Ch. 19: Watching Stressful Rest
The person sitting in the seat was flustered, shocked, and horrified all at the same time as they looked around the theater!
"W-W-What the hell just happened?!" They let out.
"Really? Her of all people?" Luz asked, clearly annoyed.
"Why?" Eda asked, very annoyed.
"Is there a problem?" Mr. Hardcor3 asked.
"Why did you bring HER of all people here when barely anyone would like her?" Amity asked, crossing her arms.
"Exactly. No offense but Tracey isnt exaclty someone close ti anyone here. She's just a bully." Luz said, glancing at her bully.
Who was still confised and scared of her new surroundings.
"Well, yes, but this isn't exactly the version you know." Jss2141 said. "Look closer at her."
Thinking to humor the higher beings, Luz got up from her seat and walked over to Tracey. And upon closer inspection, Luz let out a gasped as she saw multiple scars on her body.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Luz shouted, stumbling back.
"This is Tracey from two days after she was possessed." Mr. Hardcor3 said.
"What is going on?! Where is the ambulance?!" Tracey shouted, holding herself as she looked around.
The last think she remembered as something slimey falling into her body controlling her and making her do things she woukd never do.
"Should we go out and comfort her?" Mr. Hardcor3 asked Jss2141, "She's clearly still traumatized."
"Hmmmmm. Sure, why not? Even sure doesn't deserve this." Jss2141 said.
The two friends/authors walked out their control room and went over to the scared, scarred girl.
Tracey flinched at the sight of them before they snapped their fingers, summoning warm blankets and hot cocoa to their hands. As well as some pain killers just in case she was still in pain.
"The monster who used you, he won't be able to hurt you again... we promise." Mr. Hardcor3 said, pllacing a hand in her shoulder.
Hearing this, Tracey slowly calmed down from being teleported here before she took a sip of the hot cocoa, sighing in relief of the warm tasty drink.
"Feeling better?" Jss2141 asked.
"....A little, thank you." Tracey said shyly before taking another sip. "Can you guys explain to me where I am and who are most of these people?"
"Aside from Luz and her mom, right?" Mr. Hardcor3 asked as Tracey nodded. "Well, to keep it short, you're here to see the future."
"The future of everyone here, including you at some point." Jss2141 said as he pointed at Tracey. "But mainly, it's the future of your town's misunderstood treasure, Luz Noceda."
'I'm a treasure? I'm a treasure!' Luz thought with a small grin.
Hearing this, Tracey didn't say anything. But she did wonder in how Luz was considered a treasure, and what in the future was so important that she had to be brought here after being possessed by some magic hating, magical monster?!
"Well, let's not waste any time." Jss2141 said.
The two hosts teleported back to the control room, Mr. Hardcor3 picking up the remote and pushing the play button for the next chapter/episode.
"Mija! Can you hear me?!" Camila asked, shaking Luz to try and wake her up.
Luz didn't answer, all that happened was a bit of Titan's Blood running down her mouth. This made Camila worried as she put her way to Luz's chest, listening for her heartbeat.
'Please beat! Please beat!' Luz, her family, and the Hexsquad thought as they were in the edge of their seats.
'It's slow, almost too slow but still beating.' Camila thought, relieved yet still worried.
"Is there healing magic in the human realm, or something like that?" Cat asked.
"No, humans just gave regular surgery and other medical practices. Nothing as quick as magic but still helpful." Vee answered.
"Well, good to know but I don't think that will work in this case." Cat said, poitning to the screen.
"But I have to do something! I can't just let my daughter die!" Camila said, close to tears again.
"Wait and watch, you will Camila." Jss2141 said.
"Mija, please, if there is a healing glyph or anything, give me a message." Camila said, trying to shake Luz away to answer.
Luz didn't move and Camila listened to her heart again, it was getting slower. Camila put her hands on Luz's chest and began chest compressions, trying to keep Luz's heart from stopping. She put her mouth on Luz's and began using mouth the mouth. She stopped, wiping a bit of Luz's blood from her lips, and she leaned back to Luz's chest and listened to her heart, it was still dropping.
