"Beware the Physical Exam!" Pt. 1
Ugh! I can't believe that fool!
My first kiss....I lost it because he's so stupid!
<End of Recap>
Max's POV
The cherry blossoms were blooming outside and the Host Club was in the garden today. Kyoya, Tamaki, the Twins, and I were dressed in modern serving clothes while Honey, Mori, and Haruhi were in traditional Japanese clothing. "Welcome, ladies", they said in unison. The event was the Ouran Host Club's flower-viewing reception. The ladies spoke among themselves while the hosts served them.
I was serving some ladies who were under a Sakura tree. "Mademoiselles, which tea do you prefer?" I asked smiling. The girls blush at my smile and get flustered.
"Um....Earl Grey please....", one of the girls said.
"I would like Chamomile tea please.", the other girl spoke.
"Coming right up.", I smile and walk away to get their tea prepared. I look around at the other hosts.
"So, in which cup would my princess like her tea? The Foley? The Worcester? Or perhaps the Susie Cooper Gardenia?", Tamaki asked one of the girls.
"Beautiful. These are English antiques aren't they?", she asked. "Which one do you like, Tamaki?" He took her hand in his in one swift, elegant movement.
"Which one? Why, none of these cups compare to my princess", he said while gently smiling at the girl.
"Oh, wow. I don't really know what to say", she said.
That's the cheesiest stuff I've ever heard.
"You mean you've never been to Covent Garden?", Kaoru asked.
"No. All of our antiques are from Portobello", the girl said.
"I think you'd like Covent Garden. Most of our Victorian pieces are from there", Hikaru said. Suddenly, a teacup tipped and Kaoru pulled his hand back in pain. Hikaru immediately turned to him with concern. "Kaoru!" He grabbed his brother's hand and put the burnt portion of his finger in his mouth. The girls leaned forward with blushes and watched. "Honestly, Kaoru, you have to be more careful. From now on, keep your eyes on me, okay?"
"Yes, Hikaru", Kaoru said as one of the girls turned away with a blush.
I can't believe that the Twincest is their best act. I could never do that with my "brothers".
"I can't take it! It's overwhelming!", she said.
"You have to watch this! You may not get another chance! Who knows when it'll happen again!", the other girl said. Kyoya appeared out of nowhere by the girls.
"You are absolutely right, mademoiselle", he said and looked at the cherry blossoms. "All beauty is fleeting. Just take a look at these cherry blossoms. You'll never be able to see them this vibrant again." Then he lifts up books with the hosts on them. "And that's why I've compiled this picture book that contains photos that capture the beauty of each passing day. Incidentally, I've prepared similar books of the other hosts as well. And if you ladies are interested in collecting all four of them I'll discount the full set for you." He smiled and the girls shot up out of their seats immediately.
"I'll take them!", one girl said.
"Me too, please!", said the other. The Twins watched the scene unfold before them.
Really Kyoya? If you do that, I don't see why Haruhi can't repay her debt that way.
"Well, now we know how the club makes extra money", they said in unison. They looked at each other.
"But I have to wonder...", Hikaru started.
"...when did he take pictures of us?", Kaoru finished.
I sigh and continue to make the tea when I looked over to Haruhi's area.
Haruhi watched with two girls and Mori as Honey prepared....something that was spilling everywhere. He was deep in concentration when Mori spoke. "Mitsukuni ", he said and leaned over to him. "You over did it." Honey looked down at the basically empty dish and his facial expression clouded with sadness. One of the girls quickly took the dish.
"Honey, I'll take it!", she said with a huge smile. "It looks so yummy!" She tilted the dish back to drink it.
"It's just the right amount for both of us, anymore would be too much. How did you know? You never cease to amaze me!", the other girl said. He immediately brightened up and smiled.
"Really?", he asked. Haruhi sighed in relieve and a bit of annoyance. I sighed as well and went back to my table to serve the fresh tea that I had prepared.
~Magical Time Skip~
I looked at the blossoms and took a deep breath. I was supposedly on break. "Max", Tamaki said from a little bit behind me.
"What?", I asked as I turned towards him.
