"Starting Today You Are a Host!" Pt. 3



Hey guys! Glad to see you are giving this book a chance considering everything is slow. Well I won't waste anymore time...



This should be interesting...
I'd rather have that passport right now though.

<End of Recap:>

Max's POV

"So tell me Haruhi. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?"

"I'm curious. What kind of products do you use on your skin?"

"Yes! It's so pretty!"

Those girls were all Haruhi's new customers. Really? Good luck Haruhi. Then I realized, I had my own to deal with.

"Max~Kun! What kinds of Martial Arts do you prefer?"

"You really like to train don't you?"

"Isn't it hard having to train 24/7?"

I smile before looking at them all. "It's not that hard really. My preference is a really old type that is mostly forgotten and foreign so I'm afraid you girls wouldn't recognize it. And I love training! It always makes me happy to know I can protect those I care about." I say holding my staff.

"Wow Max~Kun! You're so cool~!"


"So dreamy!~"

These girls don't know half the truths. I smile dismissing my thoughts before I hear a commotion.

"Why are they so popular?" Tamaki asks snooping in on Haruhi and I. Hmm...I guess because I've seen somebody else do it most my life.

"They're naturals." Kyoya says not facing us. If only they could see the truth in my words and not the lies.

"No training needed." The Twins say unanimously. Pfft. I learned from experience of course I don't need training.

Then the Demon Witch Lady spoke. "Have you forgotten about me?" Says with jealousy in her words for me to notice. Tamaki looks back at her. He puts on a charming face.

"Oh no. Sorry Princess. I'm just a little bit concerned about our two newest Hosts." Tamaki apologized. Don't you dare apologize to that Witch!

"Excuse me Ladies. I have a feeling I might be needed soon so if you'll excuse me." I say smiling while standing up.

"Of course Max~Kun!"

"We'll request you tomorrow!"

"Be careful Max~Kun!"

"Thank you all for being so understanding!" I smile brightly at them causing them to swoon. I walk near to where I could resume on listening in on their conversation.

"Well that's obvious Tamaki. You sure have been keeping a eye on those two." Demon Witch Lady says.

"Of course I have to. I'm training them to be gentlemen like me." Tamaki says before snapping. "Haruhi, Max. Come here for a minute." Tamaki says gesturing towards him. I walk to him immediately as I want to get a closer look at Demon Witch Lady. Haruhi walks over.

"What's up?" Haruhi asks.

"I'd like for you two to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Princess Ayanokoji." Tamaki says gesturing to Demon Witch Lady. So Ayanokoji huh? I'm still calling her what she is, Demon Witch Lady.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Haruhi says embarrassed.

Tamaki went dark for a moment before hugging and spinning Haruhi. "That was so cute! That pure bashfulness was very good! Super amazingly good!"

"Tamaki." Demon Witch Lady says looking indifferent.

I get close to whisper to her. "I'm onto you. It's only a matter of time before everyone sees in on your jealousy. I've got my eye on you, always." I say hoping that she'll get the message. She freezes as she looks at me in disbelief. Don't mess with me or the people around me. I take her moment of shock to re-tuck in her collar. I snapped out of it to yelling.

"MORI~SENPAI! HELP ME!" Haruhi cried out. Mori remained calm for a moment before sprinting into action. He ripped Haruhi from Tamaki's arms to let out a small gasp as he held her in the air.

"Mori~Senpai? You really didn't have to go that far. C'mon little one! Let Daddy give you a big hug!" Tamaki says as he tries to coax a hug out of Haruhi.

"I've already got a Dad. I don't need another one." Haruhi says brushing Tamaki off. I look down to see Demon Witch Lady glaring at Haruhi. She got up a little after that. I didn't need to follow her considered I technically already was with her. I just need to wait for her to make a fool of herself.

I had went outside for a bit to hear a splash where the pond was. I was almost at the other side of the school when it happened. I rushed at full speed to find Haruhi's bag in the water. I took off my shoes and started picking everything up. Haruhi then ran outside shocked at seeing me in the pond and then her eyes darted to her things. "Sorry. I just found everything like that." I apologize feeling guilty that I couldn't do anything to prevent it.

"It's okay! I had a feeling on who did it anyway." Haruhi says before coming to join me. "Now all I need is my wallet."

"Hey commoners." I hear a voice call out from behind me. I stand up and turn around to find Tamaki with hands in his pockets. "You've got some nerve skipping out on the Club like that." Tamaki looks down as I clench my fists. Just who does he think he is?! He's so clueless I want to- "Haruhi, why is your bag all wet?"

Before I could speak Haruhi beats me to the punch. "Uh, it's no big deal, Max and I got it." I took that as a hint to start looking again. So I did. "I just can't find my food money...." Haruhi mumbles. Next thing I notice is that splashes are being created on the opposite side that Haruhi was on putting me in the middle. I look up while still searching to see Tamaki was in the water too helping us search for Haruhi's wallet. "Hey you don't have to do that, you'll get wet." Haruhi says stopping her search.

"A little water never hurt anyone. Besides people are always telling me I'm dripping with good looks." Tamaki not even giving a glance to Haruhi as he was searching. I stand there looking at him shocked. He's not like any noble or blue-blood I've ever met....and I've met a lot of them. "Oh. Hang on a second." Tamaki stands up smiling holding a wallet. "This what you're looking for?" He walks over to Haruhi while I walk out of the pond putting my socks and shoes back on. "What's the matter Haruhi you're staring off into space." Tamaki teasingly waves the wallet. "You're not falling for me are you?"

Haruhi snaps back to reality as she swipes the wallet and looks away denyingly. "No way!"

