"Starting Today You Are a Host!" Pt. 2



Hey guys! Glad to see that you're still reading! Well I have nothing to say....



Well Haruhi...
You're Screwed.
And it's My Fault.

<End of Recap:>

Max's POV

I sighed as I helped Haruhi up. "Honestly Haruhi. You can't even put a vase down without breaking it? I shouldn't have gave it to you and this wouldn't have happened in the first place." I say bowing.

Haruhi frantically tried to get me to stop bowing. "Max it isn't you're fault. I should've been more careful." Haruhi said as I stopped bowing.

"Haruhi. Is this young man a friend of yours?" Tamaki asks peering in at my poker face.

"Yeah. This is Max. He's here on a scholarship too. I don't know which one though." Haruhi confirms.

"Another commoner eh? You caught the vase and gave it to Haruhi so it's partly your fault! So you have to help pay the debt!" Tamaki said dramatically only to be shocked to the fact I wasn't listening. I had taken my staff out and sat on the ground. I had my carving rock, because where I'm not allowed to have knives at school I just grabbed a sharp rock, in my hand as I began to mark a spot in my staff. Everyone watched me carve a new circle into my staff. A new mistake, a new circle. There's five now. I was ashamed of myself and began to blame myself for what happened.

"Now hold on Senpai! Max had nothing to do with it breaking! So he doesn't have to help me! I won't let him!" Haruhi argues as I finish the circle.

"Fine, but how is he to help? I'm sure he feels responsible somehow." Tamaki replied to Haruhi.

"He doesn't have to help!" Haruhi yells.

"I want to." I say looking at Haruhi. "It's my fault. Let me help somehow."

"See? Well Max...you can...what can he do?" Tamaki asks Glasses.

"He looks the part to be a host. However, I don't see how that helps Haruhi." Glasses says looking at me.

"How about Max-" Hikaru started.

"Becomes a-" Kaoru chimes in.

"Host?" They finish together. I stand up and look at them confused.

"What do you mean Hika~Chan and Kao~Chan?" Short Blonde asks.

"I see what they mean." Glasses says pushing up his glasses. "If Max can't help out Haruhi, then why doesn't he join the club and see Haruhi make it through."

"So that's what you'll do! You shall not help pay off the debt, but you can help Haruhi along to way to make sure he makes it! That way you'll have closure and Haruhi won't have forced you to help!" Tamaki yells dramatically pointing at me.

"I'll take it. I want to help someway and if this is how so be it." I say poker faced while leaning against a pillar.

"Alright you heard him! First things first, Haruhi! Go get these things from the store!" Tamaki yells again while handing Haruhi a list. I nod to Haruhi as she leaves and she gives me an exasperated smile in return.

"We should get ready Tamaki. The girls will be here any minute. After we introduce ourselves of course." Glasses says before turning to me. "My name is Kyoya Ootori. I assume you got Tamaki's name. You already know the twins. The tall, quiet guy is Takashi Morinozuka, everyone calls him Mori. The short blonde one is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, everyone calls him Honey." Kyoya explains pointing to each person. I nod at them.

"Nice to meet you all. The name is Maximillion Himitsu, or Max." I say bowing before I was brought into a bear hug and being spun.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!" Tamaki yells as he spins me. I push myself off of him and land on my feet crouching. Do I count that as a mistake? No that's just him being an idiot. "Aww come on Max come give your Daddy a hug!" Tamaki cooed as he inched closer.

"No way!" I say before jumping and landing at the other side of the room. "You're not my dad!"

"Come on Tama~Chan and Max~Chan! It's time!" Honey says before bouncing towards the door. We get into place and I'm standing in between the twins as they put one of their arms on my shoulder.

"Welcome~" We sang in unison. All the girls swooned at the welcoming. Pfft. Rich people. I keep a small smile as they all came in. I walked beside the doors and patiently waited for all of them to come in. Once they were all standing by the entryway, I closed the doors. I walked over to the rest of the club with my smile. Hikaru and Kaoru put me in between them and they put their arms around my shoulders. I pretend not to notice as they scooted a little bit closer.