"How are you doing? Are you having a good time?", he asked with his back to me.
"I suppose so.", I said. He gestured up to the blossoms.
"The flower-viewing reception is going over quite well", he said and turned to me. "But, even so, it's rather daunting to spend more time being admired than doing the admiring." He to be posing as I sweat dropped.
"Oh, wow, Tamaki. You're blooming in more ways than one", I said in a sarcastic manner. He pointed at me as if he was accusing me of something.
"You've noticed!", he said and than transitioned to another pose like stance. "Yes. Today my beauty is quite splendorous. I'm in full bloom." He changed stances and winked at me. "I bet Haruhi will fall for me soon." My face twitched in annoyance.
"I highly doubt she'll fall for someone like you." I said making him shocked.
Suddenly, the Twins appeared. Kaoru held Haruhi's wrist and pulled her over to Hikaru and I, as he put his arm around my neck to make me lean back on his chest.
"So, Max and Haruhi, have you decided your elective courses for this term?", they asked in unison.
"How about Conversational French?", Kaoru asked.
"I don't know...", Haruhi said.
"Sounds boring." I commented. "I already know French." I mumble the last part.
"I think the four of us should take it together. It makes perfect sense", Hikaru added. The Twins secretly turned and sent mischievous looks towards Tamaki.
"We are in the same class", they said in unison. This sent Tamaki to a tree, which stood in for a corner.
"Say, Mommy, dear?", Tamaki asked.
"What is it now, Daddy?", Kyoya asked while writing in his notebook. Tamaki glared at the tree.
"I have a new theory. I mean, it's just my hypothesis, but it seems that by being in the same class Hikaru and Kaoru are able to spend more time with Max and Haruhi than I get to here at the club. This gives them a chance to get close to them and, if that happens--", Tamaki said.
"Tamaki, you just now realized that?", Kyoya asked. This seemed to hit Tamaki hard as Kyoya pulled a board with two pie charts on it out. "According to my research, in a single day the Twins spend roughly nine hours of class time with Haruhi, while they spend about four hours with Max since he has a special schedule. Meanwhile, your contact with them is limited to a couple of hours of club activities. In other words, your involvement in Max's and Haruhi's life each day amounts to no more than a mere three percent..." The rest of his sentence was drown out by Tamaki's scream of sadness.
"I don't wanna hear it! I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!", he said. He grabbed Haruhi and I away from the Twins. "Listen, Max, Haruhi. I want you to stop hanging out with those Shady Twins from now on!"
"Who you calling shady?!", Hikaru called.
"Yeah! Take a good look at yourself, Boss!", Kaoru said. Tamaki's eyes widened in horror as he backed away from Haruhi and I.
"Yes, that's it", he said. He looked away. "All right, then. We can't go on hiding that you're a girl from everyone in the school any longer Haruhi!" His eyes filled with tears. "All Daddy wants is for you to go back to being the girl you used to be! For you to surround yourself with girlfriends and start leading a wholesome life!" Kyoya was writing in his notebook again as Tamaki cried. "And you Max!" My eyes widened in horror. Did he find me out?! "You need to stop being so antisocial and cold all the time! It's not healthy that the members of this club are your only friends!" I sighed in relief internally.
"Who are you calling Daddy?", Haruhi asked. Tamaki started shaking our shoulders with teary eyes.
"Yeah, last time I checked, your not my dad." I said uninterested now that I know my secret is safe. I start to sip some tea to calm down a bit after he lets me go.
"So do it! Change right now!", Tamaki cried.
"You don't have to rush things. She's going to be found out soon enough", Hikaru said.
"Physical exams are the day after tomorrow", Kaoru said. Haruhi looked at the two. I spat out my tea onto the grass. P-PHYSICAL EXAMS?!
"Physical...exams?", she asked. Mori and Honey appeared out of nowhere and joined the group.
"That's right. I forgot all about it", Kyoya said. Everyone was staring at Haruhi.
"And that means there's no doubt. They're going to know I'm really a girl", she said. Some of the hosts didn't seem to like this though, and I especially didn't like it. If I don't come with a plan, and FAST, they'll find out I'm actually a girl, and I do NOT want that to happen.