It didn't seem like anyone watching connected the dots, probably too focused on whether Luz would die or not.
"Uh, maybe there's something here that can help!" Camila said.
Camila began looking around the cave, finding it actually to be a makeshift lab, for anything at all that could help her heal Luz. Slim as it might be, she still had to try.
'Come on, come on!' Camil thought before noticing some sort of notebook on a small table next to the portal.
"He left a notebook!" Hunter said with hope.
She quickly grabbed it and went through it, seeing multiple glyph combos.
"Uh, one of these has to work." Camila said, still unsure.
"Honestly, it's a good thing that Luz has titan's blood, otherwise she'd be dead by now." Mr. Hardcore said.
"That's not comforting." King comments.
'Yet I'm somehow relieved.' King thought.
She looked through the book as fast as she could while also being thorough, remembering everything Luz told her about the glyphs while reading everything Belos/Philip has about them.
'Maybe one of these could help!' Camila thought, coming along an unused/unfinished combination of two glyphs. 'Light and plant, light and plant both symbolizing life.'
Lilith immediately wrote this down, planning to test it later.
She looked at it and then back at Luz's fading body.
"I have no choice, I need to use this on her." Camila told herself, drawing the glyph.
First Camila drew a perfect circle, having gotten lots of practice thanks to Luz's surprisingly good teaching. She first drew the light glyph before drawing the plant glyph next to it. Finally, Camila drew two arches to connect the glyphs together in a combination.
"Mom's first real glyph." Luz said, feeling proud of her mother.
'How can I be both excited and worried?' Luz thought.
'Please work! Please work! Please work!' All of her friends thought.
'If these notes are correct and my intuition doesn't let me down, this should help!' Camila thought.
She didn't waste time and put the glyph on Luz. She tapped it and Luz was covered in a blue glow. Camila watched with bated breath until Luz opened her eyes.
"HUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Luz breathed deeply, her lungs refilling at high speed before she exhaled deeply! "W-What happened?!"
"IT WORKED!/SHE'S ALIVE!" Lilith and Eda shouted in glee, shooting up from their seats.
The room let out a breath that most were holding.
"Oh thank you, Titan!" Amity said, holding Luz close as she cried.
"Mija!" Camila said, crying tears of joy as the glyph combo worked!
Camila held Luz, while the human titan herself was confused.
"W-w-where's Belos?" She asked.
"You just WEHed his ass and sent him off running into the portal!" King shouted in glee.
"Yeah, guess I did." Luz said with a small grin.
"You almost died, sis." Vee said.
"Still." Luz said.
'This is...kind of surreal.' Tracey thought, just watching and not speaking as she drank more cocoa.
"He ran through the portal, that scream you gave somehow made him drip. Like he was melting." Camila said, gesturing to a trail Belos left.
"We need to go after-" Luz said before groaning, unable to get up because she was still healing.
"You need to stop for a minute." Camila said.
"But mom, he's going to get away!" Luz said.
"And you just escaped death! Now Siéntate antes de que te haga sentarte!" Camila shouted at her daughter.
Luz and Vee jolted in surprise from the sudden cursing as they quickly sat up in their seats.
"No, you need to rest. You lost a lot of blood, not to mention everyone else needs to heal too." Camila said, quickly writing more more healing glyph combinations.
She ignored the taste of Luz's blood in her mouth, she didn't want to think about how close she was to losing her only blood daughter.
'The taste of her blood? Oh god.' Camila thought as she was reminded again that her daughter almost died.
Luz's face just went blank as she just figured out soemghing VERY important. Something big.
'I'm not telling anyone... might get shot if I do.' She thought, knowing the authors so well.
'Smart choice.' The two authors thought to Luz, surprising her.
"Everyone?" Luz asked before gasping! "What happened to everyone?!"
"They're injured, and I need you to lay here and heal while I go help the others." Camila said.
"Will my blood reach out there though?" Luz asked, "What if the glyphs don't work because I'm too far away?"
"Then move them closer." Eda suggested.
"Eda, I don't think she needs that, she's clearly experiencing extreme blood lost. She's a little out of it." Lilith said.
