"Beware of the Physical Exam" Pt. 2


Mission complete.
Now my identity is safe for another day.

<End of Recap>

Max's POV

I return after doing my secret physical examination to find the hosts all in one room to perform their plan. I look to see the Twins off besides a nurse.

"Hitachiin brothers. Would you please come with me. We're ready to do your chest measurements", a nurse said while gesturing to a curtain. There was a crowd of blushing girls waiting. "You can use the area being this curtain to undress."

"Doesn't matter to me", Hikaru said.

"We're not shy. Who needs a curtain", Kaoru said as they both took off their shirts. The crowd of girls immediately started screaming like crazy at the sight as Haruhi sweat dropped and I face palmed. Then I walked up besides Haruhi and Kyoya.

"See, Haruhi? A rather impressive turn out today. Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies", Kyoya said. I look back over to the Twins.

"I won't allow it. It's just not fair. I won't let those doctors touch you, Kaoru", Hikaru said.

"What are you talking about? You don't seem to have a problem touching me when we play doctor at home. I can't get you to stop tickling me and toying with my body", Kaoru said causing the girls to scream again, but even louder. Even a few nurses were watching as their nurse awkwardly stood there. I sigh annoyed at them for acting like the idiots they are. Suddenly, Honey and Mori grabbed Haruhi and ran away. I watched the scene unfold while standing with Kyoya, who seemed to have a smirk plastered on his face.

"Come on, Haru-chan! This way!", Honey said. Then, they shoved her into a curtained area.

"Mr. Fugioka? It's time for us to take your chest measurements. Once you finish disrobing, would you please come with me?", the nurse called through the curtain. Girls started talking amongst themselves excitedly as they waited. "Mr. Fugioka? Are you ready to be measured, now?" The girls were staring so hard at the curtain that it was hard to believe that it hadn't caught fire or something.

"Yes", said a voice before the curtain opened to reveal Tamaki in a brown wig. "I'm Haruhi Fugioka."

"Wait that's Tamaki."

"There's no denying it, that's definitely Tamaki."

"Is he cosplaying as Haruhi?"

"What's going on? Is he trying to be funny?"

"Are you kidding me?" I mutter under my breath chuckling a little.

A little bit away from the crowd of girls, the Twins burst into laughter with tears in their eyes. "I can't believe he actually did it!", Hikaru said.

"They recognized him! I told you they'd see through it!", Kaoru said as they continued laughing. Tamaki had an embarrassed blush on his face as he looked at the Twins with wide, realizing eyes. His face distorted in anger as he ripped the wig off his head grabbed Hikaru by his throat.

"You jerks! You said there was no way the girls would be able to tell it was me!", he screamed.

"It's pay back for calling us the homosexual supporting cast", Hikaru said through gritted teeth.

"To be honest you had that coming Tamaki." I commented laughing a little.

Tamaki released Hikaru, after glaring at me, and peaked into the curtain as the Twins began laughing again.

"I'm sorry. They figured it out", he said and laughed nervously. Haruhi glared at him and he screamed. Haruhi sighed before Kyoya tapped her shoulder.

"Haruhi, ready? I went ahead and set up a separate room for you. A special boys clinic. And I have a doctor standing by, sworn to secrecy", he said.

"It turns out the doctors here today are all on staff at one of Kyoya-senpai's family's hospitals", Hikaru said.

"Would've been nice if he'd said something to us earlier", Kaoru said. Kyoya smiled.

"I had to get my revenge too", he said. "I'm sorry, I just don't think I'm supporting cast. Homosexual or otherwise." Tamaki stood in place with great stained cheeks and a gray complexion. He was surrounded by blushing and smiling girls.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Check it out! Tamaki's eroding away!"

"Oh wow!"

"Haruhi is...angry with me", he mumbled.

"It doesn't matter if he is." I say making him look up at me. "If he's mad at you, just apologize or do something that will make amends with him." Tamaki stared at me with awe and stood up, that spark back in his system.

"You're right! I can't just leave things the way they are! I need to make it up to Haruhi!" Tamaki declared smiling.

I smile on the inside glad I cheered him up. I don't know why, but this short amount of time I've known Tamaki, I've never really liked it when he was sad. Even though it can be funny at times. I walk to where Haruhi's examination room is.

"Hey Haruhi." I call out before she knocked on the door.

"Max? What are you doing here? I have to get my examination." She stated.

"I'm going to stand in the room waiting for you. Don't worry, I won't look to see anything private. I just saw some sketchy people earlier and I don't think anyone should be alone right now." I say hoping she'll let me go with her.

"Okay. That's fine with me. Just don't go peeping or anything." She warned.

"I swear on my honor I won't." I pledge.

Haruhi knocked on the clinic door. "Come in", a voice called. She opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Fugioka. I've been made aware of your situation. If you wouldn't mind, please disrobe for me over there."

"Sure", she said, closed the door, and walked to the curtained area. I just walked to the window that was in the room, and peeked out the blinds.

~Back to the Hosts~

"I'm telling the truth", a girl said. She was on her knees being comforted by a nurse with other girls watching. "One of the doctors grabbed me by my shoulder. He was trying to make a pass at me! I've never been so terrified!"

"Wow, how scary."

"Do you think it was a pervert?"

"I had a feeling this might happen", Kyoya said. The girls continued to speak among themselves.

"What do you mean?", Honey asked.

"A bit earlier today, I saw a strange man wearing a white lab coat, but clearly not one of our hospital's doctors and I thought he was a little odd."

"Shouldn't you have said something sooner?", the Twins asked.

"Well, it's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him", he replied.

"Tell me, miss", a guard said. "Did you happen to notice where the pervert doctor was headed?"

"Yes, sir. He ran off towards the special boys clinic", she said. The hosts stiffened at her words.

