"The Twins Fight!" Pt. 1


Some things never change.
Can't I just go back to work please?

<End of Recap>

Hikaru's POV

The clock chimed above us as we sat on a bench together in the snow.

"Do you remember the first time we played that game?", I asked. "It was so long ago."

We held each other's hand while we sat and watched the other children play in the snow. Then a girl approached us. "Hey, you wanna make a snowman with me?", she asked.

"Which one of us are you talking to?", I asked.

"To both of you, silly", she replied.

"There's nobody here named 'Both of You'", Kaoru said.

"Okay, then, I'm talking to Hikaru and Kaoru", she said patiently.

"Oh, really? Which of us is Kaoru? And which of us is Hikaru?", we asked in unison.

"Can you tell?", Kaoru asked. The girl disappeared after that.

Kaoru and I stood up with our matching hats on and turned to the girls gathered with winks. "Let's all play the 'Which one is Hikaru?'game!", we said in unison. The girls giggled with delight and clapped. "So? Can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?" We made sure mirrored each other's stances while speaking.

Max's POV

I was minding my own business, walking to the other side of the room to go talk to some other guests before I heard the Twins' guests speak.

"Well, it's hard to say", one girl said.

"You're identical", another added.

"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but so far none have succeeded", They said proudly in unison as I was walking by.

"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of", I said.

"What, have you got a problem with it, Max?", they asked.

"Not really. I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular", I said and turned towards them.

"That's not very nice", they said and went to my sides without their hats.

"I'm disappointed", Hikaru said.

"Apparently you don't understand the merit of having a pair of twins as members of the Host Club", Kaoru commented.

"Listen up. Having a couple of good looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club high points. It also helps if the two struggle between their attraction and their friendship", Hikaru explained.

"And, in our case, because we're twins our relationship is taboo and, therefore, more intriguing", Kaoru added. They approached a girl.

"And, besides, who hasn't fantasized about twins? Having two loves I'd better than one, don't you think?", Hikaru said with his face at a close proximity to the girl's.

"It's a young woman's romantic fantasy", Kaoru said while doing the same. The looks on their faces resembled one a pedophile would make.

You've got to be kidding me.....

"Uhh...um...yeah, you're right", the girl said nervously with a blush. "I can't take it!" Suddenly, Tamaki came bounding over, seething with anger and a laptop in hand.

"Hikaru! Kaoru! When I gave you control of the club's website, I did so on one condition. That you take it seriously!", he said.

"We take our job very seriously, Boss", Hikaru said.

"In fact, last night we worked on it 'til dawn", Kaoru added as they tried to shoo him away.

"Is this what you worked so hard to create?!", Tamaki asked as he opened the laptop to reveal a picture of Haruhi and I shirtless with our backs turned to them.

"You look great, Haru-chan, Max-chan!", Honey said as Mori lifted him up over the crowd of gathered girls to see the picture while Haruhi basically turned white. I was seething with anger and banging my head against the wall to try from killing anybody. Tamaki left the laptop with the girls and went back over to the Twins.

"Tell me when", he said. The Twins gave him a confused look. "When did you take naked pictures of Haruhi and Max?!" He turned away with tears in his eyes. "You bribed them, didn't you?"

"You're imagining things", they said in unison.

"It's obvious that the photo's been altered", Kaoru said. Tamaki slowly turned back to them.

"It was photoshopped?", he asked.

"We did a pretty good job", Hikaru said proudly as they went to his sides.

"We have some major photoshopping talent", Kaoru said.

"YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU PHOTOSHOPPED ME NAKED?!" I yell at them. They just nodded nonchalantly.

"YOU IDIOTS!! That's a waste of your skills! Have you no shame?!", Tamaki said angrily. He got on his knees with a magazine. "But, if you're going to do it anyway, can you photoshop Haruhi into this idol photo book?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Boss", Hikaru said.

"Why don't you just ask her if she'll wear an outfit like one of those?", Kaoru asked. Tamaki looked over at Haruhi.

"...I never thought to ask her...", he said and walked over to Haruhi and held a dress to her back. "What do you think about this, my dear?"

"What are you doing with that dress?", Honey asked. The girls kept talking about the pictures on the laptop.

"He looks so handsome!"

"Yeah, he does. But, I'd have to agree with Tamaki. I'd love to see what Haruhi would look like if he dressed like a girl."

"Oh, he's so cute, I'm sure he'd look great no matter what you put on him."

"Ooh, what would Max look like as a girl?"

"I don't know! He'd probably be a cute one!"

"Oh now I have got to see that!"