Tamaki grows serious as he stands up straight. "How did your bag end up in the pond anyway?" Haruhi freezes at that while I stand up and look at the window in which I can see the Demon Witch Lady watching us.

"Well uh....." Haruhi says trying to come up with an excuse. "I guess I accidentally dropped it out the window at some point."

I walk towards the building and climb to the third story leaving Tamaki and Haruhi behind. I enter the window as Kyoya is looking around almost searching. "Oh Max. Have you seen Haruhi? Ayanokoji has requested him."

"You mean that Demo-" I caught myself before starting again. "I mean, she requested Haruhi? I thought she was one of Tamaki's fans." I say trying to cover up my mistake. Guess that's another circle for that slip-up. I take my staff off my shoulder and begin carving while Kyoya left me to do my thing. I can't believe that Demon Witch. I'll expose her the moment she embarrasses herself.


Max finished carving her mistake as Haruhi and Tamaki return. Max makes sure that she's nearby to hear every word that girl has to say to Haruhi.

<End of Narration>

"Oh really? That must've been terrible." The Demon Witch Lady says sarcastically. "I can't imagine what I'd do if my bag fell in the pond." She says smirking. I stand nearby enough for me to hear every word and for her not to notice me. Why would she request Haruhi? I thought she hated her guts. Just wait you Demon Witch Lady! I'll expose you yet! "And you actually made Tamaki search that dirty, old pond with you, how astonishing. You do realize that he's a blue-blood and not a commoner right?" She says resting her head on her intertwined hands. I swear once I get my hands on her.... "The only reason he's paying attention to you is because he's trying to turn you into a gentleman. Don't start thinking he cares about you just because he's doting on you." She says with a dark glint in her eyes. "And be sure to tell that to your 'friend' Max too. He isn't really your friend. He just feels sorry for you. And I bet he's got something a lot better to do than babysit you." Why you little twit....I'll teach you a thing or two! Just before I start heading their way Haruhi speaks.

"Now I understand. You're jealous of me." The Demon Witch Lady's eyes go to shock before turning to anger as she reaches over the table and grabs Haruhi's tie. Just before she could drag her down with her I grab Haruhi's collar to keep her from choking and hold her up leaving Demon Witch Lady on the floor holding Haruhi's tie making it obvious what her intentions were. All of the room freezes as I pour water on her still holding Haruhi up. I noticed Haruhi had spilled hot tea on her and Demon Witch Lady released her tie.

"Wait! It's not what it looks like I swear!" She says panicking as I gently push Haruhi to the side looking down on her.

"You are really going to deny it when I just stopped you? How pathetic." I say with a glare. I can hear whispers in the background.

"Max~Kun can be terrifying..." One girl whispered.

"But he's also so cool at the same time....." Another girl added.

"Did Ayanokoji really just attempt that?" Another whispered.

Tamaki helped the girl up as I watched. "Do something Tamaki! Max just assaulted me!"

"I'm disappointed in you." Tamaki says wiping a strand of her red hair out of her face. "You threw his bag into the pond didn't you?"

"You don't know that! Do you have any proof that I did?!" She says while Tamaki holds her face in one of his hands.

"Actually I do." I say keeping a glare and my poker face. I smirk as I pull out a metal cube. "Do you know what this is Ayanokoji?"

"No why would I?!"

"Then let me tell you." I say wiping the smirk away. "This is a holographic display cube. Link this to any footage and it will recreate any scene based on the background and additional information." I walk over to her picking something from her collar. It was a small black device. "Remember when I folded your collar back earlier? I took that as an opportunity to bug you. This is a micro camera. It recorded you throwing his bag into the pond and your little conversation with Haruhi earlier. Shall I play it? After all you wanted proof, and this IS proof." I say glaring with a smirk.

"No please don't! I did it! Just don't play it!" She pleads on the verge of tears.

Tamaki turns to the Demon Witch Lady. "You know you are a beautiful girl. But you aren't classy enough to be our guest dear. If there's one thing I know, Haruhi is not that kind of a man. And neither is Max."

"B-But why Tamaki?!" She says with tears in her eyes as she turns to me. "You! This is all your fault!" She rears back her hand and before Tamaki could stop her she did one thing that no one has ever done to me. And I let her do it too. I did humiliate her after all. I let her slap me. I just stood there as she ran off crying. She didn't even make my balance budge. I turned to Haruhi as she stood there with a face with worry and shock.

"Go change. You spilled tea on yourself." And with that I walked towards the changing room that had my belongings, leaving everyone shocked watching me walk away. I hear yelling about how Haruhi's quota turned to 1000. I'm sorry Haruhi. I let her go too far. Another mistake. I made it to the changing room and began changing out of the uniform. I still haven't found a place to stay even though I might just sleep in here. No one will notice. I notice though, that is was sunset. I can hear footsteps outside the curtain beside me.

"Haruhi. Here you go. I brought you some towels." I hear Tamaki say as he opens up the curtain. "Haruhi?"

"Yeah?" I hear her reply.

"So...you're a girl?"

"Biologically speaking, yeah." I can hear her say as I'm predicting that Tamaki is full on red.

I'm back into my normal outfit as I walk out. "You're just now noticing this Tamaki? I thought it was pretty obvious." I say adjusting my coat and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Well I had no idea!" Tamaki panics as he waves his arms around.

"Whatever." I say as I walk out of the club room. Maybe I'll sleep on the roof tonight.

Day 1 is done.
I just hope tomorrow isn't that bad.



Hey guys! Well....aww crap this is just the first episode of the season! Three parts! All with at least over 2000 words! Well comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next one! BUH-BYE!!!


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