Chapter 1: The unknown attack

It was quiet and peaceful out here at night in royal valley. But it came to an end as the scene cuts to the loud palace, where chaos was erupting within.

Inside the palace, it showed the center of the dojo as the five loud siblings were fighting each other.

The first fight was between the first and second oldest, lori and luna.

The seventeen year old eldest sister lori had long blonde hair wrapped in a down braided ponytail, had light blue eyeshadow and pearl earrings. She was sporting a light blue sleeveless gi with a black sash, has black fingerless wraps around her hands and black wraps around her bare feet.

The second eldest and sixteen year old luna had short brown hair in a sharp pixie cut, purple eyeshadow and paperclip earrings. She had on a tattered purple sleeveless gi with a black tattered belt and white wraps around her chest, hands and bare feet.

Lori got into fighting stance as luna did the same.

Lori: (Smirks) if you literally wanna give up, now's your chance. If not, you'll be devoured by my lion spirit.

Luna: (Smirks) heh...ya think I'm gonna give up against you, not a chance. Your lion spirit will be easy prey for my wolf spirit.

The two loud siblings lunged at each other, lori delivered a series of punches to luna, who blocked them with her arms as she grabbed lori by her left arm and flipped her over her shoulder to the floor. Lori kips up and low sweeped luna off her feet and delivers a menacing elbow drop to luna's stomach, slamming her into the floor and knocking the wind out of her.

Lori crossed her arms and smirks.

Lori: had enough?

Luna growled as she kips up and backs away from lori. Luna breathes heavily as she got into her wolf style fighting stance as purple aura started to surround her body, creating a spiritual imagery of a wolf.

Lori smirked and got into her lion style fighting stance as light blue aura surrounded her body, creating a spiritual imagery of a lion.

Both animal spirits of lori and luna growled and roared at each other as the two eldest loud siblings began to clash.

While lori and luna were fighting, the scene cuts to the second fight between the third oldest luan, the fourth oldest lynn and the first youngest lucy.

Fifteen year old luan had long light brown hair wrapped in a down braided ponytail. She was wearing a long sleeved yellow gi with a fishnet shirt underneath, a black belt and black wraps around her bare feet.

Fourteen year old lynn had dark brown hair in a down braided ponytail. She was sporting a long sleeved red gi with a black sash and white wraps around her bare feet.

And ten year old lucy had long black hair which covered her eyes. She wore a long black robe gi with a white sash with black wraps around her bare feet.

Lucy was in a mediation position as lynn and luan, in fighting stance lunged at her. Luan came at lucy with a swift punch only for lucy to caught it and pushed her back with a palm strike to her stomach. Lynn jumps in the air and brings down her foot for a powerful stomp only lucy to step out of the way, making lynn miss. Lynn and luan started using combination attacks against lucy, who was dodging every single hit until disappearing from their sight.

Lynn: luce! This is a sparring match not hide and seek, come on out right now!

Lucy appeared behind lynn.

Lucy: boo...

Lynn screamed in fright as she backed away from lucy. Luan laughed at this.

Luan: talk about the element of surprise, hahaha!

Lynn: (growled) I don't understand how can you can see us coming? Despite the hair covering your eyes, you were born blind.

Lucy: sigh... I may be blind but I'm not stupid. Though all I see is eternal darkness in my eyes... I has ways of seeing you and tracking your movements without actually seeing you. Like hearing and smelling.

Lynn: oh...right.

Luan: so lucy what gave us away?

Lucy: I heard you breathing a little and lynn's breathe reeked of meat and ramen.

Lynn: (annoyed) hey!

Luan: hahahahaha!!

Lucy: (got into fighting stance) enough talk...

Black and gray aura surrounded lucy's body as a spiritual imagery of a bat appeared, letting out a loud screech.

Lucy: let's fight.

Lynn smirked as she got into her tiger style fighting stance as red aura surrounded her body, creating a spiritual imagery of tiger as it let out a loud roar.

Lynn: finally something we agreed on!

Luan got into her snake style fighting stance as golden yellow aura surrounded her body, creating a spiritual imagery of serpent that hissed menacingly.

Luan: let us begin!

The three loud siblings lunged at each other.

As the five loud siblings were fighting each other, another sibling was watching from the sidelines. The sibling was a boy, he had white hair. He was wearing an orange gi with a white belt and black wraps around his bare feet. The male sibling was none other than the fifth oldest and twelve year old lincoln loud.