Haruhi regained her color and sighed before turning around and glaring at Tamaki. He turned away with teary eyes and left with the dress. She turned her attention to the Twins. "Now, cut it out. No more making weird pictures of me, you got that?", she asked. The Twins turned to each other with mischievous smirks.

"What do you take me for anyways?!" I ask angered out of my mind.

"Isn't that obvious?", they asked in unison. Then they turned back to me. "You're our toy."

~Magical Time Skip~

"As we were saying, in order to stimulate ones self in this otherwise boring life--", Hikaru started.

"--one must find himself stimulating toys", Kaoru finished.

"I am not your toy, okay?!", I said annoyed. They were wearing pedophile like faces again.

"You want a toy?", a voice said. I turned to the dark door with someone peeking out. "Toys... toys... If you like this, then you should come visit my black magic club. We've opened a marketplace of the world's black magic curios. We're also holding mass around the clock." Tamaki turned around with a horrified, pleading look. "If you visit right now, I'll even throw in a free curse doll. You can have Belzenef as your free gift." He held up an evil looking cat puppet.

"Why is he talking to us through a crack in the door?", Haruhi asked.

"Wait a second, has that door always been there?", the Twins asked as Kyoya came over to them.

"Nekozawa-senpai likes to hide. He doesn't really care for brightly lit places", he said.

"Don't get involved with that guy, Haruhi and Max", Tamaki said as he appeared right behind us. She jumped in surprise while I sighed annoyed and turned to Tamaki. "If you do, you'll wind up being cursed."

"Do you have any basis for that?", she asked. He looked at the ground fearfully.

"Yes. It happened during final exams at the end of last school year... It's terrifying just talking about it. On that fateful day, I accidentally stepped on that weirdo's, Nekozawa's, cursed doll, Belzenef... Afterward, I took my exam and the entire test was written in some strange lettering. I looked to the others around me for help, and realized I knew none of them! I was all alone in a different dimension!", he said with horror.

"That's obviously fake." I said unimpressed.

"How scary!", Honey said with tearful eyes.

"Did that really happen to you?", Haruhi asked with widened eyes.

"That only happened because you were so scared you accidentally walked into the beginning Greek class and took their exam", Kyoya explained. Tamaki went up to him.

"NO! It was a curse! I know because I woke up there days later and my legs were as heavy as led! Just how do you explain that?!", he cried.

"Your legs were heavy because you ran a marathon the day before, remember?", Kyoya asked without even looking up.

"You shouldn't underestimate the powers of Belzenef, the curse doll. All you have to do is write the name of someone you hate on his back and then that person is certain to come face to face with misfortune", Nekozawa said as he appeared beside the two. Kyoya just looked up at him while Tamaki basically trembled in fear. I walked to him and looked at Belzenef, intrigued.

"Wow, this guy really is dark. In more ways than one", Hikaru said.

"Supposedly he hates bright lights. I wonder what he'll think of this", Kaoru said as he held up a flashlight and flicked it on and off. He shined it on Nekozawa, causing him and Tamaki to scream, and Nekozawa to run back to his door. I send a glare to them.

"You murderers!", he screamed as he left. The Twins shrugged and Tamaki looked afraid as he approached them.

"How on Earth could you do such a thing?! Obviously you two don't know the true terror of black magic!", Tamaki said as the Twins walked away.

"I am so bored", Hikaru said.

"Isn't there anything fun we can do around here?", Kaoru asked. Tamaki went to his corner.

"My dignity as the club leader...is being ignored...", he said. I sighed in annoyance before the Twins called out to me.

"Hey, Max. We've got a favor to ask you", they said.

"What is it?", I asked.

"The next time we get a day off--", Hikaru started.

"--can we come over to your place to hang out?", Kaoru finished. This obviously caught Tamaki's attention, since he started listening in.

"Why would you want to do that?", I asked as they came over to me. I didn't want them coming to my sorry excuse for a home, especially since I just live at the school during the week.

"We're curious. We want to see where you live", they said.

"No way", I said.

"Aww, pretty please?", they asked.

"No way. You guys are just going to make fun of me", I said.

"No matter how much we beg you?", they questioned.

"No way", I replied sternly.

"I, too, have been thinking that it is time for me to pay my respects to my beloved Max's family", Tamaki said with a sparkling air about him.

"No way in heaven or high water", I replied. The Twins put on their hats and went to her sides as Tamaki went back to his corner. "Go to Haruhi's house or something."

"We can settle this with a game", they said. "If you can't guess which one of us is Hikaru, then your penalty will be the two of us coming to your house later tonight. If you can, we'll go to Haruhi's house." They switched around a few times and smiled. "Okay, so which one of us is Hikaru?"

"This one's Kaoru--", I said while pointing to the twin on the left. "--this ones Hikaru." I pointed to the one on the right.

