"Jungle Pool SOS!" Pt. 2



<End of Recap:>


The entire Host Club was walking through the jungle now. "Wow, this place is just like a real jungle, huh?", Tamaki asked.

"Yeah, and I keep hearing all of these really strange animal calls", Haruhi commented.

"You don't think that all those animal sounds--", Hikaru started.

"--could belong to the real thing, do you?", Kaoru finished. A bird called.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, but I do know that my family always strives for authenticity. Whatever the cost", Kyoya said. Haruhi looked up at Mori and his straight face and then back in front of her. Out of nowhere, they heard someone slip and fall while letting out a sound. They all turned around and saw Mori on his back with a banana peel on his face.

"Mori-senpai is--", Hikaru started.

"--acting as clumsy as you do, Boss", Kaoru finished.

"Shut up!", Tamaki said as Mori sat up. The sky darkened above them and Kyoya looked down at his watch.

"Uh-oh. It's about time for the squall", he said. The Twins looked up.

"Huh?", they asked. It began to rain. A little at first, but then it turned into an all out downpour. The Host Club took shelter in a gazebo.

"Hey, Mori-senpai, you seem to be really close with Honey-senpai. Are the two of you like childhood friends?", Haruhi asked.

"You mean, you don't know--", Hikaru started.

"--that their cousins?", Kaoru finished.

"You're kidding me! They're related?!", Haruhi exclaimed.

"The Morinozuka's have been serving the Haninozuka's for generations", Kyoya said.

"However, two generations ago, the families became relatives by marriage and the master-servant relationship soon became a thing of the past", Hikaru explained.

"But, even so, Mori-senpai has always made a point to accompany Honey-senpai", Kaoru added.

"Must really get his blood going", Tamaki said. "The blood of a loyal servant flows like a mighty river through Mori-senpai's veins." The Twins held tissues to their faces.

"Such a beautiful story. I'm touched", they said.

"I don't know if I'd call it a beautiful story", Haruhi said as the Twins cried. She went over to him and placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Hey, Mori-senpai, it's gonna be all right. I'm sure Honey-senpai is safe. He's a lot tougher than you might think he is. And, if he gets hungry, the trees are full of bananas."

"Bananas?", the Twins asked.

"What's he going to say?", Tamaki asked. He put his hand on Haruhi's head and smiled.

"You're right", he said.

"DON'T TELL ME MORI-SENPAI'S OUT FOR MY SPOT AS HARUHI'S DADDY!!", Tamaki exclaimed as a dark aura surrounded him.

"Nobody wants that spot but you, Boss", Hikaru said.

"It's kinda creepy when you think about it", Kaoru added. Tamaki turned to them angrily.

"WHAT?!", he said as Kyoya pulled out his phone to make a phone call. "WHO'RE YOU CALLING CREEPY?!" The Twins laughed.

"Hello? It's me. Well, we've had an incident that's caused some trouble", he said.

"You're a big ole perv!", they said. Tamaki protested to this. "You're a big ole perv!"

"SHUT UP! I'm NOT a PERV!!", he said. Mori sniffed the air as it stopped raining and immediately went back to looking for Honey. Haruhi ran after him.

"Mori-senpai!", Haruhi called. "You're going the wrong way! Honey-senpai was headed in the opposite direction!"

"You're wrong. He went this way", he said and continued in that direction.

"Hey, wait up!", Haruhi called. "It's too dangerous to go alone! I'm coming with you!" She ran after him only to jump every time she saw a snake or bug or anything like that. Mori turned to face her.

"Haruhi", he said. He walked up to her and picked her up to carry her. She blushed slightly.

~Let's get to Honey-Senpai shall we?~

Honey's POV

"Ugh......" I groan rubbing my eyes getting up. What happened? The last thing I remember is Max-chan jumping into the wave pool to save me.....but where am I? Where's Max-chan?

~Back to the Others~

"Yes. At once please", Kyoya said as he hung the phone up. He looked back at the dancing Twins and the frustrated and angry Tamaki. "My family's private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us. They're better equipped to find Honey-senpai than we are, so let's just go back to the gate and wait there." He looked around. "Hey, where are Mori and Haruhi?"

