"Jungle Pool SOS!" Pt. 1


I hope he enjoys his happy life.
Because I wish I had what he has.
A happy, carefree life.

<End of Recap>

Max's POV

"Behold, Max and Haruhi. Bask in the beauty of tropical birds. Aren't they breath taking?", Tamaki asked as he placed a hand on Haruhi's shoulder. They were standing in the middle of a resort. "I wonder what they're called."

"Um, were was the exit again?", Haruhi asked. Tamaki sat in a shaded chair with a cold drink. I just looked around bored.

"This is stupid." I comment.

"Try to make the most of this down time and just relax. We're so worried about keeping our good looks day and night, we deserve a little vacation", he said.

"Personally, I think this is pointless and a waste of time, so can I go home now?", she asked. "I should really be studying and I've got a ton of laundry to do today. Senpai, where are we, anyway?"

"Exactly Tamaki, unlike you some of us have lives outside of the host club." I remark with a cold expression.

-Flashback for Haruhi-

Haruhi was leaving through the front of the south building at the academy when her arms were suddenly grabbed by the Twins, one on each side.

"Target--", Kaoru started.

"--captured!", Hikaru finished.

"Wait, what the--", Haruhi was interrupted by a limo pulling up in front of them and its window lowering to reveal Tamaki with sunglasses on and flowers around his neck.

"Good work. Now, take her with you", he said.

"Roger", the Twins said and Tamaki smiled as the window rose again.

"Hold on...", Haruhi said. The Twins began dragging her away. "Where are we going?!" The limo sped off.

-End of Flashback for Haruhi-

-Begin Flashback for Max-

"Max-Chan!!" I hear someone tell before dodging somebody's tackle.

"Honey?" I ask confused seeing him jump back up grabbing my wrist trying to drag me someplace.

"Come on Max-Chan! We're going on vacation!!"

"Vacation is stupid."

"But Tama-Chan said you especially had to be there! He wanted you to stop being so mean!"

"I'm not mean, I'm honest."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Max-Chan!!!! It won't be that fun without you!"

"Sorry but no. I'm busy." I stood my ground and took my hand back before going back to filling out necessary paperwork I had to finish.

"Come on. We're going." This time it's Mori speaking to me and he picks up my paperwork and turns it upside down before picking me up under his arm and walking towards a limo with a bubbly Honey waiting for us.

-End of Flashback for Max-

"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori group, runs. It's called the Tropical Aqua Garden", Kyoya said.

"I don't understand", Haruhi said as she turned to him. "I thought the Ootori group ran hospitals and that they're focused on the medical business, Kyoya-senpai."

"Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things", he replied. He was sitting in another shaded chair with a cold drink. "Besides, this place could be classified as a healing facility."

"Still stupid." I say as I go to sit at a table under an umbrella.

"Hmm", Haruhi hummed as she looked around at the pools, water slides, tropical plants and animals, and shelters.

"It's therapeutic", he said. "Think of all the people who are overworked that would just love a vacation in the south tropics. However, they may not be able to get the time off or they may not be able to afford it. Those people can now seek refuge here, at this theme park, and reduce their stress levels. The Ootori group's primary concern has always been for the good health and well-being of the general public." He pushed his glasses up and Haruhi gave him a suspicious look. The Twins were in the water passing a ball while Honey called out to them from nearby on top of Mori's shoulders. "The park doesn't officially open until next month, but the Host Club was given a special advantage." Tamaki leaned back in his chair.

"This is so relaxing", he said. "We don't have to worry about keeping all of our guests entertained for once. It's truly like a holiday for handsome young soldiers. I guess that's what you'd call it."

"You're just lazy." I smirk as he shoots a glare my way.

"Max-chan!", Honey called out as he came up to me. He was in his swim trunks and a pink float with bunnies on it. "Wanna share some coconut juice with me? Or do you wanna try a piece of mango cake?!"

"No thanks Honey. If you eat that before going to swim, you'll get a cramp."

"Oh yeah that's right! I'll eat some cake then wait for a bit! Thanks for reminding me Max-Chan!" He goes running off to get some cake. I smiled at the sight and then I heard a bird calling. I stopped smiling and looked over to see Mori watching it as it flew and he approached the water. He turned around when he felt my eyes on him.

"Haruhi!", Kaoru called as he approached with his brother, who was eating a banana. "You wanna check out the water slide?"