The white haired boy watched his five sisters sparring with one another and with amazing animal spirits. Lincoln sighed as he had a depressed look on his face as he gazed at the animals spirits of his sisters...they looked so noble, strong, menacing, loyal, courageous and honorable. Sadly, he didn't have one himself.

Lincoln was a good martial artist but he couldn't look deep himself to reach his animal spirit and to bring it out no matter how hard he tried. Sometimes lori, luan and lynn would made fun of him for not reaching his full potential. Luna and lucy would be there for him, encouraging him to do his best and hopefully his animal spirit will reveal itself to him. He sighed again, thinking about it...what was he doing wrong?

The palace doors opened to reveal rita and lynn loud Sr. Rita was wearing a magenta kung fu robe and black kung fu slippers. And lynn Sr was wearing a dark green gi with a black belt and black kung fu slippers.

The five loud sisters stopped fighting and headed towards their parents.

Loud sisters: hey mom! Hey dad!

Lynn Sr: hey kids, how was your training?

Lori: it was great dad, I was about to beat luna.

Luna: naw sis. I had you on the ropes this time.

Rita: okay, okay you guys. So lucy, lynn and luan, how was your training going?

Lynn: it was exciting!

Luan: it was fantastic!

Lucy: (monotone) was wicked.

Lynn Sr: I'm glad to have talented daughters with powerful animal spirits. You're all are gonna be martial arts masters one of these days just like your old man. (Smiles proudly)

Rita: hey...where's your brother lincoln?

Lynn points a thumb to the right side of the dojo, showing lincoln looking at scrolls with a depressed look on his face.

Lynn Sr: he's been looking at scrolls again? What happened guys and don't lie to me.

The five loud sisters groaned.

Lori: dad...we decided to give up on training lincoln.

Rita: why?

Luan: don't get us wrong, he's a good martial artist but he lacking the spirit. He can't access his animal spirit.

Lynn: yeah he's just a lost cause.

Lynn Sr: (sternly) junior.

Lori: dad. Lynn's telling the truth. He'll never reach his full potential.

Luna: hey! Lay off him man. We had problems reaching our potential, what makes lincoln a lost cause!?

Luan: luna we all unlocked our animal spirits when we were either six or seven years old, so did mom and dad. Lincoln's twelve and he still hasn't been able to reach his animal spirit.

Lucy: sigh...he will reach it I know he will. You're just losing faith in him.

Rita: (sternly) your father and I never gave up on helping you girls reach your potential. Now I suggest you do the same for your brother.

The loud sisters (sans luna and lucy) laughed.

Lori: (annoyed) I literally have plans for myself. I'm not gonna waste my time on something lincoln will never achieve.

Lynn: (annoyed) yeah! Why should we put our training on hold to help him?

Luan: (annoyed) we've tried and tried mom but he's never gonna get it, it's pointless!

Lynn Sr: girls!

Lori: sorry but we're done dealing with his training and we're literally done dealing with him.

Lynn Sr: (angry) girls!

Luan: he may be a good fighter but what's the point if he has no animal spirit to back it up.

Lynn: yeah! He's good but we're much better than him. He should just give up cause I'm not gonna waste my time on him, he's a disappointment. I wish he was gone.

Luna: (getting angry) lynn, you'd better knock it off.

Lynn didn't stop as she continued her rant.

Lynn: he should just pack his bags and leave because he's wasting everyone's time here. He's an embarrassment to the family and an embarrassment to martial arts. He doesn't belong here and if it were up to me, I would of kicked him out myself!

Lynn Sr: (voice boomed) JUNIOR!!

The five loud sisters stopped in their tracks as they heard a slight sob behind them. They turn around to see a sad lincoln who had tears streaming down his glaring eyes.

Lincoln: (upset; in tears) so I'm a waste of your time, huh? I'm such a huge disappointment and embarrassment to martial arts and the family?

Lynn, luan and lori started to quickly regret their choices of words about their brother.

Lincoln: (angry) you know what? I never asked you to put your training on hold to help me! I know tried and tried so hard but I don't know what I did wrong, I know I can't reach my animal spirit and I know I'm a big failure!

Luna: (tries to calm lincoln down) lincoln...bro you're not failure. Please calm down, we'll help you-

Lincoln: (furious) I am a failure but what's worse is you guys making fun of me about it! Rubbing your success in my face like adding salt on the open wound! Saying that I'll never achieve my animal spirit, if the situation were reversed, I wouldn't make fun of you!

Lori: (pleads) lincoln we were just stressed, we didn't mean to-

Lincoln: just shut up!