"What?", Tamaki and the Twins asked as they stopped to notice that the two were gone.

~Back to Mori and Haruhi~

Mori continued walking while he carried Haruhi when they heard footsteps. Mori stopped and looked to see people in uniforms surrounding them.

"Target confirmed." They nodded to each other.

"The target has been captured by a suspicious man. We'll take the target into custody."


"You know, I don't think I mentioned to them that there are other visitors here", Kyoya said. "Huh. Oh well."

~Haruhi and Mori~

"You there! Put the boy down immediately! If you refuse, we'll remove him forcefully." They pointed their guns at Mori.

"Hold on!", Haruhi said as one of the people grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away. However, Mori's eyes narrowed and the person was sent flying into a bush.

"The suspect is resisting. Prepare to fire warning shots."

"Takashi! Haru-chan! Out of the way!", they heard Honey call as he swung in on a vine. He kicked one of the people and landed on the ground. The others turned and pointed their guns at Honey.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing, pip squeak?!" Honey smiled before flipping and defeating all the people. Mori sat Haruhi down and she stared at Honey in disbelief.

"Whoa", shd said. Honey stood up straight, uninjured.

"You guys should be more careful who you mess with. Picking on my friends is bad! Got it?", Honey asked the defeated soldiers.

What he didn't realize that he forgot one. A soldier leaves the bushes and points his gun at Honey's back preparing to fire, by then, Honey turned around shocked and froze.

Then the trigger was pulled.

But the bullet never reached him.


The target was set, the aim was decent.

The kickback wasn't that powerful for one bullet.

So why didn't it hit Honey-Senpai?


Just maybe.

The white blur that whizzed in front of Honey stopped it.

Then more things happened.

Time seemed to slow down.

The soldier was disarmed.

Then he was knocked to the ground.

The gun was snapped in half.

A bullet was dropped by a owner of eyes.

Not just any eyes.

The cold, heartless, icy blue eyes of Honey's protector stared down at the unconscious soldier.

Honey-Senpai had never been more terrified.

Not by the soldier.

But by the eyes.

The eyes that held a story.

A dark one.

The lifeless eyes rose and stared at the frozen Loli.

Mori's eyes widened.

What had he seen?

Was it real?

Did the owner of the eyes really catch the bullet mid air?

Did the owner of the eyes just move so fast that the soldier had no chance?

Did the owner of the eyes really just snap a gun in
ha | lf?

Haruhi was shocked.

She just saw someone she knew skillfully disarm a professional and trained soldier with ease.

Someone she believed would never hurt a fly intentionally.

Someone she trusted.

The owner of the eyes knew it.

That they would be scared.

That they would believe that she was a monster.

That she couldn't become attached.

That her feelings never mattered.

That the emotional pain can never be numb.

Then Haruhi spoke.


Max's POV

[minutes before Honey woke up]

Hm. This jungle is complex. I better get an bird's eye view to find the others.

I look down at my ripped shirt. I could see my bandages through the tiny holes.

I sighed. I would have to take care of this first. I didn't want anyone to find out I had bandages. I jumped up into a tree and onto a branch. I looked down at Honey-Senpai.

Should I take him with me?

That was my first thought before I heard something. I concentrated and focused on my hearing.

A large group. Heavy footsteps. Most likely soldiers due to the heavy footsteps and shaking of equipment as they step. What are soldiers doing out here?

I put aside my shirt for now and began to jump from branch to branch towards the source. Honey is safer here than there.

[back to present]

"You should've been more careful." I scold before walking over towards Honey-Senpai.

"Max-chan.....how did you....?"

"That's not important. What is important is that you're safe. Be more careful from now on." He nods slowly, still confused in response to my words. I cringe as I hear an upbeat voice that gave me headaches from time to time.

"Haruhi!", Tamaki called as he, Kyoya, and the Twins came running up to them. "Haruhi, are you all right?" Honey looked at them and smiled.