"Haruhi!", they said.

~Back to Max~

I heard the door to the clinic open and I saw the shady man from earlier today. He was headed for the curtain Haruhi was in. I ran to him and pinned him to the wall. I took off my jacket and threw it into the curtain where Haruhi was.

"Haruhi cover yourself. Someone's in here."

"O-Okay." I heard her say shakily.

"No! It's not what you think! Please, just listen to me!", he begged as I pressed him into the wall.

"Haruhi!", Tamaki called as he ran into the room. He nodded to me as I let the man go for a second. Tamaki jumped and flew through the air to kick the man in the face. "Tama-chan kick!" The man hit the wall as Tamaki landed in front of him.

"One. Good looks that attract the public eye", the Twins said.

"Two. More wealth than you could imagine", Kyoya said.

"Three. Chivalry that will never be able to over look...", Mori started.

"...the hideous wickedness of this world", Honey finished. Haruhi came out from behind the curtain with my jacket covering her chest. She stood by me just in case.

"That's what makes up the Ouran Host Club!", Tamaki said.

"We're here. Watch out!", the male hosts said. The man pressed himself further into the wall in fear.

"Please don't hurt me! Spare me my life!", he said and bowed to the ground. Haruhi looked around to process what had happened. "I'm a doctor. I have a small emergency clinic that I run in the next town over. My name is Yabu."

"Did he say his name is Yabu?", Hikaru asked.

"That's crazy. What a terrible name for a doctor", Kaoru said. The Twins turned to each other.

"Unless you're a quack", they said.

"I know. I'm here because I was hoping to see my daughter. My wife left me last month and took my daughter with her, but I know that she attends school here", he said.

"I don't mean to pry out anything, but why did your wife and daughter leave you?", Haruhi asked.

"Well, you see, I had a habit of letting people give me IOUs after treatment and my wife and daughter didn't like it since I wasn't providing well that way, so I promised not to allow it anymore. But I did it again. And that was it. They left me. Forever. I know I'm terrible at managing our money and I can't say no to anybody. I don't blame them for being tired of constantly living in debt. But I wanted to see my daughter one more time, so I came here. After being pelted by rain and wandering the streets, I finally made it to your school. Once I entered, I was mistaken for a doctor here to examine students", Yabu explained. Tamaki was in tears while everyone else just stared at Yabu.

"Well, of course, you're wearing a lab coat", Hikaru asked.

"Anyone would mistake you", Kaoru added.

"And then it happened. When I tried to ask her about my daughter, the girl started screaming! And, before I knew it, there were all kinds of people chasing me!", he cried. Tamaki went to his side, crying.

"That's so tragic!", he said.

"Doctor Yabu, I think you may have the wrong place. Are you looking for Ouran Public High School?", Kyoya asked.

"Yeah. That's right", he replied.

"I figured that might be the case. This is Ouran Academy, a private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here", Kyoya pointed out. Yabu's jaw dropped.

"Man, that's pretty sad", Hikaru said. "You don't even know what school your daughter goes to?"

"I'd bet your relationship is messed up because you don't pay attention to her. Not some stupid debt", Kaoru added.

"That's kinda rude don'tcha think?" I ask. The Twins just shrugged.

"Wow, Kyo-chan! I'm impressed that you figured out he had the wrong school!", Honey said as he turned to Kyoya.

"Well, there's no way the daughter of such a small time doctor would ever be able to get into Ouran Academy", Kyoya said. Haruhi glared at him in return.

"Kyoya, would you please find a map of all the public schools in this area? I'd like to help this man find his daughter", Tamaki said, no longer in tears. Haruhi and Kyoya's eyes widened sightly. Kyoya smiled. I gave a thumbs up to Tamaki.

"Whatever you say", he said.

~Magical Time Skip~

Yabu bowed his head slightly in thanks before walking away. "Are you sure about this?", Hikaru asked.

"After all, even if he does manage to find his daughter, there's no guarantee she'll want to speak to him", Kaoru added.

"Well, then, that's something he'll have to find out for himself", Tamaki said.

"I'm sorry about this, you guys, but could you please leave?", Haruhi asked. They jumped away from her in horror.

"Haruhi, are you still angry with me? You're not thinking of quitting the Host Club, are you?!", Tamaki asked with a shaky voice that made it obvious he was about to cry. Haruhi laughed.

"Don't be stupid, Senpai, I've just gotta finish my physical exam", she replied and turned her head to Tamaki. "As a male student, of course." Tamaki was still shaking. "Uh, but let me explain. I'm not doing this because you're bribing me with food. I'm doing it to pay back my debt!" She smiled and Tamaki blushed.

"You're so cute, Haruhi!", he screamed as he hugged tightly out of nowhere. She screamed and the Twins looked angry due to Tamaki's actions. I deadpan and try to pry Haruhi from him. He laughed. "I can see right through you! I know you're just after that fancy tuna!" He continued to talk as Haruhi started screaming at him.

"Cut it out, Senpai! Stop-- Hey, don't touch me there!!", Haruhi screamed. I pulled her out of Tamaki's grasp and glared at him.

"Red card!", the Twins called.

"Looks like Tamaki-senpai--", Hikaru started.

"--is the pervert", Kaoru finished. The Twins laughed.

"I had no idea you were so lewd Tamaki. Now I regret giving you that advice." I say disappointed.

"Not you too Max! Daddy's sorry!" Tamaki wailed.

"Who cares?! Would you guys just get out of here?!", Haruhi screamed at them. I just chuckled.

That's done and over with.
Now I wonder what else this Host Club is gonna drag me into.



Hey guys! That's episode 3 done with! I hoped you enjoyed and if you did, vote, comment, and share! I'll see you in the next chappie! Take care!


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