"Hang on, what's the deal with that pullover you're wearing?", Hikaru asked.

"Oh, this thing?", Haruhi asked as she pointed down to her yellow sweatshirt.

"Yeah and what's up with you Max?" Kaoru asked me gesturing to my plain t-shirt and shorts.

"Didn't we give you swim trunks to wear?" Hikaru asks.

-Another Flashback for Haruhi-

The Twins dragged Haruhi to the women's changing rooms. "Here, do what you've got to do", the Twins said to a pair of twin girls in maid's uniforms.

"Okay, we'll do what we can", the one on the left said.

"Ms. Fugioka...", one said as an evil glint appeared in her eyes. "Just follow me." She backed into the Twins, who had the same glint in their eyes.

"But why?", she asked. The girls grabbed her and stripped her of most of her clothes inside the changing room. "Hold on! What are you doing! Hey, stop that!"

"We've been asked to help you choose a swimsuit", one said.

"We've brought all of our mother's latest designs for you to choose from", Kaoru called from outside.

"Just pick whichever one you want", Hikaru called.

"Are you ready, Ms. Fugioka?", the girls asked in unison. "It's time to pick one."

"Thanks, but I don't need a swimsuit", she replied.

"Why don't you let me select one for you?", one asked.

"No, not that one! I don't want a bikini!", she said.

"But you would look so good in this one", she said.

"No, wait. I bet this one would be cute", the other said as she lifted up what was basically a collection of strings.

"Uh...but that's nothing more than a couple of strings", Haruhi replied. She sighed once the female twins had gotten her into a pink one piece. She walked out and Tamaki approached her at the door. He looked at her, shivered, and blushed. He turned away and held out a pullover. "Senpai?"

"Just hurry up and put it on", he said.


"A proper young woman should not show that much skin until after she's married", he said with a red face.

-End of Flashback for Haruhi-

-Begin Flashback for Max-

The twins had just shoved Haruhi into the changing room and turned to face me.

"Do you have swimming trunks?" They simultaneously asked.

"Uhhhhhh......no." I answer hesitantly.

What if they find out I'm a girl?! Oh god please don't make me change in front of them! Curse guys and their lack of insecurity about their bodies!

"You can borrow one of ours." Hikaru states and tosses me a pair of swim trunks.

"You were brought here on a whim so I guess it can't be helped." Kaoru shrugs.

The twins leave me to go change as I drop the swimming trunks with a red face.

"I refuse to wear something that has.........I don't even want to think about where this has been!" I say before going to find a t-shirt and shorts to change into.

-End of Flashback for Max-

"So, you're not going to swim?", Hikaru asked with a full mouth as he tossed his banana peel to the side.

"Hold on, you do swim don't you?", Kaoru asked.

"Tch. Of course I can." I say angrily crossing my arms.

It just depends on where you want me to swim.

"I can swim just as good as the next guy, but this isn't my idea of fun. I'm not that big on water parks", she replied. "We're just going to spend all day goofing off. Honestly, I'd rather be at home. I don't understand what's so great about this place anyway. I mean, all you really need to play in the water is a plastic pool." The Twins looked at each other.

"A plastic pool? What's that?", they asked.

"Let's see...I guess their about this big", she said while circling her arms almost as far as they could go. "Round and to use it you have to pump it full of air."

"I've seen those." I comment as Haruhi nods at me.

"You dummy, Hikaru said.

"That's an inflatable boat, dummy", Kaoru said.

"There's no way something that small could be used as a pool", Hikaru said.

"Yeah", Kaoru agreed.

"Guys, it's a small pool. Haven't you ever seen little kids playing in one?", I asked annoyedly. Tamaki jumped in out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around the Twins' necks and pulled them away.

"Come here!", he said. The crouched on the ground and started to whisper to one another. "You idiots! If Haruhi and Max thinks it's a pool, then it's a pool! Got it? Don't go embarrassing them. They can't help it that they're ignorant commoners!"

"So, are we supposed to lie to them? Is that what you want?", the Twins asked.

"I can't help but feel that I should be offended by that comment", Haruhi said.

"I'm seriously going to knock you guys into the next continent." I grumble with an irk mark.

"Never mind that. We've got a question for ya", Hikaru said.

"Why did you make Haruhi put on that yellow monstrosity?", Kaoru asked. Tamaki gulped.

