) whatta think of the new girl? (Dodges ronnie anne's uppercut)
Ronnie anne: well (dodges lincoln's kick) if you want my opinion (dodges lincoln's chop) she's creepy, brooding and weird...
Clyde: very dark, creepy and brooding like haiku... (Looks at haiku nervously) n-no offense...
Haiku: none taken...
Clyde sighed in relief.
Polly pain: guys... she's staring at us.
Lincoln, Ronnie anne, Lynn, Clyde, Haiku, Francisco, Liam, Tabby and Ava all see maggie standing a little far from them, staring coldly at them.
Tabby: okayyyyy.... now she's really starting to creep me out mates.
Liam: same.
Ava: what's her problem?
Francisco: I don't know but if we ignore her and continue with our training, she'll stop staring and go away.
Lynn: agreed.
As the group continued with their training, they couldn't help but feel maggie's cold eyes on them but they shrugged it off as they went back to their activity.
Narrator: at the cafeteria.
In the cafeteria, Lincoln, Lynn, Ronnie anne, Francisco, Clyde, Haiku, Polly pain, Ava, Liam and Tabby were eating their food at their table. However, they noticed maggie sitting at a table by herself across from them and still staring coldly at them.
Lynn: (annoyed) uuuuggghhhhh! What is this girl's problem?!
Ava: (annoyed) I'm getting so tired of this! If she doesn't stop with the staring, I'm gonna go over there and give her two black eyes!
Clyde: (nervously) g-guys she's coming over here....
The group noticed maggie walking towards them with her tray of food.
Liam: I wonder what maggie wants?
Polly pain: I don't know but I'm gonna lose it if she keeps staring at us like a creepy weirdo.
Maggie finally approaches the table, lynn, ava, ronnie anne and polly pain giving her annoyed glares.
Maggie: do you mind if I sit here?
Lynn: yeah we do mind... now leave.
Maggie's frown deepened.
Maggie: (glares) what's your problem?
Lynn: me?! You're the one with the problem, miss dark and brooding! Ever since you came to the sapphire dragon martial arts academy, you've been staring grimly at me, my brother and our friends like a creepy weirdo!
Ronnie anne: at this point, if you don't stop with the staring, I'll flatten you with one knee strike. You may be older than me but I've taken down a lot of people your age or higher with one strike. (Glares)
Ava: (glares) yeah... so leave and take that dark attitude with you or else...
Maggie: tch! Fine...
Maggie turns around and leaves the cafeteria.
Francisco: don't you think that was a bit harsh?
Ava: hey! I didn't wanna start anything with her but I don't like the creepy eye contact maggie was giving me.
Ronnie anne: plus, maggie looked like she wanted to fight us with that look in her eyes.
Lincoln: yeah I saw it too. Maybe we should have a talk with maggie later.
Lynn: fine... but if she starts giving me the dead stare, I'm gonna kick her butt across the academy.
Narrator: 6:30pm.
While everyone was busy in their own rooms, maggie was alone in the training area, practicing her martial arts and breaking a few cinder blocks.
Maggie: huff... huff... huff... huff... huff... this is ridiculous... I don't need friends. I don't know why my mother pressured me into this... going to the academy... stop being anti-social she says... make some new friends she says... ughhh! It's just so meaningless.
Lincoln, Lynn, Ronnie anne, Francisco, Clyde, Haiku, Polly pain, Liam, Tabby and Ava walk into the training room to see maggie training by herself.
Lincoln: maggie.
Maggie turns her attention them with a dark glare.
Maggie: whatta you want?
Lincoln: look... all of us got off on the wrong foot with one another soooo... I was just wondering why you were staring coldly at us?
Maggie: don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you... and the reason I was staring at you guys was that your animal spirit aura was intriguing to me and... I wanted to see how strong you are...
Lynn: if you wanted to see how strong we are, you could just ask for a sparring match. We would of happily accepted your challenge.
Maggie: It seems meaningless to speak of it... I never wanted to attend this academy but my mother pressured me into it, saying I need to make new friends since I kicked out of my old school...
Tabby: what were you kicked out for?
Maggie: painting the entire palace black, beating a couple of jerks who were trying to grope my chest to near death and threatening my old master to strike his heart with a cold poison. I had good friends there but some of them abandoned me and some of them were forced to stay away from me because their parents didn't want them hanging out with a murderous, brooding girl.
Haiku: quite a dark and grueling tale, my deepest apologies for you parting with your friends.
Maggie: (glares coldly at haiku) hey... though I can see that you and I are alike in certain ways but I don't need nor want your pity.
Haiku: (calmly) I'm not trying to pity you, that would be disrespectful to you... right?
Maggie nodded with a frown.
Ava: look maggie... I'm sorry about what we said to you at the cafeteria and what you've been through at your old school but you're not gonna make any friends here by giving them the death eye.
Lincoln: if you wanted to be friends, you've could of asked.
Maggie: I don't want any-
Polly pain: too late! You do!
Maggie groans in annoyance.
Maggie: fine... I guess if we get to know one another, we can be fr-fr-fr- (groans in annoyance) friendsss.... there I said it....
Lincoln: (smiles) alright. I guess we should introduce ourselves and our animal spirits.
Maggie: well you already know my name is maggie and I have the spirit of the scorpion.
Lincoln: my name is lincoln loud and I have the spirit of the dragon.
Lynn: (smirks) the name's lynn loud jr and I have the spirit of the tiger.
Clyde: I'm clyde mcbride and I have the spirit of the hawk.
Haiku: greeting fellow dark one, my name is haiku and I have the spirit of the crow.
Polly pain: (grins) I'm polly pain and I have the spirit of the cheetah.
Liam: (smiles) hey there tall, dark lady, I'm liam and I have the spirit of the ox.
Tabby: (grins) oi! I'm tabby and I have the spirit of the white wolf, arrroooo!
Ava: (smirks) name's ava and I have the spirit of the black panther.
Francisco: (smiles) I'm francisco and I have the spirit of the white tiger.
Ronnie anne: and I'm ronnie anne santiago and I have the spirit of the black dragon.
Maggie: (smiles a little) wow... quite the animal spirits, especially with the tiger and dragon spirits.
Lynn: (smirks) yeah.... whatta you say we put your animal spirit to the test with a sparring match?
Maggie: sure...
Lynn, Lincoln, Ronnie anne, Clyde, Haiku, Francisco, Ava, Polly pain, Liam and Tabby got into fighting stance as Maggie did the same.
Maggie: alright... come at me now.
The ten fighters lunged at Maggie while maggie lunged at them, sparking an all out free for all brawl.
To be continued...
1. Ava, age: 14, animal spirit-Black panther. (Forgot to add ava's introduction and animal spirit during her first meeting in Ch. 5)
2. Maggie, age: 14, animal spirit-Scorpion.
3. Ronnie anne, age: 12, animal spirit-Black dragon (Forgot to add introduction and animal spirit during her first meeting in Ch. 5)
(Chapter 10 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of maggie. Maggie is now joining path of two louds. The sparring match between maggie and the ten fighters will begin next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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