"The Job of a High School Host!" Pt. 1



Hey guys! This is the beginning of Episode 2 of OHSHC! I'll stop wasting time and get a move on.
So.......INTO THE STORY!!!



Day 1 is done.
I just hope tomorrow isn't that bad.

<End of Recap:>

Max's POV

It was the day after my first day at this living nightmare for me. I've already showered and I am dressed in that uniform they forced me to wear. My staff has its new carvings as well. It's the end of the school day, even though it began with the twins trying to pry information out of me in homeroom. All I told them was that they should stay out of my private life. Also I did something I've never done before. I left my staff alone with my other belongings. I figured I won't need it as long as I have my bag with me. My bag doesn't just hold school stuff. I'll leave it to your imagination as to what's in it. I was walking towards the club room and it was nothing but silence in the halls. I made sure to get there a bit early. Once I opened the door I had to rub my eyes to believe my vision. The entire club room had been turned into a tropical rainforest. I spot Tamaki in white robe with golden details. I walk towards him and he seems shocked once I reach him. "What in the name of Holographic Technology happened to the club room?" I ask looking around.

"Ah Max. I didn't think you would show up today after you know...." Tamaki says twiddling his thumbs.

"That's a stupid reason to not come." I say with a poker face as usual.

"Really?" Tamaki asks looking confused.

"Yes. I have to make sure Haruhi makes out of this alive." I say walking towards Kyoya who seems to have an outfit for me.

"Will wearing this be a problem Max?" Kyoya asks holding up a white and gold robe that shows some belly but isn't revealing to the chest area and had a Balinese style skirt that matched the top.

"Will I wear it? No." I say before heading for the break room.

Kyoya stops me however, before I can get far. "What is the problem?"

"I have my reasons Kyoya. And I am not too keen on telling anyone what those reasons are." I say looking him in the eyes to say that 'It's a touchy subject'.

"Fine but you have to wear something that's related."

"Over. My. Dead. Body." I say before walking away. I can hear him sigh in the background before I notice Haruhi walks in and everyone else ends up greeting her.

"You finally made it Haruhi. You're so late." The twins say unanimously as usual.

"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring." Haruhi deadpans as she looks at her calendar.

"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense!" Tamaki says dramatically waving around his fan. "And besides, the heating system we have is, the best!" He poses dramatically as I mentally face palm. Is this guy serious right now?

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club Haruhi? Be careful what you say, you owe us 8 million yen, remember?" Kyoya says with a chill in his voice.

"I'd watch your tongue Ootori....." I mumble. Ugh, can I leave now? I don't want to spend another second of my time in Ouran Academy. I have a job to get back to.

"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilly early spring out in the real world, but here at the club, we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise." Tamaki explains dramatically as he plops his arm over my shoulder. "Oh yes. We've turned this place into nirvana, a hot, hot island of everlasting summer!"

"That's funny, because I feel a massive chill right now." I remark sarcastically.

~Magical Time Skip~

"What heartlessness! Even with my lustrous skin shining like brilliant ivory, exposed by my Balinese king outfit, I'm no more than a slave before my goddess. I kneel before you and swear my loyalty."



I was simply watching Tamaki treat his guests with his 'Princely Affection'.

"Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention to you ladies, next week, the Ouran Host Club is sponsoring a party." Tamaki says coolly as the girls swoon over him.

"We're throwing a party?" Haruhi asks.

"What kind of party is it going to be?" One of Hikaru and Kaoru's guests ask.

"Is it going to be formal?"

"Yes, in fact, we've rented the school's largest hall." Hikaru states.

"It's the perfect place for dancing." Kaoru adds.

And cue the Twincest.

"But I really wanted to spend some alone time with you Kaoru."

"Don't be upset Hikaru. I know exactly how you feel."

I cringe as soon as the girls started to fangirl like mad dogs.

"The guests seem to be even more worked up than usual." Haruhi comments.

"Showing some skin proves popular with the ladies." Kyoya responds.

"So did you come up with this....tropical idea?" I ask.

"I have no decision making authority. All the club's policies have been laid down by the club's King, Tamaki, but, there's no harm in admitting to casually slipping a Bali photo book onto his desk."

So he's the brains in this operation. This sick game.

"Ta-da!" Honeys cheers.

"Oh you're so cute Honey!"

"Hi ladies! I love these Balinese flowers! We had them flown in!" Honey says as he notices Mori walks by. "Takashi!" He climbs up Mori and places flowers around his neck. "There! We match!"

This is so stupid.

I'm leaning against a wall near Haruhi's table as she handles her two guests. I am currently, but unwillingly, wearing a Balinese outfit that doesn't show my chest or my bandages. I didn't have any appointments but I knew some girls were watching me from afar, afraid to talk to me I presume.

