"The Job of a High School Host!" Pt. 2
So Tamaki wants to help Kanako and Suzushima's relationship.......I guess I'll help. After all, Boss would want me to help as many people as I can until I can make my way back.
<End of Recap>
Max's POV
"It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs", Tamaki said to the gathered crowd of girls in his princely manner. "The Ouran Host Club would like to bid you welcome." A spotlight shown down on him as we all bowed to the girls from the stairs. Like a chain reaction, the chandeliers in the room lit up and elegant music began to play. The girls all had smiles on their faces as they began to clap and stare at us in awe. I made sure to keep an eye outside the windows and on the light switches to the large room.
"As always, ladies, the Host Club members are here for your entertainment, so we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on her dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's queen", Kyoya said with a smile. "The queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king." Tamaki stood elegantly and spoke gently to the girls.
"Good luck to you, my darlings", he said. He reached his hand out to the girls and winked, causing the crowd to squeal with delight and some to even faint. Ugh. Gag me now. Mister "Prince/King" Whatever he is is already getting on my nerves. Haruhi stood with slouched shoulders and an uninterested expression, unlike me. I had my back straight and my hands behind my back. I stood alert and ready for anything, with a gentle expression on my face, don't want the guests worrying. That is always the number one priority. The Twins went to Haruhi's sides.
"Haruhi, show some enthusiasm!", they said in exact unison.
"Well, excuse me, you guys. Sorry. I'm not used to this sort of thing. I've only ever gone to the festivals held in my neighborhood park", she said, slumping her shoulders further.
"Really? I went to events fancier than this on a daily basis." I commented.
"Wait what? What made you go to snob fears worse than these daily?" Haruhi and the Twins asked confused.
"Well that's a mystery isn't it? Wonder if you'll figure it out." I smirk as I leave them clueless, wanting to know more.
"I don't know if you can really consider that a party or not. Well, since you're already here, you might as well get yourself something to eat. We've got quite a spread", Kyoya said changing the subject. Haruhi's obviously faked smile immediately turned to a look of interest once she heard that.
"A spread?", she asked and turned to Kyoya, hiding her interest. "With fancy tuna?" Kyoya's pen broke in his grip at her mention of the edible item.
"Fan-", Honey and Mori started.
"-cy--", the Twins added.
"--tuna?!", Tamaki finished. He leaped down from the upper level of the stairs over the railing to us. The Twins hugged Haruhi in something like comfort while Mori stood by her with Honey on his shoulders and Kyoya stood off to the side. I just stood and looked at them like they were crazy. Tamaki stood up from his landing crouch and pointed directly at Kyoya. He spoke as if the entire party depended on the matter. "Get some fancy tuna here, RIGHT NOW!" Kyoya calmly pulled out his phone and made a phone call.
"Add some deluxe sushi", he said almost monotonly. Haruhi had a red face as she stood in the Twins' embrace uncomfortably. I pried them off of her and she sends me a grateful smile, and I return a gentle one while the Twins pout.
~Magical Time Skip~
Everyone began dancing shortly after. Each host, even Kyoya and Haruhi, had a dance partner besides me. I leaned against a pillar and watched as two girls peaked out from behind it, each on a different side. Right as they were about to speak, someone else spoke, catching my attention. "Hello, Max", Kanako greeted. I turned my head to look at her. "I've been looking all over for you. Do you think, maybe, I could have the next dance?" I smiled politely and stood up straight to offer her hand.
"Of course you can Princess", I said. The two girls behind the pillar watched with sad, tearful eyes as Kanako placed her hand in mine.
"Kasuga-chan is here", Honey said to the others while dancing. Mori took a look.
"All right, men. Then, let us commence with our operation", Tamaki said without even taking his eyes off his dance partner or indicating he was speaking.
"Roger", Mori and Honey said as Haruhi and Kanako were walking. In a flash, they had grabbed Haruhi and ran off, leaving her dance partner stunned and confused.
"What?", the guest asked softly as she looked in the direction they had ran off in. "Kidnapped?" Tamaki stood nearby with a small, knowing smirk.
~What's Up With The Hosts~
Meanwhile, Mori and Honey went to a room where the Twins and Kyoya were waiting with Haruhi over his shoulder and Honey bouncing around. "There she is!", Kaoru said. Mori put her down.
"You didn't have to be so forceful!", she said as Hikaru pushed a package in her hands.
"Never mind that. Go get changed", Hikaru said.
"Yeah!", Honey said happily as he pushed Haruhi into a changing room.