~Magical Time Skip~
Tamaki sat in a chair staring off into space with a smile, daydreaming. "He must be having a great daydream", Honey said.
"He's kind of creeping me out", Hikaru added, knocking Tamaki out of his daydream to send a glare to him. I send a glare right back to him. In a flash, Tamaki was up and smirking.
"Envious, Hikaru? This is all part of my strategy. While you've wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I have foreseen the outcome of this charade", Tamaki said. He spun around to face away from the other male hosts and sighed. "This Fanfiction is obviously a romantic school comedy. Haruhi and I are the main characters, so that means we're love interests." He seemed to sparkle happily.
"Oh, give me a break. This is my Fanfiction." I mutter to where they can't hear me.
(A/N: There went the fourth wall.)
"Yeah, then what are we?", the Twins asked. Tamaki spun around and pointed to the group.
"You, boys, are the homosexual supporting cast", he said with a smirk. He took a stock and drew a line on the floor. "So please make sure that you don't step across this line."
Hikaru and Kaoru studied the line. "You've gotta be kidding", they said.
I smirk and step across the line Tamaki drew.
"Make me." I smirk as he attempts to push me back over the line, but with my strength, I barely budge.
"Hey, listen, Boss", Hikaru said.
"I don't think you get it", Kaoru said.
"If word gets out that Haru-chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the Host Club anymore", Honey pointed out. Tamaki stood, frozen in place, as what was said sunk in. He stopped trying to push me as he looked sad. "But, if Haru-chan started wearing girl's clothes, I'd bet she'd be even cuter than she is now!"
"She dressed like a regular girl when she was in middle school, right?", Hikaru asked. "She must've been pretty popular with all the boys."
"Yeah. According to my investigative report, someone would declare their undying love to her at least once a month", Kyoya said.
"Woah, I see. So, the Boss wouldn't even be able to get close to her", Kaoru said.
"But we'd be able to because we're in class with her all day long", Hikaru said mischievously. Tamaki finally snapped out of it with tear filled eyes.
"No way", he said. Then the door opened and Haruhi walked peaked in.
"Hey, guys. Sorry, I'm so late", she said. Tamaki rushed over and grabbed her shoulders.
"Don't you worry, Haruhi! We're determined to keep your secret. No matter what, no one will find out you're a girl during tomorrow's physical exam! So, please, promise you'll stay our beloved secret princess!", Tamaki said with teary eyes. Haruhi blinked while I face palmed. Then I got a realization in my eyes. Wait, if this plan can work for Haruhi, then it work for me too! All I need to do is carry it out in secret so no one knows!
"Sure", she said.
"You know what? I think both of us would be a little peeved if we had to watch all the guys flirt with her", Hikaru said to Kaoru.
"Then that settles it", Kaoru said. Then a board appeared out of nowhere with "Operation Conceal Haruhi's Gender also named 'Operation: I Swear Haruhi is a Boy!' is underway!" written on it.
"Listen up, squad members", Tamaki said to the male hosts and I. "At tomorrow's physical exams, position yourselves in formation A and then wait for your orders." The Twins saluted and Honey clapped.
"Yes, sir!", the Twins said while Haruhi just watched it all until she realized something.
"I've got it. You guys are worried, if they find out I'm a girl, I can't be a host and, therefore, can't repay my debt", she concluded. She turned to the window. "My balance is five million three hundred and thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty two yen." The Twins and Tamaki sweat dropped at her memory. "Well, guess I'll have to find another way to pay you back." Haruhi laughed nervously. The Twins and Tamaki didn't seem to like her thinking on the matter.
"Do something! The subject doesn't appear to have any motivation!", the Twins said. I put my hand on my chin and began thinking.
"Ugh, why'd we get stuck with such a difficult heroine?", Tamaki mumbled and then pointed to Haruhi accusingly. "Are you saying that you hate being a host?! That you hate this club?!"
"To be honest, I'd have to say yes", she said plainly. This seemed to strike Tamaki hard since it sent him to his corner. "I mean, you guys aren't bad, but if it gets out I'm a girl there's nothing I can do, you know?"