"As of today, my princesses, we will have a new host/security guard! He will be there for your needs and protection! Come on, Max, introduce yourself." Tamaki says before turning the spotlight to me.

"Hello ladies. My name is Maximillion Himitsu, but you can call me Max. I hope you will all welcome me with open arms. I'll do my best to suit your needs and ensure your protection!" I say with a slightly wider smile as I ran my hand through my hair. All of the girls swooned and some even fainted.

"Now you all may meet with your appointments. Those who wish to request Max come form a single file line." Kyoya said before everyone went to their respective places. I walked over to an empty table with a lounge area. I could see the whole room from where I was sitting. Thanks to my training. I laid my head on one of my hands as my elbow supports it. I was bored and was waiting for Kyoya to send my appointments. I saw Haruhi walk in and waved to her. She had groceries in her arms as she walked over to me.

"Hey Max. Where's your appointments?" Haruhi asks.

"Kyoya is sorting them out. I think I'm going to run through my exercises for a bit." I say grabbing my staff.

"Okay. See you later." Haruhi says before walking off.

I began stretching, while I was watching everything unfold. I had a job to do after all. Tamaki was paying attention to each of his customers while wooing them. Then a demon witch lady said something like, "May I have a word with you Tamaki? I've recently heard the Host Club is keeping two little kittens without pedigrees."

"I don't know if I'd call them that." Tamaki said before noticing Haruhi walking towards him. "Speak of one of the Devils. Thanks for doing the shopping little piglet. Did you get everything on our list?"

"What?" Haruhi said irritated. "Piglet?"

"Hey wait a minute. What is this?" Tamaki asks referring to the coffee in his hand. I mentally face palmed.

"Just what it looks like. It's coffee. Haruhi says monotonous.

"I've never seen this brand before. Is this the kind that is already ground?" Tamaki asks staring at the coffee.

"What do you mean? It's instant coffee." Haruhi says in the same tone.

"It's instant?" Two girls asked.

"Whoa! I've heard of this before, its commoner's coffee! You just add water!" Tamaki says fascinated.

"I didn't know there were such a thing." One of the girls said. A crowd was forming. I just continued stretching.

"So it's true then, poor people don't even have enough free time to grind their own coffee beans." Another said. The rest of their little crowd agreed with them.

"Commoners are pretty smart." Kyoya chimed in. Oh no. Not Kyoya too.

"100 grams for 300 yen?" Hikaru asks.

"That's a lot less than what we normally pay." Kaoru added.

"I'll go back and get something else. Excuse me for not buying you guys expensive coffee." Haruhi says annoyed.

"No I'll keep it." Tamaki says earning gasps from the crowd. "I'm going to give it a try." Tamaki says standing up. Gasps times two. "I will drink this coffee!" Tamaki says holding the coffee high. Everyone, except demon witch lady who's been drinking this whole time, start applauding him. "Alright Haruhi. Get over here and make some of this commoner's coffee." Tamaki says before walking off with everyone else. Except demon witch lady and Haruhi. I heard her start talking that made me stop stretching and get up.

"Oh Tamaki. Now you're taking the joke too far. Your pallet won't be able to stomach that crap. You don't have to drink it just because he bought it." She says explicitly so Haruhi would hear her. I walked towards them. "I'm sorry." She said before turning to Haruhi with a fake smile. "I was talking to myself." I grabbed Haruhi by the arm and dragged her towards Tamaki as he was calling her. I made sure to send a secret glare to that girl. I don't trust her. I'm going have to keep an eye on her. For Haruhi's sake. Haruhi looked at me like I was crazy for a moment before walking with me. I sent her a reassuring smile and she returned it. I'm going to have to deal with that evil demon eventually.