"A little accident towards the end of the night would be quite thrilling", Kyoya said as he checked his watch. "And remember, Haruhi, there are only twenty minutes remaining before the party reaches its climax. Suzushima is already waiting for you in the classroom across the hall." Haruhi stepped out in a pink dress and a long brown wig.
"You have to ask him how he feels, okay?", Honey said while the Twins applied makeup.
"Um, we know that it's the Boss' strategy, but it's kind of unsettling", the Twins said. Suddenly, the double doors burst open.
"Gentlemen! Here you all are! What are you doing?! The guests are waiting for--", Tamaki abruptly stopped and his eyes widened as he saw Haruhi all dressed up. The Twins went to his sides with bright, proud smiles.
"So, what do you think?", they asked. Haruhi started walking with some difficultly and a bit of robotic stiffness.
"Wow, you look so cute!", Honey said.
"My face feels heavy and it's hard to walk in these shoes", she complained. She walked out into the hallway with balance difficulties.
"Good luck, Haruhi!", the Twins called after her, laughing a little mischievously under their breaths. Tamaki watched her with a blush and smile.
"I can't believe it. She's so pretty", he said quietly.
~Back to Haruhi~
Suzushima was looking out the window at the cherry blossoms when Haruhi walked into the room. He turned his head to look at her. He held up a folded piece of paper. "You're the one who wrote this letter?", he asked. "You're totally different from what I imagined."
"Letter?", Haruhi asked as she came closer. She read the letter once he held it out to her.
I'm in love-love! From the first time I saw you I've been head-over-heels in love!! It's like my heart is stuck in a never ending typhoon! All these feelings of love keep whipping around in my heart like the breaking waves! When the typhoon's water's come, I want to rendezvous with you on Noah's Ark!! I do! I do!
Haruhi sweat dropped at the letter. "Excuse me, have we meet somewhere before?", Suzushima asked. Haruhi jumped.
"No, uh, this is the first time I've ever talked to you", Haruhi said and nervously laughed.
"I'm sorry", he said. "I'm flattered by your letter, but I'm afraid I don't feel the same way." He looked down sadly. "You see, another girl already has my heart." Haruhi looked up at Suzushima.
"Oh, well, I didn't know you had a girlfriend", Haruhi said calmly.
"Unfortunately, she's not my girlfriend. In fact, I think she's completely over me", he said and looked out the window. "In all honesty, she'd be happier with somebody more self confident than me."
~Now Let's Switch To Tamaki Shall We?~
Meanwhile, Tamaki was leading Kanako down the hallway. "Where exactly are you taking me, Tamaki?", she asked. Tamaki looked at her and stopped.
"You know, you're not the kind of girl who's good at manipulating others", he said and released her hand.
"What do you mean by that?", she asked confusedly.
"I have you figured out, Kanako. I know you're switching from host to host to get his attention", he said calmly. He smiled. "And I've noticed that you always look the happiest gazing into a teacup." Her eyes opened a little wider and she looked down in sadness.
"It's pointless. It doesn't matter how hard I try, he never notices me. And now he's decided to study abroad without- without even telling me", she said sadly.
~Back to Haruhi~ (That's a Lot of Switches)
"That's why I decided to change. I want to see the world and, hopefully, become a better man. I know it's selfish, but I wonder if she'll wait for me?", Suzushima said while still gazing out the window.
"Yeah, you're right. That is pretty selfish of you", Haruhi said plainly. Suzushima seemed a little taken aback by her response. "But maybe she would wait. You never know if you don't tell her how you feel. You obviously have strong feelings for her, so why not go ahead and talk to her? I think, once you decide to change, then you've already begun your transformation." The door opened just as Suzushima was reaching out his hand. He froze and looked up at the door while Haruhi turned to look at the door as well. Kanako was standing in the doorway with a shocked look on her face.
"Kanako...", Suzushima said. She looked down so her hair would cover her eyes as she forced a smile.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you two, I just...", she trailed out as her smile faltered and tears dripped from her chin. She turned and ran away, realizing she couldn't hold her tears in any longer.
"Kanako", Suzushima called as he ran towards the door after her. He emerged into the hallway as he continued to call her name and chase her. "Kanako!" Haruhi walked out of the room and Tamaki walked over to stand with her while facing the window as she watched the two run.
"Looks like we just made matters worse", she said. Tamaki turned his head to look their way.
"But he did go running after her", he said. Haruhi's eyes widened slightly at the realization and put on a small smile and looked at Tamaki as he looked in the direction Kanako and Suzushima ran off in with a small, proud smile.