"Plus, moving them closer could aggravate their injuries and make them worse." Hettie said before pointing at Amity. "Especially hers."
"We're fine. Captain and her friends are tougher than they look." Hunter said, getting a smile from Willow and Gus.
While that was a good question, it seemed to answer itself as everyone stumbled into the cave with all the strength they had left. Injured or not, they still rushed to Luz's aid after hearing that "WEH!"
"Luz!" Everyone said.
'And my concerns are ignored without even being considered.' Hettie thought with a frown.
'They're okay.' Luz thought, trying to calm herself. 'Thank God and Titan, they're okay.'
"That's what you're worried about?" Boscha asked, "You were on the literal brink of death, and you're more worried about them?!"
"If you were in my position, would you be scared for Cat and Amelia over yourself?" Luz asked.
"....Titan damnit, you're right." Boscha muttered.
Her friends instantly hugged her, glad that Boscha really does value their friendship.
The authors felt a bit nervous... because that kind of thing led her into a downward spiral.
I kind of feel bad for Boscha when she sees herself." Jss2141 said.
"Me too but we can't change the least the one we're showing." Mr. Hardcor3 said.
"Everybody, gathering around! Let's get you patched up!" Camila said, rushing towards them and escorting them to sit around Luz. "This glyph should fix you all right up."
"What glyph?" Willow asked before Camila slapped 2 healing combos on her arm.
"A Camila Noceda original." Luz said with a grin.
"Luz." Camila said with a tiny blush.
"Hey, I call them like I see them." Luz said with a grin.
"Like you did with me?" Eda asked with a grin.
"Yep. Powerful bad girl with a heart of gold." Luz said happily.
"Well you got that nailed down." Lilith said with a smile.
"Shut up, Lily." Eda said.
"This one." Camila said as Willow glowed blue.
Willow felt a wave of relief wash over her as Camila placed one or two healing combos on everyone. Though, Amity and Hunter needed three because of how hard they fought.
"This feels amazing." Gus said with a sigh. "How did you make this combo?"
"Desperation." Camila said, surprising the people around her. "You heard me."
'Yikes. She is not processing this well.' Tracey thought.
"I had a little help from this notebook." Camila said, showing them Belos's abandoned notebook.
"Glad at least something good came from that book." Luz said.
"Isn't that the journey the echo mouse ate?" Amity whispered to Luz.
"No, that looks like a different one." Luz whispered back.
'How many journals can one guy have?' Amity thought.
As everyone began healing, they finally felt they could relax a bit before following after Belos. At least until a certain someone asked one simple question.
"What the fuck was that!?" Masha shouted, a healing combo on their hand.
"AAAH!" Everyone yelped in surprise.
"I forgot another human was there!" Adrian said, holding his chest.
"Masha?!" Tracey said in shock.
"You know them?" Vee asked.
"Yeah... yeah I do." Tracey said, calming down a bit before going quiet again.
"Are you going to tell us how you know them or...."Willow drones on.
"It's personal." Tracey quickly said.
'Oh shot, we forgot Masha!' Everyone thought as they turned to Masha, who had the least amount of injuries.
"Somebody please start explaining everything or else I may have a mental breakdown!" Masha shouted, breathing heavily.
'They haven't changed one bit.' Tracey thought.
"Uh, I think I can do that." Vee said.
"I also think you two should stay here." Camila said, explaining a possible plan. "Belos headed through the portal, which means we have to go after him. Vee, you can cover for us, and explain things to Masha."
"Mom, you're not-"
"I don't care if you are some witch god now, I am still your mother and I WILL be going with you." Camila said, cutting Luz off.
"Rule one of being a mother, NEVER let your children face danger alone. Risk of death or not." Camila said out loud.
'Lucky.' Amity thought, wishing her mother was the same. 'Hmmm, I wonder what became of mom anyway? Eh, if anything hopefully the collector killed her.'
The two authors chuckled at this thought.
"But you don't have magic." Luz said to her.
"I'll grab something from the house. Plus, I could use what you taught in the demon realm." Camila said, gesturing to a healing glyph combo.
"She's right, Luz. We're going to need all the help we can get." Amity said, still horrified at how close they all were to dying.