Rita: lincoln! Please settle down. Your sisters will help you until you have the full potential you need. (Glares at her daughters) right?

The five loud sisters nodded at her mother's stern glare.

Lincoln: (angry) don't bother trying to force your daughters to do something they don't wanna do. I'll just do them a big favor and leave! As of right now, you guys are NO LONGER MY FAMILY!

Lincoln runs toward the temple door and opens it, leaving before saying one last thing to the parents and sisters.

Lincoln: you wish I was gone, huh? Well you got your wish. I just wish you horrible jerks would DIE!!

The parents and sisters gasped in shock and guilt as lincoln ran off into the night.

Rita had tears coming out of her eyes as she ran upstairs, sobbing.

Lynn Sr: honey! Rita wait!

Lynn Sr ran upstairs to comfort his wife but not before glaring at his daughters, some had tears in their eyes.

Lynn Sr: I'm going to go cheer up your mother. You girls better find your brother, bring him home and apologize to him and you better mean it too or else there's gonna be more trouble, understand?!!

The five loud sisters didn't argue as they nodded in agreement.

Lynn Sr ran upstairs while lori, luna, luan, lynn and lucy went out to find their only brother. They really screwed up big time and now they had to make it right. Splitting up to covers their search, lynn headed to the forest to search for lincoln.

Lynn: (in her mind; angry and guilty) damn it! I'm so stupid! I was stressed out and so annoyed...l didn't mean to say those to about him! Now he hates us and he thinks we hate him, I gotta find him and bring him home!

While the five loud sisters were out searching, out of the shadows, a group of men in black and scarlet red ninja clothing snuck up to the loud palace. The head scarlet ninja leader spoke in a dark tone.

Scarlet ninja: five of you go after the daughters of the loud palace.

The five ninja nodded as they disappeared into the night. That left the head ninja leader and his group of nine ninja warriors.

Scarlet ninja: it's time for the loud palace as well as the emperor and empress of the loud bloodline to be reduced to ashes.

Narrator: in the forest.

Sitting by a nearby river in the forest, lincoln was sobbing his eyes out for 2 hours then stopped afterwards. He looks at his reflection in the river.

Lincoln: (sad) I don't understand... what did I do wrong? What did I do to make them see me as a disappointment to the family. Sighs...l guess I should give up being a martial artist and leave royal valley to became a hermit.

Lincoln then heard some footsteps of someone running toward him and hears a familiar voice calling his name. It was lynn.

Lynn: lincoln!

Lincoln turns around to see lynn running towards him. Lincoln turns his attention to the river, not wanting to look at her. Lynn stopped just a few feet away from lincoln as she tries to get closer.

Lincoln: (not looking at lynn; spoke in an upset tone) whatta you want?

Lynn: (sad) lincoln I'm really sorry about what I said. I didn't really-

Lincoln: just save it! I don't wanna listen to your excuses. If you didn't want to train me to bring out my animal spirit, you could of just said so!

Lynn: lincoln we let our stress and frustration get the better of us. We didn't mean those things we said!

Lincoln: oh what things? That I'm a lost cause? That I'll never achieve my animal spirit? That I'll be nothing compared to you and the other sisters?! (Angry)

Lynn: (trying to hold back her tears) but lincoln I-I...

Lincoln: I nothing! You guys hate me so I'm doing you a favor and leaving. As far as I'm concerned, I don't belong in your family!

Lynn hugged him from behind with tears streaming down her face.


That struck lincoln.

Lynn: (in tears; whispers between sobs) If I did hate you, I wouldn't have come here to apologize for the things I said and making fun of you behind your back. Sob...I made a mistake on saying're not a lost cause or a disappointment to the're my only brother and I don't hate you, I was so stressed out from my training and helping you out that I didn't know what was coming out of my mouth...I'm really sorry.

Lincoln's face went from angry to sympathetic.

Lincoln: lynn...I'm sorry for putting you and the others through stress. You didn't have to put your training on hold to help me. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a martial artist.

Lynn turns lincoln around to face her.

Lynn: don't say that. You're a good fighter.

Lincoln: but you guys are better than me and have powerful animal spirits to back it up.

Lynn: but you can still catch up and our sisters and I will be there to help you bring out your animal spirit. Now please come home.

Lincoln: (sighs) okay. I'll go.

Lynn: (slightly smiles) thanks.

Lincoln and lynn stood up as they went down the path they came from.

Narrator: 2 hours later.