Haruhi was doing her demonstration with no enthusiasm what so ever.  Once she finished, four girls took the cups.

"Let the tasting begin." Tamaki says with a charming look on his face.

"I'm a little scared to drink this stuff."

"I'm afraid if I drink this my father will yell at me."

Tamaki swept the girl who spoke second off her feet and closed in on her face. "What if I let you drink it from my mouth?"

"Well then I would drink it."

All of the girls swooned at this. While I voiced my thoughts. "What a cheesy line." I muttered.

I was walking carrying some tea to the twins as I caught on to their act. "Hahaha. So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up right out of bed." Hikaru said while chuckling.

"Hikaru! Don't tell them that story!" Kaoru whined before turning away from Hikaru with tears in his eyes. "I asked you not to tell anyone. Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm sorry Kaoru." Hikaru says aware of his actions. The girls with them edges closer together. Hikaru took Kaoru's head in his hands and bright him close. "I didn't mean to upset you. But you were so adorable when it happened I had to tell them. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." Kaoru says almost at a whisper. The girls fangirled at this. I set the tea down and as they pull away from each other I wipe the tears from Kaoru's eyes. He was shocked as he looked up at me.

"Please forgive me. But I'm afraid your tears would jeopardize your tea. I only had your best interests in mind." I say in a seductive tone. By now Kaoru was bright red as I held his chin. The girls practically exploded saying how the brotherly love had a new edge. I have to blend in. So that means acting like all those flirty blue-bloods. I watched Kaoru's reaction in amusement as Hikaru butted in.

"Hey! Kaoru! How could you forget about me?" Hikaru says on the brink of tears. It was all an act though. He caught on to what I was doing and was playing along.

"No Hikaru! I could never forget you its just-" Kaoru started but as I let his chin go I wipe Hikaru's tears away as well.

"Not you too Hikaru. Honestly. The tea could become salty at this point." I say before holding his chin as I did Kaoru's. "Or I wonder?" I say teasingly as I wipe away another tear. "If your tears are sweet?"

The girls by now were completely red and were trying to cool their heating faces before I let the twins go and went off to get more tea for Honey's and Mori's guests. I was setting out their tea when Mori walks in with Honey on his back rubbing his eyes.

"*yawns* Sorry. We're running late." Honey says tiredly. Gah. Must resist Motherly Instincts. Be the Big Brother if you can't be the Mother, Max.

"Hello Honey! Hey Mori!"

"We've been waiting here for you guys!"

Mori put Honey down and Honey apologizes. "I'm sorry. I was waiting for Takashi to finish his Kendo meeting and I fell asleep." Honey sat down rubbing his eyes. "Mm. And I'm still not completely awake." All of the girls blushed and then was screaming that he was so cute.

"If that's so, then Honey would you like some tea to wake you up?" I ask smiling.

"Thanks Max~Chan! You're the best!" Honey says taking a cup of tea from me. He was about to spill it but I stopped him.

"Ah. Honey be careful. It's hot." I say before placing my hands under his supporting the cup. Honey looks into the tea before drinking it down in one gulp.

"Thanks Max~Chan. I'm awake now!" Honey says before setting the cup on the tray. He flings himself towards Haruhi and I chuckle.

"Would you like any Mori?" I ask turning to the silent giant. He nods giving me a smile. I pour him a cup and set it next to him. Then Honey came back rolling all over a customer's lap. I walk over to Kyoya who is probably threatening Haruhi. He was talking about how Haruhi is gonna need a passport and how Tamaki is the king. I sigh at his attempt to threaten her. I would do anything for a passport. Then Tamaki came in.

"You're going have to work hard to pay off your debt my little nerd." Tamaki says blowing in Haruhi's ear. I resist the urge to break this guys skull to attempt to fix his brain. Haruhi panicked and jumped forward hyperventilating.

"Please don't do that again." Haruhi pleads.