"Hm. Look at this. Two new hosts. But which one do I pick?" I look up to see a guest of Tamaki's. I think Kanako is her name. "Both of you are adorable. So which one? The silent intimidating one-" She says pointing to me. "-or the natural rookie?"

"I recommend Haruhi. He'd be better company than I." I suggest.

"Is that so, Mr. Lonely?" Kanako asks amused.

"Yes." I reply uninterested as she just giggles.

"Well, aren't you are quite interesting. I've decided." She says walking up to me. "From now on, you're going to be my new favorite Host Max." She says standing close to me while putting her hand on my cheek. I heard Tamaki gasp as I just stared at her amazed.

~Magical Time Skip Power~

It's after school and I was just sitting at a table where the other hosts were planning the party while Tamaki was eating ramen at a different table and was slurping it, much to my annoyance.

"Hey Boss! Why don't you stop eating that commoners ramen and come over here to help us with the party planning?" Hikaru asks.

"Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Max?" Kaoru asks.

"He shouldn't be surprised, she's had the disease for a while." Kyoya states typing away at his computer.

"Disease?" I ask confused.

"She's got the Host-Hopping disease." Hikaru states.

"Aka the Never-the-Same-Boy-Twice disease." Kaoru adds.

"Usually our customers choose a favorite host and see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favorites, on a regular basis." Kyoya confirms.

"That's right! 'Cause before she chose Max~Chan, she was with Tamaki!" Honey exclaims.

"Oh." I say understanding now. "So he's jealous about how I took her from him?"

"SHUT UP!" Tamaki yells in denial. "I COULDN'T CARE LESS!! Ugh!" He begins to pose dramatically. "Max! It's about time that you start acting like you look!" He declares.

"Excuse me?" I ask irritated.

"When people see you for the first time, they think you're a scary bad guy! I mean that's what I thought!" Tamaki yells.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I yell standing up in defense.

"I just don't understand how you can be so popular with the ladies when you look like you're about to rip someone's head off!" Tamaki frustratingly yells.

"If you don't shut up, I WILL rip someone's head off! Preferably YOURS!!!" I yell in return.


"YOU. AREN'T. MY. DAD." I yell. "So what if I look menacing sometimes? I mean it doesn't matter. I can still be just as Prince-Like as you!"

"Is that so?!" Tamaki argues.

"It is so!" I yell back.


"I'm sorry but who's Mommy?" Hikaru asks Kyoya.

"Based on Club positions, I assume it's me." Kyoya answers.

"I'm not your son! I'm no where near as whiny as you!" I retort.

"Hate to change this subject, but do you and Haruhi have formal dancing experience? You'll both need it at the party." Hikaru asks.

"Uh.....no but the party doesn't have to do anything with my quota right?!" Haruhi panics.

"I've mastered multiple types of formal dancing of different countries." I state nonchalantly.

"Yeah right!" Tamaki yells.

"Don't believe me? Fine. I'll just prove you wrong at the party." I argue.

"Um.....may I be excused from the party?" Haruhi asks.

Tamaki gains a glint in his eyes as he points at Haruhi dramatically. "Definitely not, a refined gentleman must know how to dance. If you want to live the life of a Host that badly, you're going to have to prove how far you're willing to go Haruhi. I order you to master the waltz in one week, and you will demonstrate for us at the party. Or I'll tell the entire school you're a girl! And knock you back down to errand boy!" Tamaki orders as Haruhi quivers in fear.

~The Third Magical Time Skip to the Next Day~

I watch as Tamaki sulks near a window and Haruhi practices dancing with Kanako. I had asked her if she would do so and I promised her a dance in return.

"Quick quick slow. Quick quick slow. Good work Haruhi. Now only slowly you should bring your feet together. Remember, the gentleman always leads. And make sure to look at the lady you're dancing with." Kanako instructs.

"Okay, got it!" Haruhi exclaims before falling on top of Kanako.

"Oh Haruhi." I lift him up off of Kanako and help her up. "Do you need to watch someone before trying it?"

"Maybe that would help......." Haruhi admits.

"Alright." I smile as I turn to Kanako. "My Princess. It would be my greatest pleasure to dance with you, if you so allow." I bow in a Princely manner and hold out my hand. Kanako takes it and nods. I place one of my hands on her lower back and hold her other hand and raise my elbow at the perfect angle. I look Kanako in the eyes and hold her close. We were about the same height as I began to move my feet to the music. As Kanako and I danced, I saw Haruhi amazed, Tamaki shocked, the Twins dumbfounded, Honey and Mori were dancing together, and I saw Kyoya's pen break. It was only a glance, by then I had returned my eyes to Kanako as the song ended. I released her hand and bowed before her. "Thank you for dancing with me, Princess." I smile small and turn to Haruhi. "See Haruhi? It's as easy as that."