~To Kanako~
Kanako continued running while she cried and Suzushima continued to chase after her. He finally reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a stop. Suddenly, four spotlights shown down on the two. They squinted their eyes to adjust to the bright light.
~Back to Max's POV~
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for us to begin the final dance of this evening's festivities", Tamaki said as he and the other hosts lead the rest of the guests onto the balcony outside where Kanako and Suzushima were. "The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the Host Club for this couple." Tamaki gestured to Kanako and Suzushima in a princely manner and gentle smile while the Twins ate a banana each. I face palm at them. Nothing good will come of those bananas. Suzushima released Kanako's wrist as she looked at him with still wide eyes. He had his eyes closed to gain his courage and bowed while holding out his hand.
"Princess Kasuga", he said. "May I have this dance?" Her expression relaxed a little as they both had a light blush on their cheeks. He opened his eyes and looked up at her, awaiting an answer. Her features relaxed further into a gentle smile as she placed her hand in his.
"Yes", she said. Elegant music began to play as Suzushima stood up straight again and they began to dance happily with each other.
"I love you, Kanako", Suzushima said. "I've always loved you." She looked up at him with bright eyes. "And I want you to be my wife." Her eyes widened and brightened further as she smiled happily. Her eyes began to fill with tears of joy. Now that's the happy ending Kanako deserves.
"Tonight marks the end of my host hopping", she said. Tamaki stretched his arms out as far as they could go, which would've hit me if I hadn't ducked just in time, and smiled.
"May this awkward couple be forever blessed!", he said.
"Oh shut it.", I comment.
"And now we'll announce the queen of the ball!", Hikaru said.
"Congratulations, Princess Kanako Kasugazaki!", Kaoru said. Both twins were holding banana peels. Suzushima and Kanako stopped dancing and looked up at the Twins with wide eyes. The crowd clapped for Kanako's victory as she smiled shyly.
"And, for her reward, a kiss on the cheek from our king", Hikaru said. Tamaki struck a pose, retracting his hands back to his body.
"Maximillion Himitsu will stand in for Tamaki", the Twins said in unison. Tamaki and I each looked shocked. Tamaki looked back at the Twins in disbelief, a hung jaw and wide eyes decorating his features, while I looked like I was going to murder them with a blush grazing my cheeks. They shrugged.
"Kyoya did say a little accident towards the end of the night might make the evening more thrilling for everyone", they said in unison. The banana peels they had had were gone. WAIT!! WHERE DID THOSE BANANA PEELS GO?! Kanako looked a little worried as Suzushima put a hand on her shoulder in comfort.
"It's just a kiss on the cheek, right? You should accept it. It will commemorate your graduation from host hopping", he said with a smile.
"There's no way I can kiss her", I said sternly.
"If you do it, we'll cut Haruhi's debt by one third", Kyoya said temptingly as he wrote in his notebook. This caught my attention.
"Well, it is just a peck on the cheek. I'll do it for Haruhi", I said and began walking down the stairs to Kanako and I walked towards her.
"Hey, you don't think this is Max-chan's first kiss, do you?", Honey asked curiously. Tamaki's face distorted in shock and horror.
"What?!", he asked as he jumped back. I took Kanako's head in my hand and turned it to kiss her cheek. " WAIT, MAX!" Tamaki ran towards me as if he thought of himself as a hero, but slipped on a banana peel on the stairs and pushed me back, causing me to turn Kanako's head and kiss her lips. Both of our eyes opened wide in horror as Suzushima and Tamaki looked shocked. Tamaki looked a little more horrified, however. Kanako and I jumped away from each other and the crowd of girls screamed happily while the two girls from the pillar almost cried. Tamaki reached out to me with teary eyes as I looked at Kanako with a small blush. Kanako looked to Suzushima with worry as he smiled and laughed awkwardly. Haruhi smiled as she pat me on the back.
"Tamaki." I say in a whisper.
"Yes Max?" He asks scared.
"You have twenty seconds to start running before I beat you to death! That was my first kiss!" I yell frustrated at him. Believe it or not, I get flustered when it comes to physical and emotional contact and the idea of love and first kisses.
Ugh! I can't believe that fool!
My first kiss....I lost it because he's so stupid!
Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. But I have been conditioning every day to play soccer for high school this summer. So updates will be whenever I can get them out. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chappie and if you did, vote, comment, and share! I'll you see all you guys in the next one!
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