"I would've thought for sure that you'd all 'I wanna see Haruhi in a swimsuit!' not making her cover up like that", Hikaru said with a mischievous smirk.

"That was surprising", Kaoru added with an identical smirk. They turned to each other and whispered.

"I know what he's up to. He made Haruhi cover up because he didn't want anyone else to see her in a bathing suit! Do you really think that's it? He must be one of those jealous pervert types. That's pretty twisted", they said.

"And even Max. That's one of your t-shirts right?" Hikaru asks smirking.

"I bet those shorts are his too." Kaoru added snarkily.

"That's not it all", he said with slightly red cheeks. He starting making fast and random hand gestures. "I was just trying to protect her innocence, as any father or guardian would! Plus those clothes Max is wearing are not mine at all!" He placed a fist on his chest as if he were some kind of hero. "After all, even if Haruhi is wearing a swimsuit, it's not decent for a lady to walk around half naked in front of boys and--" Tamaki was cut off by the Twins pointing behind him. He turned around and noticed Haruhi staring at him and he jumped.

"Haru-chan!", Honey called. He grabbed her arm. "Let's play. You wanna go swimming in the current pool with me?"

"Nah. I'm not gonna swim today", she said. "Hold on, you know how to swim. Do you still need that float?" He shook his head in a negative response.

"Just looks cuter this way. You know?", he asked. And ran off.


Honey-Senpai knows what he's saying doesn't he.

He's more devious than I thought.

"You're right. Those bunnies are pretty cute", Haruhi said as he left.

"He's so innocent", the Twins said.

"No way! You've got it all wrong!", Renge's voice called as a powerful motor started up. The ground shook and Haruhi looked around.

"For once I actually agree with Renge." I look up at her and then look back at a plant. Yay plants.

"Is...that Renge?", she asked. Suddenly, one of the shelters split into two as Renge came up on her spinning platform, laughing. Haruhi sweat dropped. Renge was in a black bikini with a blue tattoo on her stomach, a purple umbrella over her right shoulder, and a side braid. "How does she do that? It's like the rig follows us.

"That outfit's pretty impressive", Hikaru commented.

"What's with the tattoo on your stomach?", Kaoru asked.

"Oh, that?", she asked. "You don't recognize it? I'm cosplaying."

"Yeah? As who?", Hikaru asked.

"Lala~", she sang in response.

"Lala? Like the manga magazine?", Kaoru asked.

"Her petite and slender frame. Her blue eyes that light up young men's faces. Her singing voice!", she said and sang another note. "I am Quon Kisaragi!" Haruhi gave her a look that basically said she wouldn't have guessed it.

"I had no idea who you were supposed to be", Tamaki said. The Twins looked at each other. Renge began doing multiple differnt poses. I mentally face palmed and sighed.

"Hey, Boss, are you sure it's okay for Renge to be dressed--", Hikaru started.

"--like that?", Kaoru finished, gesturing to her attire.

"Well, yeah. That's okay", Tamaki said.

"And, why is that?", the Twins asked. Tamaki looked at Renge and thought for a moment.

"Because it's cosplay, I guess", he said.

"That's bull." I say and Tamaki turns and glares at me.

"Listen up, boys!", Renge said as she pointed to the group. "Obviously you need help understanding Haninozuka's hidden motives. Look!" She pointed over to Honey.

"Takashi!", he called as he jumped into the water. He waved to him while laughing when Mori turned around and saw him in the current pool. Mori smiled softly.

"What are you talking about?", Tamaki asked.

"Think about what he said to you earlier", she said. "He's not being as sweet and innocent as you think."

"I agree", Kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses. "Try putting the word 'I' at the beginning of that sentence." Everyone thought for a bit. Everyone looked back in shock as they realized he had basically said "I look cute!".

"He planned that?!", they all asked.

"That's Haninozuka for you", Renge said. "In the last episode, he felt threatened by another Lolita boy type, so he's taking steps to keep his rank." The platform began to sink again, Renge with it. "I should give him more credit. He's a lot smarter than I thought."

"That's Honey for you. Always managing to surprise you the moment you let your guard down." I nonchalantly sigh.

"Hey, look at this everybody!", Honey called. Honey was sitting on Mori's back while he swam briskly against the current. "Check it out! Look! Even though we're swimming really fast, we never go any further than we are now!" He began to laugh. Suddenly, Tamaki was squirted in the face by a water gun, held by Hikaru.