"Max, you looked like a professional dancer! How did you do that?!" Haruhi asks.

"I just had a wonderful partner." I comment to please Kanako, as it was my job.

It had been a while and I was drinking tea with Kanako after Haruhi had practiced a little.

"Thank you for helping Haruhi today. He seems to be learning quickly." I say taking a sip of tea.

"It was no problem really. I heard that you and Haruhi weren't going to have any customers today because you were practicing dancing. I'm glad I got to spend some alone time with you today. And thank you for the dance." Kanako says as she rubs the side of her tea cup.

"It's Ginori." I say startling her, but she recovers with a smile.

"Ah, just as I thought. It's a lovely color." Kanako comments as she looks at it longingly.

"You enjoy tableware?" I ask and she completely flips out and blushes madly.

"Not really! I mean no! Of course I'm not! What ever would give you such an idea?!" She nervously tries to deny it.

But.....she does. I can tell. She knows a lot about it. So why hide it?

"Hello? I'm here with the new teacups you ordered." A male voice announced as he walked in. I notice Kanako freeze as she heard his voice.

"Ah. Thank you very much." Kyoya says. "Every item you chose for us has been extremely popular with the ladies. I'm quite impressed."

"Well that's good to hear." The male replies.

"So do you sell tea sets?" Haruhi asks.

"No I'm just a regular student. Can't you tell by the uniform?" The male replies.

"Haha. Oh Haruhi, you're so funny!" Kanako laughs. "I can't blame you for not knowing, after all he doesn't really look like an heir to a first-class company."

"First-class company?" I ask quietly to myself. Now that I think about it......my Boss orders Ginori a lot.

"His family's business, the Suzushima Trading Company, deals with primarily the important tableware. They currently have the top market share in the country." Kyoya states. I see the male look at Kanako with a blush and Kanako just looks away sadly.

"Wow." Haruhi comments.

"So, whenever anything exceptional comes in, we've asked him to send it our way. He has a great eye for fine china, don't you Suzushima?" Kyoya asks.

"You think?" The male blushes. "I've still got a lot to learn, but thank you."

"Aren't you leaving next month to study abroad in England?" Kyoya asks.

"Yes I am. Well I better go now." The Suzushima guy left and I looked at Kanako, who had a sad expression on her face.

"So are you enjoying the host club?" Tamaki asks as he leans on the table.

"When'd you get here?" I mutter annoyed.

"I get the feeling you and that guy are kinda close." Haruhi comments.

"So I wasn't the only one." I say.

Then Kanako freaks out with a blush on her face. "Don't be ridiculous! We hardly know each other!" Kanako denies. "What makes you two say that?! Now if you'll please excuse me, take care!" Kanako says dashing out of the club room.

"Max-Chan!" Honey jumps on my back exclaiming. "Guess what?! They do know each other! Suzushima is Kasuga's fiancé!"

"Kyoya. How long have you known about this?" Tamaki and I ask at the same time. I send a glare to him and he returns it.

"About the two of them being engaged? Well as you know, I conduct general searches on all of our customers. The two of them were childhood friends, seems that their engagement was arranged by their parents. I didn't think the information would benefit us, so I disregarded it." Kyoya states looking into his notebook.

Now how in the name of privacy is that a general search?

"I see." Tamaki says.

"Childhood friends huh......." I mumble to myself.

"Toru Suzushima: Outstanding grades, fair social status, he's ordinary looking, but he's reliable." Kyoya lists off.

"He doesn't have mush presence." Hikaru adds.

"He's faint hearted." Kaoru contributes.

"In other words...." Kyoya starts.

"He's boring." I finish.

He doesn't seem like anything special. However, Kanako seems to like him a lot. So I guess I'll help them. For the party, I better scope out the area. It's better to be safe than sorry. Plus, it'll remind me that I have a job to get back to.

"Suzushima is a good boy, right?" Honey asks from a top of Mori's shoulders.

"Yeah." Mori answers.

"Alright everyone." Tamaki steps forward. "We'll have to work on our strategy."

"Which one?" Everyone but Haruhi and I ask.

"Men it is our responsibility, as members of the elite Ouran Host Club, to make every girl happy!" Tamaki dramatically declares.

So Tamaki wants to help Kanako and Suzushima's relationship.......I guess I'll help. After all, Boss would want me to help as many people as I can until I can make my way back.


Hey guys! So that was part one of Episode 2 of Ouran High School Host Club. The next part will be out soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment if you did, and I'll see you in the next one!


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