"She doesn't seem to care one way or the other", Hikaru said.
"Well, before we do anything else, we have to find a way to motivate her", Kaoru pointed out. I got a light bulb over my head.
"Fancy tuna", I stated. Haruhi froze.
"Oh, that's right. You didn't get a chance to eat any during last episode's party, did you?", Tamaki asked and turned around with a creepy look on his face.
"Did you hear that? She's never eaten fancy tuna before, isn't that awful?", Hikaru said.
"Wow. Talk about a difficult childhood", Kaoru replied.
"If only Haru-chan could stay in the Host Club, she'd have the chance to eat all kinds of yummy things whenever she wants", Honey commented.
"What are you talking about? Don't be silly. Just because I'm poor, and never had it, doesn't mean I'm so much of a gluten I'd go on fooling everyone about my gender just to try my fancy tuna", she says and laughed nervously. She stopped and swear dropped after a while as she looked away. "Am I really gonna get to try it?" The hosts, aside from Mori, Kyoya, and I, smiled happily at her question.
~Magical Time Skip~
~With The Hosts Cuz Max ain't With Them~
"We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students please proceed to the clinic in your respective school building", a voice called over the intercom. Haruhi was walking down the hall with the Twins. "So, what's the deal with this formation A thingy you guys were talking about?", she asked. "What do they do during physical exams here at Ouran anyway?"
"It's no different than a physical exam you'd get at any other school", Hikaru said.
"Yeah. Why would a physical exam be any different for us just because we're rich?", Kaoru asked. They approached the designated door.
"You're right. I didn't think about it that way", Haruhi said just before she opened the door reveal a line of nurses in the right of a carpet and a line of doctors on the other side.
"Welcome students", they all said together.
"Wh-What...What is all this?", Haruhi asked.
"Just another physical exam", Hikaru said as if it were obvious as they walked inside.
"The usual", Kaoru added.
"The usual?", Haruhi asked and followed them in. Two nurses approached the Twins.
"Excuse me, Hittachin brothers. Please, follow me this way to have your height measured", one said.
"Sure thing", they said and followed the nurses.
"Mr. Fugioka?", a nurse who suddenly appeared by Haruhi said. "I'm your nurse for the physical exams this afternoon."
"Please, come this way", she said and lead Haruhi by the hand. She looked over to see Honey and Mori dressed as doctors.
"Why are Honey and Mori dressed as doctors?", one girl asked.
"I don't know", another replied.
"Honey-senpai? Mori-senpai?", Haruhi asked only to be given the shush signal from them. "You're so obvious." Kyoya suddenly appeared by Haruhi.
"I've got those two for backup just in case something happens", he said.
"But why are they in doctor disguises?", she asked.
"They're just helping to set the mood", be replied. "Disguises make out operations feel like a real espionage mission."
"Huh?" The doctors around making a big deal over the smallest of improvements, most likely to boost self esteem of some people. "Don't you think it's weird that these doctors are all so jovial and nice?"
"They're chosen by the school's chairmen. This may be a school, but it's also a business", Kyoya pointed out. "Therefore, he wants to keep the students happy. After all, most of the students that attend Ouran academy come from prominent families and have their own private doctors at home. So this is just a formality." As Haruhi was walking away, a man bumped into Kyoya. He didn't look as cheerful as the other doctors.
"I'm terribly sorry", the man said.
"No problem", Kyoya said as the man turned and ran away with Kyoya watching after him, confusedly.
~To Max's POV~
I was nervously pushing the secret Doctor Kyoya hired to do my physical exam faster. I can't let anyone find out. Turns out, one mention of my Boss' name got her to keep quiet for me. That includes towards the very family she works for. She finished up and handed me the report. It had details fit for a boy and it made me smile and thank her. I left the room with the file and smiled deviously.
Mission complete.
Now my identity is safe for another day.
Hey guys! Looks like Max was able to conceal her gender for another day! But the question is, how long can she hide it from the Hosts? Keep reading to find out! Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chappie and if you did, vote, comment, and share. I'll see you guys in the next one! Take care!
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