After a long walk out of the forest, lincoln and lynn walked through the outskirts of royal valley.

Lincoln: lynn I wanted to apologize for snapping at you and the others like that, I didn't really mean what I said either...l was upset and hurt. (Looks down in shame)

Lynn pats lincoln's back.

Lynn: don't be. We didn't realize that we were giving you a hard time. So don't worry about it, we'll be good sisters to you and help you if you need us.

Lincoln: thanks. I'll be there for you guys too. And-OH MY GOD!!

Lynn was startled by lincoln's sudden freak out as she looks at the sudden fearful look on his face.

Lynn: lincoln? Lincoln! What's wrong?!

Lincoln had tears coming out of his eyes as he pointed ahead of them. Lynn looked to the direction where lincoln was pointing at and had a fearful look on her face as well. There was a huge cloud of black smoke in the night sky and the trail of it was coming from their home, with a bright light of ember. The two loud siblings ran through the outskirts of the village and finally reached their home. The flames reflected in the horrified eyes of lincoln and lynn as the entire loud palace was engulfed in fire.

A group of guards came up to lynn and lincoln.

Gaurd: master lincoln and mistress lynn, are you two okay?!

Lynn: (panicking) WHAT ALL EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?!

The second guard has a look of sorrow as he spoke.

Guard#2: there was an unknown attack by a group of deadly ninja, we didn't see them coming or which clan they were but they killed almost half of the guards inside and burned down the loud palace. And I'm so sorry to tell you this but...

Lincoln: (in tears; yelling) BUT WHAT?!

Guard#2: I'm sorry...we looked inside to find any survivors but...sadly, there were none. All we found was the dead bodies of your parents, emperor lynn Sr and empress rita. Both murdered by a stab wound through the heart by a kitana.

Lincoln: (shaking in terror; whispers) can't be happening...I didn't mean to say that I wish they were dead...this is my fault.

Lynn: (in tears; yelling) what about lori, luna, luan and lucy? Are they okay? Did they come back home?!

Guard#3: (sighs in defeat) we heard of some distribution through the village so we split into smaller groups to search for the source of the distribution. Upon arriving in the four areas, we found signs of a struggle, there was blood but no bodies were found and we found these in the scene of the heinous crime.

The third guard pulled out a bag and emptied it, allowing the evidence to fall to the ground. Lincoln and lynn looked at the evidence in horror. They tattered pieces of fabric, stained with blood but pieces of it had the colors of light blue, purple, yellow and black. There was no denying it, these were pieces of the gi's of lori, luna, luan and lucy.

Lincoln: (sobs) them too...?

Guard: I'm afraid so.

Lincoln and lynn both sobbed at the horrified news. Their parents and sisters were dead, killed in a sneak attack by the group of ninja warriors. Lincoln feel like this was all his fault and now his parents and sisters (except lynn) was murdered. Then something caught his eye as the white haired boy looked to his right to see someone in the shadows a few feet away from them. It was a man dressed in black and scarlet red ninja armored clothing, he had cold pupiless red eyes and he was carrying a kitana with the blade stained with blood, fresh blood. Lincoln's face went from sad to furious as he glares at the ninja.

Lincoln: (points at the ninja; yelling) YOU! YOU DID THIS!!!

This caught lynn and the guards attention as they spotted the ninja. Lynn was now as furious as lincoln.

Lynn: (furious) MURDERER!!!

The ninja disappeared into the shadows. Lincoln and lynn grabbed one of the guards kitanas and went after him.

To be continued...

(Welcome to my fourth loud house fanfiction, the path of two louds. What inspired me to make this au fanfic where the louds were in the world of martial arts were shows and/or games like dragonball z and super, mortal kombat and power rangers: jungle fury because of the animal spirits.)

Loud siblings, age and animal spirit list.

1. lincoln, age: 12, animal spirit: ???

2. lori, age: 17, animal spirit: lion

3. luna, age: 16, animal spirit: wolf

4. luan, age: 15, animal spirit: serpent

5. lynn jr, age: 14, animal spirit: tiger

6. lucy, age: 10, animal spirit: bat

Note: leni, the twins, lisa and lily were never born in this alternative universe fanfic.

(And don't worry. I'm still working on the loud symbiotes, loud house: path of the assassin, and loud ops: overdrive 2025. Also please like and comment on this new story and my sketches of the five loud sisters and brother in their kung fu gi. Will lincoln and lynn catch the murderer of their family? Find out on chapter 2. Until we meet again everyone this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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