"You need a makeover or no girl is going to look twice at you. And Max you need to act and look more like a gentleman and girls will come every which way for you. I mean you've got the looks." Tamaki comments putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah? Well I'm not trying to get girls to look at me." Haruhi says turning back to Tamaki.

"Yeah. Girls aren't my number one priority. I don't have time for relationships." I say agreeing with Haruhi.

"Are you kidding me?" Tamaki asks before pulling out a rose. "That's the most important thing. You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the ladies, like me." Tamaki says with a smile.

"I just don't think it's all that important." Haruhi says catching Tamaki off guard. "Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean all that really matters is what is on the inside right? I don't understand why you even have a Host Club like this."

"It's not like that for me. I have much better things to do rather than worry about relationships and appearances. Like training. Without my training I wouldn't be where I am today. That's my purpose in life not relationships." I say looking at the different hosts.

"It's a cruel reality, isn't it?" Tamaki says as I sweat dropped. "It's not often that God creates a perfect person like moi. Beautiful both inside and out."

"Say what?" Haruhi asks irritated.

"Just who do you think you are?" I ask annoyed.

He ignores us as he continues. "I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am, but you must console yourselves otherwise how would you go on living?" He suddenly starts talking from afar as Haruhi is sweat dropping at his actions, while I stand there astounded. "And think about this Haruhi and Max, why do you think that they put works of art in museums? Because beauty should be shared with the world. And those born beautiful-" Tamaki goes on and on as my thoughts get the better of me. Really? This guy. Really? I notice the twins walking behind us and tense up. "-here's a tip, when setting down your glass extend your pinky finger as a cushion. And that way when you set it down, you won't be making a lot of noise. Gentlemen-" I zone out as Tamaki continues to ramble on. He walks towards us. "-and above all else, Haruhi and Max, you must remember how effective a glance to the side can be."

"Huh! I got it!" Haruhi says as she pounds her fist.

"Oh. Did I strike a chord?" Tamaki asks looking proud.

"Obnoxious!" Haruhi says like she just figured that out. Tamaki went white and looked shattered as he went beside a table with a rose vase and started sulking.

"Really Haruhi? That's all you could come up with? How about conceited?" I say as an arrow strikes through Tamaki. "Annoying?" Another arrow. "Narcissistic?" The final arrow.

"Haha!" The twins laughed as they patted my head.

"You're both heroes alright!" Hikaru laughed.

Realizing what I had down I apologized quickly. "Sorry Tamaki. But that lesson did strike a tiny chord." I say trying to cheer him up. He got up full of life and turned towards me.

"Really it did? Let me teach you more, my friend." Tamaki says dramatically.

"Well he got over that quick." Haruhi comments.

"Boss?" Kaoru asks.

"Call me King!" Tamaki says remaining in the same position.

"You can teach them all the basics of hosting." Kaoru says.

"But they're not going to get very far with the ladies if they don't look the part y'know. Haruhi isn't exactly Host Club material. And Max is just downright unrefined." Hikaru says before walking in front of Haruhi. That comment about me being unrefined almost made me laugh. If only they knew. Kaoru walks in front of me holding a male uniform. "Maybe if we took off Haruhi's glasses and change Max's outfit it'll help?" Hikaru says before going wide eyed when he takes off Haruhi's glasses and Kaoru holds the uniform up to my body.

"Hey I need those! I used to have contacts but I lost them!" Haruhi complains about her lack of sight.

"Tsk. As if I would wear that uncomfortable thing." I say disgusted at the uniform.

Suddenly a stampeding force came and separated the twins and looked and Haruhi and I. Tamaki snapped his fingers. "Hikaru, Kaoru." The twins marched behind him and saluted.

"Got it!" They said running towards us. Kaoru grabbed Haruhi as Hikaru tried to grab me.

"There is no way that I'm wearing that!" I yell running and dodging Hikaru. Kaoru stormed out into the changing rooms with Haruhi.

"Kyoya. My hair stylist." Tamaki orders.

