Beep! Beep! Beep! Ugh, the goddamn clock. Hello. My name is Calluna. Calluna Anderson. My family is rich, so I don't have any problems in my family. Except that I have a perfect sister. Julia Anderson. The famous model and singer. The most loved child, who doesn't want to give her younger sister a bit of her glory. I sometimes wish that I had a normal family, where if you aren't as pretty as the older child, you won't be called a disappointment. My mother likes her much more than me because that she was very beautiful with her glossy eyes and brown hair, and she also bought the mansion that we live in. And there goes my mother calling me- never mind, screaming at me to go to school. I sighed, and threw on an outfit. Just a plain white shirt and black jeans. Perfect. I put on my glasses, and brush my teeth, while trying to tame my hair. I didn't bother showering in the morning. Just showering once in the evening is fine to me. I finally finished taming my hair, letting it flow around my waist in a glossing swirl. I glance at my reflection in the mirror, and found my large, yellow, and very dull eyes staring back at me. They were large, yes, but my sister had beautiful, large, blue, and glossy orbs that were filled with light, much prettier than mine. I have glossy black hair(indeed, if you have a pretty sister, you tend to inherent some of her beauty) that flows to my waist, and bright yellow eyes, giving me a somewhat hawk like appearance. I exit my room, and walk down the stairs. I saw Julia in the living room talking to my father. A deep blue dress and wedges. Stage clothing. She was going to Tokyo, Japan for a concert that would mean a lot of money. I made sure that she stepped outside into her limousine before I went downstairs. I am not in the mood to talk to her. "Calluna! Why didn't you wake up early!? You should be more like your sister!" Great. First insult of the day is spoken by my mother. I didn't say anything, in fear of having my phone taken away. I grabbed my backpack silently, and as I was heading to the table, my mother screamed again,"No breakfast!" A common thing now. I didn't get breakfast yesterday, or the day before yesterday, or the day before that. I grabbed my backpack that I packed yesterday, and headed out the door, stopping only to step into my black sneakers. My parents often buy me new shoes and clothing, for they didn't want my old clothing to cause people to think that they didn't treat me well. I went out the door, shutting it behind me. I got on my motorcycle, and drove to school. Yes, I have a motorbike. A dark black one, which I had built myself. I am great at these things. I arrived at school fairly quickly, parking my motorbike. I saw the popular girls, that were either snobs or people who wanted fame. I tried to hurry past them, but they spotted me anyway. "Hey! Calluna, come here!" I knew that they were going to beat me up, and they had time to, since today my school opened one hour later. I did not object, heading their way. I mentally smirked. They had tried to beat me up before, but I ended up with no injury, but they ended up with a couple broken bones. They took me to an alley, where I saw the school football team and the gangsters. Oh. Using guys on me now? How cowardly can they get? I faked a frightened face and whispered,"P-Please don't hurt me, I beg you!" "Beat her up." Sophia said, the leader of them. "A disappointment to her sister deserves to be hurt." The two gangster leaders came to me. Swiftly, I held my hands in the air as if to surrender, but actually throw two daggers. The next moment, there were cries of pain. The two knifes sliced both boys from waist to hand, leaving them on the ground. My knifes then flew back to me. I then back-flipped out of the alley, escaping before more trouble occurs. I ran into the school building, happy that I escaped without and injury. This is my life in a nutshell. Sleep, eat, fight bullies, crap, repeat. I ran into history class, my first class. There, I saw my best friend, Tamiko Miyagawa. A transfer student from Osaka. When she first arrived, she formed a very strong gang. And her gang wasn't a joke, like most. She is one of the only ones in this school, boys counted, that can beat me in a fighting match, since she started training at age five, while I started training at eight. It doesn't sound like it, but three years only makes a small difference. Though the smallest difference is what makes victory. She has dark, sleek orange eyes and and short white hair dyed in a salon. This is what's so amazing about her. She notices everything, and I mean everything, when she looks as if she rather be asleep in bed. This is why she always wins in fights. Her body, small, but swift and fast, tend to dodge attacks like flies."Hey there, Calluna, did a gang try to beat you up again?" Tamiko asked. I smiled and replies. "Without success. This time a group of snobs decided to hire the football team and one of the gangs that consisted of jokes, not humans. I almost made two bleed to death, and before they knew what was happening, I back-flipped out of there." Tamiko grinned at me. "A fighting pro, exactly like my friend." At that time, students started to file in, and I took my usual seat next to Tamiko, in the way back. The history lesson was boring as usual, nothing I didn't know. After that was the break period. I was in front of my locker when Sophia came to me, without her barbie friends. That was rather strange. "Look, Calluna. I'm sorry." Sorry? I bet it's all fake."I'm sorry I ever tried to bully you, that was very wrong of me. Please forgive me!" Sophia cried, tears, or should we say fake tears, fell out of her eyes. I knew what she was doing, so I went along with it. "It's okay, Sophia. Everyone deserves second chances. But what about your friends?"I said, faking a very convincing sympathetic and kind face. "Th-Thank you, Calluna. They aren't my friends anymore! They were horrible to you! Are we friends now?"She asked. "Of course we are!" I smiled, faking a happy expression. "Here's my phone number. Call whenever you want."I said, scribbling my phone number on it. This could be fun.
At lunch, I sat with Tamiko as usual, munching on puffy bread and potato salad. I told her what had happened, and I told her that I knew it was all fake. Tamiko grinned, and took a bite of her pizza. Ew. Cheese. I hate cheese, even though everyone loves it. "That's a good thing to do, fake being friends with her." Tamiko replied. "Besides, I wouldn't forgive her anyway. And it was obviously all fake. By the way, my brother's tranfering here. I had met her brother once. His name is Haruki Miyagawa, with the same dyed white hair and bright sleek eyes just like his older sister. Haruki is only 15, while Tamiko and I being 17, sophomores. Haruki has large orange eyes, and he is exetremely short. He is pretty cute, though not the I-Want-To-Ask-Him-Out type of way. He's gay, and he get's bullied for it often. "He's coming tomorrow." Tamiko said. And that was when a water bottle hit my head and bursted open, leaving my hair dripping wet.
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