"Uh-oh! You got it wrong!", they said happily. I smiled.

"No, I know I'm right. You guys may look alike, but you're very different", I said. They gave me a stunned look and blinked before looking at each other from the side.

"He's right you know." Haruhi comments. "Wait so now they're coming my house?! Dang it!"

"Sorry Haruhi." I pat her back comfortingly.

"How did you do that, Max? Whenever they wear those hats to cover up which way they part their hair, it's practically impossible to figure out which twin is Hikaru and which twin is Kaoru."

"How can you tell them apart?"

The Twins looked at me, awaiting an answer as well. I thought for a moment. "Well, how do I put it...? It's kind of difficult to explain, but Hikaru's speech and actions make him come across a little more mischievous than Kaoru." One of the Twins started laughing.

"I'm sorry, Hikaru. I don't mean to laugh", Kaoru said as he laughed harder.

"Well, I don't see what's so funny. I'm honest, I speak my mind, and I don't hold back. It's sneaky people like Kaoru who are the troublemakers", Hikaru said. Kaoru immediately stopped laughing and stood up straight.

"Don't turn this on me, Hikaru", he said seriously. "After all, I'm always the one going along with your selfish games.

"I may suggest them, but you're the one who really gets into them, Kaoru", Hikaru said just as seriously. "If you hate them so much, then why don't you just stop?"

"Because I'd hate to see you make an ass of yourself in front of everyone. It was your idea to call Max our toy. And I noticed you were quick to make a pass at him. Admit it Hikaru. You're actually in love with Max, aren't you?", Kaoru asked. Neither of them had looked at each other and both kept a straight face until that was said. Hikaru blushed and had a horrified look on his face as he turned to Kaoru. I started choking on air as I looked at Hikaru blushing.

"WHAT?!", Tamaki and I exclaimed as Kaoru gave his brother a sideways glare.

"You've got it all wrong, Kaoru! Man, you're such a freaking idiot!

"Yeah! There are some things in this world that should never be said!", Tamaki said with a voice that sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"That's wrong in so many ways!!" I said hugging myself. M-Me and Hikaru?! N-No way.....that'd never happen!!!


"Why would I fall for him? I mean, he looks like a tanuki! Plus, I may be homosexual with you, but that doesn't mean I'm homosexual with him!", Hikaru replied.

"But I'm a girl......" I mumble to where no one can hear me. Wow Max. You take such risks. You shouldn't do that.

"How dare you call him a raccoon dog!", Tamaki said angrily. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!"

"Aw, so this is just perfect!", Renge said as a powerful motor started and Renge came out of the floor on a spinning platform. "Our beloved Max is in the middle of a beautiful, yet poignant four-sided relationship. And, to make it even more exciting, two of Max's admirers are twins torn apart by love. Just the thought of it could make me eat three bowls of rice!"

"I don't like Max that way!!!" Tamaki exclaimed flustered.

"I'm gonna puke......" I said to no one in particular.

"You stay out of this, otaku", the Twins said.

"You guys are meanies! You shouldn't say something like that to your manager!", Renge said with teary eyes.

"But, Renge, I thought you had feelings for Max as well", Tamaki said with a nervous smile after he calmed down as her eyes sparkled.

"Oh, I do. But I have no problem with Max having a homosexual relationship on the side", she said. Tamaki and I sweat dropped.

"I'm confused. I thought you had decided to go back home to France, Renge", Haruhi said nervously.

"Well, I was going to start up a Host Club of my own, but I don't think France is ready for it just yet", she replied.

"Cut it out already!", Hikaru screamed. "You're the one who's always crawling into my bed. Talk about annoying!"

"I only do that because you look lonely! I wouldn't choose to sleep in your bed you idiot!", Kaoru screamed back while the girls began to fangirl.

"Who're you calling an idiot?! You're the one who sucks at math!", Hikaru said.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're failing your foreign language class you big dummy!", Kaoru replied.

"The way you grind your teeth is deafening!", Hikaru said.

"At least I don't toss and turn so much I fall out of bed!", Kaoru said.

"Guys just stop....." I mumble stepping in between them only to have them push me aside to fight again.

"Sex pixie!", Hikaru screamed

"Sicko!", Kaoru screamed.

"YOUR MOMMA WEARS TOO MUCH MAKEUP!", they screamed together. "THAT'S IT! WE'RE OVER!" Everyone looked at the Twins in shock. I gasp and look down at the floor.

What have I done?
I've ruined a brotherly bond that's so rare these days....
That's another mistake Max.



Hey guys! Uh-oh. It's the episode where the Twins fight! This can't end well. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this and if you did, vote, comment, and share! I'll see you all in the next chappie, so take care!


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