"Mori~Senpai go to the eye doctor and get Haruhi some contacts." Tamaki orders as they take action.

"What about me Tama~Chan?!" Honey asks innocently.

"Honey~Senpai." Tamaki starts.

"Yes sir!" Honey says excited.

"Help Hikaru catch Max!" Tamaki orders attempting to point at me who was still running around.

"Right!" Honey says before cutting me off and tackling me. Hikaru takes advantage of that and grabs me by the waist.

"Gotcha!" Hikaru says before storming off with me towards the changing rooms. Hikaru throws me in the same room as Kaoru and Haruhi as he and Kaoru grab two male uniforms.

"Here change into these uniforms!" The twins yell.

"What?! But why?!" Haruhi asks terrified.

"Over my dead body!" I yell before trying to run out.

"Don't ask questions! Just do it!" The twins yell before both of them jump on us, trying to force us in to the clothes. "Change! Change! Change!"

"Fine I'll change but you have to get out!" Haruhi yells as she throws the twins out. "You too!" Haruhi yells as she threw me on top of the twins. I took this as a chance to run away but they grabbed me and dragged me into a room and gave me a uniform.

"Fine! I'll wear it! But get out!" I yell throwing them into the wall. I hear them crash against the wall and I smirk. I take off my clothes leaving me in my undergarments and bandaged arms, chest, and legs. With the occasional scars. I didn't cut no. These are different. These are my pride and joy. My battle scars. They showed how dedicated I was in the past and I wasn't ashamed of them. I've never harmed myself on purpose. It just came along with the job. I put on the uniform and surprisingly it was easy to move in. I stretched a little and it met my quota. It'll do for now. It was a little while as I was prepping my hair. It was a bit shorter than before. Either way people thought I was a guy. That was fine with me. Maximillion Himitsu is a guy not a girl.

"Um. Senpai?" I hear Haruhi ask.

"Aren't you done changing yet you two?" I hear Tamaki ask.

I hear a curtain. "You sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?" Haruhi asks.

"Hmm! Cute! You're as pretty as a girl! Adorable!" Tamaki cooed. Funny how that works.

"Haru~Chan you look so cute!" Honey exclaimed.

"If we had known that's how you really look-" Hikaru started.

"We would've helped you out sooner!" Kaoru finished.

"Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers." Kyoya comments.

"You know? That's just what I was thinking!" Tamaki says. Bullcrap... "Our errand boy is moving up the ranks! Starting today, you're an official member of the Host Club! I will personally train you to be a first rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service we will completely forget about your 8 million yen debt!"

"A...host?" Haruhi asks distressed.

"What about Max~Chan?" Honey asks. Dang it Honey...I was gonna sneak out.

"You're right-" Hikaru started.

"-Max is next!" Kaoru finished.

"Maaaax~! Come and show Daddy how you look!" Tamaki sings.

"No. There is no way I'm ever coming out dressed like this!" I yell trying to find a place to hide. I may be able to move around easy but I still don't like the uniform.

"Fine then Max-" Hikaru starts.

"-we're coming in." Kaoru adds.

They all walked in as I turned around. My face was a bit red considering I didn't like this one bit. I was soon tackled when I wasn't paying attention.

"SOO CUTE!! THAT EMBARRASSED LOOK IS TO DIE FOR!!" Tamaki yelled as he spun me around.

"Mori! Help me!" I cry out in desperation as Tamaki had pinned my arms to my chest. I go limp as he grabs me and lifts me away from Tamaki. He sets me down. "Thank you Mori."

"Well that makes you official as well! You and Haruhi are now officially hosts of the Host Club!" Tamaki says pointing at me and Haruhi.

This should be interesting...
I'd rather have that passport right now though.



Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if there is grammar mistakes and I'll try to fix them. Well that's it for now and guess...I'm really bad at Author Notes. ANYWAYS! Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter! BUH~BYE!!!


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