"I got ya", he said and smiled. Kaoru continued to pump his water gun.

"Come on, Boss, let's go. Let's have a water gun fight", Kaoru said.

"It'll be me and Kaoru against you", Hikaru said as they approached and Tamaki dried his face with a towel. "If you get it in the face, you lose. What do you say? If you want, Max can be on your team."

"Don't drag me into your childish games." I glare at them.

"Forget it", Tamaki said. "Why would I want to subject myself to a childish game like that?" The Twins smiled evilly. They went over and wrapped their arms around Haruhi.

"Haruhi, I think it's time that we got married", Hikaru said.

"And we'll honeymoon in Atami, Kaoru added. A dark aura immediately surrounded Tamaki as he pumped up a water gun like a maniac.

"Do you really think I'd ever let Haruhi marry you guys?", Tamaki asked. He looked back them and they all sweat dropped. "DADDY SAYS NO!" He shot the water gun at them and the water gun fight began. Haruhi sat in the shade with me and began drinking her drink when Mori approached us. He hit the side of his head to get the water out and Haruhi looked over at Honey, who was floating in one place in the current pool. He was using his feet to swim no doubt.

"Taking a break, huh?", Haruhi asked Mori. She held up her drink. "Here, want something to drink?"

"Yeah, thanks", he said and reached for the cup.

"I'll get you guys!", Tamaki said. "Sideways sweeping shot, GO!!" He jumped sideways and shot at the Twins, who just so happened to have shields. "That's cheating!" As Tamaki went to land on his feet, he slipped on Hikaru's banana peel and slid until his face his a pole. The eyes of the faces on the pole lit red. I gasped as I stood up in a split second. Mori dropped the cup on the ground and looked in the distnace. Haruhi followed his gaze and saw a huge wave headed straight for Honey. I froze as a horrifying flashback came to me. I shook my head and began to run his way. I jumped into the pool, wrapping my arms around him as he screamed when it hit and his float was thrown into the air from impact.

I won't lose something else to the waves.

Haruhi's POV

"HONEY-SENPAI!!", I called.

"Mitsukuni!!", Mori called as he ran to the pool. However, he slipped on a banana peel on the way and slid across the ground. I stopped to check on him.

"Uh, Mori-senpai?", I asked. Tamaki pointed to the sky as Mori sat up.

"Gentleman, we're going after Honey-senpai and Max!", he declared. "That pool looks like the quickest way! CHAAARRRGE!!" They all, excluding Kyoya, in that direction.

"Wait! I wouldn't go--", Kyoya began, but was cut off by the sound of the others screaming.

"THERE ARE ALLIGATORS IN THERE!!", they said as they ran back.

"Okay, so we can't use that pool! Then let's try this way next!", Tamaki said and pointed to his right, only to be greeted by another alligator.

"THEY'RE HERE TOO!!", the Twins said.

"And here!!", I said pointing at the creature. They all panted as they tried to regain their breath. "What's with all the alligators?"

"Beats me", Tamaki said. Kyoya was writing in his notebook.

"Those alligators belong to the park's tropical animals exhibit. I guess it is kind of dangerous to let them run wild", he said. "Though, the cause of our present situation seems to be the location of the switch for the current pool. I'll have to have a little chat with out designers." He looked up and smiled. "Thanks a lot you guys. I got some great data today."

"You what?!", the Twins, Tamaki, and I asked while Mori just stared at him. Kyoya lead them to a map.

"This is a map of the tropical aqua garden. This is our current location. We need to get here. I have a feeling that's where Honey-senpai and Max probably ended up", he said while gesturing to the map. "It might be tough since to get there we'll have to go through this jungle area here on the southern block. Distance wise, we're talking about 800 meters."

"Looks like there are a lot of undeveloped areas. Any idea what might be lurking in those parts of the jungle?", I asked looking at the map.

"Since they're still being developed, I'm afraid I don't know", he replied.

"Whatever's out there could be even more dangerous--", Hikaru started.

"--than alligators", Kaoru finished.

"All right", Tamaki said. "Now, this is a mission of survival! I know we can make it through the treacherous jungle in one piece! It is our sworn duty to SAVE MAX AND HONEY-SENPAI!!"

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