"Hey, it's Tama-chan!", he said.

"Oh, wow", Hikaru said as he and his brother stopped.

"You okay, Senpai?", Kaoru asked Honey.

"Thanks to Max-chan!" Honey smiled brightly.

"HARUHI! MAX!", Tamaki called as he ran up to Haruhi and grabbed me while crying tears of joy. He hugged Haruhi with one arm and me with the other. "I was so worried." He spoke calmly as if he hadn't just screamed our names to the heavens.

"I'm not sure what happened here, but at least they're still alive", Hikaru said as he and his brother poked two of the soldiers.

"It's pretty amazing that this is Honey-senpai's work. He must've really been holding back", Kaoru said.

"Huh?", Haruhi asked as she pinched Tamaki causing him to scream in pain with tears in his eyes, so he would let go. "What do you mean he was holding back?"

"So, then--", Kaoru started.

"--you don't know about Senpai?", Hikaru finished. "The Haninozuka's are famous for their martial arts. Not only have they helped train the police and SDF forces, but they've also worked with several overseas militaries."

"Honey-senpai in particular has been called the dreadnought of the Haninozuka family. By the time he was in middle school he'd become the national champion in both karate and judo", Kyoya explained. Honey turned around and smiled his usual smile.

"Mori-senpai's no slouch either. He won the national championship in kendo when he was just in middle school", Tamaki said.

"I probably wouldn't be alive if Max-chan didn't swoop in and caught a bullet with his hands!" Honey exclaimed.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Tamaki and the Twins screamed and I scowled.

"I only did what was necessary to keep Honey safe. Now stop shouting. You're giving me a headache." I growl before turning away from them.

"So, how were you able to find us, Honey-senpai?", Kaoru asked.

"It wasn't hard. It didn't take me long to reach the end of the current pool, so I decided to look for you guys", he said.

"We humbly apologize", on soldier said. They all turned to see all of the soldiers bowing with their foreheads in the dirt. "I am a second generation student of the (a name) dojo."

"I'm a student of the (other name) dojo!"

"And I'm from the (name) dojo. We are in your debt."

(A/N: Too lazy to get the actual names and I don't think it matters that much. ^^)

"Why? Is something wrong?", Honey asked them.

"Yes, sir. We're so sorry, sir. We were unaware that we were searching for Mitsukuni Haninozuka. We've committed a terrible offense here. I apologize for the confrontation, but my dojo will be so excited to hear I came face to face with the great Haninozuka. I cherish this moment."

Honey grabbed Mori's wrist pulled him down to pat his head.

"Takashi. You did an amazing job of protecting Haru-chan", he said. He let go and smiled up at him. "I bet you were pretty lonely without me around, huh?" Mori averted his eyes.

"I don't know if I'd say that", he said. Honey giggled and smiled while the others watched. I simply sighed and began walking back to the main pool area.

~Magical Time Skip~

"You know, maybe we should go to the beach next", Hikaru said. The Host Club was walking out of the jungle while the sun was setting.

"Yeah, the beach would be nice", Kaoru added.

"You idiots. Haruhi and Max is not interested in anything like that", Tamaki said.

"Actually, I might like to go to the beach", she said. They turned to face her. "I may not be into this silly water park, but I like the ocean. It would be nice to go to the beach. And it's so pretty."

I stayed quiet hoping they would decide against it. I shudder as a sudden flashback came to me.




I shake the thought away before it gets worse. Then I turn my attention to Tamaki who at that moment I hated more than anyone and anything.

"Yeah. All right. Then that's where we'll go next time", Tamaki said as he struck a small pose.

"We're all gonna go to the beach, Tama-chan?", Honey asked and smiled down at Mori. "That'll be fun, don't you think?" Mori smiled up at him.

"Yeah", he said. Haruhi smiled at the two. However she frowned when she saw me scowling at the thought. She slightly elbowed Tamaki and he looked at me in confusion. I sighed and started walking away with my hand clutching where my beating heart is in desperation.

If there is a god......
Please don't make me go.

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