"Amity!" Luz said to her.
"You know, she's right Luz." Amity argued, glancing at Luz in worry. "I... don't ever want to see you that close to death again."
"None of us do, kid." Eda said as King nodded in agreement.
The authors were just waiting to see what the reaction to the later scenes will be.
'If Camila didn't figure out this healing glyph, we would've been dead by now.' Amity thought as she removed the abomination muck from her wounds, seeing them already closing up.
"Okay, Camila's right, we need to get some things from the house." Amity said, being able to stand up. "You guys stay here because you're all still pretty injured, staying near Luz should let that hurry up. Camila and I will go back to the house and grab any stuff we could use."
"Who died and made-" Hunter flinched from the glare Amity gave him. "Sorry, too soon."
"How do you know you're the most healed?" Hunter asked her, still holding the two sticks in his hands.
"We don't have time for questions like that, Hunter." Amity said to him.
Luz leaned over to Vee.
"They have cat and dog energy." Luz whispered.
"Yep. I almost want to see them fight." Vee whispered back.
"There is no fighting here." Mr. Hardcor3 said over the intercom. "Remember, I have no issue shooting a child."
Everyone shut up, paying close attention to the screen now.
"Amity is right, we don't have time to argue." Camila said, turning to the Blight witch. "Amity, come with me and get some things before we enter the portal."
The mauve haired girl nodded as she stood up, her injuries completely healed as she and Camila took their leave for the house.
"Wait, why do you need to go to the house?" Luz asked.
"Supplies." Camila said, short and simple.
"Supplies?" Luz replied, confused.
"Supplies." Camila repeated.
'I'm going for THAT, aren't I?' She thought with a small mental sigh. 'I guess it would be helpful.'
"Hey, Hunter?" Willow asked, scooting closer to him.
"Oh!" Gus let out, looking at Willow.
"Yeah?" Hunter asked Willow.
"Did you mean everything you said? Before you fought Belos, did you mean everything you said about me?" Willow asked, blushing a bit.
"OH!" Gus let out louder, looking at Hunter now.
Hunter pulled his shirt up to hide his face.
"Y-y-you heard that?" Hunter stuttered with a blush.
"Y-Yeah, I did." Willow said, smiling a bit as she pulled some of her hair back. "It.....was really sweet of you to say all that."
"Ah, young love. There's no better blast for it to bloom than on the battlefield." Terra said a fond smile. "Just like with my first husband."
Everyone had a feeling they know what happened to him, before and after they got married.
The coven heads that sat closest to Terra moved slightly away again, creeped out by her.
"Wait, how much did I miss?" Luz asked.
'Did I miss a love confession?!' Luz thought with wide eyes.
'Same old Luz.' Her friend group thought with grins.
It was confirmed when Willow grabbed Hunter's hand and kissed his cheek, making Hunter blush even brighter.
Both Willow and Hunter blushed at that.
'I can't believe captain did that!' Hunter thought.
'I can't believe I finally did that!' Willow thought.
"You mean a lot to me too." Willow said with a smile.
Luz got an angry look, having missed SO MUCH development while she was a power source!
"I MISSED A LOT!" She screamed, echoing through the cave.
Everyone chuckled at Luz's future reaction, with Luz herself giggling the most.
'Not this time, me. Not this time.' Luz thought
"Well, that's that chapter." Mr. Hardcor3 said, clapping his hands clean.
"And that should be a good time for something to eat. It's been a while." Jss2141 said as he looked over a takeout menu for the witches. "I'm think we order them all some fried chicken and fish."
"What a very strange combination." Mr. Hardcor3 said, looking ts him. "Either that or I need to eat less Pizza."
" Nothing wrong with some varieth. Plus, if you know a place that has delicious fish AND chicken, it's a great combination. Trust me, this place rocks. A little salty but it's good." Jss2141 said, finding the place on the takeout menu.
"Whatever, do what you want." Mr. Hardcor3 said.
Jss2141 rolled his eyes before pulling out a phone to order the food.
"Hello, Captain Ts? I'd like to make a big order." He said with a smile.
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